Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Big Surgery coming up...

Well, a few people are aware of this, but hell, I oughta just let you all know.

I've been slowly going deaf now for a fair few years. My current ENT (Ear Nose Throat) ordered a CT Scan done. Here's the long and short of it:

I have a very large cyst made up of skin cells growing in my left middle ear. It has almost totally destroyed the middle ear bones, and is about to begin eroding my skull between the middle ear and brain. So, I'm scheduled for surgery on October 5th. They basically have to cut my ear damn near off the side of my head, go in and scrape this sumb*tch out of there. The downside of this is that the cyst has been taking the place of the ear bones, so once this is done, I've got a very good chance of being stone cold deaf in my left ear. There is a chance that my ENT can go in again down the road and actually reconstruct my ear bones in such a way that I can get 75% to 85% of my hearing in that ear back. But it's slim.

So yeah, Come October 4th i'll be LOA for a few days. But, two silver linings here:

1: My mom's coming down to FL from NJ for about 8 days to be with me and clean my stitches and such.

2: What else am I gonna do when I can't sleep and I'm stoned out of my gourd on painkillers? Chill here and post, of course.

That all said, to those who are religious, pray for me. For those who aren't, hope for the best.

I appreciate it, guys and gals. :)

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