Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Capitalist with a Gun: Mandalorian Invasion of Roche (Mando vs Republic)

Mere hours had passed since Rygel Larraq had found himself awoken from his drunken stupor. An attendant had urged him awake with whispers of unrest within the Republic. Stories of Republic fleets and clone armies raiding corporate assets throughout the little that remained of the once vast Republic.

Geneviève Lasedri said:
State of emergency: Corporatism had threatened the Republic to trigger all of this. Garter was relocated and investigations into the dealings of Spaarti would be initiated, though there would not be much change to the order of things besides a jumbling of management. The clone armies had been provided free of charge as any good Republic citizen would have done for the war effort.

This was no Techno Union. This was a Repulic--working together for the sake of the nation in times of need. Sadly, such values had been lacking for the majority of the past decade. And so Geneviève ordered what she must.

Arceneau Trade Company (and all subsidiaries, including but not limited to: Browncoat Arms & Industrial, Haven Shipyards, and Mara TibX & Fuels) would be seized within hours, small segments of the fleets concentrated in interception and blockade sectors (particularly concentrated around Brentaal IV, though there were some offices and distribution centers found scattered across the Republic worlds) to nab any attempts at escape or to pick up jettisoned technology while ground forces swept into the physical locations. Perhaps there was not much established by the monstrous corporation within Republic territory, but it helped send a message that they were going to have none of that galaxy-spanning corruption.

The mines and production facilities of those companies who abandoned--the likes of Tenloss--were immediately secured by Republic forces and evaluated for recovery to save funds and manpower. They would be refurbished and reopened soon enough to the public workforce and actually put to use, unlike the products that most assuredly sat in factories for years waiting to be purchased because the owner expected all assets to be in high demand because of a single tank so highly touted by self-same owner who, though he may not have been known to be criminal, was criminal enough to have shuttled the Republic into its initial state of decay.

ECHO Esprit was consolidated and integrated into various institutions of the medical and wartime arts. It would not do to have a hypocrite running a business for profit in a revamped infrastructure. Future charge of operations were handed off to a certain albino, however.

Those companies faithful to the Republic's vitality were left alone, but reevaluations were to be made at frequent intervals.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

At the time, it had been a hangover and the whispers of ancient stories that had urged him into action. Once upon a time, an ancient Republic had transformed overnight in a similar set of circumstances. At least, if the old stories and the fragments of data he retrieved from a long buried complex on Wayland could be believed. Either way, things were shifting within the Republic.

Things shifted within the Mandalorian Territories as well. Something was coming. Even Larraq could see that much. Much like the Republic, the United Clans of Mandalore were not the unified force that they had once been. War from without, conflict from within, and a recent loss of communication with outlining systems had left much of the once vast Mandalorian Territories... dark. And with Wayland lost to the Primeval, for however long they continued to hold it, the corporate contracts he and other Mando'ade held at Roche were the last stable supply of Phrik available to the Clans. The stability of that supply could not come into question. Larraq was not entirely sure the Clans could afford it.

So, never one to trust the scwabbling politicians and entitled princes of the Republic, nor the corrupt dictators, murderers, and war criminals that called themselves the Jedi Order, Rygel Larraq had moved into action.

Captain Larraq said:
Rygel Larraq groaned awake from his hangover long enough to listen to the voices of concern that whispered in his ear.

The Republic, copying from the One Sith's playbook, had begun seizing corporate assets from the likes of ATC and Tenloss. Closing his eyes and leaning his head back upon the floor that he was, apparently, sleeping upon, Larraq issued a short and simple order. "Extract the dozen Ja'haatir Ewar Frigates that we had on loan to the Republic. Send [member="Naast'ika Laaran"], a few squadrons of Rekali-class Space Superiority Fighters, and whatever else is needed to get the ships safely back to Mandalorian Territories."

The ships had been on loan to the Republic for quite a while now, as part of an arrangement he had made with the previous Supreme Chancellor, [member="Popo"]. He had been perfectly happy to leave the top of the line Electronic Warfare Frigates in the hands of the Republic in exchange for unrestricted mining rights to Roche, as per the agreement he had made with Popo. But he had no intention of allowing some trumped up Republic Politician to put his assets at risk in a desperate act of idiocy.

Unfortunately for the Republic, however, the Mandalorian Clans had lost their supply of Phrik when they lost Wayland to the Primeval. Which made Larraq's contract with the Republic the sole provider of Phrik for the entire Mandalorian people. "Contact the Alor Council and my sister." Larraq ordered as he begrudgingly opened his eyes and stared into the florescent ceiling. "Tell them our mining rights at Roche are at risk. Hyperion Security and Clan Dem'adas Navy will be moving in to secure our assets from Republic aggression. If the Republic drops a fleet on Roche, we move on the system."

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Popo"], [member="Ostanes"], [member="Ayden Cater"],

Rygel Larraq had called for a meeting of the Alor Council. Not one of particularly high rank, and known to engage in questionable actions, Rygel Larraq did not hold particularly high sway within the Clans. His sister, however, was Alor to the largest naval force within the Clans. And her voice was the one that could summon the council. Each of the numerous Mandalorian Clans were independent of one another. Each was lead by an Alor, and those Alor meet to negotiate the state of their collective territories. They were proud warriors, prone to conflict and violent disagreement. And yet, somehow... be it by the logic of his statements, the conviction of his voice, or the weight of his name... Rygel Larraq had rallied the Clans to his cause. Most of them anyway.

Captain Larraq said:
As the Republic Government dove into totalitarian territories and the corporate leaders of the galaxy rallied themselves in indignation, Rygel Larraq of Mandalore readied himself as the tip of a spear. Before his shuttle had managed to pull itself from Mandalore's atmosphere, Larraq had managed to convince his sister [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], Alor of Clan Dem'adas, to call a meeting of the Alor Council in response to the situation within the Republic and its effects on the Mandalorian Clans.
As Larraq watched the holographic table before him, men and women, Mando'ad all, took to their seats. Each of them in the Beskar'gam that they themselves or a member of their family had made. Proud, noble... each a warrior, a leader, and a father or mother to their clan. Each held the weight of their people upon their shoulders and bore it better than any other, else they would have already been replaced.

Larraq's own image shone in holographic, life size detail from the center of the round table around which the Alor had gathered. As the last Alor took to their seat, Rygel Larraq received his permission to address the council via his sister, Alor of Clan Dem'adas.

"Greetings honored Alor, my Vod." Larraq said, momentarily aware of the stark contrast he made among the council members. Instead of full Beskar'gam, he wore only a flak vest and a reinforced officer's uniform. Even his sister, similarly clad in a reinforced uniform, wore Beskar'gam under her uniform. Whatever impression that contrast made to the members of the council... Each of them knew the name Larraq. Sadly, his was a reputation that preceded itself regardless of his own desires. "As some of you may be aware, the Republic Government is currently in a state of upheaval. Just as the One Sith did so many months ago, the Republic has taken steps to nationalize all corporate assets within their borders. What many of you may not be aware of, is the current economic state of the Mandalorian Territories."

A quick flurry of finger movements upon his datapad summoned forth a map of the galaxy and a list of key resources that the Mandalorians had lost during recent wars and infighting. "Adegen Crystals from Mygeeto, Stygium Crystals from Aeten II, Hibridium Crystals from Garos, Cortosis from Gallos and Obredaan, Ionite from Bandomeer... The clans once had access to a vast wealth of resources. We were one of the richest Territories in the Galaxy, even holding sway over the Banks of Muunilist. And yet now, each of those resources has slipped from out grasp and the Mandalorian Territories are thrust into decline and recession. With the loss of Bastion, Wayland, and Gromas... So too did we lose our supply of Phrik. The only material in the galaxy to rival the strength of Beskar. A material far easier to obtain and forge than Beskar, and a material of far greater quantity than Beskar. And until today, the last remaining source of Phrik for the clans has been the Hyperion Mining contract in the Roche Asteroids."

A brief sigh escaped Larraq as he commanded the view of the galaxy away and replaced it with his own image once again. Beneath his feet, he could feel the shuttle as it pulled further and further from the grasp of Mando'yaim's gravity and rapidly approached the assembling Hyperion Security fleet. "The clans have lost enough." Larraq said flatly as he stared into the holorecorder. "I'm taking everything I have at my disposal and I am going to Roche. In the name of Mando'yaim, I will secure the system or die in the attempt. I'll not see the bureaucrats of the Republic, of all forces in the Galaxy, take a single resource from the Clans. This, I do without regard to the council or its wishes, as is my right as Mando'ade. I do, however, ask for your support. Not once have I failed to win a fight for the clans, and I do not intend to break that record against the Republic of all foes."

His face hard and his eyes cold, Larraq issued his final request. "Lend me the might of your clans. Your ships and your soldiers. And I'll burn everything that dare stand before the Resol'nare."

And so it was that Rygel Larraq found himself on the bridge of the Skira once again. The fleet made available to him was vast. Roughly 100,000 meters of warships had been pledged to his command. The problem was that Rygel Larraq did not have time to wait for them to be rallied. So, while the Alor Council summoned their respective clans and ships were rallied at Manda'yaim, Rygel Larraq took what was available to him and made for Roche. At his disposal were a handful of Clan Dem'adas ships, as well as a few others that had happened to be available at the time. The majority of his spearhead was, ironically, comprised of his own ships. Not only did they bare Hyperion Security and Mandal Hypernautics upon their hulls, but the majority of the ships he wielded were of his own design.

As 20,000 meters of warships dropped from Hyperspace at the edge of the asteroid field, Rygel Larraq stood with both hands cupped around a mug of coffee. He downed the last of it, savoring the taste of it and the effect it had on what remained of his hangover, before placing the mug upon a nearby console. In accordance with his earlier commands, a trio of pings reverberated through the hull of his ship as three nearby Ulur'uur class sensor frigates actively scanned the system. The data from each frigate was relayed to the Skira where the ship's massive H.I.V.E. Processor could make sense of it. Rocks... Mining Outposts... Civilian Transports... Mining Barges... A handful of scattered defenses and... Nickel One. So far, no Republic fleet.

<Good.> Rygel Larraq thought to himself, allowing a moment of relief at the thought that he might not need to be responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands today. "Dreadnoughts; advance towards Nickel One at full speed." Larraq said into the air, numerous crew-members relaying his instructions to the rest of the fleet via encrypted Line of Sight means only. To the rest of the system, the ships would remain silent on their approach. "Escorts; advance at 3/4ths speed, maintaining formation as best you can. All fighter and bomber squadrons... prepare for deployment at my command."

Roche was not foreign land to the Mandalorians. It was the frontier. Individual Mandalorians and Mandalorian Corporations had operated in Roche since the Republic and the now gone Sith Empire had wages war for it. And if the stories were true, the Clans had had dealings with the Verpine long, long before such an event.

So, as a fleet of Mandalorian Warships dropped from Hyperspace at the edge of the asteroid belt, it would quickly become clear to every soldier, civilian, and politician in Roche that something was up. That the vast majority of those ships broadcast Hyperion Security transponders may have stayed a hand or two. After all, Mandal Hypernautics had a contract to operate in the Roche system and the Mandalorian Clans had never been aggressive towards the Verpine. Perhaps the fleet was destined for some distant battlefield? Or perhaps they simply needed to refuel and rearm at Nickel One. Or perhaps the ceasefire between the Mandalorians and the Republic was over?

At the moment, nothing was clear. Other than the fact that Mandal Hypernautics had just dropped a 20,000 meter fleet on Roche without warning. The Verpine Government, the Republic political representatives, the local security forces, Republic Garrison, and the millions of civilians, workers, and contractors that made Roche home would each have to come to their own conclusion.

Rygel Larraq brought a fresh mug of coffee to his lips as he waited to see what those conclusions became.

(OOC Thread Here)
Location: The Deck of The Skira, Headed towards Nickel One
Allies: [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Anija Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Travot Ravenna"] + [member="Cuan Kunn"]

Gear in bio, Kessels Pride, Naval Alit'Gam

Jack was on another Naval Rotation. He worked three months out of the year at the beck and call of the Mandalorian fleet as reservist. This would be his first real battle and his second contribution to the Clans under his name. The Raxis family. His mother had served the Red Legion for a Brief time before being cut down by a Sith Lord. Jack was no different than her, an expert pilot and a loyal citizen of the Clans. Though most of the time he operated alone and belonged to no particular Clan.

Commands began to come through the radio and he stirred, crawling from his small bunk on the Kessels Pride in the hangar. Dak was still sleeping. The commlink was buzzing with chatter.

"All fighter and bomber squadrons... prepare for deployment at my command."

He heard it then. This was it, a war perhaps? A strike? He didn't know, and didn't really care. He was here to do his job. He flipped from his bunk and roused Dak with a few good shakes.

"Up and at 'em kid, the fleets getting into something."

"Ughhh." Dak stirred.

"Up now!"

Dak grudgingly got out of bed as Jack opened the wall locker and began to slip his Naval Aliit'Gam on piece by piece. The last plates slipped into place and he rammed the helmet down over his head, activating the neural link between him and the Pride. The vessel roared to life, and he scrambled to the cockpit, strapping into his harness in a swift motion. Dak followed, warming up the thrusters. Across the deck teams scrambled to unhook the fleets fighters from the fuel lines.

"Looks like the whole squadrons going out."

"Yep, we're flying cover for the bombers. Get those cannons hot, warm up shields."

"Sure thing skip."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

The so-called Mando Quarter was the region of Nickel One where Mandalorians had lived for well over a thousand years, if records could be believed. Ember had been here on Clan business -- minus bodyguards or starships apart from a personal shuttle -- when he'd received word that Larraq was moving on the Roche system. At a guess, Nickel One was about to become a dangerous place to be a Mandalorian, and there were many non-combatants here. He had his own thoughts about the morass of decisions that had led the Republic and the Mandalorians to this point. Those thoughts, informed by his long history with the Mandalorians and the Jedi, had led him to pull up a small folding chair in front of the main blast door that led into the Mando Quarter. He wore his armour, and his lightsabre at his hip, but was otherwise unarmed. As he sat there, barring the way to the Mando Quarter, he tapped out a message on a communications pad.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Senator Organa,

We spoke very recently about possibilities. As I'm sure you're aware, events are unfolding in the Roche system. I'm currently on the asteroid Nickel One. We should probably talk.

Field Marshal Rekali

He sat back, chair creaking under his weight, and thought about the Jedi. He'd served on the Council once, and he was the landlord of the Jedi Academy on Yavin Four, the guarantor of its security against Sith fleets and so forth. The events of the last couple of days had saddened and irritated him. He and others had put in a great deal of work towards re-unifying the Jedi. This could all too easily spiral in a direction that benefited only the Sith, and he had lost far too much to the Sith for that endgame to be acceptable. If the Republic had taken the time to undo the damage their Prime Minister had caused -- but should-have-beens had no place in a situation like this.

He tapped out another message, this one to Clan Rekali. He made doubly sure it went to his impetuous daughter, [member="Aaralyn Rekali"].

I'm on Nickel One, keeping the Mando Quarter's noncombatants safe. Will attempt a dialogue through back channels. Nobody is entirely in the right here, but family is family. Burn as few bridges as possible.


He was, he realized, immensely sore. The pain meds and some Force healing hadn't done a ton for him on the shuttle ride here. He'd recently wiped the floor with a fellow Clan Father, to use the term loosely, and he'd nearly dislocated his left arm in the process. His right, under the armour, had mild burns from elbow to shoulder. Perhaps most crucially, the wide-angle stunner in his right gauntlet was broken. If he had to fight, today wouldn't end well.
Location: Entering Roche
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Oddball"]
Objective: Keep the space over Roche clear of enemy starfighters​
"Angel One, successful reversion. Moving to screen."

Comm chatter was the norm in this type of engagement, but Betna had gotten used to filtering it out and picking up what he felt was important. With the Mandalorian fleet emerging from hyperspace and landing in the Roche system, the silence broke into chatter waves as ships acknowledged successfully arriving and orders were exchanged.

Operating independently, Betna had the luxury of acting on his own volition when and where needed. A single starfighter may not win the battle, but it could tip the scales in the small tussles leading up to a victory or a defeat. Enough tussles won and the scales begin to tip one way or the other. He knew he couldn't single handedly influence the fight, but with each enemy ship downed or friendly ship saved the odds of success were that much higher.

"Angel One going incognito and moving to hunt, over and out."

And with that, Betna engaged the stygium cloak on his personal starfighter and disappeared from all but the most advanced and specialized sensors. Toss in the Ysalimir in the nutrient harness in the space behind his seat, strapped down securely, and not even a Force User could spot him when cloaked, especially in the emptiness of space.

He kept pace with the fleet, but kept a lookout both by eye and by sensors. Sure, he couldn't pick out anything else showing up doing the same thing he was doing, but sometimes you might just pick out something - a shimmer, a dust or ion cloud disturbed, maybe even something colliding with small space debris - if you were alert, and lucky, enough.
Location: Hanger Bay
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Captain Larraq"]

Katalyn was in the hanger bay, with a lot of other mandalorians. This was the invasion force, she was going to be in it. Her guns where clean and ready, she had her grenades and her belt. Her lizard strapped to her back, so it would not killed by her jet pack. She had her knife in her boot, and the glorious deaths of many republicans on her mind. This was her first taste of war, hunting she done, killing she had done. War how ever she been told war was hole new ball game, and one she was eager to learn it. She sat down on create of grenades, and began to polish her helmet wondering who would be her first kill of day. Her blood was running hot with anticipation, she not been this excited since her trials at age of thirteen.
Location: Nickel One
Allies: [member="Abigail Kallisto"] | [member="Mirshko Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]
Objective: Purge
Equipment: Signature​

Shaadlar-Type Troopships landed in the bay of the Mandalorian sector of Roche, spilling out soldiers, war machines, droids and the like into the massive asteroid. One of the ships disgorged black armored warriors bearing the Dragon of Alit'Vereen, and the Dragon of Mandalore followed them down the boarding ramps with a cool collected gait. He was just walking on the beginning of a lovely day, with much more excitement to follow. His senses expanded to the edge of his precise range, enveloping a large portion of the Asteroid they stood on. "Come on Abigail. Stay with the pack and don't get separated." It was her first battle, and it was something Darth Vulkan, Dragon of Carnage was anxious about. He didn't know if she was capable of fighting well enough to be trusted beside him in battle, the wound in his chest still tweaked every now and then. And his instincts to protect his beloved daughter remained, even if he was not her beloved father, and she wasn't really his daughter anymore with that thing inside her.

Vulkan cracked his neck and waved a hand at the small group that would be accompanying them. "Stay with the support group, sweetie. Nalya morut'yc ad'ika be ner." He said quietly leaning over the small teenage girl for a moment. He stood to his full height and barked out, "OYA DRAHR BE MANDA'YAIM!" at the warriors leaving the troopship. War had come to Roche at long last.

"OYA!" The cry went up like wolves howling at a moon, and the warriors like hounds charged forth. The small group with Darth Vulkan, with Abigail and Mirshko in tow, moved quickly into the corridors leading deeper into the asteroid, sixteen shields up front, eight blasters and slugs behind them, and then a four of each bringing up the rear. Each warrior was armed to the teeth, an Aliit'drahr warrior hand picked to escort the Drahr'buir and his child into battle.

Vulkan currently wielded his axe Drahr'edee and his Dinu'ul, holding the front line with the shield group, prepared to use his wrist weapons to disrupt enemy groups. No doubt once he found an opponent, Vulkan would prowl from the relative safety of locked shields and thirty beskar armored bodies, but first he had to churn through the locusts. It was time to be known.
Location: Nickel One
Allies: Galactic Republic | Verpine Government | Civilians
Enemies: [member=Lisette Kuhn], Mandalorians
Objective: Communicate with Mandalorian leadership
Equipment: Profile

Ali glanced at the holographic display as Mandalorian vessels began landing within Nickel One and disgorging troops. The bulk of the Republic fleet sent to defend Roche would arrive soon. Ali had arrived only hours before after whispers from the Mandalorian military and government had reached her ears. The Clans hadn't taken too kindly to Genevieve Lasedri's attempts to nationalize a swath of Republic-aligned corporations, and it seemed they had arrived to secure their phrik supply. Ali hoped to meet or at least speak with Mandalorian leadership in order to assure them their supplies were not in danger of being disrupted, and that the Republic would honor the contracts previously made with Supreme Chancellor Popo as they had been written.
Ali stood with the Verpine government leadership with Nickel One, waiting for the Mandalorian fleet to make their approach. If the Mando'ade insisted on hostilities, Ali's fleets would be arriving just in time, and their armies had taken up defensive residence within the tunnels and hallways of Nickel One. The station's own defenses were prepared for use if necessary. Ali hoped it wasn't. Along the surface of many asteroids, including Nickel One, anti-aircraft turrets, artillery cannons for attacking warships, and even Republic MAT-TE walkers were clustered in the vacuum of space, awaiting the possibility of conflict. All was silent, all were hidden. For now.

Ali identified and marked the lead Mandalorian warship as it came into comms range, targeting the vessel on open channels. The Supreme Commander wasn't sure if she ought to introduce herself by name and title. If it were known the Galactic Republic's highest military leader was present in the system, it would certainly tip the Mandalorians off that they were prepared for the invasion. Ali preferred to keep them on their toes and remain unaware of the armies awaiting them unless absolutely necessary. She signaled the Verpine representative over to her side. "Introduce yourself and ask them what they need." Ali instructed the lanky Verpine, who chittered their response. Ali nodded and stepped out of the way, giving the comm over to the Verpine. Their verbal expression of Basic was filled with many intermittent clicks and chitters as they activated the mic and spoke. ::Mandalorian leadership, this is Kol'k Ota, a foreign representative to the Verpine people. We have detected a rather large and militarized presence in the system and within Nickel One. We are curious what your needs might be.::
Ota leaned away from the terminal as they awaited a response. Ali kept her eyes on the starfleet that had entered their space and glanced back at the positions of their own hidden ships. Come on...she thought to herself. War with the Mandalorians would end poorly for both civilizations. Answer, she silently begged. Don't let this go any further.

[member=Captain Larraq] | [member=Tralik U'rik] | [member=Lisette Kuhn]

Senate Meeting
This is occurring during the invasion. It is to discuss the events surrounding the attempts to seize non- Republic corporate assets in Roche. The meeting will not affect the events nor outcome of the invasion itself. It is provided as an avenue of RP for those who write a Senate character. Tag me if you would like to be added here.


Senate Meeting Posting Template
Location: Chazwa
Senators: [member="Vaudin Miir"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]| @Danger Arceneau

Normally, Danger wouldn't have dreamed to cross into the threshold of the Galactic Republic Senate building. Her corporate type normally left that to the lobbyists. This time, however, it required a personal touch.

With the words from [member="Aldiel D'Lessio"] encouraging her with the strength to do what came next, Danger's heels would clip a tattoo up towards where she had been assigned to speak.

She had pondered exactly how to get about an audience, but Senator Organa's message had made that easier.

Faith Balor-Organa said:
"Citizens of the Republic, I am Minister Faith Organa. In the last few weeks our great Republic has once again come under the thumb of a tyrant. A tyrant that for years has worn the face of a friend, a defender, and a leader. History has once again repeated itself upon us and we like our ancestors must now stand up to fight and gain back what is slowly being taken away from us...

I urge all companies targeted by the traitor to have faith in the military, and the system of justice work."

While she couldn't make it personally to Colla IV, she could at Chazwa in the wake of the clone war insurgency. A bit of a bold move while things were still chaotic, but it had to be done.

The sooner this matter got settled the better. The Corporate Alliance was focused on humanitarian aide and the neutralization of the Clone Army by way of their loyalty chip. With Spaarti Creations under her temporary control while Patricia was at large, it meant that Danger would ensure any current Republic Clone Army program would get shut down.

Everything from here on out was critical - no vital - to not only the free market but to the collective reputation of the Corporate Entity. It was a measure towards finding a measure of fair reimbursement, representation, and justice for the victims of the Radical nationalism.
Location: Roche Asteroid Fields
Allies: [member="Jack Raxis"] | [member="Captain Larraq"]
Enemies: [member="Travot Ravenna"] + [member="Cuan Kunn"]
Gear/Vehicle: Gear and Vehicle linked in sig or found in bio
NPCs: Bes'uliik Traat'aliite x12

Roche. She, along with many others had heard what the Republic had tried to do with company assets in the Roche system. While not all MAndalorians would agree, Anija felt they had to protect their contract and investment, especially seeing as they had lost contact with a great many of their mining worlds - which included Wayland and now Aeten II. Aeten II had been the Mandalorians primary source for the Phrik, and with it cut off, this was their only remaining source. One which they would protect at all costs.

She was no stranger to war. Not in the least. She'd been at Telos, at Empress Teta... and Wayland. Wayland had changed everything. Perhaps it was that event which had started the cascade of events that followed. She wasn't sure, and right now, it didn't mater. She had a job to do. As Larraq's voice echoed through the corridors and from the commlinks of every person aboard, Anija bolted to her feet. She had long since settled into a routine when she was on a deployment, and she wasn't about to swerve from it.

Armored footsteps echoed off the deckplates as pilots and technicians alike scrambled to their stations. The sound alone sent a rush of adrenaline coursing through her. Ducking out of the pilot's ready room - which ley just off to one side of the main hangar - she checked the seals on her armor before giving her helmet a firm tap on the top, and then a tug at the neck seal. Both were solid. As she moved across the deck towards her bes'uliik, ANNE began working through a readiness check of the systems installed in Anija's beskar'gam. Over the seconds it took her to move from the ready room entrace to the egress ladder of her fighter, each light flickered from yellow to green in the corner of her HUD.

At the same time, ANNE had begun to remotely work through the Pre-flight for her Bes'uliik. By the time she dropped into pilot's chair, the last of the ready lights flickered over from yellow to green. Grinning to herself, she flicked over to the flight control channel. "Angel Two, you a cleared for launch. Good hunting." Anija double clicked her comm in response, and felt the low rumble through the frame of her starfighter from the idling engines of 12 other Bes'uliike. As she waiting for each of her pilots to check-in, she commed Jack Raxis. "Raxis. Field Mrshal Betna. I'll be launching with a squad of Bes'uliike shortly. Form up with them, and we'll start a patrol pattern." As she spoke, each of the ready indicators for her squadron flickered to green. "Tsikala Squadron. Launch! Form up on Kessel's Pride."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Location: Nickel One reactors
Allies: Mandos, [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Elijah Rekali"]
Enemies: Republic, [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Parade Raining

Brrrrruuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... clank...

"Okay, that worked," the former Supreme Chancellor of the Republic said as the power died in the reactors set before him.

He and a platoon or two of Tenloss Security held the reactors of Nickel One. They'd been there since before the Republic's magically conjured army had arrived and, with the blessings of the Verpine leaders of the asteroid, holed up and locked up in the Reactor of the station.

"Good thing we had those plasma cutters," the Hutt continued, gesturing at the tools held by some of the Security troopers.

He'd ordered the actual power lines cut to the only reactor on the station. Sure, many military installations boasted two, maybe even three reactors to prevent the loss of full power, but Nickel One was a civilian station. Sure, it had a backup generator on board, but the main defenses like the turbolasers and flak cannons, even the hangar doors, were hooked up to the main power. All the secondary power would do was power the life support and med bays. Granted, the Republic commander could always shut down power to that to fully power maybe a handful of defensive lasers or a turbolaser or two, but shunting power away from medical facilities and life support left that commander open to problems, both on and off the battlefield.

"Alright, back to positions. We're gonna catch a lot of fire here in the next few minutes. Best we prepare."

And with that, the troopers moved to their prepared defenses, waiting for the inevitable swarm of Republic stormtroo- soldiers to try very, very hard to retake the reactors from a platoon of elite corporate troopers and a beskar plated Hutt-tank.
Location: The Deck of The Skira, Headed towards Nickel One
Allies: [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Anija Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Travot Ravenna"] + [member="Cuan Kunn"]

Gear in bio, Kessels Pride, Naval Alit'Gam


The fighters were gearing up to launch and Jack with them. As the engines whirled through their final checks Jack blasted them to full burn, hand hovering over the break switch. As soon as they were cleared they'd rip out of here. Across the fleet he could squadrons checking off and then heard Anija's familiar voice crackle in his helmet.

"Raxis. Field Marshal Betna. I'll be launching with a squad of Bes'uliike shortly. Form up with them, and we'll start a patrol pattern."

He heard the all clear order and the following dialogue and nodded to Dak, slamming the release. Like a bat out of hell the 720 Series Freighter rocketed from the bay, boasting an impressive speed that could match a starfighter. Jacks own touch had made her quite the beauty. The comms were still crackling.

"Dak status on weapons and shields?"

"All hot, whats the move?"

"Redistribute all shields to full coverage. Give us some remade firing solutions and stay sharp kid.

Jack at the controls banked left, flipping the vessel end over end until they came level with the hull of the The Skira, towards the rear end. The fighter wing began forming up behind him, classic wedge formation and he burned forwards, right off the front of the vessel and into the void.

"Angel One, Captain Raxis, starting patrol ahead of the Fleet. Please advise vector correction when necessary."

"You ready kid?"

Dak cracked a grin inside his flight helmet.

"Hell yea Skip!"
Nickel One, Private Lodgings
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vulkan"] | [member="Abigail Kallisto"] | [member="Mirshko Betna"]

He had known tensions were high on the border, known of Mandalorian saber-rattling, but the alarms now ringing throughout Nickel One scarcely seemed to register. Korr grit his jaw until his teeth hurt. He'd come to Roche in the hopes of negotiating on behalf of the Jedi Order, clarifying events, reforging the alliance. Now...

They'd be coming through the Mandalorian section.

Korr opened a closet in his quarters and began to extract his lightsabers and a suit of combat armor. As he donned the armor, he opened a commlink to Roche's security channel. Reports of an enormous Mandalorian fleet were flooding in. Ryan closed his eyes. Lasedri, Ticon... what have you done?

R9-D3 came to life in the corner of the room, processors whirring, beeping and toodling a series of questions.

"They're already here, Ar-Nine. Go, prep the fighter for launch. I'll meet you when I can."

The astromech let out a mournful boop. It wheeled off, leaving Korr alone. He finished lacing on the armor, belted on his equipment and took up his lightsabers. One last look at the room, then he shut off the lights and hurried down the hall.

For the first time in his life, Korr wondered if he was still fighting on the right side.
Location: Nickel One
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] (Direct Communications) | Mando’ade.
Enemies: The shell of the Galactic Republic and [member="Mantic Dorn"].
Objective: Unclear.
Equipment: Signature

It had been some time since she graced the battlefield with her presence. A joking notion – one only to herself obviously. She admitted she enjoyed it from time to time, but these circumstances were ones she least expected. The day had come where she would match up against the Republic, corrupted from within. A day she had feared and even predicted was coming. She warned [member="Corvus Raaf"] long ago that the so called Prime Minister was nothing more than a traitor wearing patriotic colors. She had been ignored – so Aaralyn kept doing what she was supposed to do, what [member="Kiskla Grayson"] bestowed upon her. Aaralyn couldn’t tell what the day would hold, the Force gave her no clear answers – no matter how hard she tried to focus on the future. Everything was clouded by uncertainty, perhaps it was her own uncertainty that was clouding everything. Regardless, she pressed on as she dozens of Mandalorians flooded from the dropships around her. She was calm and quiet, not raising a banner or screaming a battle cry – she was focused.

She was shrouded in the Reborn armor, something of her own design and that had seen much combat. Aaralyn had no reason to hide her presence, she was here for her own reasons. As the warriors would pass, she turned and headed another direction. She received the transmission from [member="Ember Rekali"] and shrugged. There would be no bridges burned today – atleast not by her hand. The Republic would be forced to fire upon her before she would fight them. It was that simple. The Republic was nothing but a shell, so it did require protection – for its own good. She would play the wait and see game, and stroll down the industrial streets of Nickel One. The power would flicker as the generators would be severed from within by the acts of [member="Popo"] and Tenloss Corporation. The lights would shut off and bask the area in an eerie red and soft white.

Aaralyn stopped for a moment, allowing her HUD to adjust to the new lighting situation before pressing forward. She walked alone, separate from the main group for the moment – but she wouldn’t stray too far from the Mandalorian Sector. Her communications link was open directly to Ember, mostly for monitoring purposes should she run into any issues. Regardless of how he might have viewed it, Aaralyn had no desire to run in and make hasty decisions. She was certain there would be a contingent of Republic troopers, maybe even a Jedi or two headed this way for defense. Of course, she would handle it accordingly.
Location: Republic Garrison
Objective: Prepare and rally
Allies: The People's Republic
Enemies: Mandalorians
Invasion gear:
Weapons/Grenades: Equalizer Pulse Rifle, Sith Killer Rounds, Kalso's Revenge thermal detonator, flash bangs, smoke grenades.
Armor/Gear: Exo Suit Olympian armor
NPCs: Unspecified amounts of clone soldiers, more than likely in the upper thousands but strictly background noise for PVP

It was Lusk's turn to lead the QRF on Roche. After the prime ministers orders to seize corporate assets across Republic space came down the pipeline, places like Roche were hardened with plenty of clone soldiers to make sure assets were secured and people were kept safe. The corporate alliance would surly form and do something to retaliate and gaining back phrik just seemed like the most logical thing to do. So on his shift the armored up Clone Commander stared out the window of the garrison at the black void of rock and space that was Roche.

"You alright Lusk?" Another Mantis clone asked the Commander in a concerned but slightly casual voice.

Lusk let out a slight grunt and "oh" as he snapped out of his trance like state to see who was talking to him. Quickly looking back he saw his brother CC-256 designation "Saint" and gave a slight grin from beneath his visor.

"I was just thinking, about our father." Lusk said as his head turned back to gaze at the cosmos.

"What about him?" Saint responded back.

"Do you think he'd be proud of us? Of all that we've done? We were made to fight the Sith, to beat back the darkness. Now look at us, we are on some asteroid field defending it from corporate fighters. How did things get this way, you know?" Lusk said as he put a hand on the glass.

"Lusk, we are soldiers. We are given orders and we follow them, I think that father would be proud of us no matter what. As long as we find glory in honorable combat then our purpose is fulfilled." Saint said as he joined Lusk to gaze out at space.

"We have a choice though Saint, you know our younger siblings don't. We may be her soldiers, but our younger brothers and sisters are her slaves. I had to kill ten unarmed imperials in front of the galaxy to keep the blood off their hands. I had to cover their eyes because I wasn't strong enough to look into them while I did it, is that glorious combat Saint? Is that $&@#ing honor?" Lusk said with some pain in his voice as his hand turned to a fist.

"Lusk I'm sorry about what happened, but you did the right thing. They would of never lived gunning down innocent imperials, you did what you had to. Father would understand." Saint said as he put a gentle hand on Lusk's shoulder.

"Yeah... maybe. I just don't know anymore Saint, I really just don't know." Lusk said as he stared down to the floor and shook his head slowly.

Incoming ships!! I repeat incoming ships! Potential Hostiles Approaching!!

"Mobilize the other men Saint! I'll get QRF going! Move!!" And just like that, war had come to Roche.

As Lusk began to run down the hallways, ship after ship began to boom out of hyperspace, one by one until a fleet of warships could be seen off in the horizon. But what caused Lusk to stop running and stare was what the ships were. He had been expecting corporate fleets, mercenaries, corporate soldiers, but not this. The ships bared the flag of Mandalore, they bared the flags of their fathers.

"No, no this is not happening!" Lusk yelled as he banged an augmented iron fist into the wall, denting it inward with a loud clang.

In clone culture there was a master trainer, the person they saw as their guiding hand to teach them everything. The person who was there for them and trained them when they were children, the clan of thousands of Mandalorian Warriors lead by [member="Vilaz Munin"] he wasn't Preliat. He wasn't their biological father, but the clones loved him like one. They were his students, and although he was a rough and strict trainer they had him and his warriors to thank for everything. They were the perfection of clone soldiers because of him, and no one else. Not Preliat, not Strider, but Vilaz. So with a heavy heart Lusk pulled the fire of battle out of him to prepare his men.

Clones ate, drank, slept, and breathed everything Mandalorian. Their entire training matrix was taught in Mandalorian, they all spoke fluent Mando'a, hell the only reason they spoke basic was because it was flash trained into their brains as the grew in a tank. So whatever the mandos were doing here, it wasn't going to be good. With a foot rounding the hall into the hanger of the garrison the clone force of around two hundred men were up and in formation as soon as the call had gone out.

"Aliit!!!" Lusk said in a high pitched war cry.

"SOLUS!!" The clones rang back in perfect unison.

"Aru'ela Cuyir Olar!! Biai Narir Mhi Motir?!" Lusk yelled to the formation once again.

"SOLUS MHO MOTIR!!" The clones bellowed out into the hanger.

"Meg Narir Mhi Narir!!" Lusk yelled out one last time.

"KYR'AMUR ETID AN!!" and with that the clones were ready for battle.

They were given commands to fall out to various drop ships. Now all Lusk had to do was wait for [member="Dish"] and [member="Keira Ticon"] to show up to lead the clones into battle against their trainers.
Location: Roche
Objective: Rock 'n roll
Allies: [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Oddball"]
Enemies: [member="Arrbi Betna"]

Something had been wrong ever since the executive order had been declared by the Prime Minister and former leader of the Rebellion herself. Juwiela had known it, even if she was stationed on Roche at the time. It was difficult not to receive news of that sort even on an asteroid belt, and she remained tuned in, all the while priming for any possible attacks made by what newfound enemies the Republic had no doubt garnered in this tumultuous time. Among those preparations had been a painting of what fighters had been allotted them with Gletcher, a camouflage designed by the Admiral of the Red Fleet. The Copycat: Sprite devices had also been tuned up, and everything had been declared to be in regular working order.

And, of course, once everything had been given its proper once-over and they were released from that duty, the war they had been preparing for came, and so they were ushered back into the cockpit. It had been comm silence the moment they hit open space, with engines on low thrust, the Rebel fighters more or less drifting through space and being directed only when necessary so as not to collide with each other or an asteroid and any accompanying debris. They were fit for playing the long game, though she had a feeling that once contact was made things would be moving far too quickly for any of their liking. It was only a matter of time now, and she could feel that familiar knot of anticipation twisting in her stomach. Something was going to happen, and soon.

As if in answer to her idle thoughts something caught her attention. Or rather, where something wasn't. The thing about Force Sight, especially how it was utilized intrinsically by the Miraluka, was that it connected an individual to the Force in a way that most average sentients weren't capable of. As a species they practically made a second home in the ethereal with their unique method of perceiving the galaxy, and thus were sensitive to any subtle nuances in its structure. As it happened, something akin to a hole in the Force created by an Ysalamir was a rather noticeable disturbance. Instantly she was alert, studying her surroundings with further scrutiny despite knowing she wouldn't be able to perceive anything tangible.

Only then did she switch on the secure and encrypted communications that connected the pilots. "I've got a potential bogey marked. Invisible to me, which means Ysalamir, and unless you know something I don't, he's not friendly. As it stands we're just as invisible to him as he is to us. Get ready to kick things into gear. This ride's about to get bumpy."
Location: Bridge of Skira-class Battleship "Skira" / Heart of Mandalorian Fleet / Approaching Nickel One
Objective: Do smart things
Allies: Mandalorians and allies,
Enemies: Republic and allies,

EDIT: Post on pause for a moment, pending and in light of edits. Since... the next few steps will set the pace for the entire thread, I figured it best to try and get this part right.

EDIT: Home from work, rewriting post to reflect the edits made in Ali Hadrix's post.

Larraq held the warm mug of coffee to his lips, cupped between both hands. He enjoyed the warmth radiating from the mug as much as he enjoyed the occasional sip.

A loud trio of pings reverberated through the hull once more. The three Ulur'uur class Sensor Frigates surrounded the Skira. One was directly above her, the other two were on her lower port and starboard sides. They formed an equilateral triangle around the Skira. They were positioned around the Skira to provide here three separate points of scan data. It was the same method through which low-tech planets locate earthquake epicenters or operate GPS technology. Three different sensors, located at three different positions, triangulating their collective data to provide pinpoint details of the surrounding space. Each of the three ships focused their attention solely on the collection of data for the Mandalorian fleet. Gravity based sensors, electro-magnetic based sensors, hyperspace sensors... The ships could even detect metalic objects based on their interaction with surrounding electromagnetic fields. They even boasted basic radar, sound-detecting, and radiation-detecting sensors came packed in the 300 meter long frigate. It specialized in one and only one thing. Detection. Specifically, providing the Mandalorian fleet with a constant flow of accurate information about their surroundings.

As the wave of active sensors pulsed through the Roche asteroids, the holographic display at the front of the Skira's bridge updated. Still no sign of a Republic Fleet. Here and there an unusual magnetic or electronic signature marked the location of a static emplacement. Fire control tacticians were busy at work marking each location for future bombardments while navigators plotted paths that avoided the worst of it.
"The system is more heavily defended then last I saw it." Larraq said to his number two. "But there's no sign of Republic forces just yet." Larraq said, indicating the lack of naval contacts on the display. "We may just be able to annex the system peacefully." He was about to issue his next set of orders when a voice echoed through the Skira's bridge speakers.

Ali Hadrix said:
Ali identified and marked the lead Mandalorian warship as it came into comms range, targeting the vessel on open channels. The Supreme Commander wasn't sure if she ought to introduce herself by name and title. If it were known the Galactic Republic's highest military leader was present in the system, it would certainly tip the Mandalorians off that they were prepared for the invasion. Ali preferred to keep them on their toes and remain unaware of the armies awaiting them unless absolutely necessary. She signaled the Verpine representative over to her side. "Introduce yourself and ask them what they need." Ali instructed the lanky Verpine, who chittered their response. Ali nodded and stepped out of the way, giving the comm over to the Verpine. Their verbal expression of Basic was filled with many intermittent clicks and chitters as they activated the mic and spoke. ::Mandalorian leadership, this is Kol'k Ota, a foreign representative to the Verpine people. We have detected a rather large and militarized presence in the system and within Nickel One. We are curious what your needs might be.::
Ota leaned away from the terminal as they awaited a response. Ali kept her eyes on the starfleet that had entered their space and glanced back at the positions of their own hidden ships. Come on...she thought to herself. War with the Mandalorians would end poorly for both civilizations. Answer, she silently begged. Don't let this go any further.

[member=Captain Larraq] | [member=Tralik U'rik]
Larraq listened to the voice and smiled. He could barely recognize the voice's accent as belonging to a member of the Verpine species. "Prepare an open line." Larraq said to a nearby technician. A few seconds later, the technician gave him a thumbs up signal, letting Larraq know that he was now speaking to whomever this 'Kol'k Ota' was... as well as anyone else in the system. "The Mandalorians, as always, have no hostilities towards the Verpine." He said simply. "But the Republic can no longer be trusted to guarantee the safety and neutrality of the Roche system or the Verpine people. Their failing political system is turning against itself and moves have been made to consolidate the rightful properties of corporations and free governments under the control of their political and military leaders. I fear that even now, the Republic moves to bring Roche under thumb through military force." He continued, adding weight to each word. "It is for that reason that the Mandalorian Clans have come. We will annex this system into our protection before the Republic has the opportunity to bring the Verpine people under heel."

With a motion, Larraq had his conversation silenced and returned his attention to his own forces. "Order all Heavy and Interceptor Frigate Groups to break off and move into the asteroid fields. Continue the main force's advance on Nickel One. Launch all fighters and bombers. Move them to escort our frigates, but hold the dropships in reserve for the moment."


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: With Juwiela and Rogue Squadron
Objective: Defend Roche
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: Mandos & [member="Arrbi Betna"]
Stuff: ship camo stuff more camo stuff I don't get

The former Dreadguard and current boyfriend to Rogue Leader was a very odd individual, so odd in fact that he had decided to forgo his specialty of ground combat to join his beloved up in the air with his novice piloting skills. He had been given lessons from Jewel and they had helped he still felt a bit uneasy about the whole thing. So there was only one thing left to do to boost his morale in a hopeless situation like this.

Inside the cockpit the fett clone grabbed what looked to be an old recorder of some kind and plug it into a slot on his x wings console. He took a deep breath as it seemed the entire fate of the galaxy was on his back. Slowly he extended his finger and rested it on a little red button, there was incoming bogies and this was the moment he had trained for. So with a simple push of the button crap just got real.

[media] [/media]​

The power of the Wu bumped in the cockpit and through Oddball filling him with energy and power from the rugged lands of Atrisia.


"Wooooo!!! Let's do this!!" Oddball said into the mic with his tunes playing in the background.

The ship he piloted pulled up with rogue leader and he was set to go. While he preferred the good old ground combat he had recently spent enough time in asteroid fields fighting evil dudes in zero G. The attack on the primeval at Chiloon Rift was enough and he was a hundred percent certain that he'd rather be here in the sky than potentially being crushed or suffocating.

"I mean, uh Rogue eight? I can't remember my name, Oddball reporting in." he said before his mic and tunes cut off for the others.
Location: Modified Champion-class Star Destroyer Obi-Wan Kenobi, Perlemian Trade Route
Allies: [member="Reshmar"] | [member="James Justice"] | [member="Abigail Selonna"]
Enemies: [member="Captain Larraq"]

Admiral Quee stood on the command deck, watching the lines of hyperspace fly past him. He wasn't certain if there was a more monotonous scenery that he could view. Some had found the flowing lines to be soothing, including the late Lord Vader, yet there were other reports of it causing clinical insanity. Gir turned his eyes from the flashing lines of starlight towards his command chair. But perhaps if I too viewed hyperspace for hours at end...I too would go mad...but I don't have time for that...A voice rose up from the dull dim of the bridge crew working ath their stations.


Gir turned his gaze down into the crewpit to find the source of the mellow voice, finally settling on Ensign Gwar. Gir struggled to recall the man's exact rating, but he seemed to be standing in close proximity to the ship's sensor crews. Admiral Quee briefly blinked.

"Yes ensign?"

"Transmission on our hypertransceiver indicates that a large group of Mandal Hypernautics ships have entered the Roche system."

Gir briefly contemplated that revelation with all of the anticipation of a tautaun wondering if it would snow on Hoth. The company's ships weren't exactly uncommon to encounter at Roche. He would in fact be more surprised if Gwar had informed him that there weren't any ships in the Roche Asteroid Belt. Gwar knows this as well, so why is he telling me this? Gir's eyes narrowed.

"Assuming that we're not going to be fighting them over berthing rights, and that you don't have a score to settle with a mandalorian, or the other way around, why are you telling me this?"

"It's just the sheer number of them sir. I've never seen so many of their vessels at one point in time, and they all appear to be warships of some sort."

A frown flickered across the admiral's face. Relations between the clans of mandalorians and the Republic groups were close to all-time lows. Gir had begun to wonder what the state of their strained relationship would be, if it would be repaired, or if it would break. Still, Gir felt it was an unusual move for any foreign power to show up in another power's territory with such an unannounced show of force. It had started wars in the past, and Gir wondered if this was some Mandalorian revanchism of gunboat diplomacy at play. Our arrival there might shatter that's too bad we'll be shipping out in another week to keep hunting the syndicate down...we could probably use some R&R at Roche. Gir shook the prospect from his head. He turned his eyes to the opposite pit on the other side of the command walkway.

"Lieutenant Mantias, get me a line on the hypertransceiver with whoever the Mandalorian Hypernautics convoy commander is."

"Aye sir," quipped the brunette.

"I'll be at my chair," said Gir, striding towards his command chair.

Task Force Obi-Wan Kenobi” (6000 m)

Summary of Actions
Location: Nickel One
Objective: Defend?
Allies: Republic/Jedi
Enemies: [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] / my sister [member="Spencer Jacobs"] in mental questioning when her presence becomes known?
Stuff: See sig, plus double blade and single blade sabers. Helmet, pauldrons, and bracers are simple titanium.

Roche was an interesting predicament. The asteroids had been brought back under Republic control by the Imperial navy, and a Jedi Master's flagship, along with the exploits of some of the most experience and hardened soldiers that the Republic had to offer. It shouldn't have been difficult, but in the upheavel of the loss of Contruum, pirates had managed to take over the yards and facilities, usurping the Republic's control and endangering the life of the Verpine Queen in the process. Most troubling of all had been the noted presence of a Darkside entity and thrall minions.

Fortunately, the Republic had stepped in and rescued the Queen. Commando's and hardened Echani warriors, with the help of some Jedi, had stormed the facilities, rescued the Queen, and chased the darksider away, only to encounter him again on Kashyyyk. Very troubling.

Barrien had come to the asteroids because he was curious about all of this. It was the first place this creature of darkness had made its presence known so he'd come to seek answers to why it had picked a strange place like Roche to do so. The aura of the place didn't give him much to work on. Having had to wait due to other constraints limited his ability to touch into the powers that had flowed here. But he still sought them.

Until he had the sudden feeling that trouble was coming. It was so powerful that he gripped his lance tightly in both hands, taking a few moments to calm his breathing. Nickel One was a civilian station, but it still boasted defenses, and he'd noted the Republic fleet making itself known before, but he'd figured that was due to the strategic location of the asteroids as a likely target for the One Sith to once again cut off the Republic. A deterrent. He hadn't expected it to be arriving before a threat became evident.

That's when the warning klaxons cut in. The loss of main reactor power wasn't going to go unheralded. Why Barrien didn't know exactly what the klaxon meant, he knew that trouble was coming, and that the civilians on Nickel One were now in a dangerous situation, regardless of whether the main reactor was online or not.

"Quickly everyone move to your designated safety areas and await further instructions from your superiors. Remain calm and move in an orderly fashion."

He had a feeling things were going to go south, so the helmet went on. This was going to ruin his chances of delving further into the mystery of the place.
Location: Nickel One
Allies: [member="Popo"], [member=Elijah Rekali]
Enemies: [member=Keira Ticon], [member=Commander Lusk], [member=Dish]
Objective: Purge
-Beskar'gam w/poncho and ysalamir nutrient tube
-Bloodstripe cannon w/ionite shells, cortosis dust shells, anti-blaster aerosol shells, regular slugs, and incendiary slugs
-Fett-Kal knife
-Two anti-force user flashbangs
-Rocket boots
-Two WESTAR 34 pistols
-Two anti-force user fragmentation grenade

Finally, the ancient ceasefire between the Galactic Republic and the Clans of Mandalore was finally lifted off of the shoulders of the Mandalorians after the Clan heads discussed about the daring move of the Republic that caused many corporations to retaliate against the Republic. One of those major corporations belonged to the Mandalorians, Mandal Hypernautics. It was common sense to never interfere with one's money, otherwise there would be blood spilled and debts that would cause one to go bankrupt and be left with nothing. And it was seen that the ignorant administration of Prime Mininster [member=Geneviève Lasedri] didn't seem to know of that. Such an ignorant, incompetent leader that now gave the Republic more trouble than it already had. Perhaps she was the reason why the whole faction was collapsing, but it was clear that she had already brought the Republic to its downfall. Being economically weak was the last thing the Republic needed, yet their previous Prime Minister opened up that door and let all hell lose upon the Republic and its people. And that was what triggered the Mandalorians; it's highly important to note to never mess with the Mandalorians in anything at all.

It was clear that the Republic were already in their grave.

But Vilaz didn't gave a single damn if they were in desperate times or not. He was angry when Mand'alor the Architect agreed to have a ceasefire with the leaders of the Republic during that time period, but at least the Senate begged to Gilamar for mercy. The Redneck enjoyed when people came up to to beg him or to the entire Mando'ade for a favor such as the ceasefire. Made him and the Mandalorians feel superior and feared to their adversaries. In one of the many vessels that Larraq had brought to the Roche Asteroids was the Field Marshal with his right wing, [member=Elijah Rekali] with battalions of Mandalorian Warriors in the hangar. Both men with a squad of Veterans walked to the nearest dropship that would, eventually, drop them off asteroid-side. His buy'ce was off as he was about to enjoy a cigarette that was between his lips, and was lit up with a personal lighter of his. He inhaled the nicotine and tobacco for five seconds after it was lit before he exhaled the chemicals from his mouth.

"Ya ready to kick someone's teeth in, Elijah," Vilaz asked to his vod after they were inside of the dropship.

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