Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis OOC)


1) Talk to your opponent and try and resolve issues in a friendly or at least polite manner.

2) Elevate an issue to your faction admin who can talk with the other faction and try and resolve issues amicably without having to bother staff.

3) Report a post.

4) Be respectful to staff and accept their decision

It's fine to discuss and suggest what someone else writes, but please don't demand. If I hear about people Threatening to report people if they don't change their post I'm going to have a serious sense of humour failure.

Keep unpleasantness out of this thread!
Yes sure, won't be til later today I'm afraid. On phone and couldn't possibly fleet without my spreadsheets ;)

I'm a little lost on this: "Losses for the Mothma crew would certainly not be insignificant, but it had made its pass and was now keeling about to bring its portside facing the rear of ACA admiral's receding fleet."

The ACA and Corellian fleet were coming in at ninety degree angles to each other. I thought the mothma and skyway kernel headed and passed the corellians which wouldn't put them anywhere near my rear?

Have I got confused somewhere?
Raziel said:
Yes sure, won't be til later today I'm afraid. On phone and couldn't possibly fleet without my spreadsheets ;)

I'm a little lost on this: "Losses for the Mothma crew would certainly not be insignificant, but it had made its pass and was now keeling about to bring its portside facing the rear of ACA admiral's receding fleet."

The ACA and Corellian fleet were coming in at ninety degree angles to each other. I thought the mothma and skyway kernel headed and passed the corellians which wouldn't put them anywhere near my rear?

Have I got confused somewhere?
Haha, it's cool! I like to sit down and go over my fleet assets too, although a spreadsheet is way too organized for me!

As for the fleet arrangement, I think that Xue had our two ships and their escorts plow directly through the Corellian fleet and hit them as they exited. They're not near your fleet yet. After we finish our run through the Corellian fleet is when we'll heave to and face yours directly. BTW, for the cluster bombs shoot me and Xue a PM and we can go over how you want to handle it. I think you can intercept some of them, but I'm not sure how many. We'll go over damage from yours and the Corellian volleys in the next post today US time/tomorrow Europe/Asia time and I'll make sure that both Xue and I write up appropriate damage figures.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Raziel"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Wan Min Brightsky"]

I don't have a dog in this fight, and I've done maps for large engagements before, in consultation with all participants. Is that something that might help in this situation, or has that ship sailed, so to speak?
Ashin Varanin said:
[member="Raziel"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Wan Min Brightsky"]

I don't have a dog in this fight, and I've done maps for large engagements before, in consultation with all participants. Is that something that might help in this situation, or has that ship sailed, so to speak?
Xue, Raz, and I can go over it and discuss if we can use your input. It'd be very useful to have impartial observers to help out with this. We're PM'ing about damage and fleet maneuvers today, we can tag you in it as well if Raz and Xue are up for it. Thanks for the offer!! It's much appreciated!

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Oh hey how about we do that thing that I've been saying the entire time. Which is communicate with your opponents, things go so much smoother when you talk to your opponent ooc. But no screw that idea cause that's just nonsensical bantha crap
Patricia Susan Garter said:
Oh hey how about we do that thing that I've been saying the entire time. Which is communicate with your opponents, things go so much smoother when you talk to your opponent ooc. But no screw that idea cause that's just nonsensical bantha crap
The snark is strong in you! Honestly, we're getting the communications lines opened now....should have happened at the beginning of the invasion. You were absolutely right!
Ashin Varanin said:
[member="Raziel"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Wan Min Brightsky"]
I don't have a dog in this fight, and I've done maps for large engagements before, in consultation with all participants. Is that something that might help in this situation, or has that ship sailed, so to speak?
I was going to suggest the same, let me make a quick sketch and see if it makes sense. I've lost all the space map layers you've seen from my last site :(
Located the Artillery for Prime, got angry at Preliat being with the rebels, patched up my arm a bit, and took a few shots at people to draw out counter sniper fire :p

Patricia, what are your numbers for the sniper platoons? Are they all located within the foundry complex, hidden in the trenches, or are they spreading out into the battlefield?

EDIT: Artillery for Prime, not the foundry :p

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Triam Akovin"]

2 of 4 are in the foundry. The other two are doing ghost recon type stuff in some rock formations around the foundry. But I recently filed a report so I will not be posting until it is concluded. To my knowledge it hasn't been handled yet so I'm waiting until it is
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] Are those platoons, teams, or individuals? I honestly can't tell if I'm out numbered or not lol

That's fine, I've been slowing down in my posting anyway with school starting again tomorrow, but I just need to know :p
Raziel said:
[member="Wan Min Brightsky"]

Working on an image atm, will post shortly
Great, let Xue know when you've got it ready. It's after 1:30AM here for me, so I'm heading off to bed in a few minutes. I'll check in the morning to take a look. Please go ahead and tag me in it so I can look it over. I think Xue will put up our fleet locations as well shortly so we can compare and figure out damage, maneuvers, and all of that.
[member="Raziel"], [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Here's a very rough representation of what we're seeing the battle as. Letters correspond with the first initial of each fleet character involved. (Ayden, Irys, Krasnaya, Thane, Wan) Asterisks represent Geonosis' asteroid ring.




* * T * * * * * * * * * *

Irys and Ayden were aimed at roughly 90 degrees to converge at the Rebel fleet, where Wan Min has the point. I charged over (and under) Ayden's squad and then began to turn to port to come behind Irys' fleet (though you can see that I'm not in range at all). Thane's command is within the asteroid ring and is only firing long-range cannons and launching attack fighters at the enemy fleets as of now.

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