Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Intervention


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

The dark wood of the meeting room seemed to almost foreshadow the overall mood of what the meeting would be about. The lack of windows gave a sense of isolation and maybe even claustrophobia. Yet the lights offered hope and that was what Kay had hoped everyone would leave the meeting with. A sense of hope.

She had sent messages to her remaining Ministers: [member="Darlyn Excron"] , [member="Darben Skirae"] , [member="Cato Marek"] , [member="Silfe Sosuri"] , [member="Kei Raxis"] , and of course her Royal Advisor [member="Adron Malvern"] . These were troubling times, most especially as some of her people; her very own Ministers; were either dead or misding. Kay had given them plenty of time to arrive, giving the invitations a full week in advance. So whayever corner of the Galaxy her people were, they had time to get to Chasin City.

She sat in waiting at the head of the table, a lace shall wrapped around her shoulders and a cup of tea held in her hands. The bumps and bruises that she had received when [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] was killed were all but gone now. Such violence and anger had not been in their sector for some time. Hopefully there'd be no more.

Yet they had to get a handle on everything and straight away, lest they lose control and lose the stability that they have held for so long. The Core needed them. People needed the safety that they offered. Afterall, everyone needed a break from war and strife.

Now she looked at the door to see who would arrive first.
[SIZE=11pt]A soft tapping could be heard as Adron made his way down the hall. Each time the heels of his boots connected with the ground, the tap would utter. He was clad in a dark grey suit with a white shirt underneath the blazer, of course he had a matching tie that was perfectly fastened around his neck. On each lapel was a small pin, one holding the Imperial crest, and the other holding the standard of the Commenor Systems Alliance. If he was going to work in this government, he'd need to act the part. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A hand tucked into his pocket, he turned into the meeting room. The darker atmosphere was welcoming for the man, almost to the point of appreciation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Upon entrance his eyes fell on Lady Kay, of course hosting her famous cup of tea. Truly the woman was in love with the beverage, Adron preferred drinks of a more stiff nature. He offered a respectful bow at the waist, pulling his hand from his pocket as he did. “My Queen.” He said, in greeting before making his way to the table. Today Adron would see the ruling body of Commenor in its entirety. Exciting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Were there time he would ask how she was doing after Amelia’s death. While Adron had no care for the woman’s life in the slightest, still he was intent to set his sentinels on the trace of the murderer who set such a thing in motion. Taking a seat at the middle of the table, Adron would sit in silence as he awaited the others. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Lady Kay"][/SIZE]
853 ABY
[member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Everything hurt.

He'd nearly died only days before. The "murder" of The Minister of Defense had left his face beaten and bruised, broken glass slashing him and leaving him a few cuts. They would heal in time, maybe leave him a few new scars across his face. He couldn't get his mind off of what had occured in that office, something wasn't right about the entire situation. Something about that situation didn't add up, Kei wasn't sure what it was.

He needed to discuss it with Adron Malvern. He was advisor to Kay, a close friend of Ra'a'mah and Kei was growing to like the man. Kei was growing to trust the man, trust him enough to ask him about his silly theory of what had truly happened in that office. He had an idea, a theory but he couldn't prove anything. It was entirely possible that Amelia had made a few enemies and they had killed her. Kei wasn't so sure.

The message he had recieved that morning had shocked him slightly. Kay had requested his presence at a minister meeting before he departed Commenor. He didn't know why, he was an advisor but he wasn't anything else. He was a simple advisor, in charge of advising the navy of the Queen but nothing else. He held no true power, he advised the Minister of Defence but he didn't hold the same power as them at all.

He walked into the room, eyes scanning those in attendance. He spotted Adron, just the man he was looking for. He would wait until after the meeting, of course. He wasn't about to interupt the government while they were in session. He instead would straighten his jacket, the holoprojector compensating easily. He took a casual seat, looking towards Kay, running his hands through his hair, sighing.

"I hope I'm not here to face trial"
Alcohol had the lovely side effect of making everything hurt slightly less.

A sense of pride had been hurt by the recent assassination of Amelia, whatever the truth may be of the situation, and it wasn't quite good for the Justice Minister's state of mind. If anything it only caused him distress, regressing some of his progress getting over the last major attack of Commenor's soil. And unsurprisingly, [member="Lady Kay"] would doubtless be the only one to see the resurgence of his paranoia. While he was no less composed than usual, holding himself strong and giving little indication of his state of mind, two things would be most readily apparent as he waltzed into the room. One, the bottle of his favorite whiskey in hand, and two, once more he hardly left the protective armor of Mandalore the Ultimate. Thick and heavy, the beskar clad footsteps heralded his approach to the table, his preferred seat rather politely pulling itself out before he sat down.

And of course by sit down, that meant he lifted his beskar booted feet up and rested them on the table. If [member="Adron Malvern"] expected the image of a true professional, doubtless Minister Excron would let him down greatly. Darlyn hardly ever fit the image of a politician, instead preferring to be his usual self with an obscene amount of power. "Kay. I assure you I'm looking into recent events, top priority." A swig from the bottle as he glances across everyone present. Who was [member="Kei Raxis"] again? Must not have been important to him. Ah well. "Ah right, Shoden wanted me to thank you for the trip. She didn't get a chance to properly thank you for when you watched her for me."
Darben Skirae had received the message from [member="Lady Kay"]. It had been such a long while, so by now he was believing that it would be the time to finally return. He left a message for [member="Stardust Bloodstone"] as the Minister Of Trade made his return to Commenor. It was about time he made his return too. With him was his adopted daughter Renla, and the robot pet that had been given to him by Rex, Rexy. He left the two at the store however before making his way to the place of meeting. Once he arrived, he saw Kay, among others such as [member="Darlyn Excron"] and [member="Kei Raxis"]. The other he did not recognize, and must have been someone new.

"Lady Kay" he said, giving a slight bow. He felt a sudden tightness in his chest as he had heard about the incident with Veiere. How hard it must have been. However other recent events he had not heard of, so as he arrived as Darlyn spoke of looking into things he did not know what was going on. "I must apologize for being away for so long." Grief took a massive toll on him. Being without a decent drink did that too.

[member="Adron Malvern"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
First to arrive was [member="Adron Malvern"] . Kay had expected him to be punctual, and here he was. This meeting was his idea, afterall. She bowed her head to him as he greeted her, thumbs tracing the brim of her tea cup.

[member="Kei Raxis"] was next. He looked, well a bit nervous. She watched him as he took his seat, running his hand though his hair. What he had said caused her to raise a brow and nearly laugh, though she keot herself composed. "On trial? No Kei, you're not..." She was already sick of trials. The Force or whatever it was that wove destinies took away an impending trial when Amelia was killed. But of course she wasn't very pleased with that either.

Next came [member="Darlyn Excron"] with bottle in tow. So he was drinking again, was he? No wonder her tea stocks were still doing okay. No doubt he was shaken up. And top priority? It made her wonder if his true priority was to drown out his feelings. This wasn't exactly the best impression that Darlyn could make. "Just....try to stay sober. And Shoden was a fun little companion for the afternoon. Her and I will have to do it again some time."

Her eyes then turned to the door as [member="Darben Skirae"] walked in. She nodded to him. "Glad you could make it. Rex and I have been taking care of the aftermath of that...incident. I'm sorry for the loss of your bodyguard."

And now it was the waiting game for two more. Kay wasn't so sure of how long that they should wait. She had given them the time and place in the message delivered a week ago. "We should give it another...ten minutes before we begin either with or without them." And it was sure to be a quiet ten minutes. Maybe a bit uncomfortable too.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Bradshaw quietly entered the meeting room cloaked in white. A white hood draped over his icy blue eyes, revealing only his chapped lips and the tangled brown beard which clung to his sharp features like moss to a statue. His white cloak was ragged. Sand, mud, and general wear and tear had clearly begun to eat away at the once pure white garment until it was better described as off-white – on a good day. His soft, worn leather sandals made little noise as he walked.

The absentee prince had left over a year ago to train with his Advisor, Jairdain. To become the Prince he was meant to be. To learn the ways of the force, but most importantly, to become the man he was meant to become. Someone his late father could be proud of, and most especially, someone his mother, [member="Lady Kay"], could finally respect.

And train he had. His Advisor, now girlfriend, had put him through the ringer more than once on Iridonia. Teaching him the basics and preparing his mind for the journey to come. A journey he took on his own across the galaxy. To discover himself in the force, and his place among the stars. He was little more than a year older now, but physically, mentally, and in the force, he had grown more than he had the last decade of his life.

Nobody knew of his return, except for Jair, who he messaged a few days ago saying where he would be. Even she didn’t know where he had been the last eight months after leaving Iridonia. Oh, the stories he could tell.

The Prince was more than simply quiet in his entrance. He had observed a vow of silence for the last three months. An ancient technique he’d come across on his journey. For, in the silence, there is room to think. And besides, it had helped the previously sarcastic, talkative Prince learn to be patient, to simply watch and listen. Observe and appreciate.

Standing in the corner, his callused hands held together at his front separated and rose up to tug back his hood, which fell to his shoulders.

His force aura was calm and centered, and his eyes spoke of peaceful contentment as they scanned the room, finally resting on his mother’s face.

| [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] |​
There was always a way to contact each other after she had sent Bradshaw for training she couldn't provide for him. On Iridonia, in that harsh and trialing climate, he had been tested in more ways than one by her. Trained, tested and passing each one in time. It had taken patience from her and being stubborn in other ways, but it had been done. Both had grown and changed in their time together.

Her home there was unlikely to ever be returned to, but it would forever be a part of her past. A past that had been laid to rest. No longer did she cling to it. Not a trace of a scarf or feathers could be seen on her. She was as much of a different person that Brad was. Her changes were far more subtle than his dramatic change. One thing had not changed for her was the path she had been on. She still projected that calm and had a fortitude of belief she may have lacked the last time she had been seen at the Palace.

When he had contacted her and informed her he was ready to make his return, Brad had told her when and where to meet him. During what ended up almost being an exile, they returned together. When they met up, not a word was spoken by either of them. Brad having taken a vow of silence to think and ponder would speak when he was ready. Even though they had been separate, their time together had cemented what they were now.

No longer was Jairdain a simple advisor to the Crown Prince. In the time on Iridonia, they had become more than master and apprentice. A relationship that had started poorly when they initially met had grown naturally. In its natural growth they had developed together feelings for one another. They went far beyond anything she had ever expected. However, unexpected, these feelings were reciprocated and accepted by each other. They understood each other on a very personal level and that connection would remain untarnished in their time apart.

Following him into the meeting room silently, her unfocused gaze appeared to look at everybody in there. She took her place next to the Prince, once again with him as his advisor if it was needed.

[member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Adron Malvern"]


Einon was a little late to this meeting, he knew that. It wasn't entirely like him to be late, but he was nonetheless. Given the recent attack on the Senate Hall that killed a former Minister as well as some of her guards, let's just say that he's been a bit busy. Still, that was no excuse.

He entered the meeting room, giving [member="Lady Kay"] a curt nod before taking a seat at the table. And although his features remained emotionless, the surprise was evident in his eyes when he saw [member="Bradshaw Ku"] and [member="Jairdain"] . Of all the times, they had to show up now. Maybe it was a good thing. The Queen and former King had been put through the ringer. The return of Brad had to bring some positivity to them.

Einon leaned back in his chair as he waited for the meeting to begin. That is unless more were set to appear.

[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Darben Skirae"]
Cato was not the sort who liked to be late, and despite the situations he had been in before, neither did he like being uninformed during a time of strife. The call that went out to him had been urgent indeed, so he had made as much haste as possible to make it to Chasin City.

Readying a speeder bike, he raced off towards the palace. The full reality of the situation was still coming to him, trying to piece together the many happenings in the galaxy. What a mess had been made.

Arriving at the palace, Cato left the speeder bike near the palace, rushing inside to make his way to the Minister Meeting Room. The familiar extravagance was a homely sight, and for once he was more sure that things were going to be made right.

Breathing heavily, he came to the doors of the meeting room. Quickly patting himself down in an attempt to look somewhat presentable, he pushed open the doors, entering. Upon seeing the Queen, he smiled with relief, bowing respectfully.

"My apologies for the lateness, I hope I have not missed much."

@Einon @Jairdain @Bradshaw Ku [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Adron Malvern"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked to the door, half expecting either [member="Cato Marek"] or [member="Silfe Sosuri"] . But who came through was someone else entirely. [member="Bradshaw Ku"] . She stared as though she was looking at some bearded ghost in a wellworn robe, her tea held in the air at midpoint between the table and her mouth. "....Brad?..."

No sooner did he walk in that [member="Jairdain"] soon followed. Okay so she wasn't hallucinating in her stress. They were really here. But how much did they know of what was going on? Where had they been? There were far too many questions to be asked. But now was not the time.

[member="Einon"] walked in next, taking a seat. She hadn't expected him of all people to be running late. But at least he was here now. And shortly thereafter, Cato arrived. She bowed her head as he apologized.

Kay then set down her tea and then got to her feet. She wanted to just run to Brad and hug him tightly, but she couldn't. Not right now. Perhaps later. Instead she looked to everyone assembled and addressed them.

"Thank you everyone for coming. As you can imagine, we're going through our own bit of chaos. With Veiere, Amelia and some outsiders...I've been having a tough time trying to keep it all together for us. So recently I have hired [member="Adron Malvern"] as my Royal Advisor. He asked me to bring you all here so that he could meet the people in my inner circle." Kay looked to Adron. "The floor is yours." She sat back down and picked up her tea, having a sip.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Kei Raxis"]
​Adron's expectations for the meeting were best kept to one word, low. While Kay had been an impressive woman thus far, Adron had a feeling in his gut that those surrounding her would be below the Imperial standard. Yet, regardless of their appearance and how they brought themselves into the room, they would each be afforded the same respect. After all, it was only proper.

​As Kei entered the room, he was offered a respectful incline of the head. Adron had grown rather fond of the man over their short tenure of knowing each other. While he was not quite a friend, he was at least someone the Moff was growing to respect.

​The second arrival after Adron was the Minister of Defense. A man who before even meeting Adron, had failed to make a good impression. The assassination of Amelia Sorenn-Syrush was a testament to a failure on his part. Of course, not everything is within one's control, yet it reflects on the Minister none the less. The outter appearance of the man was, amusing, to Adron. Clad in the armored war gear of a Mandalorian savage, the sight brought a thin lipped smile to the High Moff's face. He never did understand the purpose of such armor when one was doing something outside the theatre of war.

​As the next few arrivals entered the room, Adron's brow was arched in interest. Bradshaw, the crowned prince of Commenor. From Kay's reaction she did not know of his attendance to this meeting. Following behind him was a raven haired woman whom Adron didn't know from any conversation he had with Kay. Yet, since Kay did not speak up against her presence, she must be of some standing.

​As the last few members made their way in, Kay began to speak, a brief introduction offered on Adron's behalf.

​Once the Queen had finished speaking, Adron stood from his seat, his eyes scanning the room briefly before he inclined his head in thanks to Kay. "Thank you, My lady." He said, before raising his voice to address the room.

"As the Queen said, my name is Adron Malvern. Not much for long winded introductions so let's keep this brief, shall we?" His attitude was rather positive, however not overly chipper. As he stood there was the obvious military bearing around him that likely gave his allegiance away before he would say. "I am a High Moff of the Galactic Empire, but take no notice of that. While conducting my business here I am neither a government official, nor a soldier. However, that does not mean I do not come with some Imperial ties."

"Along with my position as Royal Advisor, Lady Kay has allowed a small Imperial Guard force to operate out of Commenor. However, they are here purely for the Commenor Systems Alliance disposal. Members of the Imperial Commenor Sentinels are easily identified by their white armor and robes. Please do not interrupt their duties without due cause, as they will not do such to you."

"Also. As the Royal Advisor I will take an interest in all of the Queen's inner circle. Mainly your conduct and procedure, so I may better adivse the Queen. I asked to see you all because there has been a notable cycle of those closest to Lady Kay....acting outside the interest of Commenor. I see no need to go into detail, but I am sure we can all agree that it is important while under the Queen's name we conduct ourselves appropriately."

​Adron took a moment to gauge the room before opening his hands expressively. "I am here for all of you, if you would have my assistance I will offer it, if not I will not miss any sleep over it. If there is anything any of your have to say or wish to inform me or the Queen of, now is the time."

[member="Lady Kay"][member="Cato Marek"][member="Einon"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"][member="Darben Skirae"][member="Darlyn Excron"][member="Kei Raxis"]
Well that was, simple enough. Let an Imperial into the inner circle, pray he doesn't use it for his own motives, and put him relatively close to the head of state. It wasn't that Darlyn thought [member="Adron Malvern"] had an ulterior motive, it was that he assumed everyone had one. Because of course they did, even his own motive was to continue to pay back a dear friend for helping save his life. Motives weren't so simple in the galaxy, and it was an odd choice for a high member of another government to freely offer their services. Needless to say, the Minister of Justice had his suspicions and would be keeping an eye on everything. Which meant the dark jedi would be quite watchful.

He lifted his feet off the table, sitting forward in his seat. With a new position, he looked far more professional, and less as though taking no interest in the situation. "Right then. I'll be frank, I don't have any reason to trust you. I don't have concrete reasons to distrust you, aside from your already admitted potential conflicts of interest, but I don't have any reason to trust in you yet. However as you said, you're not working as a Moff here. So, I trust that means you accept all that entails. No political immunity. You will be treated as I would treat anyone. So if you interfere with my Justice department, I will treat you and your men as I would anyone else in this room. Just to make sure you understand where we stand." Harsh perhaps but honest enough.

Darlyn hated grey area in relationships. He sat back and took a long drink of the whiskey bottle, glancing around the room to gauge the room. He noticed the prince, of course, but he wasn't important right now. Not yet. Instead he would just see how the other ministers responded...

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Cato Marek"] @Einon @Jairdain @Bradshaw Ku [member="Darben Skirae"]
Cato kept a frown from forming on his face at the mention of the mention of the Royal Adviser's position. Whoever he was, he certainly hoped the adviser's words would be taken under advisement, not law. The last thing they needed, Cato thought, was some further bureaucratic process slowing down the decision making of the Systems Alliance. Never would he have thought the day would come that an Imperial force would be stationed at Commenor.

Listening to Excron's statement, he found himself in agreement with the sentiment. He realised they needed help in this time, but the potential for this to backfire would always be in the back of his mind. Cato couldn't let this suspicious impression leave a bitter feeling between them, however.

"Mr Malvern, I appreciate your presence in this trying time. I hope, in the spirit of what the Minister of Justice is saying, that we will be allowed to carry out our duties as normal for now. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I think what we need now most of all is to push through without letting it slow us down, in order to ensure we are as stable as possible."

@Einon @Jairdain @Bradshaw Ku [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Adron Malvern"]
He nodded his head sadly towards Kay. The incident was still fresh in his mind. "Thank you, Kay..." And that was all he could say about it, not wanting to linger on that incident any longer and preferring to push it to the furthest reaches of the back of his mind.

Darben Skirae was just as surprised to see [member="Bradshaw Ku"], though it was more cause he had not seen the man in so long. The same to @Jairdain. Then [member="Lady Kay"] mentioned Veiere and...outsiders? What did she mean by outsiders? Had more happened then he had kept up to date on? He kept seated still as others began to speak towards the new member to their little circle, and he made his own introduction with a short wave of his hand. "Minister of Trade, Darben Skirae." Really that was all he had to say these days. He was rather short on words.

[member="Cato Marek"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Adron Malvern"] @Einon @Kei Raxis
853 ABY
[member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Cato Marek"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Einon"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"]

Kei lent back in his chair.

He didn't know why he was there. He knew it wasn't to face trial but that's about it, he wasn't any sort of minister. He held no power over Commenor, although replacing the dead Minister of Defence did sound quite nice should it ever be offered. He wondered silently why Kei had invited him to the meeting of her ministers, for Kei didn't fit the ranks of a Minister. Bradshaw Ku? He fit the role for he was the Prince and his advisor also fit the role for she was basically his regent.

But Kei?

He answered directly to The Minister of Defence, he held no power over her or the Grand Admiral, he just advised on the best method to keep as many ships alive as possible and advised on new trsining methods. He didn't really do anything ministerial related, he wasn't one for meetings and paperwork, he preferred being stuck into the battle and enjoying himself instead of being locked away trying to figure out how to get more budget.

Kei looked up, eyes darting around the room as the ministers began to talk. He assumed that they judged him for being there and he accepted that, for he felt like he wasn't supposed to be there. Adron had wanted to meet Kay's inner circle but that would have meant the ministers, Kei was never a member of Kay's inner circle. Sure he'd shot a few guys for her, guarded her a few times and become her naval advisor but that was about it.

"Darlyn, always polite I see"

He grinned towards the Minister for Justice, obviously only half joking.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as[member="Adron Malvern"] gave hus little speech. It wasn't as heavy-handed as she had thought it might be. Instead it was steadfast, yet not overbearing. Was he holding back? Maybe.

She sipped her tea. "I'll need help from everyone. Some have been lacking in their duties while some...are no longer with us. Deputy-Minister [member="Cato Marek"] , you are a Deputy no longer. You are now the Minister of Defence. [member="Kei Raxis"] , as the head of our naval fleets, I will need you to help him. General Santiago controls the ground forces. You will all need to co-ordinate your efforts. Minister [member="Darben Skirae"] ; with the events surrounding Veiere and Amelia, there may be some outside governments that are concerned with our ability to maintain our stability in the region. It'll be your job and mine to reassure our trading partners both old and new. Minister [member="Darlyn Excron"] and [member="Einon"] , I'll need the two of ypu to work on acquiring some kind of shielding system for the Senate Hall. It has been breached far more times than it should. And we must tighten our security measures in every way." She looked to her [member="Bradshaw Ku"] and his advisor [member="Jairdain"] . "Brad...we have a lot to talk about. And as the first heir, it'll be your responsibility to look after things here when I am off world." Oh boy did they have a lot to talk about.

"Any questions?"
[SIZE=11pt]As Darlyn spoke. adron offered the man a confident smile. He found the man to be rather interesting, and appreciated the honesty that the Minister was expressing, regardless of how he expressed it. “So long as your actions are not compromising to the Queen. You will not even notice me.” He explained to the man. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As Kay spoke, Adron would once again take his seat, confident that he had done well in establishing a relationship with the men in the room. Kay seemed focused on improving the security in Commenor, and while it would take more than a few shields, he became confident in those around him. Confident they would not impede his own plans. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“None.” He said, in response to the Queen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Lady Kay"] [/SIZE][member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Darlyn Excron"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Bradshaw gave his mother and her surprised response to his attendance a small smile. It turns out that three months of forced vocal silence and months more of harsh training besides, is great for thinking, not so great for social and emotional contact. And so it was that it took the former carefree, wild prince more than a few moments to appropriately process the gravity of his unexpected presence, if only for his mother.

His eyes moved to [member="Adron Malvern"] as the imperial began to speak. Though he was watching the man, soft tendrils of force energy stretched out from the prince to wrap warmly around [member="Lady Kay"] in something approximate to a force hug.

He then gazed down at [member="Darlyn Excron"], ever the consummate curmudgeonly show-off, as the Minister of Justice spoke his feelings regarding the Imperial’s monologue. It was good to know that even after months and months of being away from home that some things, or people, stayed the same.

Others that he knew, and many more that he barely recognized or didn’t know at all spoke their own thoughts regarding the Imperial, who was also, apparently, his mother’s Advisor. He was not shocked or dismayed that the man was an Imperial. He was, however, taken aback that his mother had an official advisor at all. Of course, she was always open to advice from others, but to have an official advisor? For her? The woman with so much political and diplomatic experience? What could she possibly need a general advisor for?

He quickly surmised that it probably had something to do with the dark echoes in the force he’d been feeling for months now regarding his step-father [member="Veiere Arenais"] and he began to fear the worst.

After his mother’s comment about him being the next in line, Bradshaw turned his head toward [member="Jairdain"] and gave her a knowing look and a nudge in the force (because of course she was blind and wouldn’t pick up on his look, which was more for others’ benefit). One that would say, “You know I can’t talk. Maybe you could explain everything to them?”

It was great to see her again.

| [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Cato Marek"] | [member="Einon"] |
After following Brad in, Jairdain took her position next to him. Carefully observing those in the room, she noticed three people missing. Veiere, Silfe and Amelia. There were also a few additions. One person she had met several years ago with the Dominion and her gaze settled on him for a moment. Back then, she had been recovering from being captured the first time and that government had rescued her. Nodding, her Force sight continued around to the others.

Two of them arrived after she and Brad had, which drew her attention to them first over the other new presences to her. One felt some relief at being here and the other was surprised. She could guess what that surprise was and would have loved to see the look on Lady Kay's face when they walked in. The emotions coming off Brad's mother felt priceless and the look was probably similar.

However, there was business to attend to, any reunion or small talk would have to wait.

Listening as Adron spoke, she could help but feel they could be working together again. They were both advisors to members of the royal family. When Darlyn expressed he didn't have a reason to trust her former ally, Jairdain almost spoke up, but held her silence and waited. This silence allowed the others to speak, maybe introduce themselves and state what role they played for Lady Kay and Commenor.

Then Kay spoke to Brad himself. Her command put him in charge whenever she was off world. It was Jairdain's turn to be surprised. Lady Kay rarely left Commenor. She chewed slightly on the inside of her cheek and hoped Brad would be up to the challenge when it presented itself. When Brad gave her that little nudge, she returned to him an image of a mental roll of her eyes and took a step forward only slightly.

You should speak, but the choice is yours on if you've had enough time of silence. ​I miss your humor.

"Some of you know the two of us. I present Crown Prince Bradshaw Ku and as his advisor, he has requested I speak for him."

Turning her attention a moment to Adron, it would pass to Darlyn to focus on him before she spoke.

"In years past, I have worked with Adron Malvern before. If you trust me, then take my word. I will vouch for who he was in the past. Time changes people, but the honor of Serenno is not something one will easily break."

Jairdain fell silent and would look thoughtful. Brad had indicated she should be the one to explain things, but as his advisor, she felt he should be the one to step forward. In the end, she reached a hand back to him to lightly grasp his if his hands were in the same location they had been. Giving him a gentle squeeze, she let go and gazed around the room with the Force to end lastly on Lady Kay. Nodding to her, she would explain what had happened over the past year or so.

"As you know, Lady Kay. Brad had come to me to ask for help. That help had to take place away from here. He needed to change, grow up and out of a few things and into others. I can only hope the trust you both placed in me has been enough to accomplish what was needed. It seems the Force guided him back when he was needed. Sadly in our time away, we are out of date on what all has transpired."

Finishing, she took a step back and returned to the side of her prince.

[member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Einon"]

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