Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catch me if you Can

J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal

Another night another artwork, Juno had been inspired by the presence of the Jedi order here, they were an interesting group of heroes, a stereotypical vast organization of people with absolute physical, spiritual and political power capable of manipulating the masses into a cult of personality which has lasted eons. But they'd always been a blunt instrument, limited by their numbers. Crime evolved quickly, rarely showing its head as cells with fragmented knowledge of their organizations became commonplace. Should a crime lord ever raise their head, the Jedi would be there, glowing mallet at the ready to punch it back down into the dirt. But such bosses were rarely anything but cell leaders on lower strata, the kind who do dirty work and enforcement of much grander organizations. Even the Hutt Cartels were an out of date racket in their modern incarnation.

The mural depicted a Jedi in muted colours swinging a neon saber of vibrant colours which cut through the image. A pinata of a hutt strung up as tails of light trained off the blade in beautiful strands. Taking her stencil, she'd mark the work as a Juno upon the side one of the Jedi temples associated buildings. Juno had begun to work on her UV paint, moving over the image and layering it in her own way. When the UV light was added, the Jedi was blindfolded, glow in the dark paint would leap to life turning the Hutts' body into that of something like a puppet, a button eyed marionette being controlled by a figure painted entirely in the firelike invisible paint controlling it. But the strings weren't only attached to the limbs of the Hutt, but the Jedi as well.

The hidden paint reacted to heat as well, should the image be lit up by a lightsaber it would reveal its truth.

Stepping back from her work and her mark Juno would fold her arms at a job well done, a couple of people surrounded her watching at her work, several a little uncomfortable at a Mural which paints the Jedi in such a negative light, but, on the surface it looked like a perfectly patriotic artwork. It almost bought Juno to a chuckle. Sure enough a couple of the street folk began to disperse leaving Juno with the finishing touches.

'Time to get something to eat. Juno mused.

Making her way towards the exit of the Alley as holopads read the news from her actions just the night just before.

"Local Police are puzzled after a break-in at a local medical research facility today, personal records were accessed directly by an attacker who left the facilities' security forces severely injured. Police officials are asking the community to step forward with any information they may have, offering a reward to any information that would lead the capture of the assailant on the number below..."

Juno pulled up her hood, pulling down the rebreather she wore while painting revealing a wry smile plastered across her face. No deaths, easy out... it was a job well done. But she hadn't accounted for everything this time... The authorities had asked for, outside help.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles
'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart

The air stung with the smell that the UV paints polluted it with. Quills nostrils flared wide open as he quietly watched from some distance away at the young woman who now vandalized the walls of the building, noting the work and the meaning in which she was attempting to bring forth. She was no friend of any Jedi, had they wronged her in the past? Had her childhood been one of hopes and dreams that had been crushed by the overwhelming and sheer weight that was the sheer reality of how the Galaxy at large worked? Either way, as a Knight of the Order, and one that chose to follow in the Light of Ashla, he wouldn't let this slide... but that wasn't what really bothered him, or, even why he had been tracking the girl. Quill pulled out the padd that held the description of a woman who had broken into a medical facility and put several staff into critical condition... It had been tasked to several Knights of the Order to apprehend the one in question should they come across them.

Like a sheep to the slaughter, Quill moved with predator like efficiency, allowing the cover and darkness, distance and the crowd to make him all but invisible. Her scent had been locked in, and Quill found the hairs on the back of his neck raising up slightly as his mammalian like nature began to try to assert itself, but he quickly recalled his Mothers words of wisdom, and concentrated on the task at hand, every quenching the thrill he wanted to so desperately loose himself too, but refused too.

The wind would pick up, and a faint chime as the chain on the end of his sword would be heard, Quill now just ahead in the alley way where Juno would stand. A white haired male, who's features would be obscured by shadow light would be seen, his right hand and forearm resting on the hilt of a sword as if it were some sling for a broken arm. His green, emerald like eyes stared intently at the young woman shining in the light, almost like an animals, as his voice would break forth shattering the silence now between the two. "Its interesting.... isn't it?" He paused ever so shortly, allowing the rhetorical question to sink in for a moment, a slight smirk and almost sense of humor heard in his tone. " A very interesting piece of artwork you seemed to have made... although, I'm not entirely sure all would appreciate your high taste in satire."

He took one step forward, and then another as the air in the alley way would begin to grow eerily cold, Quill now concentrating and pulling in any spare energy in the area through cryokinesis, ready to spring and move if the need arose.His breath poured forth as he spoke now, devoid of any sense of humor now. " I'm looking for someone, someone in whom... others might say you, would fit the description. I'm afraid I need to know where you've been today."

J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal

Juno making her way from the ally would find herself side by side with the creature who stopped her, looking back at the art briefly as it would present without a UV light or heat hitting it, she would smile. There were a couple of wicked thoughts that rolled through her mind, cynicism that she could unleash upon the world revealing the cracked china exterior of the chip on her shoulder. But she was feeling good today. "I don't know," She replied.

"Isn't it the point to upset the right people? I think it's pretty true to life, don't you? " The image of the mighty Jedi striking at the evil Hutt crimelord was exactly the kind of image the Jedi wanted to portray, at least in her assumptions.

Juno wore her usual attire, a sleeveless hooded coat with a rebreather which hung around her neck, part accessory, part practical. Baggy leggings covered in straps and buckles which tapered at the ends. Her hips wore two leather bandoliers of knives, paint-cans and a couple box like compartments for holding other objects. The coat however hit the back holster for her more deadly weapons. Her cloahting was painted on, self designed and smelt of the same heat treated UV paint that she performed on her works, even her hair and skin smelled of the stuff faintly, like it'd been knitted into her skin.

But as he mentioned the article on the news, Juno moved from a slow to stopping in her tracks, still not looking at the boy directly, hiding her face. "Place is a big city, there's a lotta little girls running around here who coulda done it." She all but curled her hair up into pigtails, although the boy had yet to mention what this was in referrence to, as she fought back the urge to allow the sarcasm to quickly begin bleeding over. A hand rested on her hip as she shifted her weight away from it, turning to give the boy nothing but a little side-eye.

"Aren't you a little short to be a Jedi?"

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles
Quill listened to Juno as she spoke, noting the edge in her voice until ultimately it came down to her deflecting, how typical he thought… and of all the things she could pick, it was his height, as if she were the first one to ever make some wise crack about his height. "Shck…." The noise being more of a noise than a word, but — repressing the urge to spout back some snide remark back at her as if he were some child on a playground. His lips curling now into a smirk as he spoke, his voice breaking the tense silence that now filled the night air. "Well, if that isn't calling the kettle black, I don't know what is…" Now making his remark, chiding at her. He took a few more steps forward closing the gap even more now, until he now stood but a few feet away, his features now seen.

Younger than twenty, this white haired youth definitely was a small fry. His eyes, the word piercing could only describe them as he never once took his gaze off of Juno. His smirk, now flashing a set of canines on each side of his mouth, seemingly sharper than an average person. His attire, was that if a typical Jedi, but the colors, were toned down, black undergarments, with an unusual white coat that set on top of them. He pulled out a padd, a holgram of the medical faculties cameras appearing it if it showing a holo on a loop, a woman — just for a few seconds, matching her height, and apparel seen on the camera just before the cameras suddenly went offline.
"Your right, there sure a lot of girls in the city that would fit, 'this' description, but… i doubt anything leave such a familiar fragrance behind. Not to mention, by the authority given to me by the Jedi Order, I will and can bring you in for further questioning if needed." His nostrils flared slightly, the scent of the paint and her own aroma bombarding his senses now as his head titled just ever so towards the side, his right hand which to his point having rested on the hilt of his sword now moved ever so gently and held the handle in a reverse grip style. " Your move stranger."

J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal

"I'm not a Jedi." She retorted in kind, "So there's no size requirement for me to ride... well..." A sly smile crossed her face meeting his eyes unflinchingly, but even she had to admit, she had to fight the urge to look away. It was like she was being challenged by a wild bear in a way, looking down would be tantamount to an admission of defeat that she was not willing to give in yet. He drew a holopad, played something on a loop which would attract her attention for a moment.

It was her, there was no doubt in her mind it was her, how she'd gotten caught on a camera she'd had no idea, but then he mentioned the smell. Her ability to hide messed with the mind via the eyes, even if a person saw her on video a laymans mind would fight against them as they attempted to focus. But if the boy had been there, picked up her scent as it were, and had the mental fortitude to watch the footage... damn.

'I hate Jedi.'

Juno would let out a sigh, the boy's hand would move to his weapon as Juno would in turn look him square in the eye. Her voice lowering, souring in an instant, the humor vanishing as she would almost whisper. Her words crackled like lightning, uneven as she would put equal stress upon every word that she said, leaning forward a little as though to whisper in one of his ears, but being mindful not to get too close.

"A word of advice, little Jedi. Be very mindful of you're next few actions. There are some actions in this world that you can't take back. And there are people on this world a lot worse than little ol me. Best not to fall into bad habits. So... you'd best be absolutely sure, if you intend to live a long, prosperous life of do goodery, that you're capable of beating someone you draw your weapon on before you do it. Or it could be the last thing you ever do."

No sooner than she finished her sentence, there was an explosion, a couple of meters back as Juno flicked a pebble into a dumbster with enough force the light steel structure all but caved in on itself like it'd been hit with a falling tree. Hoping to distract the boy for a moment as Juno would perform a force Jump, bouncing off the wall to her right and with another bound she'd land on a fire-escape almost four stories above them with little more than a pitter-patter.

Her plan was to get to the roofing, from there she'd be more than able to escape this annoying kid in the crowds where her smell would dilute among the myriad people of the city.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Quill watched her body language intently as she watched the footage from the holo feed. He knew he had her, her pulse quickened just ever so slightly. His eyes narrowed however as her whole demeanor shifted, her tone soured, she even went as far as shifting her body just ever so lightly forward, his foot shifting just slightly back as to keep the gap and distance he had established maintained. She clearly had not taken kindly to being coerced.

A disturbance was felt in the air as a loud crack of something moving to sub-light speeds would be heard, and then the explosion would follow.

He had no time to waste, he had to act. Acting on sheer instinct, his body blurred into action as his sword came out of its sheath with inhuman efficiency. Landing where moments prior Juno had stood, the air would combust outwards, throwing up some dust and pushing trash back in all directions, the concrete cracked and splintered as he looked upwards. "Chit..." He had missed his window, and his mark, his teeth clenched with frustration, inwardly scolding himself. He looked right, then left, and then back up -- no innocent bystanders in the alleyway. He couldn't afford, nor did he have the luxury to let her escape, she was dangerous and the Order would surely have questions for her. He quickly sheathed his sword as his hands both came upwards. "Forgive me for what I'm about to do..." The metal on the fire escape would begin to groan, as would Quill. Letting out a strained groan, the veins on his forehead would appear just slightly as if he were battling some large imaginary force...

POP! .... POP!

The bolts that held the upper supports to the escape would violently rip from the wall... he was planning on tearing it down, Juno and all, he just hoped he could do it in time.​

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J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal

Juno didn't expect a sword, 'idiot kid.' Her mind flashed through a thousand curses she could have hoped to chastise him with, but all in all it wasn't the pawns fault, once again proving that the Jedi order only seemed to train gung-ho bounty hunters who were good for bodyguarding and picking up spice traders. The weapon flashed past where she had been standing merely a moment ago as Juno landed on the fire-escape, swinging around one of the support bars as she began to make her way up it.

But something wasn't right

A groan followed by a metallic pop shuddered the entire structure, Juno would look down to see the Boy clawing at the air as the ironwork rusted cage was beginning to buckle under his phantom grip 'Son of a Bantha' She dashed for the top, each of her jumps and movements were like that of a small animal, single bounds shooting her several meters, only needing to tap down on the next structure as she seemed to ricochet like a projectile herself. The structure tearing from the top making it evident she wouldn't be able to reach it before the whole cage came crashing down.

Juno would dart out of the side of the falling structure just as it would begin to grind to the ground, its own weight and momentum making its collapse inevitable now. Juno scanned the ground, no-one but the Jedi nearby as she would focus on that power within her, feeling the weight of the falling mass, its trajectory, its acceleration.

"You want this so badly!? HAVE IT!"

Juno charged the structure with energy, it was vibrant, trembling and excited in that instant, waiting only for her to let go so that it could enact its charge. Juno would jump off, and the falling structure would quadruple in speed, accelerating to near its maximum velocity as Juno would clutch onto the roof, holding on by little more the fingertips of one hand. A close call, for sure.

Heart racing, she'd kick off the wall, allowing her to move into a hand-stand to safely dismount onto the top of the roof. Dusting herself off she'd look over the edge to see if the boy was ok. From her trajectory the crash and debris should have only clipped him unless he ran into it or something equally dumb, although, even being clipped by something like this would probably knock them out cold.

"I told you kid, there are some actions you can't take back, see ya!"

And with that, she began to move to the east, hopefully leaving this whole, mess, behind her.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

"By Ashla…." The course of events had definitely changed, not especially favoring Quill. He had seen earlier, the impressive display in which Juno had preformed with her abilities but never fathomed she could do it in such a large scale, but even with the dire situation at hand, the young man simply smirked. This next move was going to hurt, but it seemed to be one of his only options.

The young Jedi only had a split second to think and act, but, a blast would be seen from behind Juno in the area where the exit had been falling towards Quill. Combusting the air particles just above Quill, he detonated them, concussing him back and onto the ground like a rag doll, but also, altering the course of the fire escape, the heavy metal thudding violently onto the ground.

Quill groaned as his ears rang, picking himself up to his knees as he felt the hot liquid, that was his blood moving down his forehead. "Chit that hurt…" The emotion going through Quill was not one of serenity, nor of peace but frustration and anger as his fists clenched, his joints popping violently. "Get up!" His voice erupted as he forced himself back up and onto his feet. In the distance Quill heard the sirens of the nearby temple going off in relation with the explosion, he hadn't followed procedure and alerted the Masters or the temple of his encounter, man he wasn't going to hear the end of this one. He clicked his communicator, his breath hitched just slightly. "This is, Quill Kaohal, I am in pursuit of known suspect just outside of central corridor. Send a squadron of the Order to help intercept. Subject is dangerous and can wield the force. Quill out."

He forced his body to move as he began to sprint down the alley in the direction she had headed, his own voice inwardly beating himself down for losing her temporarily. He had to center, he had to focus. Closing his eyes he began to breath in deeply, in through the nose and out through his mouth, in and out. His nose twitched violently once again picking up the scent of her UV paints and own body fragrances, as he peered upwards, his eyes narrowing as he allowed the force to aid his jumps, using the lower rooftops like stepping stones until he came to the highest point, and then saw her within mid landing — and within shouting distance ahead. "Hey…" Quill shouted with a smirk heard in his tone, and seen on his lips as he landed with a soft thud. "Who said I was finished?" He tilted his head back just slightly as once again the night air would begin to grow cold. "I'm just getting started, two can play that projectile game…." Quill summoned upon the force, his right hand coming upwards as he used the energy he had gathered from the area, and to the area in front of Juno, would combust the materials onto the roof, essentially making a cluster bomb, causing an explosion.


J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
Juno had begun to walk away, the sounds of explosions in the alley confirming that he wasn't going to be any more hassle. The girl with an offensive sum of nonchalance brushed the dust off of her shirt with a spring in her step. She hadn't even needed to use her knives. Her peek over the edge saw him on the ground with a mess of rubble about him, moments before he'd gotten back up again. Kid Jedi needed to learn their place after all.

Rolling up her gloves she would place a hand upon a rooftop vent, vaulting her body casually over the substance at a striding pace. She rolled her body over obstacles with an elegance which allowed her to never falter her momentum for even a moment. The art of movement painted across the canvas of the rooftop as she all but hopped to an adjacent one, listening to the alarms of the Jedi temple go off in the distance... but... she was hardly worried.

They didn't have her scent.

The boy had mentioned her smell, but Juno doubted that the entire order here were a group of nasal proficient attack hounds. They'd try to work out the crime scene for a few minutes, get the boy to a medical facility, then, finally, by the time they rallied enough to track her down, she would be long gone.

She'd gotten so far in her beautiful daydream, only for the bubble of her intentions to pop at the arrival of the kid, he looked dusted up good and proper. Cuts scratches and burns across him still with his sword drawn as if he were some ancient warrior. It was at his arrival this time, Juno drew a pair of her knives. Trench-knives, eight inches long in total with hand-guards extending the plasma edged vibro-blade over her fingers for increased protection.

But for now, she kept the gas vents off, setting her knives to stun with the pilot arc for the plasma they would operate much the same as a force pike for now. He shouted at her, Juno snickered, "Of Course not, I'm just the best at it!"

A moment would pass, the air before her felt as though it was heating up as an explosion ripped to life before her, threatening to consume her as a the force would all but hurl her off her feet. She'd let out a shriek as she would kick off the ground slightly, projecting herself backwards to move with the wave of heat and force, padding herself from the blow as, to her opponent, it would seem as though she was thrown off the side of the building.

Daggers in ice-pick grip, they'd slam into the adjacent wall as she fell into the next alley over, the force flowing through her body, enhancing her durability as she'd leave a cut down the edge of the duracrete structure only to pull the blades free half a dozen meters from the ground, dropping, curling into a shoulder roll and sprinting at full speed no sooner than her feet slid beneath her. If this kid was willing to blow her up at a moments notice, he was trying to kill her. Juno wasn't having that.

Thankfully, checking her body she had burns abrasions, but she wasn't bleeding...

Thank the gods for silver linings.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Apprehend "Juno' Hart l Outskirts of the Jedi Temple​

Quill watched intently as the blast took its proper course of action, it had worked flawlessly as it funneled Juno back into the alley as he wanted. Moving in unison with her as she gracefully fell and made her way back down into the narrow corridor, Quill quickly turned his attention now to what he would do next. She had large trench knives, he had a sword, talk about bringing a sword to a gun fight, things weren't looking good in his favor. He wanted to move in to fight close quarters, he she'd slice him up in an instant, or would she? Earlier, the fire escape, the trajectory wasn't directly at him, whereas more near him, enough to knock him out, what was more, she kept trying to end the fight and flee, if she was blood thirsty like some he'd fought, she'd be coming at him with full intent to kill... but was he willing to risk his life for this theory? He ran quickly, allowing the force to begin to flow through his veins as he landed on the ground, now running directly at Juno. He had to stall her, the battalion from the Order would be here soon, he could sense it.

He had to pull that rabbit out... a smirk formed, well, not necessarily a rabbit....

He threw off his sword while coming straight at her, his white robe came off, and then, he threw his shirt off. His iris's began to shrink as they then slit. His breathing grew heavy as his body began to burn, and just like begin brought out of the birth canal, things went dark momentarily as his body would contort before her very eyes and his form would burst forth, a large wolf now standing dead ahead of her in the blink of an eye. His ivory white fur shone in the nightlight, his snout was flared as a loud, and rumbling growl would be heard, emanating with the force to hopefully intimidate her. His right paw scratched at the ground, sparking slightly as grooves would be seen left in the pavement, a loud snarl heard as he seemed to attack the air,, his voice almost seemingly heard with it. << Stop, right, now... No, more, its over... >>


J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
Juno could feel the force flowing through her legs as her running momentum would build, muscles aching from the impact followed by the fall as the street girl would continue to accelerate at a steady pace. Her mind set on freedom, her vision beginning to tunnel in on the exit to the alley as she pushed harder and faster until~

A sound cut through the air like thunder, provoking the agile runner to turn for a moment as something looked as though it was going to collide with her. Running bound lightning like power would funnel into her leg as it would coil like a spring. Potential energy welling within it as muscles stretched and braced one another. The thunder in her blood being suppressed as it was crushed under the weight of her beginning to duck lower than normal before releasing in a burst of speed.

Everything expanded, and with it friction would give-way as Juno would bound for her left side wall with enough power the duracrete would crack a little at the point of her impact as she wielded her ballistakinesis upon herself. Trench-knife stabbed into the wall to create a hold as surface friction die the rest. She had precious moments to discern what the snow whits creature before her was. A Wolf!?

The size of a Loth wolf, fangs and claws that looked as though they would be able to rend her apart. She'd known a Lupo once in the trade, but nothing to this extreme. 'Was this night sister magic?' Juno thought to herself, thinking about their ability to shift their shape at a moments notice. Totems, she believed they were called.

"You don't get to decide when it's over Fido! But, you're quickly finding yourself on my son of a queen list, you know that? Though I guess at this point thats redundant..." Her jest hid the nervous laughter, she needed to get to a crowded place now, her smaller size and increased agility would do better than his no doubt overwhelming sheer clumsy speed. But here she was, making assumptions. That said, the privilege of not standing and fighting was narrowing to a close with every fleeting moment as the grains of sand in that particular hourglass faded one by one.

Juno would leap from the wall like a meteor, hitting the ground behind the wolf at an arc above it he hopefully wouldn't be able to intercept with ease. Each of her knives airborne for a moment as she would lower her arms to her belt, drawing two steel balls and throwing them at the walls to either side of the wolf. Each of them flickered to life before making impact with the wall as Juno made eye contact with the boy for a moment. Smiling broadly despite her words. Her eyes glimmering with bright constellations.

As soon as the orbs hit they would begin to bounce off the walls, spun in reverse in just the right measure so they would almost perfectly deflect off either wall at subsonic speeds creating a veritable wall of rapid moving projectiles deflecting off the floor and the fire-escape above his head to prevent them from going too far up or down.

Grabbing her lobbed knives Juno would turn on her heel and run again, taking towards the downtown streets as night had begun to fall and her hair, eyes, skin began to look a little brighter as her ornate bodywork began to slowly light up...However, despite all words to the contrary...

This was the most fun she'd had in weeks.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Apprehend "Juno' Hart l Outskirts of the Jedi Temple
Quill's mammalian instincts honed in on the objects as his eyes followed the orbs, they were extremely fast, but they didn't appear harmful enough... or so he thought. Jumping back just slightly, his claws gripped into the pavement as he sprinted forward at a blinding pace, he was now in his natural state, he was now at his deadliest. Coming up on the orbs that collided with each side of the buildings with ease he went to pass under them, but pain racked his entire body as he was knocked instantly back, he let out a growl that showed his immense frustration and pain as his side throbbed uncontrollably, his ribs were burning, were they fractured? That didn't matter, his enhanced metabolism at this point would heal it in a matter of time, he had to get around this obstacle.... No, his eyes narrowed as he turned and faced the wall right by him, he had to go 'through' this obstacle. His throat began to rumble as what would erupt forth would be none other than an ear shattering snarl, the force would amplify the wavelengths and distort and collide with the wall as it would weaken and shatter as he would charge into the wall, completely busting down the wall as he would land into a small dining facility. "Chit" he thought to himself, she had led him down town. Dozens of patrons poured out from the establishment as Quill ran freely out into the corridor, looking upwards inhaling in the nights air once again, her scent was once again easy to lock on now that he was in this form, he wouldn't loose his prey.

Chomping at the air he let out a loud howl and sped down the alley way, leaping onto a lower rooftop, then stair stepping once again, as he now overlooked the downtown square, letting out a loud snarl to cause sheer panic among the crowd Quill jumped down, landing with a heavy plop, his head down just a bit, taking on a more primal and aggressive stance, his iris's widened as he would stare at Juno once again from a gaped distance -- his anger clearly displayed in this form as the growl all but rumbled the area, the bass of it permeating all.


A voice broke over the night as a group of seven men stood on rooftops, lightsabres ranging from blue, green and yellow clearly seen lighting up the night sky. Hoping down, forming a spherical pattern not only around Juno, but Quill even, the lead man that spoke held his hands up. "You two seem to have caused quite the disturbance miss, and it seems our friend here hasn't taken too kindly to you. In the name of the Jedi Order, I place you under arrest, and highly suggest you cooperate better than you have so far...." His eyes broke free for a moment as he looked around at the group of Knights that took a small step forward. "As for you Quill, calm down.... now..."

Quill, so that was his name, the annoying menace that chased Juno had a name. Quills claws gripped hard on the pavement, his instinctual drive to pursue his prey overwhelming his senses due to his frustration of the evening thus far, he knew this was coming, he knew his actions had consequences, but he had hoped they wouldn't have been so.... public. Scrapping would be heard as the claws indented marks in the ground, a loud bark, his canines all bared at Juno as he turned just slightly; his annoyance clearly seen, as he walked next to the unnamed Jedi who had spoken earlier. "Miss, I would prefer not to have to engage in this public of a surrounding... please, just let us question you and I promise, we will not detain you further than we have too." Quill sat in proximity to him, his body burning as the chase of the night had worn on him... but never once, did he take his eyes off her again.


J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
Juno would be happy to know it took seven and a half Jedi in order to reel her into the order, as she ran across the street they erupted out of nowhere before she was able to engage her stealth ability. Staring down the drawn sabers of the Knights from a distance as they stood ever stalwart against the night sky. Juno all of a sudden felt very small and she rose her hands, the steel orbs returning to the low magnetism of the gloves she wore as they activated. Surrendering, without question.

"Hey, I'll go willingly. But i want it known that the only reason I ran, was because Lupa the Hutt here had hand on sword ready to go faster than a lawman on Tatooine. I was worried for my life is all im saying, and as shown he was more than happy to go full force at a little ol girl like me." She spoke, indicating to the hostile image of his Canine form, the destruction of a city wall that led into a private establishment.

Her body language had shrunk, she seemed... smaller, less threatening somehow. A subtle mix of posture and power, psychology and psionics as she wielded her art of the small combined with her skills learned as a spy. Slouched shoulders, lowered profile, big doe eyes and careful tears as she all but hugged close to one of the Jedi Knights for support. A Jedi Knight highly trained in seeing through force abilities like the art of the small would be able to see through it, but the layered psychological aspect would make it tough.

On top of that she began to tear up. Walking with the Jedi willingly as she regaled in detail of how when she'd just tried to run away he threw a fire-escape at her. That she didn't know what to do and had no-idea what he was talking about. She admitted to the vandalism, but fronted up that she was just a street artist in the local area.

Hell, if she was going down, she was going to get this kid in trouble too...

Be it speeder, or transport, Juno would follow them in as they put her in restraints. Mag-lock cuffs, on the more expensive side, but nothing she wouldn't be able to get out of. As they took her weapons away from her belts. Juno would shake her head when asked if there were any other weapons on her person. Sitting in the Jedi Speeder, under observation as other Jedi likely spoke to Quill while she buddied up with a Togruta Female, asking fun questions and otherwise being completely pleasant, if not a little emotional as she would await her transport to the Temple.

And these fools had no-idea the mistake they'd just made.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Transport "Prisoner" Juno to the Jedi Temple for Questioning l Outskirts of the Jedi Temple
Quill watched as they searched Juno and secured her in a set of mag-lock cuffs. They removed all weaponry that they could physically find and escorted her to the bag of a transport carrier that had been called on scene. Quill looked towards the Senior Knight that wouldn't take his eyes off of him. "You know, for as smart of a guy as you are... you really didn't think tonight through very well did you?" Quill chuffed, as he grunted and walked towards an alleyway, another knight presenting his clothing to him and articles that had been caste down back in the alleys before his transformation. The shadow of a wolf would be seen transfiguring back into a human form as he adorned his clothing. Walking out into the alley way, his hands in his pockets, he pulled up the green scarf that resided around his neck and approached the Senior Knight. "I know, I'll be getting an ear full at the temple, but I stand by my actions. She's more dangerous than the girl 'crying wolf' right now... mark my words." The man simply held up his hand as he dismissed Quill and walked over and addressed the local authorities.

Quill walked towards the carrier that held Juno in the back of it, his eyes narrowing just slightly as he walked in and sat towards the back, his sword out of his belt and resting against his shoulder. He listened to her as she went on about the injustices that she had endured tonight, his eye twitched just slightly, a frustrated grimace forming just slightly as he chuffed once again. The truth will out he thought.

The doors would close eventually as the Carrier would hum to life. Quill, Juno, the Tortuga and another Jedi Knight would be in the back of the carrier now as it would begin to make its way en-route to the Temple. Quill made eye contact with Juno as he looked back towards the window of the door. He wasn't going to apologize to her, if anything, he might 'throw' another fire escape her way, the idea made him chuckle as he looked back to her. She was a skilled fighter, with a bizarre personality... but something deep within Quill, admired her. She was, free. She had no shackles, no strings with a puppeteer that made her 'do a dance' or this or that. He was.... envious? This confused him. He was apart of something larger than himself, he knew this was what his departed Mother would have wanted.... what was it what he wanted? Forcing himself back into the present moment, Quill cleared his throat as he began to speak, the tone almost sounding forced. "You, uh, fight good -- I would say sorry about the fire escape... and the cluster bomb... but, that would be lying." He shrugged slightly as his head bowed, trying to hide the grin on his face.


J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
"Fight!? I don't know what you're talking about you crazy kid, but look see, he's not even sorry! Is this what you Jedi do!?" Juno feigned confusion, appealing to the masses down to the microexpression. The fact that she was able to look the Lupo square in the face and tell a bare faced lie without a single twitch not under her own control, jittering as she feigned the onset of shock, even her scent was that of chromosomal fear which the wolf-boy would be able to pick up on meant that she was physically feeling the emotions of terror and hysteria that she was laying on... able to control and conjure them at a whim as she assumed the roll of the victim in its entirety. Flaunting a skill before him as she did so flagrantly.

She'd received training, that much was obvious.

The trip towards the temple wasn't penned to be a long one as rain began to fall from the heavens, pattering at the steel of the vehicle as Juno would turn her eyes out the carbon windows searching the horizon for something as she would watch the slums go by. People on the drab city backstreets. Walking, talking, women holding hands and kicking cans as the metropolitan life of the downtrodden opened its beating heat to her eyes a man standing in the rain talking to some foreign gal no doubt as he shielded himself from the rain with his collar.

It was all going fine as they passed them all by, Juno smiled as she saw the women bring their hands to one of their lips with a kiss, the reflection of their eye cast by the city lights revealing them for a moment in the distance as Juno saw them in a flash. She made eye contact. Juno's mood dropped in an instant, there was a hiss in the distance as without warning she jumped to her feet and summoned all of her power to leap in the direction of the boy she'd fought. The other big bad Jedi could surely take care of themselves.

She projected herself like a bullet, hard enough to slam into the boy's chest and into the back doors of the van. Hard enough to snap the locks and send the two of them tumbling a dozen meters from the sky towards the ground below as the armoured speeder systematically erupted into a fireball of colossal proportions as it would collide with a warhead fired from the shadows.

Juno would pull herself from the ground, weapons lost, all but her most important as she would reach behind her and draw a steel ring, a handle cutting through its center. As she activated it, the ring lit up with pink light with the exact same crack hiss as a lightsaber. Her eyes scanned the horizon, shadows gathered on rooftops, visors glowing in the dark as figures cloaked in the robes of the mundane would equip targeting visors.

"Chit, the found us! Kid, you ok? we have to go~ Now!"

It was then, the rain would bask in the light of blaster fire.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Escape alive with Juno Hart l Outskirts of the Jedi Temple
Quill just sat there in sheer amazement as the rest of the group of Knights seemed to believer her facade, but Quill saw immediately past it. He didn't trust her, and something didn't feel right either, but he couldn't put his finger on it... and so, he just went quiet as he held his ancestral sword even tighter against his body as his face would then be obscured by the shadows of the transports poor interior lighting.

A disturbance, but it all happened so fast, Quills momentary dropping of his mental awareness did not prepare him for the sheer disaster that took place.

He felt a hard hit, slam and thud as both he and Juno rolled on the ground, the rain pouring down on them, the bystanders in the area running. His ears rang as he felt warmth moving down the back side of his head, he had a gash, he felt it. Pain would be felt as he tried to brace himself upwards as he looked at the fiery inferno that was the transport that had held other Knights of the Order within its blaze, men and women had had come to know. Anger swelled up within him, but then he heard Juno speaking, her tone genuinely concerned, but that still didn't prepare him as he sense the blasters locking on, and aiming for them... who were they trying to kill? Her... or the Jedi... either way, Quill was enraged.

He stood upright, a scream of sheer rage erupting through his mouth, the sound amplified by the force as windows shattered, his hands reaching outward, as massive force repulse emanated off of him like a sphere, the water collecting and forming a barrier as the blaster fire would hit it, in his mind, he knew it wouldn't last long, not at the interval of fire in which came at them. His form contorted, bones heard cracking and displacing as a white wolf, of large proportions once again appeared in front of Juno. He snarled at her as his voice would be heard. << I suggest you get on, I don't know who there after... but a life for a life... I can get us out of the city quickly, the temple isn't safe now. >> Unbeknownst to Juno, to mount or ride a Gurlanin was not just a simple thing, not as far as feats went, but the meaning, one of sheer trust and of knowing each other... but he had no choice and he refused to let either of them die... enough death had occurred, and he felt in his mind, it was all his fault. He let out another snarl as the sound almost once again reverberated, the force aiding the echo. << The barrier wont last, decide NOW! >> The force barrier would visibly begin to crack and splinter as the blaster fire would begin to intermittently rain in on them.


J u n o
Location: Downtown
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
Juno heard the roar of the kid as the passado of deadly blaster bolts rained down on them from the alleys which surrounded them. The bastards had been waiting, but, who were these attackers? Anti Jedi? Like the Empire or something of the like, they could be spies, Sith or another faction looking to attack at the Ranks of the Jedi order. Seven dead was nothing to sneeze at, it was a serious blow. Juno expected to have to dodge, but the child before her planet his feet and pulled on the force in such a manner that the air became dry, his form shifting once again into that giant Lupine creature.

Protests caught in the throat of Juno as the Kid demanded that she mount up, the jokes wrote themselves, though now was hardly the time. Planting a single hand she was atop the Wolf as she saw one of the shadows reveal a long cylinder. Disc in hand Juno's eye would track its distance, momentum, acceleration as well the friction forces from the rain, air, gravity and wind. Curling back her arm, she hurled her lightsaber disc with a flash.


The Echo of thunder erupted from the alley like a high caliber rifle as the man at the top of the roof pulled the trigger on the launcher, causing an explosion from a category 2 Thermal detonator thanks to the barrel of the weapon having been caved in by the force of Juno's throw. Her Disc accelerated past the sound barrier. Leaving a streak of purple lightning behind itself soaring through the air, colliding with the weapon, bouncing to three separate walls before returning to her own hand. All the while one of the rooftops caved in entirely with the screams of half a dozen attackers succumbing to the explosion of one of their own weapons as more and more appeared from the shadows.

"Get us the hell out of here, I'll try cover us on the way out, try to keep to narrower paths so my discs can bounce!"

Then at least the two of them might escape alive.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

Escape alive with Juno Hart l Outskirts of the Jedi Temple
Quill was infuriated as the hairs on the back of his mane stood upright, showing his sheer anger... letting out a snarl in agreement to Juno as she told him to 'get the heck outta dodge'. His vulpine claws digging into the concrete as they took off at a pace that felt much like a speeding freighter, he was quick, and still building up momentum. Dodging and strafing from left to right as he dodged more incoming fire from hostiles Quill looked ahead, trying to sense the best route, but there wasn't. Coming quickly around the corner, a gunman appeared as Quill jumped, knocking the man to the ground, a sick and terrified blood-curdling scream heard as the sound would be quickly muffed out with a crackling of his bones, Quill dropping the mans lifeless head out of his mouth. Licking his snout, the lips of the lupines mouth curled upwards in a gnarled grin of nothing but teeth he chuffed at Juno, his voice woutd be heard once again in her head. << They are everywhere, I would rather have the high ground.... hold on, the outskirts of the city aren't that much farther. >>

Lanching off once again at top speed, and with little to no warning, Quill worked up enough speed to jump and skillfully side step off of a wall and onto a rooftop as the stairstepped them much like earlier and made his way to the peak.... he could see the men all converging on their point, but... who were they? Making his way with little time, he once again picked up his pace.... they had to make it to the perimeter. They had to escape, they had too.


J u n o
Location: Downtown Rooftops
Time of Day: Early Night
Theme: Here
Mentions: Quill Kaohal Quill Kaohal
Quill took to a nearby alley like a bat out of hell, his claws tearing at the duracrete as he ran. Bounding as he accelerated fast enough to dissuade Juno from empowering him in any form. Rather opting to hold on tight least she be shrugged from his shoulders as though he were atlas shrugging with the world. It was a good thing she did so too, as his bounding jumps went from horizontal to vertical. Juno gripped the lupine with everything she had as they all but flew onto the rooftop and into another hail of gunfire. But at least they had cover from the ground.

Juno's disc-blade would launch out with another crack boom. The sound barrier trembling before them as three men would be launched off their feet with the sickening crackle of ribs before the blade returned to her hand in the span of a living heartbeat. But the blasters kept bleating across the night, the small paramilitary force closing in on them as they kept moving.

"Good job! Now pick a direction kid and hit it, we need to punch a hole through this before they net us in. " Juno all but shouted Reaching behind her and drawing the second of her light-chakram. Holding onto the wolf with her legs, some focus specifically held to ensure that she would not slip from contact with her noble steed.

A cursory glance would see the surfaces of the ground and nearby walls, computing Juno's Each of the Discs would launch in opposite directions, bouncing off walls and the ground, accelerating exponentially before hitting two more targets before returning. to her hands again. Six down, writing on the ground with broken bones, but not dead.

"Little help here Spot!"

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles

His blood was buzzing at the high of allowing his primal nature to roam as free as it had been able to be this particular evening. The taste of blood had entered his mouth, and the sheer thrill of being hunted caused his prey like instincts to heighten even further; but they were all making a terrible mistake, he wasn't prey, he was an apex predator, and like all predators and animals when cornered, especially with cub ( regardless of what had transpired, he refused to allow Juno to fall into their hands ), they became all the more dangerous.

"Good job! Now pick a direction kid and hit it, we need to punch a hole through this before they net us in. "

She was right, they were trying to funnel them into a kill-zone and capture them there... neither he or her were smart enough fall for it. Scanning the rooftops, and seeing the border of the city walls, he knew a break into the heavily wooded fields would be the best place to go, as well as the best way to gain ground and distant from these men, for he was fast, if not faster than any land speeder when he hit open areas... and when in wooded areas, he was stealthier than anything known to man. His head lowered as she commanded help from him, his eyes gleaming in the nightlight, he had his course. Claws scrapping off of the rooftops he darted ahead once more just as before, accelerating as he bounded from rooftop to rooftop. He sensed them converging still, how many where there? How did a force this large manage to make its way into the city without being detected.... there were many questions he had and he had a suspicion that Juno had answers that would help in solving them.

He kept a fairly straight line towards the city outskirts, but, just as he began to leap for another rooftop, he skidded to an abrupt halt as a net flew just across, barely missing his ears as he snarled. They were converging now from all sides now, he wouldn't be losing anyone in any sort of open field. His eyes scanned once again as he looked downwards and saw a fairly small cargo ship, in process of unloading goods to some sort of business. Quill simply growled as he leaped downwards, the patrons of the ship screaming and running in all directions as he darted in the back and let out another snarl. << TELL ME you can fly this thing! Get us the heck outta here! >> His body repositioned as he stared straight out of the back of the cargo hold, his rather large body taking up most of the space as he waited for them to move in on their position.


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