Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Q&A

Alrighty, so this is a bit of a prickly one. Recently, I was given command of a sizeable portion of the IC First Order fleet, and have been wanting to publish said fleet in the codex in order to sort of have it have some basis in Chaos-canon. Now, as it sits, fleets and task forces aren't even the size of star destroyers, and said submission is going to have a whole heap of them, and definitely exceed upwards of twenty thousand meters. If I were to write a submission for such a fleet, using the current template as a basis, would it be kosher?
Robogeber said:
Alrighty, so this is a bit of a prickly one. Recently, I was given command of a sizeable portion of the IC First Order fleet, and have been wanting to publish said fleet in the codex in order to sort of have it have some basis in Chaos-canon. Now, as it sits, fleets and task forces aren't even the size of star destroyers, and said submission is going to have a whole heap of them, and definitely exceed upwards of twenty thousand meters. If I were to write a submission for such a fleet, using the current template as a basis, would it be kosher?
No, you are to stick to the parameters provided in the Task Force Fleet template.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
So I got a Canon planet submission denied, which is entirely fine, it just means I need to know: What is required in a Canon plant submission? i.e. a thorough history from the canon planet to now? etc.

Before I second chance it, I would like to be aware of the requirements. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
[member="Jak Sandrow"]

As I told you when I denied the submission – a Codex resub of an extant Canon planet (or Canon anything else) is supposed to heavily expand on what is already present. In the case of a planet, you might take a look at these examples: Corellia, Panatha, Atrisia.

Usually there are two types of Canon Codex resubmissions.
  1. The Wookieepedia article is a stub, and the author wants to breathe life and unique flavor into a previously underexplored subject.
  2. The planet / location / species has seen extensive changes on Chaos through RP, Events, Faction expansion, etc. The author gathers all these sources, sums them up in the history section, links any pertinent Codex submissions, and notes any other significant matters.
Does that answer your question?
With the Great Galactic War [TM pending] being a thing, I'd actually be sort of interested in asking again if I could sub a fleet in the codex, using the NPC combat unit template. I noted that submissions like this (x) were being pended approval, and was curious, if the same could be said for fleets? I won't divuldge into the nitty gritty, such as meterage, gun counts and the like, but would enjoy having such a unit be able to be canonised for the upcoming conflict.


Well-Known Member

Robogeber said:
I noted that submissions like this (x) were being pended approval
  • The linked submission is under review, not pending approval.
I'm going to let [member="Mahet"] have the last word on the Task Force Fleet template, but I strongly suspect her answer is going to remain the same.

Atsushi Ono

I have a question about Task Forces.

Currently companies have a designated amount of combat and civilian ships they can field at once. In the template it says to keep those numbers from table I in mind when developing your composition but in the total length it says the max is 2000 but says to list all of the configurations of the composition. Does that mean in one Task Force if you're tier say IV like mine you can have a max of 8k meters in one task force but must field that 8k in configurations of 2000 meters? Or does that mean that no matter what tier your company is you must adhere to a maximum of 2000 meters total for Task Force Compositions? If it is the latter could I ask for the judges to reconsider those rules so that they sync up better with the Factory Guidelines and allow companies and writers to better utilize Factory assets?

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Dorn Skirata"]

Task Forces should be 2km maximum, regardless of company or faction size. As outlined in the template:

This template should be used to construct a small fleet and is ideal for mercenary groups, pirate bands, private sector forces, royal protection detail, planet defense fleet, and smaller fleet groups with specific tasks/missions/designations that make up a larger cohesive fleet for major factions. This template is NOT for full war fleets.


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
I'm writing a FO non-combative military doctor character and am putting together a group to do medically-centered RP.
I wanted to form a list of diseases or health-factors that we may see in our threads.

Does Chaos have biological weaponry that has particular effects upon characters?
How about unique diseases? If not, would it be possible to make up my own illnesses, viruses, and whatnot? What would be my restrictions, if any (I know nanatech is banned)? Should I submit viruses as non-playable species in the Codex?

Thanks in advance. c:


Well-Known Member
[member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]

There's no particular 'list' of Chaos-made biological weaponry, so your best bet would be to trawl the species / technology forums via the search function. That, or simply post a thread to the RP discussion calling out to writers who might've submitted such things in the past.

As for submitting diseases, you'd either go to the Factory or Codex – the line is honestly kind of blurred, and biological weaponry has been submitted through both in the past. Viruses and bacteria would traditionally go under species (non-sentient), but if your only intent is to weaponize them, you could go through the Factory as well.

Hope that answers your question. If anything remains unclear, feel free to @mention me and I'll do my best to clarify. :)

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