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Approved Starship Chir'Shada (Deathshade) Starfighter

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  • This ship has all of the systems and features expected of a ship of this size and class.
  • Excellent all round package - The ship is not excessively weak in any particular field compared to its contemporaries, making it a flexible ship to use in a number of roles.
  • Agile craft - The ship is more agile than a lot of similarly armed vessels and the ability to spin the s-foils around the cockpit further increase the maneuver tricks it can pull off
  • Stealthy - while by no means perfect stealth, the coating on the ships, combined with sophisticated ECM systems gives the ship a small target profile and allows them to often go overlooked in a larger battle.
  • Path Engines - Fast and efficient hyperdrives that are capable of using routes that standard navi computers would register as impossible, allowing them to strike from an unexpected angle and also make jumps as short at 1km safely
  • Fight or Flight - like many s-foil equipped ships, this craft has to choose between its best engine performance and its ability to use its weapons effectively
  • Limited Heavy Ordnance - with a maximum of 6 projectiles in a single launcher, the ship can quickly find itself out of heavier munitions
  • Parallax Error - the four forward firing cannons are in fixed positions to converge at point in front of the fighter. This point can only be adjusted by manually turning bolts on the ends of the wings. Most pilots will set the distance based on their own combat preferences, but it is usually around 250-500m.
  • Forward Facing Weapons - The primary weapons can only target enemies in front of fighter. Locking on with missiles can also only be done within the front 135° arc, although the missiles will track the locked target in any direction. This means targets to the rear can only be enaged with defensive systems.
  • Imperfect stealth - The mass produced version of the stealth polymer, while be easier to obtain is not proof against high grade or military sensors. You might be able to sneak up on a civilian target or passive scanning, but a miltary vehicle using active scanners will be able to find you. Combat damage to the stealth coating is likely to further degrade you.
  • Limited micro-jump calculation power - The small size of the fighters necessitates a similarly small drive and nav computer. This is not a problem when plotting longer jumps, but when plotting succesive micro-jumps, the computer can quickly be overwhelmed. Several minutes are required after performing a micro-jump to purge and reset the computer before another jump can be performed.
The Chir'daki was always a good vessel, one of the best of a class of so called "uglies" so when the Emerald Nebula found designs for them in an old stolen archive, they took a shine to them very quickly and created the Deathshade, or Chir'shada. Most of the parts were easy to source, from raids and from links to the old Agents of Chaos and soon the new fighter became the mainstay of the Emerald Nebula fighter deployments with two factory ships in the fleet dedicated to getting them built, repairing and otherwise having them combat ready.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Khione Khione

Nice and interesting ship, however I found 1,5 problems:
  • Please mention in the weaknesses, it has imperfect stealth technology.
  • And please edit this one:
    • S-foils closed - Low
    • S-foils closed - High
  • And please mention in the strength and weakness list the 0.5 path engine as well.
    Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)

Thank you for looking at these.

I have added the Imperfect stealth to the weaknesses and fixed the s-foils error.

The path engines are already mentioned as one of the strengths, is there more I need to add or adjust the wording somehow?

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Khione Khione

Thank you! It will be good, but please add some weakness about how often it can do the 1km length micro-jumps. Because as a strength you may able to do it several times without any restinction. So please clarify this weakness in the weaknesses.
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