Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Black Lagoon (Vulpesen/ask)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu continued to look and go over notes while she had a smile on her face. The work they were doing and what she had to study was quite a nice thing. The notes from the beginnings of the holocron bid at the auction about alchemy. Namely how to take some of the bite from it in the blood price needed to invoke some of the power. It would need her own blood instead of the blood of others. The others on making holocrons and how best to use the parts of several darkside creatures that had been given to her as hides. The poisoned tusk could be quite a wonderful thing to use should they go against some enemies. Then her eyes went over to the wall between the rooms and Matsu stood up going to the bed. They still had plenty of time before arriving on Hapes and she decided to use the time to go to sleep and relax as she spoke on the intercom. "Master Vulps I would recommend rest before we arrive."
Vulpesen thought for a moment, but eventually decided to do as suggested. Walking back to Ace, he could see the fox was just as jittery as ever. Likely he had been asleep for quite some time now only to wake up once they boarded. "Alright, you explore but so help me if you misbehave, I'm sending you into a cage of vornskrs." Ace let out a growling yip before leaping from Vulpesen's shoulder. Of course he was too smart to get into any trouble, but it was still worth the warning as Vulpesen started to doze off. [member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The trip to Hapes was not eventful, Matsu spent the time gathering and preparing supplies from the small scraps of metal left around to a fine iron dust and whetstone, all was in preparation for building and showing how to properly create a blade. A deeply personal experience and something that she had found would help her meditate. With another look around after she woke up and went to the cockpit, Matsu took a seat and changed into rougher robes that wouldn't catch fire easily. "We should be arriving on Hapes shortly:
Vulpesen let out a small yawn as he got up from his bed, heading over to the cockpit to find [member="Matsu Ike"] as well as his smaller companion. "Ello master Ike. Have you happened to seen a small astral blue wo-" He felt a familiar weight on his right shoulder and a furry head brushed against his cheek. "Never mind. So, snything I should know about where we're going on this planet?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Vulpesen and gave a nod of her head. "It is good to see you as well and we are going to a small warehouse on the docks, I have been able to set up a make shift training area there and for research purposes. My little place away from everything. Now come." With a look as she brought the ship in to land and a small smirk Matsu looked at the docks. Her landing pad close by to the warehouse and the ship touched down with a small jostling. Slowly Matsu rose up and walked towards the ramp as she gathered her sabers and clasped her hands on her lap tp walk. "Come come we will work on other techniques."
Vulpesen petted Aces's head as the master spoke, looking forward to the training ahead of him. As she called him to come with her, he happily complied, motioning for the small wolf to return to his pouch inside the robes. "Thank you for this opportunity Master Ike. I'll admit that I was starting to get rather frustrated at m lack of progress in my abilities." He felt a small nip at his side. "And it seems I'm not the only one whos been waiting to see this. I believe my companion might want to see a small demonstration when we get to our destination."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Vulpesen and gave a nod of her head. "One of the things I have noticed about the council is their ability to draw an issue out until a person just gives up their request. It is a sad thing that my former padawan could not offer anything of substance before he disappeared. It is not something that should be done as such." With a look while she walked and wen down the ramp towards the warehouse as it came into view and she opened the door with the force. The heavy metal scraping the floor until stepping inside Matsu looked around as several ships, crates and a number of other things. "While a jedi should have no possessions it can be amazing what one accumulates from people ina lifetime and this isn't even all the things I have acquired. Just a few of the big things."
He shrugged at her words about the council. "I try to support them, but I will admit that their actions are often illogical and frustrating." He fllowed her down the ramp as she continued moving. "Are you referring to master Dragonsflame or another grand master?" No matter the answer, he would continue with her until they finally reached the warehouse, looking around at the various possessions. "I understand. Zarro doesn't have any children so technically, I'm an heir to Verres Trading Co as soon as he dies. Though, I hope such a thing doesn't happen for a long while."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Joshua Dragonsflame was my padawan a long time ago and not a great one, there is only so much one can do with a padawan who goes from master to master. I should have focused on his humility instead of his need to be something." Matsu shrugged she wasn't completely certain about it and didn't focus to hard. Joshua was doing his own thing and she was able to do her own as entering Matsu went to the center of a mat while she reached her hands out and focused bringing the air around her into a small spin. "There is much a jedi can do with enough will power and knowledge it allows for the manipulation of a great many things."
Vulpesen listened and watched the wind swirling around her. "The grand master was a good man by what I saw. Not the most orthodox of our order, but I don't necessarily see that as a flaw." He leaned against the wall and continued t watch her as she worked with the force. "I've learned a bit of alter environment, but so far a grass sword is the most I've done. Not to mention that it took me a while to do that." [member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Oh you mistake possibly, it is never a bad thing to be different. The jedi order is built on differences leading to a common goal and Dragonsflame is one of man. It was at times his attitude that needed help or temperament in placing others on a plateau no one else could reach and saying no one could measure up." Matsu continued to alter the environment and looks at Vulpesen while she smiled. "This is a technique that can take years to learn the basics of and even more to be usable. Mastering it is something that few can really do it."
Vulpesen nodded to the masters word and move his hand to pet Ace as the ashlan wolf poked his head out. "I've always thought of attempting to learn it, but I fear that effectively doing so would take too much time away from other studies." He opened his palm and focused in the force, causing a breeze to ripple through Ace's astral blue fur. "Though my time with the baran do gave me enough basics of wind control so that now I an provide air conditioning for my robes." [member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Well that is one use for such a skill." Matsu had to laugh at that it was a good joke and she raised a hand while she spoke and sat on a near solid piece of air for herself. "Though now that we are in private I do want to learn more about you. There is a great deal of things that have happened and that are still happening. I want to hear what you think of the most recent developments."
Vulpesen grinned at her laugh and decided to lean against a more tangible and reassuring wall as she asked her question. Of course he should have seen it coming. This was the question on everyone's minds. Could you blame them when there was a load of hell like these recent events. "Honestly, it seems like the galaxies been falling apart and I'm just doing what I an to dodge the debris. I hope that when everything stops and we start rising up that I can be there to pick of the pieces and help put things back together." He was tired of tearing apart the sith and others. He was tired of wrecking the lives of the evil. Sure it was right. Sure it was one of the things he was best at. But once, just once he wanted to help build up the good.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"The galaxy always seems like it is falling apart, that is half of what makes it go around and around it seems. I have seen many jedi rise and fall and recently with all that has been happening I can say this. We all can help pick up the pieces in the galaxy the real trick will be not how important you are but it will be how useful you become. You'll be a good jedi but be a good human being first the rest will come easily enough. It is why I chose to avoid my attachments and be serene in all things it allows a being to find special things. There are very few things in this galaxy that will matter in the end. The age old struggle will not amount to much when people of the galaxy die or starve. It is why we have fought and why many have died."

With a look at Vulpesen, Matsu remained standing there with a grin on her face. "With all that happened on Coruscant and the jedi falling it almost amused me. Almost, one of the things I recalled and pointed out was how everyone claimed the jedi were evil, dangerous and really just sith while Selena served as grandmaster and now when the adults of the order are in control all the jedi fall. It was a strange feeling almost, like gloating and laughing at the misfortune but she had been on the end of their condemnation it felt good seeing those who spoke down fail to keep others from turning to the darkside. "Thankfully though I am not of the belief I am holier the thou like many or that I am always right I just know history."
Vulpesen listened intently to the master's words doing his best to understand her. As for importance and usefulness, he had to agree with her there. "I just hope that I prove to be as useful as possible during the rebuilding time." As she went on to speak about the view of jedi during Selena's rule and after, the jedi let out a small laugh. "I suppose your right about hat as well. But there is a flip side. Perhaps it was Selena's campaigns that turned away those we called friend and thus weakened us for this deadly counter strike." He took a moment before speaking again. "While we mustn't forget the past, sometimes we should keep our eyes fixed on the future."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"A good point as well and it shows wisdom which will serve you well." Matsu kept a face holding a wide grin while she moved. "There is many things in this galaxy that will change upon our point of view or what we have learned. Take this room for instance, there are notes and data from research on many force abilities, on locations in the galaxy and on how one mind walks. I have slowly explored more orders and locations in the galaxy then some will ever see and learned how to do what I could. It has given a more broad perspective and disinterest in many things. Namely how myself and students view the code, following it while remaining detached and seeking knowledge. Perhaps you have some insight on the work I have been doing. I have been looking for ancient artifacts."
Vulpesen continued to listen to the elder master, smiling as he remember a similar quest when he was much younger. "Two years before I became a jedi, I traveled around as many orders as I could, and while I'm sure that you've learned far more than myself, I have learned the basics of their philosophies. As for the code, it is a surprisingly flexible thing, so long as we are careful not to bend it too far." He flicked his hand and Ace leaped from his robs to explore the room for him. Discussion or no, he was quite curious as to what there was. "I myself have done the same, but times have been slow. Perhaps if I had a significant and specific target."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Bending the code is not always acceptable, I will see what we can do for getting you a target though." She moved a bit letting the energy subside and motioned Vulpesen over towards the desk she had setup in the one area covered with notes and datapads. "We'll see to that. Now come and sit, I would like to hear about your world. I do not believe I have been there before."
"True, but one mustn't take the code to literal lest they become inactive and ineffective." He walked over to sit down by the master. "Amar?" He smiled at the memories of his old home. "As far as galactic standards go, its a bit below average. Though, I suppose we're something of a zeltros light. Amarans are naturally free spirited, loving parties and traveling and quite honestly, many of my peers found it strange when I told them I'd be a jedi. They thought it was far to disciplined for a child of Amar. More likely they thought I'd continue on as a merchant under Zarro, use my skills to become a master haggler and beast tamer, two things we're quite well known for. Of course, I had always wanted a higher cause. In any case, while plain in demographics and a bit low-tech, the planet itself is beautiful. Forests and plains, its quite green all around with beautiful lakes. What else would you expect from a planet who's main export is animals such as bursas and other beasts."

He smiled once more as he remembered his time helping Zarro's business and his life back home. "We revered the stars, the sky was a goal for many and it makes sense that many left to become peddlers, selling their wares around the galaxy with feet so itchy, they wouldn't even spend more than a day on a planet. I guess thats what makes me a bit more different from the other jedi. You were raised by humans with human mannerisms. I was raised by hyperactive mercantile dogs. I'm proud of it, but it does mark me as different when it shows."

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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