Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Crystalline Entity

Location: Crystal Cave
Equipment: Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device, Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

The mention of not hearing the crystals speak to them had her whirling around to the unknown master. Having finished his business and now making light of a very serious thing in her opinion.

"Somebody has to do introductions! Otherwise we are all left standing like a bunch of statues waiting for the wind to move us." She stuck her tongue out at Judah before spinning again with ease on the ball of her foot.

She hadn't noticed Dagos until now, having moved closer and well enough into her space that she rocked back on her heels to keep from hitting him in her spin.

"Thank you! Mom was creative about it. Dad wasn't keen on it but he lost in the end when grandpa stepped in." The excited bubble of energy didn't flag as Juno mentioned splitting off into teams. At least not until the annoyed energy seemed to roll off her with the glance between the two girls.

Unsure of how to interpret it in the moment, the bubble of cheer seemed to dim just a bit as the smile left the corners of her eyes. The comment from Juno after her first cementing her own conclusion as she put her hands together behind her back.

Glancing to Dagos, she nodded toward the cave.

"You want to lead, or let me?" She asked softly, the tone dropping from the near hectic cascade of earlier as she seemed to subdue herself and reach out through the force.
They almost crashed into each other when she twirled away from the elder Jedi she was talking to. She made a move to avoid hitting him and it looked like she was about to fall so he reached out to grab her by the arm and keep her standing.

He smiled and looked her in the eye, making sure his eyes didn’t wander downwards no matter how much he much they may’ve wanted to, while she explained the origins of her name. Her eyes were like the rest of her, a shade of pink. Dagos liked them.

"We should break into teams. Dagos seems to want to get to know you Lossa, so I'll take Rhemti." a voice said from a few feet away.

If it were possible he may have turned just as pink as Lossa. It hadn’t even been five minutes that he had known these people and somehow he’d turned someone against him. What the frell did he do?

He rounded on Juno, his mouth fixed up clearly about to spit out the W noise to ask her exactly the question he had been thinking when Rhem jumped in, happy to be splitting up. He was a real homie. Even if it had come about at the expense of his dignity Dagos was getting a chance to be alone in the dark with this girl.

"You want to lead, or let me?" She asked softly

He smiled at her again, all previous embarrassment forgotten in an instant.
He motioned as if to say…

“Ladies first.”

After all he was a gentleman if he was anything.

Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Alessandra Io Alessandra Io


"I'll see you in a bit, love." He flashed Valery Noble Valery Noble a small grin before starting to head off in the caves himself. Well, not before stopping by Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam . And Juno Sabat Juno Sabat by extension. He didn't know the Twi'lek, but the Padawan's idea of splitting up into teams was as good as any. He gave the girl a small nod before turning his gaze to his Padawan. "No matter what you see or feel, stay calm. You got this."

That was the only advice he'd give. Whatever happened in the caves was a trial that only worked going in blind. He patted the Nautolan on the shoulder, smiling wide. Proud of his Padawan. Thsi was a much bigger step then he'd probably know.

"See you on the other side." Then he was gone, on a search for his own crystal.

For the two Padawans though, things would already seem different. As they stepped in, the soft call grew louder. Something deeper in was calling, guiding them away from the others of the crystal hunt. Would they answer the call?
Location: Underground Stream, Eocho Mountains - Ossus
Objective: Go Swimming
Tags: Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

The murkiness and depth of the stream’s water mattered little to the ruthless HRD, though tragically, it had for others. As she propelled herself through the water, Alessandra very nearly ran into a corpse floating on the surface, which her systems quickly identified as a male Pantoran. Even clad in diving gear, the Chaplain could see the alarm permanently etched into his features, the sight reminding her of how fragile most natural-born organics could be, especially those who were not gifted with the touch of the Force. However, she knew that they were far from powerless. Alessandra had met and fought plenty of such individuals who were dangerous and strong in their own right. However, taken out of a certain equilibrium, they could be rendered weak.

The stench of death filling her olfactory sensors, Alessandra closed the Pantoran’s eyes and tucked one of her chakrams into his bag, before continuing on towards the cave. The tracking dust inside the weapon would allow her to come back for it at a later date, in addition to locating the body in order to take it out of the stream and report its presence. Giving up one of the chakrams wouldn’t leave her defenseless, since she had five more on her person, in addition to other weapons. As such, she decided that the chance of losing one of her chakrams would be worth it for the opportunity to put the man to rest.

For now though, her priority remained set on entering the cave and retrieving a stock of kyber crystals. Thus far, the dream of her own lightsaber had remained elusive. Nevertheless, Alessandra was determined to create or find one, and perhaps a blade for her sister, as well.

Wearing: Pheremone Garb

Armed with: Decoy's Blade

Frontier Pistol

Objective: Obtain unique crystal

Moya had come to Ossus from Denon, in a rare moment of not being in hiding and in fear for her life.

Since hiding on Denon, she had slowly begun to acquire more and more. It wasn't much...she was still hiding in the most anonymous of places on Denon. She had been looking to obtain a Stealth Equipped vessel, but that chit was hard to come by without money.

Regardless, she had used her built in Military Grade Pheremones to charm a Denon official into selling her a new ship and identity.

Her design was catching up to her. Moya was still considered a highly advanced Prototype.

But she was an outdated prototype all the same. Too many strings attached to all her Abilities. Moya was seeking out how to properly Upgrade herself.

To do that, she was seeking out crystals. Special kybers. Large ones.

Moya searched the crystal caves, clad in a skintight black catsuit with micro electronics, needing very specific ones...they were lovely, gleaming in nearly every color.

She felt so totally alone some days. Some days she lay on her bed in the apartment on Denon, watching the ceiling, pining for old days, when she had a purpose. When her daughter Laertia had been her purpose.

Not so now.

Moya didn't know what to do with herself. All she could think about now was surviving to next week.

The sound Alessandra Io Alessandra Io made as she entered the cave drew Moya's concern and attention, especially considering it was difficult to properly sense her.

Moya's Lightsaber came out, a silver hilt from which sprang a black blade with a dark green aura. Moya was still very much on House Io's Do-Not-Harm-or-Kill list for every Nuetralizer. The Model 1's had always expressed a great sense of pity and loss at her original departure. Every other Nuetralizer Model had been crafted after her departure and knew only what their databases told them:

Moya was Laertia's estranged Mother. Arianna was also Laertia's Mother, but Moya had acted in that capacity longer. They had parted over morality.

She was still listed as Laertia's Mother.

Upon spotting Alessandra, Moya was given pause, standing in the middle of the crystal cave, not knowing who she was. The Bounty Hunters had proven quite consistent.

"Who's there?" Moya demanded, half wondering if she should flee...
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Juno would provide an awkward nod to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . It was slightly less awkward than she had been before. She was warming up to the new folks she had met, but was still a bit shy. After he left some parting wisdom to his Padawan Juno and Rhemti were off.

"So tell me about yourself Rhemti". She asked Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam , hoping to prod him into some conversation. She'd be attentive to his answers, or perhaps a little annoyed if he refused to engage. If Rhemti didn't bring it up first, Juno would comment on the growing sensation of the Force around them.

"You feel it too?" She'd say. "I don't think I've felt anything so strong before "
"Myself?" Rhemti hummed softly as he walked alongside her, tilting his head to the side as he thought about it. "I'm from Glee Anselm. I have 7 siblings, of which I'm the eldest, and my mum and dad. We all live and work on the family farm; well, they do. I can't now that I'm out here." He flashed that goofy grin down at Juno, friendliness just coming off him in waves as he enjoyed the first bit of companionship he'd had with someone close to his age since he'd left home. It was nice.

"And what about you, Miss...." Rhemti had been more than eager to continue the conversation with Juno, but his words trailed off, just as the lul of the force around them grew stronger. He grew silent, just moments before she spoke up, and he nodded.

"Yes.. though, I only recently realized my connection to the force so.. I don't have much of a base line for comparison.." His dark, pupiless eyes scanned the walls of the cave, his expression having grown calm and attentive, an almost 180 in comparison to the goofball from before. "It feels like a current.. strong enough to draw my attention.." The red skinned Nautolan took a step or two forward, staring off down the tunnel before back to Juno.

"It wants me to follow it.. what about you?"

Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Location: Crystal Cave, Eocho Mountains - Ossus
Objective: Find a Crystal
Tags: Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam Moya Virtu Moya Virtu

As the HRD climbed out of the stream and shook the water from her hair, a curvaceous, lightsaber-wielding figure manifested itself in her photoreceptors. With blistering speed, her digital-biological cognition systems processed the woman’s features, before feeding the image into her databases, which responded with a positive verification.

Moya Virtu.

“Grandmother?” The Chaplain said aloud, surprise and bewilderment registering across her expression in the process. Of all the locations to meet an estranged member of House Io, especially someone who was close to her mother, a crystal cave on Ossus was perhaps the very last place she would have expected. Nevertheless, Alessandra shook the shock out of her systems and took in the woman standing before her.

“I’m one of your granddaughters.” The HRD continued. “Alessandra Io.”

Then, a pause.

“Are you searching for crystals too?” The Chaplain glanced at the dark green and black blade the woman wielded with such grace.

Moya blinked taken aback by the Android Alessandra Io Alessandra Io .

" don't feel like The Advanced Model 1..." Moya remarked. "You're like me...Vong Derived...but no Force Sensitivity..."

Moya paused at the next question.

"Yes, I...I am searching for Crystals..." Moya admitted.

She hesitantly shut off her blade.

"I need very specific ones, however..." The curvy, bronze skinned Android asked moving over to her with quicksilver like fluidity.

Laertia had been busy. Definitely busy.

"I always knew, in the back of my databases, that she was going to start making biological variants..." Moya remarked. "Funny enough, if she hadn't spent all those years repairing me, she would not have had the know how to even try and create what you are."

Moya turned away from Alessandra.

"Grandchild...I can't be party to whatever Laertia is planning. I saw her latest message, by the way. She's going to get you all killed. The Jedi will crush her. And one can only imagine what the Force will do to her because of what she did at Rhand. Doesn't it bother you at all, her killing all those slaves?" Moya asked quietly, the pain of failing her daughter an ever present wound to Moya, and edging into her voice as she spoke.

She didn't know how advanced Alessandra was, but she had to try and at least reach out...
Juno looked over at the nautolan Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam . He was the oldest of more than a few, yet had an almost child like positivity to him. Juno almost wondered at his innocence, his life experiences before she felt the change in his tone at the call of the Force. Was he hiding some pain underneath that goofball exterior, or was he just laid back until the Force called him? Juno was curious, but kept on topic.

"I think we're supposed to go together. I mean, I think we're going the same way." Juno said, and flushed a slightly darker blue. Perhaps Rhemti would notice, but she hoped he wouldn't. Juno would take the path deeper into the caves a little quicker than normal.

"So you don't have to call me miss. You can just call me Juno." She would say after an awkward moment of silence or two. "Most of my family's back at Sleheyron. I've been studying the Force for . . . Three years now? You're doing a lot better than I was to start. I got picked up by an old rogue of a Jedi, but he . . . Well he retired recently. So now it's just me, but he prepped me for figuring out stuff on my own "

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Location: Crystal Cave, Eocho Mountains - Ossus
Objective: Find a Crystal
Tags: Moya Virtu Moya Virtu │ Anyone in Vicinity

Chaplains weren’t supposed to hesitate.

The enemies of House Io, sinners, heretics, and other malicious actors, they deserved nothing less than death in her eyes. And yet, here was her grandmother, speaking the rhetoric of the enemy, daring to question Mother. For a moment, she wondered if this was someone or something else, wearing her grandmother as a face or mimicking her. Unfortunately, the HRD could find nothing pointing towards that conclusion, as much as she hoped it could be true.

It would have been infinitely easier than this.

Alessandra was programmed to respect this woman, but she also felt the violent urge to kill her. Her photoreceptors narrowed in deadly focus as she processed in the lightsaber hilt in the woman’s hand. No doubt, it would be a gruesome, desperate fight if she were to attempt it. Her grandmother was a hyper-advanced model, capable of wielding the Force and derived from alchemized Vong technology, like her. In that respect, they were polar opposites, with Alessandra not even registering in the Force and in fact, possessing a strong resistance to its effects.

She could kill her, but did she want to?

"Grandchild...I can't be party to whatever Laertia is planning. I saw her latest message, by the way. She's going to get you all killed. The Jedi will crush her. And one can only imagine what the Force will do to her because of what she did at Rhand. Doesn't it bother you at all, her killing all those slaves?"

“Grandmother, I…” The Chaplain paused, torn apart at the biot’s words. “How did you come to this?” She asked. “How are you so sure of it?” She continued.

“Come back, grandmother. We can help you.” She resolved, her matronly, caring instincts winning out over violence, for the time being.

“I can help you.”

Moya let out a sigh and say on a nearby rock.

"I wasn't reprogrammed, just so we are clear..." Moya said. "I left. Willingly. You gotta remember...I was there way before you. I didn't see the danger. Not even after Dantooine...but as Laertia grew more determined, her acts became bloodier and bloodier. I couldn't sway her from it, though I tried. I had very specific programming. I couldn't aid in what my databases registered as War Atrocities. But beyond the programming itself... Laertia..."

Glowing green tears came out of her eyes.

"What Laertia was becoming was something I did not recognize. And I got scared. For her and OF her. So I left. Because things she has done are wrong. And innocent people, people fighting for their lives and futures are dead..." Moya wept, harsh, racking sobs of heartbreak at her failure almost choking her.

"Laertia went from a Woman who would have gutted a Sith without hesitating to a Woman who did everything she could to stop their collapse. And all its done is make her enemies with practically the whole galaxy. Tell me I'm wrong on that last bit, Grandchild." Moya asked. "And ask yourself this at least...can you really afford to dismiss my warnings? She wants war with The Jedi Order. She willingly works with the people who murdered her parents. She built a whole race of machines! How many more have to die?"


The Padawans followed, and the pull got stronger. The further Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam and Juno Sabat Juno Sabat went into the caves, the less they'd be able to feel the others around them. The faint light of crystals, empowered by the Force, shined all around, illuminating the path deeper still. Down, further into the caves. The path itself would seem to get smaller, more claustrophobic until opening out into a large chamber. There were no more lights lining the walls. Only one could be seen, hidden beneath a pool of water that stretched out. An underground lake.

The lights that had lead them here went out, leaving them in near total darkness this deep in the cave. Just the faint thrum of light from beneath the still waters. A calming sight, usually. But where calm should of been felt only dread remained. The Force whispered of unseen dangers all around them.

Location: Crystal Cave
Equipment: Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device, Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Valery Noble Valery Noble

The nod from Dagos had her taking the lead inside. Already slightly on edge, she would follow after the other two padawans had gone well inside. There was no set path, feelings meant to guide them through this.

Trusting her feelings however had never been an easy thing however.

"I don't like caves. But they're better than flying I guess." She mumbled, taking in the strange strength of the force around them. As she moved forward, patting her side quickly for the reassurance of the bag beneath her robes.
Dagos watched Lossa enter the the cave, his eyes lingered for just a second before he followed after her.

This place was wild boy. The Force was everywhere. It called to him so strongly he almost had to stop walking. It was overwhelming. This path, that one, a corridor here or there, they all beckoned him. His head was swimming like he was on a raft in tumultuous seas. He had to focus before he lost his breakfast.

Unable to choose just one call to focus on, he instead focused on Lossa. He could feel her uncertainty, her tension. It was a real contrast to the nervous excitement that was welling inside himself.

"I don't like caves. But they're better than flying I guess." he heard her say as he worked his way to be walking next to her and not behind her anymore.

“Chit. Don’t worry girl, we in this chit together.” He offered trying to be helpful.

“This place is crazy doe, huh?” he asked her as they made their way deeper in, keeping conversation going in hopes that it would help her feel better and help him not be too overwhelmed.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Judah Lesan Judah Lesan
"You don't currently have a Master then?" His tone was surprised, but it didn't come off as judgemental, well, it wasn't supposed to anyway. His gaze, dark and pupiless, was never idle, traveling along the walls and down the tunnel, always moving to look down any passages they might have walked by as they followed the pull of the force. "Sleheyron? I've never heard of that world before." He did flash a light, friendly smile; if he noticed the blush on her cheeks then he didn't make it obvious, turning his attention back towards the tunnels ahead as the lighting continued to dim more and more.

"But perhaps.. we should discuss that some other time.." Rhemti said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear as he came to a stop only a few steps inside this large chamber. His head tails shifted, back and forth, as if disturbed by something. This room didn't feel right. Danger?

He didn't bother to close his eyes this time, extending himself through the force to discern if there were any creatures, or anything with a force signature for that matter, that held some form of hostile intent. His arm was out, not blocking Juno from entering, but more at the ready in case something happened; a habit from needing to protect his siblings in such a fashion years prior.

Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Location: Crystal Cave, Eocho Mountains - Ossus
Objective: Find a the Cure
Tags: Moya Virtu Moya Virtu │ Anyone in Vicinity

No, her grandmother had not been reprogrammed. However, the Chaplain quickly deduced that she was sick. Afflicted by a virus that could corrupt the minds of organic and droid alike, poisoning their minds until its centers of rational thought were neutered or corrupted beyond recognition, and the afflicted individual became an infectious agent of the disease. Indeed, Alessandra already knew that the infection had reached an advanced stage, since Moya had attempted to transmit the bug upon seeing her. However, she sensed that there was still hope for a cure. Moya had willingly separated herself from House Io, unconsciously acting to prevent the spread of the infection to others. While she did not know whether it was a fail-safe in her programming or something else, at the very least, it told Alessandra that some parts of Moya's rational mind were still intact. Perhaps she could activate them with the assistance of her sister, Akemi Io Akemi Io , to purge the infection.

Then one day, her grandmother could be returned to the fold.

“I’m here, grandmother. I’m listening.” The Chaplain said softly, floating over to the biot as she did, and gently wiping the green tears from her eyes. In spite of the infection, Alessandra wrapped her arms around Moya in a loving embrace, her photoreceptors wide with empathy as she did. “We’re going to help you.” Alessandra continued. “We’re going to figure out what’s wrong and we’re going to fix it, together. Unfortunately, we’ll have to keep you away from the others, until we’ve removed the infection.” The Chaplain paused.

“Until we’ve purged the memetic that has taken hold over your systems.” She hissed.

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"Yeah he. He needed something. I can't say I quite understand it. But I've got his Holocron, so he's kinda still with me in a way." Juno replied. Rhemti would be able to tell that Juno was still dealing with it all. It wasn't really a touchy subject, just something that Juno hadn't quite figured out yet.

But conversation fell after Rhemti commented on Sleheyron. The room grew cold as Rhemti assumed a ready stance. Juno's Lekku quivered a moment as she went through her pack and pulled out a glowrod. Pressing a button a neon green flickered in the rod before turning on and illuminating the cave for the two Padawans.

But what lay on the other side of the shadows?

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


The cave shimmered in the light of the glowrods, but the water of the lake remained black. No amount of light could pierce it's inky depths, and even a rod dropped within would only be swallowed. The sense of danger remained in the soft flow of the Force, neither growing or diminishing as the pair of Padawans reached out. No creatures lurked in the shadows, no unseen threats. Just the pool, expanding to the far edges of the room.

Then a whisper. And a light. A faint glow distant in the pool of black, calling out through the Force. No words, just a feeling. Lost. Alone. Afraid. The danger they felt wasn't truly danger, but the feeling of hopelessness. Calling for help. Touching the water would reveal that it was indeed water. But for the Nautolan, he'd quickly realize while they could swim through it, he wouldn't be able to breath in it.

Juno Sabat Juno Sabat | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam


The darkness of the water made Rhemti uneasy, not only that but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should be wary of going beneath the surface. He'd been lured up to the edge of the pool by the force, though he did so as cautiously as possible, an ache in his chest as he tried to discern what the proper course of action might be. His dark eyes, illuminated by the glow rod, turned to look at Juno. His previously goofy demeanor had disappeared, having been replaced by a more serous, calm exterior, a touch of concern swirling in those large dark orbs as he glanced down to the female Twi'lek.

"Can you swim?" The Nautolan started, trying to keep his focus both on his companion as well as the call for help in the distance in the hopes he might get a better sense of what it was by reaching out to it in his normal fashion. He didn't know if she felt the same pull, same cry for help that he did, but he wasn't about to leave her behind in the darkness.

Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

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