Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood Moon Rising


Two months passed since the attempted invasion of Mirial at the hands of the Silver Jedi Order.

An immediate response by the Empire for vengeance and retribution had been expected, maybe even planned for by the rest of the Galaxy. But instead all that they received was silence. It was almost as if nothing had happened at all if watching the movements of the Empire. They simply carried on as they had since its inception: steady and rapidly expanding its borders in several directions, sectors either accepting the new rule or being subjugated once they failed to bend the knee.

No hostile attacks by the Empire though.

Voss was unscatched, as was Sullust.

Coruscant did not burn and Etti IV was left unmolested. It was strange, but it simply did not seem as if the Sith were clamoring for a pound of flesh.

Not even when the Alliance decided to violate the sovereignty of their territory at a whim. Not even when the Silver Jedi decided to invade a system that had invited the Sith in the first place.

But appearances could deceive.

As the Galactic Alliance made peace with the First Order and prepared itself to squash the last remnants of the Darkside on Tython, the Sith quietly made their move.

The Vahla had requested their assistance.

The Tower of Vahl contained immeasurable secrets, its people were trapped there and the powerful magicks that had protected the towering structure were weakening. It would not be long, before the Alliance and their Jedi would be able to sweep in and wipe it off the surface of the planet. From there it would be far easier to cleanse Tython and shift the balance back to the Lightside of the Force. None of this was allowed to happen, of course.

It was for this reason that the Sith Empire had dispatched a strong, but numbered strike force to the system of Tython.

Challenging to get planetside undetected, yes, but utilizing the secrets gleaned by the One Sith and abusing the fact that the Alliance had not yet managed to set-up its sensory arrays across the entirety of the system gave them a brief window. Get in, smash the siege around the Tower, extract what they needed… and get out again.

There would be no immediate back-up.

Not this far away from Empire territory.

My Lord.” Lord Fa kept on studying the minutiae shifts in the sensory telemetry. They had just breached atmosphere, utilizing the Force Storms to cover their entrance. It caused issues with their sensors though and there was a chance they’d be dropping in farther away than planned.


The Mirialan, one of the militia that had impressed Tai during the invasion, saluted. He seemed ill at ease in his new uniform, but that would eventually pass.


ETA in 5 minutes.” Tai nodded. It was time and there would be little for them to speak of once it was all under way. “Relay it to the rest of the crew. Have them assemble in the hangar.

Yes, my Lord.”

Tai inclined his beak in respect as the Mirialan saluted and left for the hangar himself.

Almost there.


  • Infiltrate the Valley of the Sith on Tython and break the siege around the Tower of Vahl.
  • Cause a diversion at New Kaleth. A shantytown build on the ruins of Kaleth where pilgrims make their home. One way or another, ensure that the Alliance's attention is elsewhere as the Sith break their siege.
If there was one thing Commander Colsin knew how to do right, it was follow orders. When she had been told to assemble her pilots and get on a ship, she had done it without question. When she had been told they were going to attack the Galactic Alliance, she did not question her orders. She knew the Alliance's reputation for producing excellent pilots, had heard the legends of Rogue Squadron. Her own Blue Squadron stood little chance if they encountered those pilots, yet she still did not question her orders.

When the order came to assemble in the hangar, the Commander was on her Interceptor, inspecting it, making sure everything was in tip-top shape, as was the rest of her pilots, on her orders. If they were going to survive this, it would be by the books. She would not tolerate failure because of a malfunction on her pilot's part. She immediately called for her pilots to line up for roll call. It took a few seconds too long for her liking, but they did so. She inspected them. Eleven men and woman from the farthest corners of the Empire, come together to fight for the glory of the Dark Lord. To bring peace, stability, and order to the galaxy. They weren't much, but they were hers, and she'd be damned before those Alliance pilots got them without a fight.

"You know where we're going, what we're doing, and who we're doing it to. There are no secrets, here. We have come to lay vengeance upon the Alliance for their crimes, for none may escape the Empire's justice. We're going up against Alliance pilots, good pilots, experienced pilots. But they are not you. You are Blue Squadron, and you are representatives of the Sith Empire and the Dark Lord [member="Darth Carnifex"] himself. Do your duty, follow my lead, and we shall accomplish this mission."

There was a chorus of 'Yes Ma'am', and Syrena took a moment to be proud. Then she waited for the rest of the crew, hands behind her back, straight as a rod.

[member="Darth Saarai"]
Tower of Vahl

A quarantine zone surrounded the area, while the Alliance tried to figure out what to do with them. It all came down to a single question.

“How do I free you?” he muttered, watching the people go about their daily lives.

His people.


Trapped by their own inner darkness and the spell Isolda had placed upon them. Still searching for a Home here. The wanderers. The lost.

He remembered his encounters with Isolda during the height of the One Sith. She’d spoken of his red hair and called him marked. Chosen by the Ember.

Chosen for what?

Korr looked up into the sky for answers. He found none.
New Kaleth Shantytown

Objective: Give out supplies to the pilgrims, and wait...

For the life of her, she didn't understand some of these pilgrims. Twi'leks, Zabraks, humans from the Core and Outer Rim alike, and any other number of species all dressed in drab clothing that they claimed symbolized their commitment to casting away their former lives. They all shared one common purpose: to worship the Force on the sacred ground of one of the first settlements of Force users in the galaxy. It was still unclear exactly who had built Kaleth, that secret lost to time for now, but scholars agreed that it had to be some ancient Order.

Still, the Jedi and pilgrims... tolerated each other. In exchange for supplies and protection from the wilds of Tython, the pilgrims allowed the Jedi to study the site, even carefully excavate places the Force whispered to them that something might be hidden. She had come with the latest shipment of water and food supplies, joined by a few Knights and Padawans from the ExplorCorps. They were hoping, once they distributed everything, to get back to work on a site further in the ruins.

There was a crackle of thunder above, dark clouds on the horizon. Finally, she internally thought.
Ancient Zhornee wisdom held that the Goddess was as cold as the planet She created, as cruel as the ice that was Her people's home. Ashaiya had never heard the Goddess speak, had never laid eyes upon Her, and knew she would not, until the day she died. Yet, there were times the last Empress thought she could feel Her presence, feel Her hand guiding her. It was comforting, but she found the wisdom true: their Goddess was cold as Vullain.

Now was one of those times, as she kneeled in the hangar of this ship, eyes closed in prayer. Her first combat mission for the Sith, as a Sith. It was strange to be counted among them, to know she was at the bottom of the totem pole. The Empress of Vullain did not stir from her prayer as the order came to assemble in the hangar. Such a sacred act could not be interrupted, not even for her new masters.

Goddess, grant me the strength to defeat my enemies, this day. Grant me the wisdom to see myself through the battle, this day. Grant me the power to prove myself, and Your people, this day. Grant me the power of ice and snow, for I am Your Chosen, Your avatar upon this unworthy world, and my words are Your words, my actions Your actions, my voice Your voice, and my enemies Your enemies.

She opened her eyes, and slowly got to her feet, sword sheathed at her side. This day, she would test her steel, her mettle. As she felt the cold winds within her stir, she knew she had Her blessings, she could feel it. Ashaiya Mar'Dikan allowed herself a smile as she awaited orders.

[member="Darth Saarai"]
About 20 Klicks from Klonin Iv Saud | Valley Of Fire
Rogue Squadron Scouting Mission Aurek - Eight - Xesh - Nine
I am only tagging Rogue Squadron folks to see if they want to join, It isn't a guarantee that they will :) [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Karren Trask"] [member="Arix Askrima"]

Nearby??? [member="Ashaiya Mar'Dikan"] @Syrena Colsin [member="Darth Saarai"]

Dark clouds seemed to boil and swirl in the distance. Choli gave a grimace. Even with the lengths that the Jedi and Alliance were doing to bring back Tython under a measure of control, the lingering stench of the Darkside and the extent of the corruption across sections of the once bountiful world remained.

There were still Yuuzhan Vong and Ember of Vahl Cultists. More so amidst the Klon Iv Saud, the Valley of Fire. There the Eye of the Dark Lord's tower yet stood, it's massive eye a testament that the New Jedi Order had more fighting ahead of them before they would clear out.

[ I still can't get used to it.] Choli said, her voice echoing within helmet towards R4. The Astromech gave a beep boop.

[ Yeah, still makes my spine crawl.] Choli replied, her attention drawing away towards an incoming message.

[Looks like we got another storm coming.] it was Aieo, her wingman. A rather serious faced Fondorian.

[Yeah, coming in fast.] her brows furrowed forward. It wasn't strange to see wild storms scatter across the landscape, especially close to the valley where the remnants of the Ember of Vahl stayed. A crawling sensation ran down her spine. Was it the Force? Or was it simply the breakfast burrito that didn't agree with her?

[ Just keep a watch we don't get over run. Keep up the scans. ] They were scouting for any Vahla movement. Hopefully, there would be none.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
In only his wildest dreams of youth did Antherion imagine setting foot on Tython. Even in all his dreams of Galactic conquest, he imagined watching it burn from afar - something about the very idea of a planet dedicated to, of all things, the Light, disgusted him. A profane place, he thought, better destroyed than allowed to continue. Of course, that was Antherion. That was a rigid child, steeped in the old ways by fault of the short-sighted fools who raised him and surrounded him, and the culture too, certainly not his own visionary self. No, it was the conspiracy of mediocrity that stifled his dreams, but no more. Antherion was, at last, gone.

Darth Vesper did not fear the light. Darth Vesper had emptied himself of all sentiment and sensation save that which mattered most: desire. In other words, he was finally pure. Dressed in simple, dark robes absent his usual ostentation, he ran a fingernail down the length of his pale skin, watching a faint, red mark form. How long ago was it that his skin would have flaked and crumbled, that black ooze might have bubbled up from underneath it?

He flicked his wrist, letting his sleeve fall to cover it. Though the man's flesh may be restored, though he may have the tousled hair and flushed face of a youth, his presence was the same as [member="Darren Korpil"] remembered when he first felt it - profoundly dark, perverse, like a cloud of insects pressing outwards and crawling on one's skin, or a black rain that coats the body in a thin film of glistering oil. He turned towards Darren - now seemingly the older man, though slightly shorter, and offered a coy, sweet grin.

"Once," he said, "You would be with the rest of the rank and file. Now, no longer - not ever again, I'd say. Tell me, do you feel like you've lost something?"
Stiletto Company were honored with partaking in this operation deep in Alliance space. 42nd Airborne Division was the most mobile, lightning fast division of them all in the Legion. Or so they were proclaimed. To choose Stiletto among their equals was a special occasion.

Mood was good.

Spirit was high.

They were ready.

First to Fight.

" You've already been debriefed, ladies and gents. You know where we are going. You know what we are doing. And you know the odds. " Scipio walked up and down the drawn rank of troopers standing before him. His helmet clipped on his belt similar to most, if not all, of his soldiers.

" 're not gonna falter, we're not gonna bend. 'Re gonna be killin' Gee Aye, 're gonna be collectin' scalps. Gee Aye scalps, folks. Some of you new folks' your first time with us. So let me get this clear. "

" Signing up under me in Stiletto Two-One means you getting indebted. Y'all owe me a hundred of our enemy's scalps. Each one of y'all. "

Red lights shone abruptly within the hangar meaning it was time to be battle ready.

" Well, that's how my speech gets interrupted. Helmets on, let's do this. "

[member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Ashaiya Mar'Dikan"] | Will be tagging GA folks when we get in a tussle.​
Tython. Home of the jedi. The Jedi. Hate flowed freely through Darren as his orange eyes stared down at the lush green planet. Every part of him wanted to get behind a turbo laser and unleash hell just as the Silver's had done to Korriban.

Shadows took over his vision again as the ghostly red fogure of Wraith stood beside him, also staring down. "You'll get your revenge soon. But now you have an audience. Be sure to make the right impressions less this chance is ripped from you."

Darren's eyes snapped over to the deep crimson glowing figure of [member="Darth Vesper"] . Another caught between life and death, but of his own will. In this shadow version of the world Darren could see his mastery of the dark.

"I lost a lot more to the Jedi then a false face and a squad." His orange gaze focused again on the world below as his grip tightened on the standard issue blaster of the Sith Empire's Storm Troopers.

Wraith spoke again, mockingly. "You have more power then that gun will offer you." Darren frowned deeply and the wraith faded, letting light come back to the world. "What are my orders, sir."
The passing, billowing, clouds flowed across the skies and crashed into one another like waves in an expansive black sea. Planetside, a lone observer huffed an ashen breath outward following the inhalation of a burning cigar. Tapping at the end of brown wrapping for the drug leaf inside, the male caused the shriveled end of the cigar to fall out and tumble towards the floor. Breaking down upon impact, these ashes were followed by the roach which offered this foreign man only one more hit, and a boot to snuff everything out.

Ardam 'The Reaver' Parever -- gun for hire -- didn't ask much questions when the Galactic Empire hit him for an extension of services. The pay was always good, and respect for his stance in the never-ending battle for supremacy between the light and the dark was plentiful.

In short, Ardam had no reason to turn down a contract.

Flexing his left hand a couple times before placing his helmet between both palms, Ardam pulled the armor piece overhead and twisted it into place. The filter unit fit into the bounty hunter's mouth with ease as the world around his clarity of perception increased. Taking a deep breath, Ardam lifted his head to the sky for a moment. This operation was something to be wary of for the Empire. It was hard to hide this fact from Ardam. The reason for his presence here was clear: Enforcement. Jedi roamed this place like an infestation, and if a fight broke out things could get ugly. Specialization and experience in the killing of wielders of the Force made The Reaver an asset.

"Hahah. Seeing me around should be pleasant surprise." Ardam thought aloud, leaning back against the hull of his personalized Aggressor Assault Fighter. The only one made aware of his alignment with the Empire on this mission was the one who had hired him: Darth Saarai himself.

The armored male adjusted the various sections of equipment on his body, from blaster to dagger, and awaited the signal. His cloaks did well enough to keep him hidden until then. Assuming no one were to pass by this uncharted hiding place.

[member="Darth Saarai"]
[member="Ryan Korr"]

Aela stood quietly within the small small tent. There was a frown on her face and her eyebrows were slightly smushed together as she thought her way through the small puzzle projected in front of her. The tiny hologram danced and moved around, buzzing slightly as it waited for her next input.

The puzzle was little more than a childrens game, something that kept her occupied as she waited for the Padawan she had sent out to return. The young woman had asked her a question on one of the old conclaves of the Jedi Order and Aela had unfortunately been unable to answer her. She'd known where to find the solution though, and had sent the young woman out to the archives to fetch a short reading on the subject. It was the least she could do.

Aela wasn't here teaching of course, rather just visiting.

Her recent incident had meant she'd stayed away from the Academy on Wroosti, as well as the instruction of younglings. Things had been better since her trip with Jacen, but she was still very much on edge. Her lightsabers and sword had been left at home on Borleias even on this trip, and she found herself wandering around the halls of the Temple here more than anything else. She frowned for a moment at the puzzle in front of her, then let out a sigh.

Without another thought Aela stalked from the tent, looking to find the padawan that she had sent away.

She considered her situation, her place in the Order, and just what she was to do. The young Jedi Master was so lost in thought she didn't even notice as she bumped into Master Korr.
Tiland's eyes fluttered open and a frown etched its way across his face. Dark clouds rumbled on the horizon. But more importantly, a Dark storm rumbled in the heavens. He rose from where he had been sitting at the small settlement that the Church of the Force had established. Something was coming. Something grim and dark. He picked his staff from the floor next to him and then stepped out.

Winds ruffled his hair and robes as he opened himself fully to the Force and its infinite flow and surge. Indeed, he could not tell what it was, but something was happening. He turned and pulled up a datapad, accessing the NJO records concerning the planet. Who was here? Rogue Squadron was in-system, but who would be the highest authority of Alliance forces?

[member="Ryan Korr"]. He considered for a moment, catching a glimpse of shadows cascading down upon the planet. He shook his head and sent a message rippling through the Force.

Darkness approaches. Stand ready.
[SIZE=11pt]Goals of the Tapani Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]+ Rescue prisoners[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Provide humanitarian aid[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Retrieve One Sith and Vong technology, as well any datapads[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Retrieve the Embers of Vahl grimoire, and other books[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tython System,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Just outside Valley of Fire[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A small flotilla had entered the Tython system a relatively short time ago, carrying members of the Mecrosa Order, a collection team, and shocktroopers for what was anticipated to be one of the more important missions of the Mecrosa Order as of late. The flotilla was made up of a Gladius-class heavy command frigate as the lead vessel, two Essex-class vessels, two Watcher-class vessels, three Kalla-class missile corvettes, five Defender-class light corvettes, and transports as well as a medical cruiser. Those in the system shouldn’t worry, though. The hope of the Tapani was that the flotilla would merely stay in place as a security measure, protecting the Mecrosa Order members onboard, and the precious cargo that would soon be carried upon the vessel. If all went well only a small fraction of the power of the flotilla would find its way into the Siege of the Tower of Vahl.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ivlyn was on the ground with one of the Masters of the Mecrosa Order, Rosla. He was an intriguing man - some would say eccentric - but a skilled leader nonetheless. She was his second-in-command during the mission. The red-headed woman’s blue eyes watched as four dropships lifted off, the dropships beginning their patrols and fire assistance of the area, leaving behind eight shocktroopers each.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The cover was that House Mecetti had spearheaded a humanitarian effort to aid the people below, while also being intent on aiding in the rescue of prisoners within the Valley of Fire. Ivlyn would be placed inside the valley, while Master Rosla would serve in New Kaleth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Master Rosla.” Her com had activated with the press of a button on her phrik plated Vanguard-class battle armor. It wasn’t the one she wanted to wear. That one wasn’t ready yet, but this piece of technology should do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Yes, Duchess?” He replied. His voice was smooth to the point that one might think he was talking slowly, but in reality he spoke as quickly as Ivlyn or anyone else would normally.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ivlyn inhaled heavily, ”I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Not outside of a Force nexus.” She said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Yes, it is a very… lively place for the Force. Especially here, in this valley.” He replied.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As the collection teams and shocktroopers prepared to enter the valley, one of the teams with Ivlyn, she couldn’t help but to still be in awe. A squadron of starfighters buzzed above them, the teams staying close enough to each other that they could aid one another. In all likelihood, Mecrosa Order members would be there to aid those in trouble first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tython intrigued Ivlyn, to say the least. It was a place steeped in culture and myth. She had always wanted to come here. To explore it, discover its secrets, speak to its peoples. Here, she felt as though anything was possible. It was as if the Force brewed here like a tea, essence permeating throughout the entire land. So important it was to the Force that the Jedi and Sith would bicker over who should control it, and had fought countless battles and skirmishes in the very place that Ivlyn stood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ivlyn was stuck somewhere between where the Dark Side and the Light Side, using bits from the ideologies from both to understand her own beliefs. That left some holes, however. Maybe Tython would help her understand something, but there was always the chance that it could pull her deeper into one side than she was in the other. Tython was a place of dreams and secrets. Right now it had whispers that might tell you what you need to know, and voices that could

“corrupt” you or bring you the so-called “enlightenment” of the Light Side of the Force. Passion was as much a part of Ivlyn’s heart as avoiding letting personal attachments have the potential to lure you to your death. She embraced passion, but would not let anger control her during battle. She understood why the Jedi avoided personal attachments, but only adhered to one of the foundations of that avoidance: the danger of a personal attachment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tython System,

[SIZE=11pt]New Kaleth[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In New Kaleth, two dropships released Master Rosla and his sixteen soldiers before a few mobile medical bases began hovering above the area, and other humanitarian aids arrived in their own smaller vessels. He was wearing the same armor as Ivlyn, his mocha skin and vibrant, subtly bioluminescent cerulean eyes hidden from view. If one could see them, they would only appear to be actually lit if a room was darker.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Sith were here. That organization which had inspired the Mecrosa Order to greatness so long ago. Things were different, now, but no one in the Order could forget that time period. It almost led to their destruction, after all, but also gave them their greatest power. Knowledge. Knowledge should never be forgotten, only gathered, stored, and pored over to better understand it. It was a shame that he could only express a small amount of his knowledge. ”Appear normal,” they say, ”stow away the Dark Side”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Dark Side” was such a crude term for something that only encouraged passion. Rosla didn’t see things in lights and darks, at least not in the same black and white way that many others did, but he did understand that two differing ideologies had thrust the galaxy into war time and time again ever since the earliest day of Force users. It was something that many scholars studied, but rarely came to a great understanding of. That was probably because knowledge had been lost, despite all of the innate warnings from such knowledge never to forget. To forget one’s own history is to forget a piece of one’s culture, and Tython, especially New Kaleth, was part of the culture of all Force users ever to live for many past centuries… or however long ago Tython found those with the power of Gods on their surface. Even Gods forget things, apparently, but then are they really Gods?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]One of those Gods needed to be found. A Jedi Master. Someone to meet with, go over things with. Gather knowledge from. Hopefully she was competent, and didn’t forget things as their ancestors had. The Jedi Masters were elite, and he expected something more from them. He expected the same from the high-ranking Sith. Something different. A spark that made them He spotted her pretty quickly, and approached. A polite bow was given to [member="Taeli Raaf"].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”I am Master Rosla. The Tapani Federation is here to help.” He said simply, still in that smooth voice of his.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”I request a situation report, my friend. I also seek out where best to place the mobile medical bases. Are they best served here, or should they be placed closer to the quarantine?” He asked. The tall man would wait patiently for his response, while dwelling in his thoughts, but he would snap to attention quite easily.[/SIZE]
Location: Tai Fa's Ship
Objective: Prepare for the Infiltration
Allies: [member="Darth Saarai"]

Vaylin had for the most part, remained silent and to herself during the trip to Tython. A couple of months had passed since the Silver Jedi had attacked Mirial, and the Zabrak had felt a change in the air around her. There was something closing in towards her and everything told her that Aria knew what that was.

She hadn't seen her Master since they had parted ways after Mirial. Vaylin had simply been left with the instruction to meet with the woman at a certain time and location. She was up to something; planning. Unfortunately that got turned upside down when the Valkyrie had been called to arms for this operation.

Lord Tai Fa was heading up a mission to Tython, in order to help the Vahla. Vaylin had become a lot more familiar with the group since her encounter with two members of the Ember; Lassiter and Ameli Trahir. The Zabrak had a vested interested in exploring their order some more, and as such she jumped at the chance of helping them.

Currently, she was sat in the hangar atop one of the various crates as she checked her armour for the last time. Since Mirial, Vaylin had seen to repairing the damage that had been done to it. There was still various marks and nicks of old, but those were now more a token of battle than anything else.

She looked up as the last of the forces filed into the hangar, all prepped and ready to be deployed. Following not long after them, was the Thirriken Lord himself; Tai Fa.

Vaylin slid off the crate, boots hitting the ground as she grabbed her pair of lightsabers. A swift flick of her hand, and they were clipped to her belt. From there, she approached the Lord Inquisitor.

"My lord," she greeted with a bow of the head.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Offering a cursory glance of the man and his equipment, he nodded approvingly. "Better that you use the gun, for now - when you are trained, you will no longer need it, but I cannnot in good conscience send someone of your inexperience into melee against a Jedi - just keep in mind, this will not last. Moreover, that weapon will be less useful than in the past - firing at a Jedi of any competence will likely elicit no results or worse.

"However, at the same time, I cannot simply ignore this and spirit you away to Syngia or Malachor, or Korriban to train you. This is because this is a mission of revenge for you, and revenge is an appetite that must be whetted. As such, here and now are the perfect place and time for this sort of trial. You are to engage in battle. You are to go out to aid the Empire in crushing these fools. Injure whoever crosses you however you please, my student, but obey only one rule.

"Kill no Jedi. This is ironclad." Vesper spoke the edict with uncharacteristic severity, regarding the man who was two men in one. "Maim. Torture. Bend them, but do not break them. Not even in situations of life or death." He then suppressed a soft snicker under his breath. What sadism, he wondered, will you use as a substitute for that ultimate thrill? Now that the chain is there, how will you test breaking it? He curled his fingers with anticipation at the thought of spurting blood and his possessed apprentice squirming underneath the constraints. That would be, doubtlessly, the itching sort of passion that built up on Malachor and burst forth as fiery death.

"Now... I look forwards to seeing you at the hangar bay. If it's any consolation, the rank-and-file are yours to butcher as you please. Leave whatever trail of bodies you desire, and bring whatever trophies you might find back to parade in front of me, if you please. If not, so be it. And whatever happens..." He lowered his voice to a vicious purr. "...stay hungry, pet. We'll make a proper Sith of you yet."

| [member="Darren Korpil"] |
Location: Tai Fa's Control Ship
Objectives: Await infiltration instructions
Allies: [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Vaylin"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance

As the rest of the galaxy waited for the Sith Empire to retaliate against the attack on Mirial, so did Jorryn. Like many other Sith she believed that bloodshed had to be answered with bloodshed, the Jedi paying for even having the idea of assaulting Sith territory.

But the Lords of the Sith waited and time passed along, no planets were lit ablaze by the calmly burning fire of the Sith Empire. Instead they waited for a time where their cause would be seen as just, when the Vahla were being besieged by the Galactic Alliance and their Jedi council.

Jorryn had heard little of the Ember of Vahl in her experiences, but from what she had learned they could potentially be strong allies. Their love and acceptance of the Dark Side and it's destructive power leading them to be natural allies with the Sith Empire. Even Jorryn realised how waiting for the right time would be best for the Sith, in one battle they could potentially have very loyal and strong allies in the Vahla and keep up the image of just rulers to the rest of the galaxy. Every world would hear about how the Sith came to the assistance of a desperate people, the Saaraisash would make sure the news spread quickly and properly across the stars.

The Echani threw on her black coat as she finished readying herself for the campaign against the Jedi, dragging her lightsaber from the position the weapon had found itself lying near her door before exiting the small room. Her boots tapped against the metal floors of the hallway as she made towards the hangar where Lord Tai Fa had called for all on-board forces to arrange themselves, a final organisation before the operation began.

She could hear the stamping of the men and women preparing to fight even before the door in front of her dragged itself open, leading to a small catwalk with a set of stairs that led downwards to the main hangar. Her eyes surveyed the force forming in front of her, examining the men and women before finally finding the Sith in charge of the entire operation.

As Jorryn descended she pushed her coat aside as she hooked the lightsaber onto her hip, letting it fall to her side for now.

"Lord Inquisitor." The silver haired Sith chimed in humbly as she held her hand in front of his chest and bowed forward. The Echani raised again after a few seconds and gave a nod to the Zabrak woman beside him, a Sith Jorryn had met on occasion but never got to known.
"You.. What?" Darren had remained the expressionless soldier he had been trained to be as [member="Darth Vesper"] spoke all the way up to his one rule. Do not kill Jedi. Fury wracked through the soldiers mind as the grip on his blaster tightened. Images of his ruined home, his crawl from the rubble, the red masses that were once his family. He was only here today to kill those who would call themselves Jedi, the very people who had ruined his life.

He stood quivering, wanting nothing more than to tell his master to fuck off and proceed with the slaughter. But Darren knew the power of Sith, knew that defiance would get him nothing but a return to his shallow grave on Korroban.

With a steely resolve and a hateful intake of air the soldier would nod. "Understood Sir. When do I leave?"
Harley turned up, she heard their was a bit of fight going on. She was bored, so she thought she join in. Hell nothing better to cheer your day up, than making some hypocritical jedi day bad. This was how karma worked if you have good day some one else had to have a bad day, so she wanted lot's of jedi to have bad day, so she could have good day. So she was here with both her lightsabers, and her hide armour. She been smarting to hurt some one since her puppy dog dumped her [member=Vereshin]. She was aboard some ship, in her quarters, she was not waiting for infiltration instructions, like some where. She was waiting for order CAHARGGGEEEEEE, which was her favourite order. Sure people like the inquisition got to go in first, but she got fun bit of killing loads of people later. So she sat in her room alone, playing solitaire.
Location: Within the Storm that Lurks.
Direct Allies: [member="Ashaiya Mar'Dikan"] | [member="Scipio Alta"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Darth Vesper"] | [member="Darren Korpil"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Other Allies: [member="Ardam Parever"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Syrena Colsin"] | [member="Harley"]

It was often said that opportunity had a flavor to it, a taste, a sound, the chime of a coin rotating in the air before falling down direction earth and landing on one of its side or the other.

Lord Saarai had never truly believed in it, until his stride took him from one location of the ship to the hangar itself. There was adrenaline rushing through, slowly at first and with each step he took it increased in velocity and intensity. It ushered him on, turned caution into haste and pushed him towards the now. The Thirriken took control of those errant emotions, made them work for him, rather than the other way around. It was the way of the Sith to embrace their emotions, yes, but to never let the rule over you.

Otherwise they were simply another shape of chains shackling you to earth, clipping your wings and ensuring you would never truly learn how to fly.

The arrival into the hangar was one of a whispered wind. At first they didn't even take note of his appearance - small, unassuming, not even his presence in the Force could tip them off with the Force Storm raging outside and making everything more difficult to notice. Be that the sensation of the Darkside or the sensory equipment of the Alliance itself.


But as crimson-brushed fabric ran across steel floor and talons ticked in a rhythmic patience more and more people took note of the Lord Inquisitor. Some of their salutes were met with nods, others received only silence, once there was even an inclination of the beak. Truly reserved for only the most deserving of servants of the Empire, who had proven themselves worthy of respect. "Acolytes." Lord Saarai calmly greeted both of the Sith standing at attention. He studied them, then those surrounding the three and then nodded.

"Our diversion will ensure that the bulk of the Alliance leaves to defend their precious pilgrims at Kaleth." The Thirriken did not mention that they had a collaborator inside that same village.

Raaf's existence made everything so much easier.

But only few would need to know about it. "We launch at the cover of the storm and night in 5. Utilizing both, we will infiltrate the Valley and make sure we are ready to break the siege around the Tower." Tai was keenly aware more were listening- key personnel already knew what the score was, but the details had been opaque, until the time was right.

Such was the precaution necessary to ensure their secrets were safe.

"No mercy, no quarter, no play. We kill, we extract and we leave. There is little room for error here."

The Thirriken tilted its head ever so slightly.

Just outside the Tower of Vahla
Quarantine Zone


Korr turned to find the offender, a startled blonde woman. “Master Talith, are you alright?”

Concern crept into his gray eyes. He’d heard rumors about her brush with the Dark Side, but nothing more. Of all the Order’s Jedi, she had perhaps been the most steady embodiment of the Jedi’s future. Those expectations came with a great weight.

Ryan opened his mouth then paused as a mind brushed against his.

Be ready.

A frown creased his brow and he glanced around sharply. The Vahla, were they...?

Slowly, his hand moved toward the lightsaber at his belt. Wind from the gathering storm tugged at earth toned robes and set long strands of auburn hair aflutter.

“Something on the breeze.”

[member="Aela Talith"] [member="Darth Saarai"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

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