Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Das Kno' W're [ Galactic Alliance + Open ]

With those he had put into the infirmary BB was unable to leave just yet, instead, he made his way into the local grub hub and took a seat that the bar. There were a bunch of people enjoying what seemed like normal conversation, or so it seemed to BB at least. His mind was still filled with his most recent incident, another loss of his temper, and this time he had taken a life. That didn't sit well with him or his Biituian beliefs. He needed a drink and something to take his mind off his recent troubles, a bad habit he had picked up from [member="Glavo Pahro"].

Noticing an attractive young horned woman BB decided to try and strike up a conversation. BB meant nothing crude or leading by it, instead, he had found women were great conversationalist for the most part, and nice on the eyes to boot.

"Can I you a drink, or another if you already have one?" [member="Livna Zios"]
It seemed that the kid was going to at least take her murmur of silence as a priority. Small miracles, but there were more pressing things. Like the fact that a rumble was about to go down. Letting the boy go, Choli wandered on top of the ship, carefully trying to keep as quiet as possible as she drew near. What she saw in the aftermath made her widen her eyes in surprise. Seemed like someone new came in and took care of it all. The gungans pirates were surrendering.

"huh." she mused, voice muffled behind her scarf. Well, that was one way of taking care of things. However, she wasn't sure if the guy was doing alright. Calling out to [member="Isaiah Dashiell"], the metallic voice asked.

" Hey you doing alright?"

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