Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Intervention

Dabren Skirae was unsure what to make of this. Outside forces? What exactly had he missed? He suddenly felt a little bit of guilt seeping in, for having gone off on his own to sit alone in his grief and while sitting about, the CSA had it's own troubles to deal with. Darben felt like if he had been here, perhaps he could have done something...something to help. And instead he had been wallowing in his own sadness and had dragged Renla along with him.

"I'll do what I can" he finally said, after getting past himself. "I can start as soon as possible." He had a lot of contacts to reach out too, and many to reassure. All their trade partners needed to know that they were doing just fine, and that their partners needn't worry.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darlyn Excron"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's eyes half closed as she felt the Force engulf her form. She knew straight away that it was [member="Bradshaw Ku"] and oh how she couldn't wait to hold him for real and to know that he was truly there, instead of just being a figment of her imagination.

As [member="Jairdain"] spoke up, she knew that it was all real. That was certainly a relief. With all of the stress and lack of sleep, it wouldn't surprise Kay if she was losing it somewhat.

She looked to [member="Adron Malvern"] for a brief moment and then to the others seated around the table. "My husband has...well, he's made some mistakes after giving me back his crown and title. As some may remember, I had removed any government powers that he had in order to prevent him from trying to take the throne. I knew that it wasn't what he wanted anyways, but I had to take precautions.

So now I'm asking you; what punishments should pass if being exiled fails? What should I do if he attacks another of our worlds?"
She still loved [member="Veiere Arenais"] and still had hope that she could save him. He loved her as well. She could feel it. Unless that was just a ruse in order to get her to be lenient.

But right now she was at a loss on what to do.

[member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Einon"]
Adron had retaken his seat, and left the Queen to her words. As she spoke he could feel a soft shift in The Force. It came from Bradshaw and caused the Royal Advisor to pass him an intrigued look. So, the crowned Prince had some knowledge of The Force? Interesting, if nothing else.

As Kay spoke Adron had to consider his words carefully. Of course, The Empire would have moved forward with an execution. Regardless of station, an attack on the state was just that.

Glancing over the group before him, Adron was the first to speak.

“Banishment.” He said, his eyes falling on the Queen with a rather matter of fact expression. “If your husband presents himself as a threat to your people or their interests. You will need to strip him of all citizenship and rights, exiling him from all planets under the Commenor Systems.” For Adron, the sentence was rather light, yet he knew the council would respond to it a bit better than death. “I do not imagine you practice in executions, and Veiere is a seasoned user of The Force, correct? Life imprisonment would either be costly, or ineffective.”

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Stripped of his citizenship. Stripped of his rights. Banished. Kay took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, her heart hanging heavy. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that [member="Veiere Arenais"] would become an enemy of their people. But at least...he wasn't her enemy. Veiere had never raised a hand against her.

[member="Adron Malvern"] was right. The CSA never handed out executions. Such final punishments would just make them murderers as well. Killing someone at risk of your own life was different. War was different. But killing someone that was held captive was sorely different. "I could never call for my husband's death. He is my husband still and the Father of our children. He helped to build this government..." But that didn't mean that others wouldn't do it.

She looked to each of them in turn. "How many of you have lost trust in him?" Kay needed to know where they were all at. It would let her know who she was able to talk to and who she wasn't.

[member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Jairdain"]
"Lost trust? If anything I've only gained trust in him." Darlyn couldn't resist a chuckle at how absurd his own statement sounded. "Not enough trust to let him take care of Shoden but I trust his convictions to be true. He's just, zealous at the moment. I have trust he'll eventually realize the fool he's being. Even if I have to eventually bloody his face a little to show it." Well, from Darlyn that was about as good a vote of confidence [member="Veiere Arenais"] could probably hope for, honestly. A threat to beat sense into him.

A sign he cared.

"Of course if he does try to hurt you, Shoden, or the people, I will do what I have to. But I don't think he's that far off the deep end."

[member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Jairdain"]

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