Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cold Winds

"There is that aspect of it. However, within the Empire, I have only once been on what are called the front lines."

Taking another sip, Jairdain looked at Richard through the Force to get a feel for him. Not light or dark, very much like her. Probably far more intelligent than she was or at least more technically inclined and scientific. A thought crossed her mind and then went away just as quickly. She didn't know how to read or what colors were, but now with the help of Sage, she could learn them. Without knowing how long they were going to be on this frozen world, there was the chance he could teach her.

Almost wanting to ask, she set the cup down and was silent for a few moments.

"Yes, they are reaching out and spreading, but I don't feel they are going to head this direction."

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

Von listened he could feel as if something was watching him in the force, he tried messing with the communications again attempting to establish a connection which failed still the cold has partly frozen the datapad's components.

" I'm almost certain you have other better talents " Richard could feel her energy changed but he wasn't able to put it together.

" The Sith are occupied with other enemies as long as we don't attack them we should be fine "

[member="Jairdain"] |
"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Tilting her head to the side slightly as Richard said he felt she had other, better talents, she was confused.

"I am a highly trained mentalist within the Force, so that is where most my talents rest. What I do not know are things that are based in the physical world. Until very recently, I could not see. So never learned how to read, write, colors or what drawn shapes look like."

With this admission, the woman couldn't even look at Richard through the Force any longer. Though she was totally aware of him and was able to sense him, her focus was more on her drink.

"Agreed though, we can hope they will leave us alone."

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

" No, I don't need any help " he paused for a couple seconds facing the women even though she was blind sort of.

" If you want I have ways of transferring memories to teach people quicker " Richard paused for a second again feeling slightly uneasy inside which would show in his force signature since he adapted to her presence.

" It's just I have only used it a few times and it has some effects if you go to fast or if the user is not powerful enough or the subject is too powerful etc "

Richard knew he could use the ability on normal humans and most species but he had never used it on a force user although his teacher did so it's possible.

[member="Jairdain"] |
He was greeted with a simple nod when he said there wasn't anything she could do to help him. When he said there were ways he could transfer knowledge, Jairdain nodded. She knew of a way too, but felt there needed to be a measure of trust involved.

"What is your method, Richard?"

Her tone was soft and gentle, but indicated an interest. Reaching a hand out to lightly pet Sage, she motioned to him slightly as she looked her companion.

"This is Sage and is my eyes. He allows me to see the world through them, but I still rely on the Force most of the time. I also know of a way to get information from the mind of other. Never thought to consider learning to read or know color through it though. Besides, my method there would need to be some trust between us. Do you trust me yet?"

While he had yet to do anything to indicate she couldn't trust him, they had just met. So neither of them really knew much about the other.

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

Richard would quietly reach out with the force to get a read while she talked, he was sure he could do it but it would require trust, Richard would be vulnerable not just his physical body but his mental as well.

" Well I've studied the force extensively and I found ways of modifying my use of the force, the best way I could explain it is half force half sourcery "

" I can take memories of my past and show them to others, I can give memories of skills, the thing's I've seen and or experiences both bad or good unexperienced users can give the wrong memories "

Richard was confident he could perform the task he had done it before, the real problem is he could be attacked while he in the process Von did not believe she would attack him. If he transferred memories too quickly either of them could experience pain but it had never happened to Von.

" Yes, yes true I only met you a few hours ago but I feel peaceful and do not sense any malice or devious intentions " he paused for a second " except for the cold " he rubbed his hands together to warm up.

[member="Jairdain"] |
"It sounds to be quite similar to something I already know as well, but it only benefits me. If you think about what you want to teach, then I can just take that knowledge from you. Nobody has ever tried it on me, so I am unsure if I could teach you anything. However, we can try if you want."

The focus needed on both parts would put them in danger, but so far Richard had not done anything to harm her and she had no intention of doing any to him. Finishing off the tea he had given her, Jairdain set the cup down again and readjusted the blanket covering her.

"I agree, there is a measure of peace here brought on by both of us. Other than the cold, there isn't anything here that can harm us."

Leaning forward to be closer to the fire, Sage curled up in her lap and observed Richard. Jairdain just focused with the Force on the fire for a moment before turning it again on Richard.

"I'm willing to try if you are."

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

" Well if you feel your way will work I'm willing to try "

He sat up from the crate he had been sitting, he walked and sat near the fire on the opposite side.

" So you will have to talk me through your way, I'm most* proficient at sourcery "

[member="Jairdain"] |
"Of course. I wouldn't mind learning your way either. We can do an exchange?"

Jairdain would then explain what he needed to do.

"Just relax. May want to rest your head back, that's up to you. But focus your mind and thoughts on what you want me to learn. Once you have that on your mind strongly, I will reach out with the Force and take it from you. Your memory will still be intact and in one piece, so you won't be losing it when I take it. In return, if you want to learn how to do the same thing, you can attempt to take the skill from my mind."

Keeping the blanket secure around herself, she stood up and took the few steps over to Richard. One of her hands came out of it to hover slightly above his head. Once he said he was ready, she would reach out with the Force and take only what he offered to her.

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

He listen to her explain what was going to happen, although he was unsure if he should give her any of the abilities he had discovered through his studies, reaching out with the force one last time as she got up and walked toward him.

He sensed a calm movement of energy not light or dark, like a calm ocean that can sometimes be devastating he prodded her mind just slightly to test her will and once again she seemed to be a perfect candidate to learn some basics. Richard could sense she was powerful enough to use it, but raw ability does not make one powerful, skill and knowledge over a very difficult branch of sourcery.

" Ok, I have some things that might be useful "

He focused on his memories of RVord his own personal sourcery branch, he focused on his training in K'tara a martial art that focuses on short fast movements meant to disarm and disable an enemy. He also thought of his time swimming, he thought of an ability he had created where the user would focus with their hands at their hips. The user would go into a Darkside meditation releasing lightning out of your hands that covers your body, the user has to have the correct voltage or it fails it the user does it correctly it opens them up to visions and allows them to go deeper into meditation than normal.

[member="Jairdain"] |
What had been an attempt to learn how to read and recognize colors had turned into something more. Richard instead passed on some rather esoteric skills, but Jairdain found them quite interesting. Both of them were fully aware of what was going on around them and even though they were focusing on each other, nobody would be able to sneak up on them.

If nothing else, Sage would alert Jairdain if they happened to have any visitors.

Her procedure only took a few moments, but when she had taken what he offered, she lowered her hand. Moving back to the chair she had been sitting in before, she made her the blanket was still covering her.

"Would you like to try to learn my way of doing that?"

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

Von didn't feel any different after which was a good sign, he allowed his thoughts to come back him as he watched her as she moved to her spot. She offered to teach him a new method of taking knowledge, he already had one but it was not like Richard to turn down knowledge, he would most likely never use the ability but knowing of it does not hurt.

The temperature had risen about 28 degrees back to its normal level.

" Yes I would "

​[member="Jairdain"] |
"This skill is very similar to what you might already know. What I am going to do is focus on one of my other skills."

As Jairdain spoke, she gave thought to a skill that could be quite useful. It was similar to Sith Alchemy, but used the Light Side instead. Force light would be directed into the object one wished to imbue and it was then considered done. Two skills would be learned by him. Force Light and how to imbue.

Provided Richard did not probe or push too hard against her mental defences, he would quickly pick up all three of the intended skills.

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

They had finished with both parts now he would test these new abilities once he returned home, he sat down for a second closing his eyes he cleared his mind reaching out with the force.

Von felt a difference in a friend his once familiar bond felt no more, opening his eyes he was obviously stunned, his simple smile had turned into a concerned gaze. Richard got up and sat on the crate he let out a sigh not knowing how to deal with the matter, he composed himself and looked over to see what Jairdain was doing, maybe she could teach him more or chat about some force related topics.

" So do you have a Padawan? " he was curious surely she was capable enough if she didn't he was wondering why not.

[member="Jairdain"] |
The whole process was painless for Jairdain and she did not reject the minor intrusion of Richard on her mind. Since she had been blind when she practiced these skills before, he acquired the basic knowledge of how to do them along with the view she had through the Force.

Colors in her mind were different than what he would know them to be. Impressions of emotions and what they looked like through the Force to her and how they felt when they mixed in with hers. This might not be part of the skills she was passing onto him, but since their sights were different, Jairdain felt he needed to understand what it was like for her.

As he pulled away, she gave him one last touch and allowed him to see through her mind for a moment at the world around them. Closing off her mind, that fact she had allowed Richard to do that was a sign of her trust in him.

What he had felt, she missed out on because of her own focus on transferring her knowledge him. If it was something he might wish to speak on, he would need to open up to her. When he moved away and asked if she had a padawan, she shook her head.

"Not in any official manner. I have in the past though, but now I normally hold training classes that teach a skill or two at a time. What about you?"

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

Richard had never been a Jedi he was mostly self-taught, he rarely ever met other force user's and when he did it never came up.

" No but, I've been helping a Chiss boy, " he paused for a second.

" He's impatient, recently he's given in to the Darkside I can feel it, I'm out of my depth "

Richard was not a great teacher he loved learning far more than taking the time to teach, but he did this time against his better judgment. This task was better suited for someone who has had formal training and the skills to teach better than Von ever could.

[member="Jairdain"] |
A thought crossed Jairdain's mind. The two of them had just met and knew very little of each other, yet here they were already exchanging knowledge through the Force. They were both strong Force users and were connected with the Fel Empire. Richard was unable to repair his communications device and nobody yet had answered her call through the Force, so neither of them knew how long they would be on this ice world.

"Is this your home, Richard?"

This opened the door to them getting to know each other and she listened to what he had to say about this Chiss student of his.

"Honestly it is going be up to him to decide what path he wants to follow. I had to, though maybe I can help."

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

Von shook his head at her first question, this was his first time here he was testing the planet for mining resources for the new Mining corporation he had been working on.

" No I'm here for business, I live on River moon of Al'doleeem it's a lot greener than this planet "

" Yes it's up to him he's too young to realize the consequences, what about you do you live on a planet or do you jump ship to ship "

Richard himself was onboard ships a lot but he retired to his property when he had the free time, most the time he is running errands for the emperor if not he's home studying the force or working on his company's like today.

[member="Jairdain"] |
She couldn't imagine what business there could be on this world, but Richard obviously saw something here. He didn't tell her what business that was and she didn't ask. Anything to bring business into the Fel Empire would be a boon though unless he was doing it for himself. Jairdain wasn't a businesswoman, but in her future, she would need to become one.

His home was somewhere else and she hadn't heard of it, but smiled slightly when he said it was greener than this planet.

"More life is always nice. Do you touch nature too?"

Jairdain had a very deep connection to the living Force and life itself. Nature was hers to command if she wanted, but rarely did she abuse her skill there. If she had wanted to, she could have made the weather around them as warm as summer. However, there would be a price paid for that. It could cause all sorts of issues with the area around them. So she let the natural course of the planet remain the same.

"I have a few home across the galaxy. One on Voss, Iridonia, Commenor and then what the governments provide for us on Osseriton, Kashyyyk and Vjun. The other three planets though, my homes are mine. In the future though I will avoid going to Voss since it is under Sith control. My duties do keep me running around quite a lot though."

[member="Richard Von"]

Richard Von

He nodded when she said nature was nice, Richard was close to nature mentally he didn't have any abilities but he would rather have a quiet day fishing or hunting over anything else. Von's preference was marine life he loved the water and creatures always appealed to him.

" Yea the traveling constantly tires me, Kashyyyk is nice I should look into buying or building another home somewhere "

The Fel Empire was in dire times and the future looked like it was gonna get busy, Von supplied the Fel with a lot of vehicles, weapons, and some classified cloning projects, and with war comes the evolution of military technology buying another home would have to wait for a little while.

[member="Jairdain"] |

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