Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cries in the Vacuum: UCM Invasion of Roche (OOC)

Lynette Lykova

Kaine Australis said:
Tonnage Limits? Ha! Bring whatever you've got.

Super Star Unicorn Riders confirmed for the Silver Space Battle. Ignore their non-existent Factory Sub. They're rated Extreme in the YOLO category. We got this.
Oh wow, what a way to wake up, and my birthday isn't for a few months yet. You shouldn't have [member="Yasha Cadera"] :)

I just want to say thank you everyone who has signed up, or will be signing up. The approvals will be below, up to date. If you're approved then please do contact myself or another SJO admin so that we can invite you to the discord for invasion planning, or provide you with a link to the document.

[member="Laira Darkhold"] - Come on in and have some fun :)
[member="Lynette Lykova"] - It's the Jedi way!
[member="Voph"] - Approved, welcome to the dance brother.
[member="Cay-Yo"] - I'll take them both, and the bandages! And I promise not to attack Lancelot this time :)
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] - In a heartbeat, approved!
[member="Keva"] - Approved, bring the droids.
[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] - Happy to see Dauntless on the field, ally slot approved!
[member="Alkor Centaris"] - Was there ever a doubt? Approved!
[member="Darth Tacitus"] - Approved, happy to see the Eternal Empire on the field :)
[member="Srina Talon"] - You doubt me? *sad quacks* Approved, all the approval!
[member="Kahne Porte"] - Approved my friend, have a great time.
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] - Approved, always happy to have you write with us!
[member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] - Yesssss!!! Approved!
[member="Luna Terrik"] - We did mention we should write together, does in the same thread count? :p Approved!
[member="Darth Metus"] - *leaves approval letter* :)
[member="Amelia von Sorenn"] - Approved, happy to be fighting with you again.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] - Let slip the Jedi of War! Approved
[member="Amaya Cardei"] - Approved, excited to be fighting on your side!
[member="Lucius Varad"] - Approving any of your characters you bring.
[member="Nida Perl"] - No dying! Or you'll make me cry!
[member="Tanomas Graf"] - Welcome to the fun house. Approved.
[member="Kreus"] - Was that an ally slot request? :)

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