Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Das Kno' W're [ Galactic Alliance + Open ]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Using the Pullman of Teth to return to THX1138 Spaceport with a load of passengers who exhausted the ship's supply of "exotic goods", that is, goods that are sold as in-flight merchandise, its passengers never suspected anything about where she was taking the ship, after telling them that the ship was running out of fuel. Out of the 20 tons' cargo space in the Pullman of Teth's current configuration, about five was used for the luggage of the 147 passengers still onboard (out of 166 seats), and nine were used for a spice shipment from Mon Gazza, with about one ton already sold of stolen goods sourced at the flight's origination point. She is making a stopover for more illicit cargo, weapons, spice, drugs, slaves, that would be destined for worlds closer to THX1138 Spaceport.

"I am... Dunames Lopez, I would be interested in knowing whether there is merchandise you want delivered closer to THX1138 Spaceport, like slaves, drugs or weapons, or stolen merchandise for sale so that I can sell it back on the return flight"


Well-Known Member
Terrence returned, a sigh escaping his lips, "The lad turned me down. Wouldn't even hear me out." The brunette mediocre built man sat down once more, shrugging, "What do you do though? He doesn't want to move on from that situation, so either he picked that meal of his own volition, or he is to stubborn."

"The latter." Valashu said, rubbing his chin as he eyed the youth, "Maybe I can speak to him when we're done here." He said, then casting an eye over his shoulder, he watched a man come from his ship, "There he is." Valashu gestured, the movement hidden by his body.

Terr, in his own merit, hardly inched his eyes that way, but still nodded almost imperceptibly, "Yep. The Raas leader, Maal.. such a stupid imitation. But to be named after a predator that isn't seen until a second before death? Kind of okays the whole thing if you give it thought."

Val smiled as he reached under his table, gripping a briefcase by its handle. Drawing it from underneath, he vanished from sight, though it was a dual feign. In the vicinity of his chair, a mirage overcame him, projecting that he was still sitting still, staring at nothing - all the while in reality he stood, placing his case on the table.

In a few moments, the innard garments replaced those on his form, his compound bow hung at his hip, with the quiver opposite it. Pressing a button on his mask, he activated the modulator that would alter his voice, before moving from the area.

At the last moment he made the mirage move as well, away from the populace , then let it vanish once alone.

Drawing an arrow, he attached the grapple hook from his belt, then let it fly skyward. Stuck in the roof, he tugged twice to guesstimate weight endurance. Happy with it, he pressed a button on his belt that drew him upward, the motor inside it recalling the durasteel cable of the hook. Once a decent distance in the air, he drew another arrow, then watched as Maal moved further into the scene.
“They do have a kick to them, Luce,” said Livna. “Even though those were all I could afford… that wasn’t alive… I couldn’t really eat the chips myself.” She smiled at him, a seemingly innocent grin that said, “I’ve seen nothing of the horrors of the galaxy yet.” But the Caprine Dark Jedi had not only seen, but witnessed true savagery that not many would experience in a life as young as hers.

She laughed as he offered her the worms. “Truthfully, I’m a vegetarian. My species, the Caprine… all of us are mostly herbivores. The warriors may eat meat for protein, but it’s not good for our delicate constitution.”

Livna looked anything but delicate. The buxom blonde was not only tall, muscular and lean, she looked like she could head-butt an AT-ST and walk away unscathed. “But thank you,” she added. The young man was hungry and kind, a little cute if not scruffy around the edges. Liv could sympathize as she was still finding her feet in the galaxy and while often hungry, unconditional kindness was difficult to find, especially in a shady spaceport.

"Mr. Elahad extends a warm greetins. Says he's got a job for you, if you're willin' ta work."

While Luce declined the offer, Livna said, “I need work.”

She thought briefly of Desto and realized she may be able to juggle two jobs while here, making the trip extremely worth her while. Even though Luce was suspicious, the Caprine Jedi said, “Aw, c’mon. What do you have to lose? Your bowl of worms?” She leaned into him and whispered, “Maybe if it’s enough credits you can buy a steak and I can have a spinach quiche.”

Boldly making eye contact with Mr. Elahad, Livna spoke enthusiastically:

“We’ll take the work! Annnnddd… what exactly does it entail?” she asked as an afterthought.

[member="Lucien Shorn"] [member="Valashu Elahad"]


Well-Known Member
As the man who hired him sat suddenly stone still, feigning to look around, before walking away without a word, Terrence chuckled. He knew what had happened. Matreya the Kensûrai Archer had taken over, his assassin turned do gooder mentality fully overwhelming the one that was known as owner of Merr-Sonn.

Returning to the woman, he smiled, offering a mediocre bow, "Sorry, wished to tell Mr Elahad what the lad stated, no worries however, he has plenty of resources which lead to open jobs. I must ask, what credentials do you have? Any skills?"

[member="Livna Zios"]
Livna watched Mr. Elahad’s associate move away further into the diner and then return.

“I’ll let good old Luce here speak for himself, but I have various skills that may come in handy for your employer. Depending upon what he is in the market for."

The Caprine pulled out a chair for Elahad’s associate, not sure whether he would take it or not. It was an interesting maneuver, one that bespoke of a lowborn background. She was used to serving others and not the other way around. And it wasn’t just good manners. Livna was sweet and kind, but like a rough-hewn cloak, there was an earthen crudity to the Dark Jedi. Simple, practical yet with glimpses of elegance at times.

“I am good with information. Secrets, physical data especially. I’m no slicer.” She tapped a clawed finger to her lips and continued. “I have combat training in swordplay mostly, but know how to handle a blaster. And I’m Force sensitive which should come in handy for coercion.”

She craned her head trying to get a glimpse of this mysterious Mr. Elahad. “Does that fit the bill?” Livna asked, still not sure what type of employment to which she was agreeing.

[member="Lucien Shorn"] [member="Valashu Elahad"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
After entering the shadowport where Dunames was about to load up with stolen weapons as well as drugs, Dunames realized that there may be opportunity to be had right up the alley. Little did she know was that... Gungan pirates tearing apart another ship nearby, and some of them are headed towards the Star Tours ship! She drew her MR-73 sniper rifle, with the stun setting engaged at range, and began shooting with the intent of stunning the Gungans before they deal more damage to other ships belonging to various spacers and owners. She may have been known as Dark Witch when she was a teenager, due to her bravery in combat training, but she was best suited for combat at range, where she attempts to pick off Gungan pirates at range before they reached the Pullman of Teth (the very first ship delivered to Star Tours, the company she is using as a front for laundering money and smuggling)

"Yousa will regret meddling in affairs that no regardin' yousa" one of the Gungans warned Dunames, probably the leader of the gang of Gungan pirates, with a vibroblade drawn.

"Thersa bounties on yousa heads" Dunames replied. "Mesa will bring yousa to justice"

She fumbles her way in Gunganese, but she keeps firing at the Gungan pirates, without realizing that sniping inevitably lowers one's firing rate, since she knows that she can't afford to hit innocent bystanders, lest herself also have a bounty on her head, just like these Gungan pirates. But she keeps an eye for how close can these Gungans close in before she has to switch to her taser pistol. But, at the same time, she keeps thinking in terms of the loot she and other pirates would be collecting from the Gungans if they are successfully driven off. And she also lost track of whether or not she managed a few hits, much less how many, in the thick of battle.

[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Noah Bright"]


Well-Known Member
Terrence smiled, "Those are all useful, that is for sure." He said, then gestured over his shoulder to the empty seat when he saw her look, "Valashu has some business to handle here. He will return when the time allows it. Sadly, for now you will only be dealing with the second in command, though he provides me every capability you would imagine of the owner.

"Now," Terr began, sitting in the offered seat, "along the lines of information, secret physical data; well these I could easily see you being hired for. The next proposed question is, do you have any aversion to combat? Situations pertaining to Val, Mr Elahad, tend to get physical, for whatever reasons." He said reclining just a bit, offering a slight nod to the lad whom shot him down.

"Mr Elahad would like to approach you himself before long, if you will have him."

While Terrence spoke to his potential employees, Valashu still hung mid air, his eyes on the man that now led a small entourage. After landing, he had managed to find several men, some might have been awaiting his arrival, or them all, but Matreya simply knew they followed.

Moving amongst the populace, many of Maal's followers shoved the lessers of the crowd aside, some directly to the ground. Whether this was deemed acceptable, or simply ignored, Maal never said anything. Instead of even seeming to care, his head remained rigid, whatever was driving him, remaining his focal point. If not for the fact he was a ruthless criminal, some could indeed find it admirable - few could ignore everything around them in such a fashion.

Straightening the emerald green of his Archer Suit, Matreya released the grapple from its hold. Before he even had begun to truly fall, a simple jerk of the Force brought the arrow that had been its anchor, to his awaiting palm. Stashing such, he then applied his next trick, and simply vanished, well before he had even fallen far.

Landing in a tried and true silence, Matreya quickly moved to keep pace with the group.

[member="Livna Zios"] [member="Lucien Shorn"]
(Honestly, this was a chance to make some ic friends, as well as provide others with an income. Basically at any point, if she takes the job, simply make up an off screen chore, and say it was performed well, thus she was paid. Again, that's if she takes the job.

Also, I chose to skip you Shorn, only because you liked my post but did not in fact reply - if its an issue, and I was wrong to do so, lemme know. I already accidently did it as an oversight to Liv. -_-)
[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Noah Bright"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Livna Zios"] [member="Mikhail Shorn"] [member="Saveair Calcotrzi"]

Before Saveair new it, the swathed covered space Bedouin had popped up beside him. One hand went off to try and cover his mouth -- had to make sure that he wouldn't be giving her away! - and hopefully plop him down with a straddle.

"Shuussshh! I'm not going to hurt you!" the androgynous metallic voice would crackle by the boy's ear. "Just keep quiet please!"

Well, that is unless the boy started to take a swing at her in panic. Which was a perfectly reasonable reaction to someone sneaking up behind you and covering your mouth.

Lord Ghoul

(OOC: Read it. Liked it. Didn't have time to reply 'til today.)

Luce watched silently while munching on his chips. Looked like the guy had been serious about the job offer. Whoops. Couldn't help making that sort of mistake, though, since people don't usually walk up to homeless strangers and offer them jobs. Well, not the good kind anyway. Turning tricks. Running drugs. That sort of stuff, sure. But honest money? Forget about it.

Still unsure if the guy was legit, Luce kept watching while Terrance and Ms. Horny talked it over. He let his mouth hang open a bit too long as Platinumn'Proud declared she could swing a sword and shoot a blaster. His eyebrows rose when the guy asked about aversion to combat. Luce stuffed a chip in his mouth and chewed.

"Uh oh. That kind of job," he thought to himself, but was too busy stuffing his face - or too savvy - to say anything else for the moment.

[member="Livna Zios"] | [member="Valashu Elahad"]
Livna eyed Luce as he continued to eat through this entire exchange. Perhaps she misjudged him, and he wasn’t so much a ruffian, but someone who was not exactly what he seemed. Prince turned pauper. Law enforcement turned larcenist.

Either way, she wasn’t going to turn an offer for work even if it seemed dangerous.

“I don’t mind working with the second in command. In fact I would prefer it,” she admitted. Her direct understanding was that those in power abused their underlings. And Livna had no real galaxy experience to suggest otherwise.

“And not combat is fine. No aversion,” she said, turning around and tugging the neck of her blouse down just a little at the shoulder to show both men that her back was horrifically scarred with what appeared to be knife wounds or even whip marks. The Caprine quickly pulled it back up, the demonstration over.

“You tell, Mr. Elahad that I’m available anytime.”

[member="Valashu Elahad"] [member="Lucien Shorn"]


Well-Known Member
Matreya crept up behind the group he trailed, listening as the men all spoke loudly about prospective missions they had planned over the next few months. None seemed to mind sharing this information in a situation where basically anyone could hear them. All the while it became known that the group was moving, and so had parted like a prophetic sea before the powers chosen by the Gods.

Flipping his arm up, the Kensûrai Archer pressed a switch onto his Mask. Instantly his view switched from normal, to infrared, then onto radio, before ending back on the original. It was not as he suspected however; in those brief switches, he had attempted to see whether the leader was armed. He wasn't. What then allowed such a control over the other men..

Tapping into one of the minor skills he possessed, Force Sight, Valashu looked once more. The robes. The robes his target wore, they shined brightly like a sun to his Force Senses. Whatever it was he used to intimidate, it had to do with those Robes. Matreya would bet on it.


Terrence nodded, "Sounds easy, right? But in the end, that isn't just it. Your skills fit best in the sense of the term, spy. At times you might be called upon to assist Mr Elahad in jobs, or simply hired to retrieve information." He said then shrugged, "Either or, the best thing for you is the persistent pay, without necessity of concurrent hourly hire. In other words, you will be paid regularly, even if Valashu has no use for you at the tine.

"So, now, it comes down to the final question: does being one of Valashu Elahad's go to's , sound like a job you would wish? You would be paid a modest salary at first, but eventually over time could annually receive a nine digit salary."

(Apologies. Hadn't even seen you post Liv. And yeah, apologies than Shorn. I'm just going to let you both reply before I do lol - as I should have normal.)

[member="Livna Zios"] [member="Lucien Shorn"]

Lord Ghoul

[member="Livna Zios"] | [member="Valashu Elahad"]

"Uuuh," was all Luce could say when the woman started shrugging her shirt down one shoulder.

What is happening.

She lowered it just enough to give him a quick glimpse of a patchwork of scars across her back. Long, thin lines of silver. Not the kind someone got from an accident.

Luce looked down at his empty bowl, not sure how he felt. Ok, not strictly true. She'd just showed off a flayed back to two total strangers. Not something normal people do. Either it wasn't that traumatizing, or she was psycho, or... or something else. He couldn't help but wonder where she'd got them, but the answer seemed pretty clear.


Stomach churning, Luce glanced back at the headhunter and frowned when the guy just casually stated that Livna would probably be hired as a spy. The seventeen year old was no expert, but he was pretty sure that when you hired spies it was supposed to be a little bit more... secretive?

Shorn suddenly had a very bad feeling about this whole thing.

"Buttin' in just to say thanks for the food," Luce smiled, standing, "Sorry I'm not much use in the job department, but it was nice to meet you both. See ya' around."

And he made to leave.
Well poodoo had hit the fan by this point, the Gungan pirates had now split their attention between the young man, himself and a new person standing by a ship that read "STAR TOURS". As this new girl began firing on the gungans near her BB drew is stunner and began shooting the now distracted gungan leader and those armed with blasters. As the leader took one in the face his mouth and ears went all floopy making a funny face as he fell to the floor. Two more of his brothers followed suit as they also ate a stun bolt to the face. Just as BB was about to turn to see how his new charge was doing he took a hard blow to the mid back and fell forward. Looking behind him he saw one of the pirates with a large club rearing back to swing it again this time at his head.

[member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Dunames saw that one of the club-armed Gungans was threatening other occupants of the station, by hitting another occupant on the head, sensing that the poodoo was to hit the fan on some level, and not just because the Gungans were stunned by well-placed hits. Once these Gungans are stunned, we can steal from them and make off with it, she thought. They may never realize that some unsuspecting Star Tours customer may end up buying goods they stole. But the Gungan ate a stun bolt a mere fraction of a second before he could actually hit Bryce in the head.

"Yousa all in maxibig trouble" she screamed in the Gungans' direction after they ate all manner of stun bolts.

She dared not imagine what the band of Gungans would actually be stashing that would be ripe for the taking and to be shared 3-5 ways. For the time being, she just concentrated on picking off Gungan pirates before they reached her or any other spacer still in station. It may turn out that the Gungans have spice, as it could be weapons or even slaves, or simply be selling counterfeit goods.

[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Noah Bright"]

Noah Bright

Bright just watched the Gungan Brawl from the observation deck windows. One floor up. He could see the scuffle just fine from here.

"Mm. Star Tours. ...Interesting."

He pulled out a cigar and moved to grab his lighter. Leaning a shoulder against the window and looking on without even a regard.

"Wonder what they 'tour' anyway? Pfft."

He lit his cigar and took a puff. Eager to see if anybody would be making it out of that Hanger Bay alive. Any time soon.

Isaiah Dashiell

Aaaaand then the blaster bolts started flying.


At least for the moment the Gungans were distracted, and so he took his chance. He tightened his hand into a fist and ran at the gungan holding his device. Fully puckered he tightened his butt cheeks and concentrated on his fist, letting that energy known to many as the Force, and planted a Force punch into that pirate's jaw, sending the device flying into the air. He wasted no time, the small integrated jetpack sputtered to life, shooting him up and over the small war zone.

"Gotcha!" he shouted, the device landing safely in his arms. The jetpack sputtered and deposited him on the opposite side of the shuttle, away from the firefight. He hoped that that "Star Tours" girl didn't recognize his face. He and his brother had a few bounties in various systems and getting caught up in a bounty chase after landing a gig with GUIDE, his first real job, would be a little...awkward to explain to Mags.

[member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Choli Vyn"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
With the humongous amount of pirates and bounty hunters scouring the hyperspace lanes, it was hard to remember who is who and whether they already met with them face-to-face. Granted, her memory wasn't the best, but still. She could tell that one of those fighting against the Gungan pirates was nervous upon seeing that Star Tours ship parked next to the Gungans' position. But Dunames crouched so as to take cover behind a pile of crates when the Gungans fired in her direction. She heard a voice telling her Shoot to kill, milady, not to stun! And thus she set her weapon to kill rather than to stun, and later stayed crouched so as to take another shot. But one of the Gungans ate the bolt in the leg and thus stayed immobilized.

"Yousa dead, Gungan pirate scum!" she shouted in their direction.

Realizing that she sounded much like Gungan females while shouting in Gunganese, the Gungans were split three ways while people are watching the whole combat scene from a deck above, hoping that the blaster bolts won't pierce the transparisteel windows from which they were viewing the entire scene. The Gungans didn't even know how to split up as to effectively fight everyone at the same time anymore.

[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Choli Vyn"]
A rage was building in BB, he didn't want it to but the pain of moment had triggered his untrained mind and it was keying in on this ability and trying to use it for survival. After [member="Dunames Lopez"] fell his attacker BB stood up with malice in his eyes. Grabbing the Gungans club from the ground he let loose his aggression on the poor fishy people of Naboo. Calling out to them in rage he charged the closest one making quick work of his defences before nearly caving the alien's skull in. He turned his attention to another, then another, then another. Before long he stood over them, breathing heavily with a blood covered club in his hand. His eyes were wide and scared as he realized it happened again, another rage, this time, directed at sentient beings.

Shaking he dropped the club and slowly holstered his gun. The remaining pirates at least in his area seemed to have or were fleeing the area so with and danger passing, the horror of his weakness was now the only place he focused his attention. Slowly he knelt down to the nearest pirate and began to check for vitals. BB was not this, he was a healer, he needed to remember that, and find a way to control this beast inside him. Till then, all he could do is begin to clean up his mess and try to save some of these poor souls if he could...

[member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Noah Bright"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Now that the Gungans were fleeing towards their ship, she just needed to put her sniper rifle back to stun so that she could track down the remaining Gungan pirates for the bounties on their heads. Once that is done, she runs towards the Gungans, closing in on them, and making one or two more eat stun bolts along the way. But she realizes that she is going away from the Star Tours ship, and closer to the Gungans' ship. She easily recognizes the Gungans' ship, a Mantaris-class ship. A little big for most pirate operations but it was partially Gungan-designed.

"Wesa surrender"

She began counting the bounties on the Gungan pirates stunned or killed and how many ways they were to split the bounties. At least three, if not four, ways. But before collecting the spoils inside the ship, she needed a grav sled to collect the bodies of the stunned Gungans with the one left that was neither stunned nor killed, and then proceed to the bounty station onboard.

[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Choli Vyn"]

Noah Bright

All in a days work.

Noah nodded with some surprise that the Gungan tards had indeed survived. Well... Some of them any way. So he puffed his cigar and shrugged. I suppose, all's well that ends well right?

Pfft. Maybe.

"Welp. Ah. I guess that's me."

Time to ditch this party. With a wink and a nod, Bright took his leave of the space station. Next stop. The Outback.


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