Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the chages

"maybe I didn't, but I wanted to, I wanted to make shure you would be oke, iv lost anof pepol alredy im not keen on lozing you aswel in the process" he sead wel looking at her, swallowing downe a painkiller. [member="Maya Whitelight"]
I guess I'm forever grateful. I...don't know what more I..can say. Seeing for the rest time truely what was under his helmet, it was what she sense from him. Reaching out to touch [member="Regor Laxvan"] again. You in pain.
Regore smiled "just a little, I dook a few hits during thad last battle, my armore absorbed most of it though luckily, noting you should worry about" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Coming to the fact that he wasn't going to leave her side, which really puzzled her deeply. Medic coming back in to take her vitals giving them to the doctor looking them over. Blushing at the fact of how his eyes was cheeking her out. It was just for the fact to make sure she was okay. What she did back on the mission she would do again, even if she knew this would be her fate. I feel like I been steam rolled over by bantha on Tatoine."
The doctor said you could go, to the hot springs in a couple of hours, if you have some help. turning to [member="Regor Laxvan"] before letting her eyes rest upon him.
Smiling as she let herself drift back to sleep before waking up once again maybe a hour later. It was only then did she look over smiling at [member="Regor Laxvan"] One would think ... on never mind... I'm ready for my soak. medic coming over and giving [member="Regor Laxvan"] talking to about keeping her off her leg as much he couldn't not to let her over do it. Sitting herself up fully to let the sheet flow off her to see nothing but covers where needed.
Medic going over to grab her a robe for her to use, slipping it on her carefully. Giving him one last look as if to tell him to do what was spoke. A couple of hours then have her back here. Here a staff for her to lend on. Taking the staff before trying to stand her leg giving out at first, wave for her to try herself. Medic looking over to [member="Regor Laxvan"] shaking her head at how stubborn. she was at time.
Regor wlked next to her supporting her, lifting his arm around her waist and her arm over his neck to cary most of her waiht "just take it easy oke, don't put to muce pressure on thad leg" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Yes, if I don't listen to you, what you going to do about it. making heart of the situations at hand. Doing as order to which didn't want to passing a few of his men, to the spring. Stopping to talk to a few, giving them a warm smile as they give her a look of curious. Not wanting to complain keeping just how much pain she still in, even from the tank. It was good to get out of that place even if it was just for a few hours.

After finding them the waiting for him on a bench by the hot springs waiting for him to take her into the play, only to find one of her traits she had that was being impatient. Found herself making her way over to the pool herself slowly until feeling hands upon her. Busted [member="Regor Laxvan"]
"wel your impatient" regore said wel holding her lifting her up "wel I can't blame you to muce, you deseft a nice bath" [member="Maya Whitelight"] "do you want me to lift you in or do you want to try it yourself?"
Seeing all those steps down into the hot springs, looking at him opening her mouth closing her mouth, as to say she knew the right answer all waiting on was to be given to him. You better, help me if you don't mine. First to get out of her robe, before could be placed any where. Only to have herself left open, to the face that she hadn't the prefect body like one would think of her having, there was scars up and down her back. Her hip, seem to be missing some of the flesh that had grown back lighter pinkish color. Only with her being able to see the top of one shoulder seem to have been smashed at one time. First time looking away, with emotions she never thought she had. Shuring her shoulder to hide it best she could. When every your ready yourself. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
regor truw of his armor first not wanting to get ik wet woryd about rust, he couldn't help but to look her over whit a smile, he mutterd "wel thuds a beautiful sicht" he carried her down the stops and sat her downe on one of the benches in the pool. [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Her toes touched the warm water then the rest of her body. It wasn't easy but got, her body shifted, helping not to look him over now. Keeping her thoughts to herself. Finding herself giving into the warm the hot springs was now giving her body. Letting the water do it lowering herself more into the water cover more of her up. Oh this just lovely, very relaxing are you sure you have to take me back as order, can't you well just..
[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Couldn't help it but out of the corner of Maya half closed eyes. I like the sound of that. Closing her eyes fulling now in the same time started to let her body float to the top. As I haven't had chance to relax in a hot spring in a very long time, I almost forgot how good they feel. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regor smiled, looking at her staying close to her just in case somting hapend "it is, and its a good day to deal whit a stressful day" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Taking her time with flowing around in the water in circle. To find herself not far from him. Coming closer to him, as she went from floating to that of padding. Before resting both her arms upon his shoulders to stretch her legs out more. Some what very uneasy just why no had every done this to her before. It was nothing he was just here to help her. Coming herself back to the water coming to the heat of the water as the way the current flowed finding it difficult to keep space between the to. To her it need to be kept this way, it wasn't like what path she going to put her own going to let there be anything she would need to focus on her training. its very peace I don't want this to end. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Smiling at him, as she brought herself back to the bench he had sat him down at. Lending her head onto his shoulder once again closing her eyes. Her own mind being whispered to ​my sweet sweet child, its not the time and the wind is blowing a different path for both of you for now. I love you want whats best for you, sweet sweet child.

Can I amitt something to you? [member="Regor Laxvan"]

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