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Bunker Busters (The Underground/Outer Rim Coalition)

[member="Delila Castillon"]

In short, plenty of stuff had happened since this one posted last. There were, as always, more droids to kill, our intrepid band of rebels found some cool guns to fangasm over, and a horde of Gamorreans went all waaagh.

Arryn, after having finally worked her way back into the plot, had been shooting droids. There were always more of the automatons. Fortunately the fact that the hallway was rather cramped worked to their advantange. The more piled up, the more of a chokepoint it was. Besides, a bolter's explosive bolts caused AOE damage. Bambambam.

"Agreed," she said tersely in response to Dells. She was just as laconic as the redhead's old buddy Kaida. "Cover me." Carefully, she removed an ion grenade from her utility belt. It would suck if it blew up and mucked up her cybernetic hand.

She pulled the pin and peeked out from the pillar she'd taken cover against it. Immediately, a deafening roar erupted as robots splashed the hideout with blaster bolts, and she tossed the grenade through the air, then quickly sought cover again. Boom. Drawing her blade she advanced into melee.
Churak the Mighty's Private Spaceport

"You take thossse to Tattooine. Mossss Eisley. You give thossse to Mukka. Mukka pay other half." The hulking Trandoshan spoke in broken basic, an admirable attempt for someone with scaly lips and daggers for teeth.

Surrounding the lizardman were two others who sported weapons that looked more scary than a dark alley in Coruscant's underground. They presided over the exchange, which consisted of four lockboxes and a considerable sum of credits in return for delivery services.

"Don't open thossse, for Mukka eyesss only."

"Oh, that wasn't part of the deal, Churak. That'll be an extra five hundred C's."

All three Trandoshans raised their menacing blasters in unison. Carth slowly raised empty palms in return.

"Oh, uh, ha-ha? It was a joke. I'm just kidding!" He flashed a nervous smile and a shrug that conveyed very clearly; 'woops!'. "I won't look, promise."

The lizardmen stood down, with Churak gesturing to the Glorious Gizka behind Carth. "You go now."

The Corellian didn't need to be told twice.

As sublight engines roared in Lok's lower atmosphere, a glint on the surface caught Carth's eye. As curious as a Kowakian Monkey-lizard, he pulled the ship around drew closer. There was activity on the surface. A few craft of varying degrees of transportation efficiency. In layman's terms; there were spacecraft and speeders.

Ever curious, the Corellian smothered his engines and glided to the surface. Landing gear extended with a buzz and then the freighter landed with a dull thud. Dust and sand billowed in all directions as the loading ramp descended.

Carth strode out, blaster in hand, trenchcoat blowing majestically in the wind -- and started coughing.

He never hated sand more than he did in this moment. It rivaled a certain Sith Lord in its intensity.

Nevertheless, when he regained his senses and the sand had died down, the smuggler gazed around. He made note of the craft surrounding his own and pondered on where their occupants might be. Then his gaze caught the bunker's entrance.


[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Loto Afu"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Hala Jast"] | [member="Arryn"] | [member="Maximilius Drake"] | @Gughox​
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
Loto Quickly slid the three crates [member="Gughox"] had asked for towards him with little to no arguments. He understood the deal, his little plan had backfired so he would not try anything else and simply follow orders.

Activating the lifters on the next nearest crate Loto began to push it toward the door trying to squeeze by the massive ramshackle cyber man.

"He pays well, i'd take him up on the offer. Also, may I squeeze by while I take our cut back to our ship?

[member="Jorus Merrill"]


That red cyber-eye studied [member="Loto Afu"] a few moments longer, then the brute nodded down to [member="Jorus Merrill"]. "Deal, pink-skin." Turning his body sideways, the unintended side effect was that Loto could now walk by. This did not come without a cost, however, as a throat designed to yell across the unholy din of a ground war fought in close combat shouted down through the tunnels.

Where the previous group had been a rockslide of green muscle, the incoming tide was the pitter-patter of a horde of tiny feet, like a seething tide of rats had been run from it's nest. In they came, one by one, tiny little goblins - baby pseudo-Gamorreans, probably - each no bigger than a toddler.

They flowed like the tide, passing around everyone's ankles and legs until they reached the crates. With a chorused 'squee' of delight, they hefted all the crates like ants and went to wait.


The Big Boss snarled, a nexu's growl hidden under his voice. It held up it's clawed hand and clacked it three times together, the blades scraping ominously across each other. "Three." Carefully, two crates were set down, and then, suitably chastised, they retired back out of the room in a much more composed manner than that in which they'd arrived. They would even make an effort to avoid running Loto over. "Now, let's catch up with me boyz."
[member="Gughox"] [member="Loto Afu"]

Jorus' life had flashed before his eyes on more than one occasion. The process typically involved a Star Destroyer or a Sith Lord. This time toddler Gamorreans were to blame. Recalling his daughter at that age, he almost assigned the word 'preschooler' - but then again, most Gamorreans were technically preschoolers. Speciesist thought? Probably.

Unwilling to push his luck, Jorus slipped past Gughox and motioned the Undergrounder tech crew to wait. Once things moved on, they'd secure and remove the last two crates.

In the meantime, Jorus let out a long breath, got his head on straight, hefted his blaster, and proceeded into the tunnels again.

Loud explosion, one that probably rocked the entire bunker occurred. Of course it was set off by the two resident explosion-happy ladies further along a different branch. It had cut off a route used by the Gamorreans but also meant it cut off another route for the pair of them. It would be a one lane-road so to speak until reaching the next intersection.'

Having taken cover a moment ago, Delila got up and brushed herself off, ears ringing. Dust coated everything, obscuring their vision. Part of her was concerned Arryn would mistake her for an escaped Gamorrean, although she liked to think she lost a few pounds during her time spent in the jungle. Blaster was picked back up and went to carry it at the ready. There was no talking at the moment. One they couldn't see nor hear, besides it was probably best not to sit around and eat dust.

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