Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can't stay away Long

Faith slowly, smoothly pulled out from under his arm and chin, keeping her eyes on his, her hand on his shoulder as she moved with the practiced and trained grace only a princess could master. "I am sure with a little help we can manage to keep the house intact. I can only do simple, so anything that requires more than turning an oven on will end in ruins. But, if my Princess requires it of her Knight-Errant, I will master the art of gourmet cooking." Draco pushed his chair back a little and turned to face her better, matching her look, melting beneath her smoldering stare.

"I couldn't refuse an offer to snuggle with my Cyar'ika." He blushed just a little. Surely she knew she could own him, mind, body, and soul with such an offer. The warmth of her smile caused his heart to beat just a tad faster, and his only desire for the moment was to lay with her head on his chest, and feel her warmth against him, her skin against his, her heart beat in tune with his. Draco stood slowly, glancing past her back to the bed room, and then back to her with a look of yearning. Yes, snuggling in bed with Faith was about the only thing he wanted out of life right now. "Of course we can retire to bed."

Faith still had secrets, she may not have known, but she did. What did she want from life? Did she want a second family? Was she ready for a family or was this the most she could handle for the time being? Could she get over the loss of her child to raise more? But all of these questions faded from his mind as she pulled the robe from her form, revealing her flawless skin, the curves that were only mildly hidden beneath a layer of silk. Her dark hair falling about her, cast over her shoulder like a lustrous satin waterfall of dark brown, framing the roses of her cheeks.

so will you honor my request?”

His mouth set slightly agape as Draco looked her toe to head, lingering at her eyes. Faith struck the image of a figure primitives would worship as a Goddess of Love and Passion, but she had chosen him, of all people she could have, she chose him. His mind was on other things, far beyond words, but when he snapped back, he could only utter so many words before actions took over. "Feth Yes." He stepped to her quickly, planting a kiss of searing passion on her lips, letting instinct take over for him. His hands found her thighs and squeezed gently, pulling her up and pulling her legs around him so he could carry her back to the bedroom.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[SIZE=12pt]He pulled her into another breathtaking kiss she melted into his arms locked together Draco’s kiss pulled her into other realms. Her bare shoulders, the small of her back. Everywhere his hands went her skin prickled in awareness. He pulled her closer Faith shattered inside the need for snuggling replaced with something more gnawing and demanding.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sometime Later[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She lay within the crook of his arm while the rest of her draped across him possessively, her hand resting on his chest. Whatever power she had over him one thing was for certain it might kill them both.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled sleepily, “So you want to know my secrets, and my ambitions.” She sighed softly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Could she share with him her thoughts ones so intimate that she feared them being used against her? She took a deep breath could she utter the words. She stroked his chest for no reason than to occupy her mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I don’t want to be a Senator forever, and I didn’t want to be a Senator in the first place. Being a Senator is a job where everyone watches for your flaws, your inadequacies to use them to some advantage that you never see coming. It’s worse than war, at least in war you know who the enemy is”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked up at Draco she wanted him to see the pain of the words how what she said affected her, “I had to do something I found distasteful and in having to do it. I realized I am slowly becoming like them. I don’t want to be them” She couldn't lose her soul for a job that was meant to find the worst in people, or for one that slowly took every joy of life away to replace it with cynicism. [/SIZE]

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco lay quietly, his arm holding her close, hand resting gently just below the small of her back, laying claim to her as he watched her head gently rise and fall in time with his breathing, soothing his mind. This, these moments were worth fighting for, on any battlefield. For all his flaws, the atrocities he committed, the wars he fought for nothing else but greed, at least they had brought him to her. It had taken a long time, and there had been a lot of pain and suffering intertwined in their lives, but, at least they had found each other. If there was one good thing that came from all the suffering he had been through and caused, it was that.

Her bright eyes shinning, she looked up at him with a smile and his thoughts faded away, burnt back to the recesses of his mind by her affection. ''Yes, I do." He said is simple affirmation while her eyes rested wearily on his. Her gently stroking of his chest made his skin prickle and his senses flush, causing him to tighten his grip on her just a bit, feeling her heat enter him as they lay skin against skin, half covered by a blanket.

"You aren't like them. You are kind, gentle, humble, and most of all, forgiving. Those are rare qualities in normal men and women. Almost non-existent in senators, but all things are found in abundance within you." He could only speak from his own experience, but assuredly a Princess of Alderaan had not looked so kindly on a Sith Lord from the time of their meeting unless kindness and forgiveness were two things she had in abundance. Draco was set on reassuring her that she wasn't becoming like the others, "Besides," he smiled, "you are also the most beautiful senator too." he arched his neck and leaned up, kissing her on her forehead affectionately.

Draco laid his head back down and cast his eyes up at the ceiling, "What would you do instead of being a Senator? What about a family?" He asked, those were most important to him. He didn't mind her being a Senator, he admired it in fact, the desire to cause change for the better and serve one's people through peaceful means. It wasn't something he was equipped to do, but he could still admire it. But, the thought of a family, he desired that more than anything else, always had. What if she didn't, what if she wouldn't want that?

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[SIZE=12pt]He had this way of making her feel accepted, and even safe. The warmth of his kiss assuring her again of his intention, his emotional bond to her. This was what she needed she grinned as he listed all the things he felt were so good about her. Then he sealed it with a kiss.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You’re biased you know” she lifted herself up to be able to look at him, “my feminine wiles have captivated you and you dare not say anything other than words that make my heart thunder, my blood boil with want, and the unending need to feel you close by.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She lay down upon him, while her hand reached up to brush away any stray strands that framed his face. She then put her head down[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What would you do instead of being a Senator? What about a family?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith sighed, “When I am not a Senator I will be a ruler, a leader it is already decided for me” That was the thing about royal families duty played a key part of their lives. “But. If you would ask if it were my choice what I would do, I have never thought about it.” Faith began to think on it what would she do, she enjoyed many things was there one among them that was of any use to do anything other than this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I will answer the other question, what about a family. It scares me to think of another family, course having a relationship scares me too. I don’t want to face losing someone again, or having a child and losing him. Part of me desperately wants both to feel a baby in my arms again, to see the culmination of love I feel for someone brought forth in a child.” Faith closed her eyes for a moment, “I always wanted a family 2 or 3 kids running around. A husband who not only adored me, but was accepting of my strength and directness.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She frowned just then spread out her arms and hugged Draco for all she had within her. Her voice was tinged with the fear she felt, with how loss had taken root within her thoughts and wants for herself. “I will wake up and find this all gone, that it is a dream and once again I’m alone. If this is not a dream then all I can do is ask a little patience with me while I adjust. I would like a family but I must be rid of the guilt I feel for those no longer here”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Yes guilt for wanting to go one, guilt for letting them go. Guilt that she should want a life rather than to live as one of the dead.[/SIZE]

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco chuckled a bit, quietly as she lay upon him, claiming him. His worries of her leaving him, abandoning him gone, at least for now. Her warmth seeped into him as she lay on top of him. As he looked into her eyes, his heart thundered within his chest, his pace quickening. This was what he wanted, this every day for as long as he could manage it, for as long as Faith was willing. "I am biased, and you have captivated me utterly and completely, but I can still speak the truth." He inhaled deeply as she brushed the hair away from his face, "Besides, I need words to do what you can with but a glance in my direction. The memory of your eyes fills me with the need to see you again, to gaze into your soul. I can do that you know, so when I tell you, you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside, I can see them both clearly."

The gentle rise and fall of his chest with her atop him, his heart beating heavily, thumping away at her touch. "A ruler. As a queen or a princess or a senator, all of them need a pair of arms to run to at the end of the day to hold them tight and let them know they are not alone. That is what I will be for you." Her birth left her with few real choices he supposed, where as his upbringing left him with infinite choices, but all of them required sacrifice and effort that many people lacked. If she would be a ruler, he would support her in every way he could. He felt her squeeze him tight, and he returned her hug, albeit much more gently, "I've always liked the thought of having a couple of kids running around, and I've always enjoyed spending time with Abigail, from the time she was a babe, I can only imagine what it would feel like to have one of my own, shared with someone I loved."

Draco felt her fear, he felt it with ease. He had the same fears every night before the last, the one they shared together. It was as much a part of him as his arms or his eyes, and from it had been born his psychosis. No this was not a new fear to him, but he knew how devastating it could be. "I know, Faith. I worry that one day you will wake up and realize I'm not good enough for you and leave me behind, I worry I will lose you, one way or another. I am patient, I will wait and you will have all the time you need, but I will be here whether you need me or not." He let the moment pass, letting a little time skip away from them, just holding her, letting her feel that he was real, that he would be a constant for her.

Then, he smiled wide, "So, did you know I'm a masseur?" he asked, letting his fingers tap against the sides of her ribs gently.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Warmth she felt it permeate her entire body as he held her. The words he used only drew her in more made her want him more. She could lay here intertwined with him all day. We needed Sun when all the heat they needed was right here.

When he finished speaking she inched up to kiss him. Soft. Warm. Accepting. She did not demand his response she sought only to express how she felt about his words. She clung to him for as long as her strength would hold out and then she withdrew.

"My constant" she whispered.

Then she giggled, "a masseuse you say" she looked up at him as his fingers played on her ribs. "So is that an offer to show me your skills or passing conversation to say you know things to do with your hands?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

It was hard to think of him as Darth Vulkan when he acted like this or said the words that made her quiver inside. And if he was any good with his hands she'd be putty in them soon.

She couldn't help but be content with him right now. He asked for nothing. He wanted only her. How hard was it to be content. It had been difficult for her to admit to the guilt she felt, but it needed to be said. Otherwise it would eat her from the inside out, making her worthless to anyone.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Her kiss was soft and warm, passionate, affectionate, accepting to his touch. Everything he wanted it to be, and she held against his chest, pressing against his lips with her own for as long as she could before laying back to rest on his chest. She continued to slowly and steadily rise and fall with his breathing while his fingers danced on her ribs. If only every day could be spent like this, just laying in each others arms, letting their whims take them from moments of sheer, burning passion to hours of simple comfort within each other's loving embrace.

He chuckled as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Both, mostly an offer, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trying to brag just a little." He rolled just a bit, dumping her on her side and planting a kiss of his own in the crook of her neck playfully. She was beautiful, she was one of his few weaknesses. He was still afraid, he knew he would always be a little afraid. Every time he said her full name, every time she was introduced he would be reminded that there was another, truer, love that could be out there, that perhaps he was only temporary. But he was different, already. In the past he would have let go and let Vulkan take over at such thoughts, let the Sith Lord ensure these things didn't happen by whatever means necessary, but instead he resolved to be her true heart, that no matter her past loves and flames, his was the love they shared.

He sat up to his knees, pulling the blanket up around his hips to cover himself somewhat. "Lay on your stomach and I'll show you." He said with a roguish grin. It was almost midday and they hadn't done anything but eat breakfast and lay in bed.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"A bragger. You? I don't believe it" She was being sarcastic. The moment he dumped her onto the bed looking at her with that roguish grin so tempting to just reach up and pull him to her but she would be good, for now.

"Well I see you're serious " she laid on her stomach and then shook her butt at him. "I can't wait for you to lay your hands on me Draco." She looked over her shoulder at him smiling.

They were going to be ok. They might both be worried about the other disappearing or the past coming back to life. Yes they were moving fast but in truth she married D within hours of meeting him. So in her mind things were . On track. She just had that hard time of saying he was gone.

She had a hard time dealing with her emotions with Draco. To feel so strongly to need him so much she just felt like she was betraying her past.

But she wasn't the type to run.

She closed her eyes, "I'm waiting for you cyar'ika" in more than one way.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
She wriggled, and Draco remembered one of his weaknesses for women. He had always been a fan of booty, and hers had caught his eye when they first met, back in orbit above Obroa-Skai. Swinging his leg over her, he straddled her waist, resting gently against her backside. He pulled the blankets up around his waist, careful not to let his weight press down on her. "Its true, I'm not as humble as you, cyar'ika. I try, but I feel the need to impress you in everything I do." He let his hands run up her back from the dimples just above her buttocks to her shoulders, gently caressing her skin, letting his palms apply light pressure to her muscles. He could tell right away she was relaxed now, but had spent a long time tense and stressed.

He leaned over her, pressing his elbow into a knot behind her shoulder gently massaging it out, letting his abdomen press into the small of her back. "See, I'm a bit more well rounded than just a consort. I can do other things." He said quietly, a hint of a laugh in his voice. Draco had been married, years ago now, and it had progressed rather quickly as well, within a few meetings they had been married, unofficially for a while, and within a few months she had left him. Part of him wanted to hurry up, and receive all the things in life he had missed out on, and settle down with Faith. But, in the back of his mind he wanted to take it slow, to get things right this time.

His thumbs began rubbing the muscles beside her spine, while his palms worked on her back, slowly working his way down her back. His breathing was slow and calm, and though he was excited with his blood rushing and his heart pounding, he was trying to focus on his task. But, the rogue romantic buried within came out just a bit as he grinned, and pinched her buttocks.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"Draco." She looked back, "I'm impressed hun really I am." She smiled then lay there letting him ease the tension from her body "mmmmm" she wiggled a bit more she felt the pressure bear down and slowly release. How long had it been since she had gotten a massage, a few months. She was definitely not the spoiled little Princess that some might think.

"I can name you the official house organa masseuse. Get you a fancy piece of jewelry. Nice sash. " She was teasing even as she moaned with pleasure. He certainly had their touch. Every muscle felt like jello.

"Oh!" She squeaked when he pinched her.

She wiggled like she wanted loose but really didn't want to be. "So who else has been the recipient of the Draco touch? Cause with that magical touch surely you've shared it before?" She had no idea that she could be asking something that could be painful.

She was trying to keep things light. Fun.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
He smiled, <hun>. It was a comfortable term of endearment, one usually not used on a lover that someone didn't intend to keep. His mind didn't dwell on the word, seeing as they were lying in bed, but the familiarity wasn't lost on him. Perhaps he was reading too deep into her words, perhaps she was easing into the idea of them together. "Official masseuse? I must admit I was aiming a bit higher up the social ladder, but so long as I was exclusive and got to pick my clients, perhaps I could be persuaded to accept. Depending on the likelihood of promotion, of course." He spoke with a jovial tone, with a hint of a chuckle.

He held on to her hips as she wriggled, leaning down over her to kiss the side of her neck, his chest pressing against her back. He whispered to her, his breath in her ear, "Oh, there have been two or three. But none in recent memory. I learned it when I stayed on Ryloth years ago, and I've gotten a little rusty from lack of practice." His thoughts danced back to his first, and last, failed marriage. That had been a source of pain and had caused the start of his abandonment issues, only exasperated by several of his friends simply not calling or answering him, a few only calling when they wanted something. When he had bore the yoke of the Techno Union alone, only Tmoxin had called a few times, normally to ask for his support for some venture or another. Now, he had no idea where she was or what she was up to. It reminded him how utterly alone he had been before Faith. And in a twist of fate, he wasn't so alone anymore. He smiled, kissing her again, letting his hands slip to her sides, rubbing her gently along her ribs and side of her chest.

Her movement and wriggling caused his heart to pound and his blood to rush, color flushing his cheeks. "But, I'd be willing to practice on you whenever you have the time." Draco breathed out, trying to calm himself a bit, and he spun her hair around on his fingers, gathering it up and off her shoulders.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"Oh you get only one client. I'd be sure that the royal decree said that you were only to place the magic fingers on me" She could hear a lilt in his voice, he was relaxing too. He warmed her heart made her want to live again.

She could feel him pressing lightly against her his kiss warm in her neck, she couldn't help it the intimate touch made her wiggle more a bit more seductively. Her breathing caught sharp in her throat. He was hitting spots that awakened a dull ache inside.

"Mmmm. Draco. I think I will let you practice whenever you want. But." She moved to where she was slightly on her side, "don't you have other skills you'd like to practice right now?" Her fingers curled around the edge of the blanket.

As she smiled up way him, "I did tell you to take your vitamins right?" She was an insatiable creature today.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
His fingers kneaded her shoulders while he oscillated his palms in between her bare shoulder blades. "Good, I'm a one client kind of man. I don't have the desire or the drive to use my skills on anyone else." He relaxed a bit leaning back and rolling his own shoulders, letting the tendons pop and stretch while her worked on her. He was at peace, even if he was a bit excited with all of her moving around and wiggling. She gasped and he looked down, stopping instinctively until he caught the tone in her voice and her arousal in the Force. He rocked his hips and smiled. "I do." He slid backwards just a bit and kept his hands on her shoulders. "And you did. Just relax."

Sometime Later

Draco lay on his back breathing heavily, blanket kicked awkwardly off of him as he lay sweating, looking up at the ceiling. To say he was content was an understatement, Faith tucked neatly back into the crook of his arm, her head on his chest, rising and falling with his deep breaths. He could lay like this for hours on end and never complain, but his stomach grumbled and his mouth was dry. Beads of sweat rolled off his head and chest, as he rolled his shoulders once again, letting the tension fall away from him.

"Cyar'ika?" He asked, checking to see if Faith was awake or not given their activities for the day, so far mostly left undone. "Are you okay?" He had a slight kink in his neck, and he was tired, but he wanted nothing more than to make sure she was sated, in every way. "Are you hungry?"

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
She was spent, so tired that is she moved it would likely hurt. She wasn't even sure she could get up but instinct and other need were beginning to make it difficult to continue anything. If they didn't move they'd be found shriveled up and starved within a week.

Draco was breathing heavy, she was trying to breathe. "I'm feel great, sated even, and you, well you're fantastic." She began to laugh, "guess it's been a while for both of us."

She tried to take a deep breath even just curled up next to him where she felt safe. "Even though we are during. " She smiled, "we might need to consider food and water. My breakfast wore off long ago" It wore off actually more than a few hours ago.

She shook her head, "well we definitely found a rhythm that time" She pushed herself up to rest on one elbow just looking at him. The light sheen of sweat that covered him, and beaded on his brow. The rise and fall of his chest. No matter how much she looked at him, she couldn't take her eyes from him.

"Hungry? Thirsty?" She smiled. He was still here. Hadn't run off screaming yet.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Her body shook beside him as she leaned up on her elbows. He sat up and kissed her with as much fire and passion as he had left, letting her breathe him in and steal his breath away once more. He didn't know exactly how to compliment her without being rude or drawing assumptions, so he stuck to the basics. "Well, you are amazing, Cyar'ika." His mind fluttered between the trio of memories of their bodies intertwined he had now, leaving him smiling like a fool. He exhaled deeply and tried to stablize his breathing, slow his heart rate, but he found the latter difficult to do in her presence. "Take it easy, let me take care of you for once."

He swung his feet to the floor and pulled on his shorts, his eyes wandering across her body and face, his mind trying to comprehend what she saw in him and what he had done to be rewarded in such a way, but he couldn't. So long as she was happy with him though, it didn't really matter why she chose him, so long as she didn't change her mind and he didn't give her any reason to. He ducked out of the room to fetch her robe, still laying in the floor of the living room where they had left it just after breakfast, and returned with it as quickly as he could, taking a seat at the edge of the bed beside her once again.

"Here you are my Princess." He said, letting his affection for her lace the tone of his voice, handing the relatively small silk robe back to his Princess. "The pantry isn't really stocked well, how about we have something delivered?" He knew she couldn't be seen with him just yet, but him being off in the lake country wasn't impossible to fathom for the locals. So long as they didn't see her, there shouldn't be any problems. Plus, he wasn't a very good cook and didn't want to ruin some meal for her right after showing off a few of his other skills.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"Oh honey you've already taken care of me I don't dare try to walk anywhere any time soon" She gave him a big grin. She watched him go and even though he did not go far she felt alone for those brief moments.

Then he was back robe in hand, she reached for the robe and just laid it across her stomach, it felt cold which felt good. "Thank you my knight-errant" She reached over for his hand just to hold it, just to keep contact with him.

"ooo Delivery, I do delivery well. What do you want ? Something elegant, something farm fresh, something like cantina food, I know the number for a few of them by heart" She laid still now her breathing finally back to normal. Now, she was thirsty. There could be some blossom wine in the Lake House it was a favorite of a few of House Organa, and many others of Alderaan.

She felt something odd something she had not felt in a long time. It was more than contentment perhaps it was a sense of belonging...her brown eyes once again looked up to Draco. She did have the speeder here, they could...but then they'd be seen....maybe...not if...her mind was working but they really did need food.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco accepted her hand gratefully, appreciating the touch of her skin against his even now, the warmth of her body, the light pressure she applied to his hand. It was the contact, he felt he needed to stay in contact with her, now, after almost a full galactic standard day they had only been physically separated for a matter of minutes, the rest of the time they had spent together had been in each other's passionate embrace. "Then I'll carry you." He said with a grin, having already carried her to bed twice. He pulled her hand up to his mouth, studying it for a moment, then kissing the back of it.

"I will let you decide. Pick your favorite foods, even if you have to order from a dozen different places to get everything you want. And then once it has all arrived and the prying eyes gone, we will go eat it in the afternoon sun by the shore." He smiled wide, still holding her hand up to his face. Somewhere around the room in his over night bag there was a comlink with a voice modulator mode on it he normally used that made it sound like a droid was on the other line, but he hadn't torn his eyes away from hers yet to look for it.

It dawned on him suddenly that this trip would come to an end. That she would return to her life as a peace loving senator and princess, and he would return to his life as a warrior. He didn't want that anymore. He wanted them to share more than the occasional weekend together, but he knew he would have to adjust to her responsibilities in order for that to happen. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't truly be with her as he was. He wasn't going to leave her, or abandon her, or for an instant let her think he was leaving. But the pressing truth was, he wanted to be better now so that they didn't have to run around and hide anymore. Draco just wasn't ready for this to end and for them to go back to pretending nothing was happening for the benefit of others.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
He was thinking about something even though his words were about here and now. She squeezed his hand, "what is it?" She pulled herself up to a sitting position and just looked at him. 'I see it in your eyes every once in a while, it flitters in and then away..."

If she had to guess she would think he was thinking on a lot of the same things she was, "We are going to be ok, it just takes a little time. We have now, let's not fret about it being over we still have tomorrow." True their time was drifting by rather quickly but they were creating memories that could hold them for a little bit...right? She knew he wanted to be seen with her, wanted everyone to know that they were a couple. His status as a Sith would block any view of him as a good man.

"We'll do farm fresh and our bodies will be greatful for it." She smiled, "remember Draco, we are a couple. We share things, the painful things, the good things, and sometimes just things." Not that he needed reminding from all she had experienced with him he was more than willing to share it was creating the bond that said they were safe, they were together that was the hurdle they faced.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco sighed, "Yeah, I'm just not ready to let go of now is all. I know we still have some time together this trip, and there will always be another getaway for us to go on. I guess I just have the Sunday evening blues is all." He smiled and leaned forward to touch his forehead to hers for a gentle Keldabe Kiss as a show of affection to her. He cared for her greatly, and they were a couple now, sharing feelings and emotions for each other that they didn't for others, empathy and sympathy they might not have for an outsider.

His smile softened slightly, "I know we are." Time wasn't something he had ever thought he would have in abundance, but he hoped that he would find it, with decades left to his name if he could. He had already lived longer than he had ever thought he would. "I'm not worried about tomorrow. Tomorrow the sun will rise, and a thousand things may change, but we will be alright, we will still have each other." He brushed his fingers through her hair and finally dug through the bag to find her the comlink. "Here, order us some food, and we can go back to cuddling until they arrive." Draco was forced to adjust her a little bit, but he managed to get around to sit behind her, holding her bare skin against his chest while he nuzzled her neck affectionately.

While she made her calls to the delivery restaurants, Draco spent that time kissing her shoulders and tickling her playfully, just trying to be playfully disruptive of the call for food and keep a portion of her attention focused on him and to continue the closeness and togetherness he had grown to view as a need.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Faith was concerned would this much baggage between them give them any chance of survival. Had she jumped too soon, had her own loneliness and need of another given her a lack of judgement?

She didn't know, only time would tell, she said what she thought if he truly wanted to be a couple there were things she had to have. No secrets for one. He could tell the galaxy whatever he wanted but with her he had to be honest, and some how she always knew when someone wasn't honest with her. She could see in his eyes that he had suffered greatly when it came to relationships.

She smiled when his forehead touched hers and he admitted to the time being too short. Yes it most certainly felt good to have someone close, to feel the strength of someone's arms around her, to feel....excited, sated, sweaty even. She took the book, "I know the numbers by heart, and because I often slip off on my own they won't think twice of delivering food to me, enough for a few days actually cause...I'm neurotic like that. Always best to have more than not enough."

Truth was she slipped off to cry, scream, rant and rave at the walls, the sky, the ground...anything that was within shouting of her voice.

She began sending the messages for what she wanted, all while patting his hands away playfully as she tried to dial. the tiny little shivers he gave her when he kissed her skin made her shake her head as he was trying his best to distract her. And she was doing her best to make sure they ate something.

"You're not helping" she said to him between calls, she had decided to call another location for a few other things. She pat his knee while she talked.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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