Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Capitalist with a Gun: Mandalorian Invasion of Roche (Mando vs Republic)

Location: Nickel One
Objective: Find out who this dude is?
Enemies: [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Allies: Pubs
Gear: Same as before: see sig and bio; helm, pauldron and bracers are titanium.

As he was helping escort people to safety, since he sensed impending trouble, he was suddenly confronted with the visage of a man in robes wearing a straw hat. He had on strange forearm gear, but otherwise didn't seem overtly threatening. In fact, he found the man to be curious more than anything. Beneath the helm he studied the man and determined that he was not a threat on the order of magnitude of a Sith. In fact, he would have likely continued right on by him had the man not intervened and blocked his path, refusing to allow him to continue to see the civilians to safety. Though he did allow them to pass on, just not him.

His fingers fell downward to drum at his thighs as he sized the man in front of him up. The Force presence was duly noted, and there was a twinge of menace now that he really took the time to feel about him, but it was a curious sort of menace. The kind that brought more questions than it did a readiness to draw one of his weapons.

"I do not wish to fight you, sir," he said, maintaining proper manners. "I merely wish to see to it that all civilians are seen to safety as I believe a battle is about to break out around them. I do not believe the warning klaxons would be sounded otherwise."

Moving his hands in front of him, he crossed them over his chest. Despite this gesture that was meant to say that he wasn't going to immediately draw a weapon and attempt to cut the man down, his feet remained squarely set in a defensive posture that would allow him freedom of movement should the necessity for such arise. Although he hoped that this curious standoff could be resolved peacefully, he found that was rarely the outcome in this galaxy. People did not believe in peaceful resolutions to battle, only in the slaughter of their enemies were they satisfied with things. It was a disgusting practice which he avidly fought against.

"May I inquire as to why you wish to fight with me at all? I've certainly not met you before and see no reason for us to quarrel unless you have ill intentions here. The latter seems largely unlikely since you allowed the civilians to depart and only sought to stop me. I would prefer that whatever dispute you have with me be settled in words rather than in combat."
Location: Bridge of Skira-class Battleship "Skira" / Heart of Mandalorian Fleet / Approaching Nickel One
Objective: Do smart things
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"], Mandalorians and allies,
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"], [member="Gir Quee"], Republic and allies,

As the Mandalorian Fleet continued its approach on Nickel One, both the main fleet and the smaller patrol groups that prowled the spaced between asteroids, a series of messages made their way to the Skira. The first was a simple hail request from a Republic Warship. <So they are coming.> Larraq mused to himself. Since the Republic wouldn't have had time to detect that his fleet was on the way to Roche, and since military assets were supposedly tied up stealing and nationalizing corporate assets throughout the Republic... Their approach only confirmed his suspicions that the Republic was coming to enforce martial law upon the Roche system. He sipped from his mug of coffee as he reviewed the data coming in. Another trio of pings reverberated through the hull of the Skira and the map of Roche was updated. So far, the sensors seemed to indicate that the republic warship was still in hyperspace, but they could have just as easily been out of range. Either way, Larraq sent a single ping of acknowledgement back to the Republic Warship. He'd at least hear them out before he demanded the Republic abandon the system.

Gir Quee said:
"Lieutenant Mantias, get me a line on the hypertransceiver with whoever the Mandalorian Hypernautics convoy commander is." "Aye sir," quipped the brunette. "I'll be at my chair," said Gir, striding towards his command chair.

No sooner had he sent the ping had another message reached his console. This one from the Alor of the Rekali Clan. Larraq made a mental note of the information it contained. Their databanks should still be up to date with most Republic Transponders. So long as they were able to identify the shuttle, the Mandalorian Fleet would not fire upon the diplomat.

Ember Rekali said:
Rally Master Larraq- A diplomatic transport will enter the Roche system soon. It contains a Mandalorian and will probably be flying under Republic telesponders. It will be coming to Nickel One to meet with me on a mission that may be crucial to our objectives here. Please see to it that the transport gets to Nickel One safely. After they get here, I'll handle security as best I can. This place is crawling with dug-in Republic troops and materiel. They've been trying to keep a low profile, I think, but they seem to have forgotten that Mandalorians live here. I assume you already know from local sources; just making sure. Field Marshal Rekali

Ember Rekali had somehow managed to beat him to Roche and the Republic was sending a diplomat to meet with the man. Larraq wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad one, but he knew that the Republic now knew of their presence in the system. He brought the mug of coffee to his lips once more as he stared at the map and waited for the Republic Commander to get back to him.

In the end, it was a different Republic Officer who would next have the attention of Rygel Larraq.

Ali Hadrix said:
"To any and all Mandalorian forces in the system, you are asked to return to your vessels and leave Republic space. The usurper government lead by the traitor Genevieve Lasedri has been confronted by the Republic Senate and Military and halted. Your holdings and investments are in no danger, and our government recognizes your rights as business-persons and a people. Your existing contracts will be honored without alteration, hesitation, or otherwise."

Larraq listened to the voice with passive attention, leaning over a nearby technician's console to try and identify the source of the transmission. The technician pointed at his screen and Larraq knew the answer. The Republic was already on Nickel One. Larraq sipped at his coffee yet again. He didn't care about the Republic's assurances. He didn't know who this Genevieve Lasedri was, and he didn't care if they were an usurper or the prodigal son. The Republic could no longer be trusted to guarantee the safety and security of the Roche system. And whoever spoke to him now, she was either a liar attempting to buy time for an approaching Republic Fleet, or she was a fool that thought the Mandalorians would willingly just... go home. "Prepare an open line." Larraq said to the comms officer. He would give the woman his terms. She would either accept the peaceful solution and abandon the system, in the name of the peace and diplomacy the Republic pretended to champion, or she would decline... And Larraq would have to take the system by force.

Ali Hadrix said:
"However, initiating hostilities against us when you ought to be helping us eradicate this clone threat would be foolish. You cannot win a war with us. We are better equipped than you. We are better trained than you. We are more organized. And we have the Jedi on our side. Do not start what you cannot finish, and let it be known now, that there is absolutely no reason to initiate hostilities of any kind against a government and a people that seek only to be your ally. I urge you to make contact with us in order to discuss this misinterpretation of events. The Republic has no conflict with the Mandalorian people and we would rather help you drive the Primeval back into the edges of the Galaxy than take arms against you."
Larraq paused for a moment in shock at the statements that reverberated through the Bridge of the Skira. <Did she just...?> Larraq thought as he tried to process the totality of the woman's boisterous claims. Somewhere to the left, someone tried to suppress a snicker. To Larraq's right, a Mandalorian broke out into laughter. And then Larraq lost it. Uncontrollable laughter erupted from the leader of the Mandalorian Fleet as he dropped his coffee. The entire bridge of the Skira erupted into laughter as a few dozen Mandalorians lost control of themselves over the utter ridiculousness of the woman's statements. "We are better trained-" Someone to Larraq's right mimicked. Larraq only laughed harder. "Stop. Stop." Larraq said with tears in his eyes, grabbing his knees as he fought to remain standing. "I'm going to pee!" The Skira drifted slightly to port, and not a single member of the fleet command cared. The intensity of their laughter overwhelmed all other functions. Vaguely, Larraq was aware of a red light on the console next to him. He was on an open channel to the entire system.

As the chorus of laughter finally died down, Larraq somehow managed to catch his breath and stand upright once again. "Woman." Larraq said aloud, knowing that it would be broadcast to the entire system. "I don't know who you are, but you just insulted the entirety of the Mando'ade. On the honor of my people, it is my duty to inform you that you have just declared war on Manda'yaim." Straitening himself, Larraq's eyes went cold and his features flattened. The mirth of the moments before were gone from him. "On behalf of my people, I accept your terms. The total destruction of every Republic asset from here to your capital, or your head on a pike. Until one of those two conditions is achieved, the Republic will not know peace."
Location: Nickel One
Allies: [member="Abigail Kallisto"] | [member="Mirshko Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]
Objective: Purge
Equipment: Signature

The warriors of Mandalore secured the system and the controls for the sector's atmosphere scrubbers and systems with practiced precision. As though the man that had been Draco Vereen was some kind of prophet, and knew the basic strategies of fighting in an atmosphere controlled environment. That or he was just aware that the Galactic Republic was now more than willing endanger civilians to hold on to things as trivial as a few rocks. Thirty strong Mando'ade were taking possession of the control room for the area, setting up quick defenses. There was a reason the unit was small. It was because they were escorted by a Mind Control specialist and had Mindshackle Scarabs galore. If an army wanted this place, and army would die trying to take it.

But it was no army that approached, but a single Jedi. Vulkan could hunt Force User's fine, but one on one fights against a Jedi Master were less likely to turn in his favor than if he faced an army in these corridors. "Jedi." Vulkan said with a sneer behind the visor. "This is the sector's atmosphere controls, but, you already knew that. There are women and children that rely on these, I would hope a Jedi isn't here to destroy them, but I've seen the darker side of your people." Fear and loathing echoed and rippled through the Force as the Sith Lord prepared himself for combat. Vulkan had anticipated a fight over something as vital as the atmosphere controls with the Republic's increasingly evil ways. They had begun to make honorable combat against them very difficult.

The air was charged with Dark Side presence as Vulkan's sneer became a smile, hidden behind the mask as red ringed eyes fell on the Jedi warrior. Dinu'ul charged up and activated, the shimmering light shield growing to full size, and axe spun in his hand as he took a good feel of the weight of the weapon. "Abigail," he called to the young teenage girl that accompanied him, "Stay safe, keep your head down, and don't let anyone but Clan Vereen into that control room." She was in there, vulnerable to the vacuum. He knew his warriors would donate helmets to her, but, she was still vulnerable. Vulkan cracked his neck, and kept his locked on the Jedi. "Now, are you going to die here, or live and walk away?" Even as he spoke his Force presence pressed against the Jedi Master's muscles and mind, pushing them to slow the Jedi's reaction time, to increase the lactic acid in his muscles and make them slow and ache. It was no immense display of Mind Control, but it would work fine for now.
Location: Entering the Roche System
Objective: Eliminate the threat of Knuckle Draggers, Save the Republic, Free the Galaxy and give the Republic a handshake from their Alliance Cousins.
Enemies: Mandos, [member="Anija Betna"], [member="Jack Raxis"]
Allies: Calendars, Republic, [member="Travot Ravenna"]
Gear: X-Wing. Squad of Twelve.

The fighters were launched and Cuan was placed in charge. He knew what he had to do. The Sullust Patriot turned Legionnaire had volunteered to help the Republic, sure they had a lot of issues in the past, but they were the responsible government for holding the Sith from moving South. And as much as Nemo Ven was sometimes sick of the Republic, he knew that they were going to be a valuable ally. And they had been working together in some fields, especially the Jedi.

So when the mission came up, Kunn stepped up to the plate. The lieutenant was given command of Legionnaire Squadron and were sent out to Roche, the active battle front. Originally, word was that even Starchaser himself was supposed to come out for this trip, but the Supreme Commander had other ideas for that particular pilot.

Kunn was excited though, he knew he’d be here and ready when the time came, and the X-Wings were receiving confirmation of the system arriving. “Okay, Baller, lets bring it in.” The fighters all started to pull out from hyperspace, behind the Republic fleets.

“This is Lieutenant Cuan Kunn from the Galactic Alliance. Heard you guys had a need for assistance.” It was in Sullustan, but it was also probably the most proper sounding statement Kunn would say all day. And he was waiting for a message back, but he was still heading towards the fleet, ordering his astromech to mark the Republic as friendlies instead of unknowns.

Time to go to work.

Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

Алёна Вохин (Light of the Voxyn)
Location: Nickel One
Objective: Escort civilians to safety
Allies: The Jedi Order, The Galactic Republic, The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Mandalorians and their allies

Alyona ushered the string of mostly Verpine civilians further down the hallway toward the transports that would take them to safety beyond the edge of the Roche system. With the Mandalorians having secured the hangar bays, Alyona's work was moving much slower; transports were only able to dock with the auxiliary bays located in the station's outer sections. She looked up and down the line to catch any stragglers heading out of unchecked chambers, then returned her attention to the group boarding a shuttle at that moment. She ushered them on board, then signaled for the pilots to take off, holding back the remaining crowd for the time being as they awaited the arrival of the next transport.
Checking her datapad Alyona noted that neither side had started firing yet, though she had no idea where the Republic's fleet was supposed to be. Hopefully it's in transit, she thought to herself as she continued organizing transport for fleeing civilians. Within the next half hour the station should be emptied of its civilian population, leaving the Republic and the Mandalorians free to engage one another at will. Alyona had been on Roche by chance, helping with the recovery effort in the aftermath of the pirate attack on the asteroid Nickel One some weeks before. Before that she had only recently been returned from an operation on Jakku with Master Raaf that had gone well for the Republic but poorly for the Voxyn, who was left in conflict between her upbringing as an Echani warrior and the example set to her by Corvus. Violence was an acceptable part of living to Alyona, and that acceptance was being challenged by her Master's instruction.
As her thoughts grew burdensome, Alyona handed control of the evacuation over to a Republic soldier and stepped aside into one of Nickel One's many atriums constructed to promote an atmosphere of the Verpine homeworld. Taking several deep breaths, Alyona found her emotional balance point, reflecting on the reality of her circumstances and deciding the kind of Jedi she needed to be in order to help resolve this matter with the Mandalorians as efficiently as possible. Drawing the stiletto knife from its sheath at her hip Alyona looked over the blade; its glint caught her eye in the light of the chamber. She did not know what the Mandalorians wanted, or how they were to justify it, but she knew they would not succeed. They were not the Sith Order, and their might was limited. Even the Republic's own soldiers were trained by Mandalorians, and under a unified banner, the Clans would not fare well in the fight Alyona felt was about to be born.

Objective: Destroy the opposition of freedom
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: Mandolorians
Location: Republic Garrison

[member="Commander Lusk"] gave quite the rousing speech, it evidently had quite the effect on his comrades, but not him. He wasn't like them, he didn't speak Mando'a, hadn't been trained by them, they weren't his family, but these clones were. Marching forward, each footstep clanging against the floor as he trotted towards [member="Keira Ticon"] and Lusk, a DC-18 likely once held by one of his comrades during Chzawa cradled in his arms. There wasn't much to be said in his mind, war was war, but this was a distraction, the Sith needed to be hunted and killed, all of them, not just the one hiding in the ranks of the Mandolorians. Odd as it was, his desire for revenge seemed to be eating at his loyalty. Not that it mattered now he was here now.

True as it was that he, Ticon, and Lusk hadn't technically been assigned to each other, but they were now together, it was where they did their best work. "We ready?" Inquired the Dreaguard as he joined the trio, his voice tense despite the mechanized tone his helmet gave him. The question was directed to either of his comrades specifically, just whoever would answer. Before him were another group of clones, just like on Chzawa, and he had a knot in his stomach that warned it could be the same outcome.

He could tell himself to not get attached, to focus on fighting and the enemy, but it wasn't that easy nor would it ever be. Dish sighed and wondered who'd they be up against, numerous troops obviously, but he'd never have guessed names like [member="Vilaz Munin"] or [member="Elijah Rekali"], as he simply didn't know them. But his comrades did, and had he known that he'd have wondered if it would change anything. But it wouldn't.

The die was cast, it was time for war once again.
Location: The Central Hub
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Lord Gaius"], Mandalorians
Gear: Sig + 5 frag grenades

Sofia could see a target in sight. The battle was about the begin. He looked huge in his Mandalorian armour. She could tell he was someone she would have to keep her distance from if she was to stand a chance of victory. Sofia peered down the scope of her sniper rifle and fired a shot at the man's leg. It was a warning shot aimed to injure the man. She did not wish to kill if it was unnecessary and hoped that shot would deter him from advancing towards the Central Hub.

"Turn around and leave!" She yelled to the man, in an attempt to halt his advance. "Your presence is unwelcomed!"

Although her voice was commanding, Sofia felt scared, this was not her first battle but it was one where she fought alone. She had no support from her squad or army personel at present she hoped her voice did not give away the fear she was beginning to feel. She was only 19, still young and in experienced when it came to battles especially against a man who looked to have years of experience under his belt.
Location: Nickel One, McYoda's (Loving It I Am)
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Frenemies: [member="Abigail Kallisto"] | [member="Mirshko Betna"] | [member="Darth Vulkan"]
Objective: Dance Battle
Equipment: HoloBoy Advanced

The young Nautolan had no idea Republic peoples and Mando-lorry-an peoples were mad at each other.

He was nine. He pretty much loved everybody.

Except girls. But that had nothing to do with politics. They were just gross. Republic girls, Sith girls, [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]... if it was a girl, you could bet on it being bad. This wasn't entirely a gender bias. Master Neffy wasn't a girl. She was Master Neffy. In the same way, [member="Coci Heavenshield"] wasn't a girl either, she was Master Theo's Mom.

And [member="Corvus Raaf"] wasn't a girl either. She was just old.

Legs kicking idly, the green-skinned youngling sat at a counter with a youngling meal spread out in front of him. The toy was a cheap piece of flimsiplast molded into the image of characters from the Jono Jawa franchise -- the small Jedi hopeful's favorite superhero and the galaxy's most notorious non-Force user. As he munched on a Filet o' Krakana sandwich, the boy heard a lot of commotion. First, there seemed like there were a lot of repulsorlifts overhead. Second, he could hear people moving around. Like soldiers or something.

Chewing on his food, the boy balled up his trash and threw it into the rubbish bin. Then, grabbing his Fizzyglug soda cup, the child wandered out to the doorway of the restaurant.

Sipping on the straw, the child started wandering around until he saw someone. It was a girl, but technically that was still 'someone.'

"What's goin' on?" the child asked curiously.
Location: The Central Hub
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Sofia Annesley"], Republic
Gear: Vibroknucklers, CZ-835, CZ-839, CZ-840, Beskar'gam


He didn't see it coming. He was assured that he had not been seen, given the photosensitive plates, but when he had spotted the sniper, she had spotted him. A blaster bolt came straight for him, too fast for him to move. It struck his leg, he collapsed to a knee. His photosensitive crystals flared white-hot and then deactivated. He was now just a bright suit of armor painted in white and orange.

He rolled, driving his shoulder towards the ground as he maneuvered for the closest rock. It was a few meters away and he made the last of the distance by scurrying on all fours, he would have looked like a crab but it kept his torso low and hard to hit. When he settled behind cover he checked his leg plating, it was scorched black, but otherwise undamaged. Gaius thanked the Force he was a Beskarsmith.

He heard the booming voice of the sniper cut the distance, "Turn around and leave!" She yelled to him, "Your presence is unwelcomed!" He remained quiet behind the outcropping. He took the safety off his machine pistol. He deactivated the infrared vision, and peered over the rock. He reacted quickly, raising his pistol, using his helmet to zoom in on his target and utilizing the inbuilt rangefinder to judge distance - wind would be no factor here.

He started spraying a clip of stun rounds towards her, his crushgaunts preventing recoil. It was still a significant distance, but he needed to keep her pinned or get her moving.
Location: The Central Hub
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Lord Gaius"], Mandalorians
Gear: Sig + 5 frag grenades

The Mandalorian was too far from Sofia for his shots to accurately land a her on Sofia but through some stroke of luck, one had hit her on her left arm sending a wave of pain down it as it hit her. Sofia lay in cover until she heard the shots had ceased. Carefully, she looked over the edge of the roof trying to spot the man. She felt a greater sense of urgency to scare the man off into retreating somehow. She really did not want to kill him even if he was against the Republic. The sense of fear she felt increased the closer the man got. She could not let him come any closer.

Positioning her sniper rifle, she aimed her bullet at the same leg again. Perhaps with enough force, his armour would break. If her shots could not break through his armour, Sofia would have to come up with a new plan - something that was a first for her. The closer he got the more likely he is to hit her with his guns and the more of a danger he was to her. If he got close enough, Sofia might have to abandon her sniper nest and make a run for it.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Edge of Roche[/SIZE]

Meeting with Field Marshall Rekali

[SIZE=12pt]Faith heeded [member="Ember Rekali"]’s words of warning, “Remember we are on a diplomatic mission, while the Republic may recognize us, the Mandalorians may not.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was then that she was informed she had another message. Faith went back to retrieve it looking down at the words from her Uncle [member="Ordo"] . “Good thing I was taught not to lie” Faith moved back to watch their approach[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith had heard the message from the Supreme Commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] providing to them the information regarding the false government set up by the former Prime Minister. Faith heard the one faux pa in the speech, she said that the Republic was better trained, and more organized. Mandalorian culture dealt with war, the children were raised from younglings in forms of combat. Faith very much doubted that the Republic was better trained. This was one of the issues, that member of the Republic did not understand Mandalorian Culture.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Even though her Uncle had come to the Republic and offered to train the soldiers, even the late [member="Strider Garon"] had done so.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith so wanted to interfere right now. But to correct the Supreme Commander on an open channel would only make the Republic look foolish. But how to stop this before it escalated further and lives were lost.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her Uncle would meet her, he would be her one guard, the one that would keep her mother from having heart failure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith needed to contact Field Marshall Rekali[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Field Marshall Rekali,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Thank you for the warning, I pray that no one is killed today and that cooler heads prevail in such matters. I look forward to our discussions and should be there shortly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Senator Organa[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Second Message – Private Secure Frequency -[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Supreme Commander Hadrix,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I have heard your communication to the Mandalorians. This is a warrior culture the live and breathe weapons, warfare, family, language, from a very young age, be careful of your words. The Flexing of military might will only draw them in, not warn them off.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Senator Faith Balor-Organa[/SIZE]

The message to the Supreme Commander may have been too late.

[SIZE=12pt]Faith could only hope that the Mandalorian forces let her pass. Only time would tell…her meeting with the Field Marshall she hoped would have positive results, she understood that he was only one Clan Leader among many, but if she could convince him, perhaps he can convince others.[/SIZE]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
Location: Nickel One Tunnels
Allies: [member="Abigail Kallisto"] + [member="Darth Vulkan"]
Enemies: [member="Zak Dymo"] + [member="Nefertari Sovint"] + [member="Ryan Korr"] [nearby but not engaging]
Gear: Objective: Dance Battle

The armor still chafed in places. It was a rather nice set of armor, and suited her skillset well, but it had originally been designed for someone Mom's size. Mom and Da had been able to modify it and downsize it to fit Mirshko, but there hadn't been time to finish some of the final touches before they'd shipped for Roche. So, she found herself occasionally pulling at the collar of the bodyglove. She was nervous... and rightly so. This would be her first combat since Drukenwell.

She was also slightly nervous because of who she was with. She’d not met Abigail until now, but it seemed the two of them might get along well - if they weren’t in the middle of what was about to become a warzone. And then there was the matter of Draco Vereen. For all she knew, the man was her uncle - in some way. She frowned. Mando concepts of family were a bit.. hard to connect in that area, as far as she was concerned. And she'd been raised in the culture, for feth's sake! Shaking her head at the thought, she shrugged mentally. She knew he was a close friend of her parents. But to her the only connection she could make was of the type of relationship Siobhan had with Mom. This seemed to be much the same.

A shake of her head, and she tried to clear the thought from her mind. She needed to focus. Her attention was yanked back to the present as she heard the exchange between the Jedi ([member="Ryan Korr"]) and Draco. There was still something that felt.. off about him. But it wasn't something she could readily pinpoint. Their mission was to secure the atmosphere scrubbers from being targeted by the Republic. Why they might damage them, she didn't know, but stranger things had happened lately. Frowning again, she cranked the music she'd been playing in her helmet's audio system so it was just a tad louder [intro vid above]. She could feel the vibrations now.

Grinning to herself, she looked up again, and her eyes widened as she spotted a young Nautolan boy entering the room behind the older Jedi. He too wore the clothing typical of many of the younger Jedi that Mirshko had seen around [member="Ember Rekali"]'s Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Instantly, her gaze went towards the two adults, who had squared off close to the center off the room. Grabbing Abigail's hand, she pointed towards the boy urgently. "Come on...let's be a distraction...." she whispered. Suiting actions to words, she ducked around the adults and made a beeline towards Zac.

Fighting... still wasn't her thing. but maybe there was another way. Maybe she could distract him...... A thought occurred to her then as she spotted the HoloBoy Advance sticking out of one of the pouches on Zac's belt. "Hey.... can I see that...?" she asked after a moment's hesitation and a look towards Draco. And then, she just shrugged. It looked like the adults were focused on each other for now.
Location: Nickel One
Allies: Galactic Republic | Verpine Government | Civilians
Enemies: Lisette Kuhn, Mandalorians
Objective: Turn away Mandalorian invaders
Equipment: Full duranium beskar'gam, EM protected helmet and weapons. Verpine Assault Carbine, 2 x DL-44 blaster pistols, wrist rocket, wrist-cable, various grenades (lethal and non-lethal), beskad, stun gauntlet, small-jetpack, bacta injection system.
NPC's (for narrative): Geft, Tresler, Abram, Funke, Vitor, Aulx, Astor, Umlar, Wolcraft

Larraq's last communication had been riddled with pointless ravings; she'd cut it off some point before the end. "We won't be getting anything out of that di'kutla hutuun," Ali said absentmindedly to Astor and Wolcraft. Astor shook his head. "Did you expect anything?" Ali frowned, "Not much, but apparently 'not much' was too much. I've known my people to be stubborn, but rarely stupid. With the Sith leaving us be for now, the Senate will push for us to take Mandalore in retribution; and that's not something I'm willing to do. Mandalore is my home, and it deserves to remain unfettered by extraneous ownership." Wolcraft scoffed, "They clearly came here looking for a fight, Commander. Peace was never their goal. I can't say much about this new buckethead, but with Garon gone, the whole leadership's gone to osik." Ali shook her head, "It's not just him though...something else is at work here." Ali glanced down at her datapad as she hadn't yet donned her buy'ce. She had a text-based message waiting from Senator Organa. She opened it and frowned; the woman was uninformed. Ali kept her reply simple; ::We will destroy them.:: She sent the message and checked the blue force tracker app on her 'pad marking all the locations of the Republic units in the station. Immediately she noticed several markers that shouldn't be there, and that shouldn't exist at all.
"Get a move on, boys," Ali muttered, signalling to a platoon of Republic soldiers awaiting down the hall. "We've got clones." Astor and Wolcraft glanced at each other with dark looks on their faces, then turned and followed Ali back down the hallway in a general eastward direction across the station. As the Commander donned her helmet, so did they. ::What are we tracking?:: Astor asked. Ali answered swiftly, as if she'd been waiting for them to ask. ::A unit designation registered to Kiera Ticon is pinging here outside one of the hangars. She was in command of a clone unit when the Prime Minister went feck-all crazy. I'm going to arrest her and drag her shebs back here in binders.:: Astor and Wolcraft exchanged looks, but kept in pace with the Commander, the platoon trailing just behind.

[member=Captain Larraq] | [member=Faith Balor-Organa] | [member=Keira Ticon]
Location: Nickel One
Objective: See what the new generation is made of
Allies: The Mandalorians, in theory more than practice
Enemies: [member="Barrien Siegfried"] and other Republic forces
Gear: Hands of the Master, Gourd of Doom (full of mulled wine), Flash-bangs (6), Thermal detonators (5), a packet of vending machine cookies, a straw hat, and his silk robes.

Vorhi sighed. It didn't seem to be reproach for the man in front of him or for the situation. No, the sigh was fueled by something else. Like someone who'd been holding his breath for too long. It was about time he got back in the galaxy, after all. Low profiles were no use anymore.

He chuckled slightly at the man. "You are correct. A battle is coming. The outcome has yet to be determined, however," he said calmly. "I am afraid that I am here to test you, with force. My reasons are my own." He bowed gently. "However, I don't believe I've introduced myself yet, and have no sense in defeating a stranger. My name is Vorhi Alestrani. My quarrel with you is simple. I desire to see what the Republic is capable of, in this time. I would have you prove to me that the training you have undergone is of consequence, and has done good."

He looked to the man. He then nodded to several others, men in green robes not unlike his. "See to the evacuees. Civilians should not be harmed in this," he said sternly, before returning his attention to the man in the titanium helmet. "My men will aid in the evacuation. You, however, will have to deal with me." His hat still concealed his blindfolded face. For a man grabbing a bull by the horns, he was definitely doing it quietly as possible.

A wide grin came under the hat. "If you would rather use words than a weapon to begin your first move, so be it. Move me with words, then. We shall see if the Force desires such a simple conclusion," he said, his arms still folded in his sleeves, concealing any real movement of note. "The truth is that I wish to perceive a bit about you, and about the Republic, and about the Force as it is moving through the galaxy. Humor an old fool," he said with a chuckle.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Nickel One, front door to the Mando Quarter, sitting on a folding chair
Enemies: [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] ish, guarded by [member="Ordo"]
Allies: No PCs nearby
Objective: Talk, keep breathing

Senator Organa-

I've informed the Fleet you're inbound and requested that you be left alone.

In the meantime, brace yourself for potential decompression. I'm getting word that Republic troops are attempting to fortify ingress points against Mandalorians, and vent to vacuum what they can't control. Obviously the Mandalorian soldiers are fine - you know as well as I do that standard aliit'gam has an air supply. But the most strongly Mandalorian-held hangars and such are in the Mando Quarter. I'm currently guarding the Quarter's front door, and the Mandalorian noncombatants inside. Other Mandalorian forces are attempting to fortify the Mando Quarter's atmospheric controls station.

If apparent field control of atmospheric pressure, and what may turn out to be a blanket authorization, lead to a single Mandalorian civilian death, there will be consequences. I condemn these tactics in the strongest possible terms. This is the largest city in the system. Decompression tactics will incur civilian casualties, regardless of evacuation measures.

So keep your bucket on, or risk your own people taking you for a Mandalorian noncombatant and spacing you.


Senate Meeting
This is occurring during the invasion. It is to discuss the events surrounding the attempts to seize non- Republic corporate assets in Roche. The meeting will not affect the events nor outcome of the invasion itself. It is provided as an avenue of RP for those who write a Senate character. Tag me if you would like to be added here.


Senate Meeting Posting Template
Location: Chazwa
Senators: [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]| @Danger Arceneau | [member="Khyros Sunblade"] |

The svelte Zeltron beside Danger would murmur quietly into her ear wig. It was connected to one Danger had herself.

"This is Senator Khyros Sunblade of Arkania." Aeri Vyn would relay to the Queen of Trade, who then would extend her hand towards the senator in greeting.

"Senator Sunblade." Her throaty voice would pour over like thick Alderanian honey. Cordial and pleasant, but there was a distinct aura of focus radiating from the full figured woman.

"One wishes to have meet in another pleasant circumstance." Danger was polite, a Sabaac face set into a friendly demeanor of a perfect hostess. Already, the other Senators were starting to congregate upon their booths. Order would be called momentarily.

"None the less, it is a pleasure." she smiled, her green eyes bearing upon the Arkanian. It was strange and yet surreal. If anyone had told Danger that she would be meeting with the Senate of the Republic in less than a week, she would have laughed. Her time had been spent with her new fiance, focusing on their time together. It hand not been her intention at all to deter that.

Her handshake would be firm, while a slowly glowing ring on her left hand would stir the eyes. They were two perfect Sun Stones set on blackened aurodium and polished electrum. Their light absorbing capabilities muted to make it into a pleasant glow reminiscent of the setting Twin Suns.

Aeri would lean forward, encouraging her to move to her assigned pod for this meeting. Danger gave a nod, "Forgive me, but it appears we are being summoned to our stations."
Location: Shuttle heading too The Central Hub
Allies: Mandalorians and their Superior Training and Equipment!
Enemies: [member="Valkren Calderon"] and the rest of the republics, with their inferior training and equipment
Equipment: see bio

The pilot put on load speaker the message by some one by the name of [member="Ali Hadrix"] on the republic side, at the end they where all laughing at the idea the republic was some how superior to them. Then the fleet commander gave his response, he almost sound like he was in stitches when he said it. Then [member="Captain Larraq"] gave the order to attack in his reply. Then the convoy of shuttles and fighters as well as the war droids, hit the accelerator to force a landing in central hub.

The war droids got their first with their mandalorian pilots, intent on making a breech head for bulk of the mandalorian forces. Soon after her shuttle ploughed into the hanger bay, she and the rest of mandalorian on her shuttle ran out, firing their blasters as they poured into the hanger bay. As she came out of the shuttle, she saw a republic soldier with heavy blaster rifle, it only took her a split second to put one shot between his eyes. After a brief but furious fire fight, the hanger bay was secure. A mandalorian medical shuttle then docked, to help their wounded as her and the rest the mandalorian warriors began spreading out to seize control of this asteroid. Her blood was pumping red hot, and she had the biggest grin ever under her helmet. She was now killed in the battle, and was ready for anything. As she began to rush down the corridors, blasting at them as she turned a corner, hoping the republic was just around it.....
Location: ANS Stalwart Sword, Roche Asteroids
Timeframe: During Invasion
Republic Tags: [member="gir quee"], [member="reshmar"], [member="ali hadrix"]
Mando Tags: [member="captain larraq"]
-ANS Stalwart Sword
-ANS Unbreakable Ward
-ANS Unspeakable Word

"No response to your message, ma'am. We are showing that is has been received by both systems." The communications officer finished just as Ali Hadrix began to speak.

Ali Hadrix said:
"To any and all Mandalorian forces in the system, you are asked to return to your vessels and leave Republic space. The usurper government lead by the traitor Genevieve Lasedri has been confronted by the Republic Senate and Military and halted. Your holdings and investments are in no danger, and our government recognizes your rights as business-persons and a people. Your existing contracts will be honored without alteration, hesitation, or otherwise. However, initiating hostilities against us when you ought to be helping us eradicate this clone threat would be foolish. You cannot win a war with us. We are better equipped than you. We are better trained than you. We are more organized. And we have the Jedi on our side. Do not start what you cannot finish, and let it be known now, that there is absolutely no reason to initiate hostilities of any kind against a government and a people that seek only to be your ally. I urge you to make contact with us in order to discuss this misinterpretation of events. The Republic has no conflict with the Mandalorian people and we would rather help you drive the Primeval back into the edges of the Galaxy than take arms against you."
As she listened to the words of the Republic's Supreme Commander, Abigail's face became more and more stony. The command center became eerily silent, no one speaking or typing, no one even daring to move or breathe. The communication line to the bridge was equally silent, they all knew what had just happened, the gauntlet had not just been dropped, it had been slapped into the Mandalorians' faces from a hyper velocity cannon.

"She can't have just said that...she's the Republics number one person in charge of the military, she can't be that stu..."

"Stow it Captain." Abigails response was a bit harsher than she had intended it to be, but her mind was racing. The Supreme Commander had just doomed this system to battle. She cleared her throat and continued. "Comm, do we have a record of what was just said?" The comm officer checked his screens, then looked back and nodded. "Save a copy of it into an outgoing message, recipients should be the Republic Senate and the Alliance triumvirate." She took a deep breath and paused a bit, this next part was going to need to be carefully worded.

"Ma'am, I'm listening in on the Republic command net. I wasn't paying it much attention before but..." The communications officer was interrupted by the channel opening from the Mandalorian side.

Captain Larraq said:
As the chorus of laughter finally died down, Larraq somehow managed to catch his breath and stand upright once again. "Woman." Larraq said aloud, knowing that it would be broadcast to the entire system. "I don't know who you are, but you just insulted the entirety of the Mando'ade. On the honor of my people, it is my duty to inform you that you have just declared war on Manda'yaim." Straitening himself, Larraq's eyes went cold and his features flattened. The mirth of the moments before were gone from him. "On behalf of my people, I accept your terms. The total destruction of every Republic asset from here to your capital, or your head on a pike. Until one of those two conditions is achieved, the Republic will not know peace."
"These people are dead set on fighting each other...neither is trying for a peaceful solution..." The flag captain said from the bridge. Abigail couldn't help but agree. Instead of voicing such, she turned to her communications officer and nodded. "You were saying, comms?"

"Ma'am, the Republic Commander has given order to the Republic troops. They are to take what positions they can..." The communications officer's face had gone pale. "...then space the sections held by Mandalorian forces..."

"Do you have that order going out in her own voice?" She asked as she stood from her command couch and walked back to the holographic tank.

"No ma'am, but it is being passed along channels with her authorization codes attached."

"She has to know that anyone attacked a space station or asteroid would be in sealed suits..." Abigail held up her hand to stall the captain from saying more.

"Comms, attach a copy of all orders originating with her authorization codes to the previous message." The comm officer tapped furiously away at his console, then turned and nodded to the Commodore. "Alright, record the following from my pickup" She said as she sat back down in her command couch, then turned to look directly into the pickup.

[member="khyros sunblade"], [member="faith balor-organa"], [member="lady kay"], [member="vaudin miir"], [member="danger arceneau"], [member="coren starchaser"], [member="jacen voidstalker"]

"My name is Abigail Selonna, I am a Commodore with the Galactic Alliance and Omega Pyre. This message is being sent to the Republic Senate and the Alliance Triumvirate simultaneously. Attached to my message are transcripts and recordings from the lead up to a battle that I am assume we are fighting as you listen to this. I do not know who or how many will survive, but I would like to place this in the record of what happened here, in case none of my ships make it." Heads around the command center turned to her slowly, then turned back to their stations, grim faced. "In the position of ranking Galactic Alliance commander in system, it is my duty to charge that the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Republic has been derelict in her duty to preserve the lives of Republic citizens on this day, reflected in both her orders to Republic forces and her exchange with the Mandalorian commander. In the interim, and in respect for the friendship between my government and yours, I am ordering my ships to defend Republic space from this invasion." After a pause she stopped the recording, then looked into each face around her command center. Each person understood her reasoning, even if they didn't agree with it. They were all professionals.

"Comms, shunt a copy of that into our black box, then send to Chazwa and Sullust on secure channels." The urge to have it be sent without encryption was there, but it was petty and would not assist in the defense of the system. She took a deep breath as the comm officer nodded that the messages had been sent. She took one more deep breath, before committing them to battle. "Tactical, sound general quarters through our fleet, spin up firing solutions on the Mandalorian command ship. Captain, reorient us so our main guns are aimed at the Mandalorian command ship." So much had been talking up until this point, but those last two sentences committed her and her people to the battle. She was assuming that the Mandalorians would know what she was intending, but as she had already charged the Republic Commander with dereliction of duty, she'd do as much of this by the book as possible. "Comms, open a line to the Mandalorian command ship again."


"Mandalorian Commander, this is Commodore Abigail Selonna of the Galactic Alliance. This is your final warning to cease and desist combat operations against the Republic station Nickel One. If you persist, we will take you under fire..." She paused for a breath, then continued. "Commander, believe me when I say that no one is going to win if this comes to battle."

She left the channel open, but looked at tactical. The woman manning the station nodded. She had received the order.

[member="captain larraq"]

Summary of Actions
Accused Supreme Commander Ali Hadrix of dereliction of duty in a communique to the Republic Senate and Alliance Triumvirate.
Attained a firing solution on Mandalorian warships
Made a final attempt to make the Mandalorian commander see reason


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Chazwa
Senators: [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Khyros Sunblade"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Kay bowed her head to Danger as she arrived with her assistant, also to Khyros. "Senator Sunblade, Lady Danger, thank you for coming on such short notice. Some of the pods aren't working after the attack and some of the Senators had been called back to their worlds. Those of us that are here can speak on the floor."

She turned to the hundred or so Senators in the damaged hall, some in their pods, but most were not. "What happened with our former Prime Minister is a travesty. Her attempts at seizing company assets is not something that had been sanctioned by the rest of the Republic. A free market is vital for successful trade and growing economies. We, the Senate of the true Republic, denounce the former Prime Minister's actions. She has gone rogue and she no longer represents us. Anything seized by her would be returned as soon as she's in custody. I hope that the business leaders agree with us and will continue to do business with us."
Senate Meeting
Location: Chazwa
Senators: [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"] |

Jack Sparrow, senator from Kashyyyk, took a seat in his box and looked out over the gathering crowd, offering a nod, a smile, a wave, or a snub where needed. It was a strange and difficult time now within the Republic. Jack had nominated himself to be the new Supreme Chancellor, opposing only Faith Balor-Organa, who Jack didn't think wanted the position anyway. He knew how he was viewed by the Senate as a whole: a wastrel, a rogue, a man who took nothing seriously and would likely bring the Republic to ruin, or at least sell it out to the highest bidder, as if the actual voting body of the Senate didn't exist or the office of Supreme Chancellor granted some god-like power over its collected planets. Jack refused to let any of that bother him. His conscience was clear. Actually, that was a lie he didn't even tell himself. His conscience was a dark and cloudy place, full of contradictions and justifications and a morality more flexible than a dancing girl in a Hutt's palace. But he could live with that. Kashyyyk had provided a focus, and surpsiringly (to himself perhaps most of all) Jack had found himself as adept at navigating the treacherous waters of politics as he had the business of profiteering by way of piracy.

The business of the Mandalorian problem on Roche was on the docket now, as evidenced by Senator Kay-Larr's opening statement. Jack had been briefed on the flight to the Senate, and now called up the relevant data on the screen before him. He sighed. "Nudity," he said to himself. "Nudity is better than war. Leads to all sorts of fun things." Not something they're likely to take into consideration, he thought. Better table that idea for now.

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