Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Be like water, my friend (RTL Forcers & Friends)

From a distance the Iridonian watched the class thoughtfully, and quite curious in truth. It seemed a good group, but he had always been rather distant from those who called themselves Jedi. Bad blood, and bad memories abound within the word. Yet these were not truly they as far as he understood it, not even the spiritual successors of the Republic's Jedi. He'd read their stances and theories already, and he found much to admire in them. Still he was unsure.

He'd always loved the Outer Rim and unknown regions beyond them. Loved the way the cultures still stood independent and there was room to grow. There was a freedom out beyond the core systems, and he respected anyone who sough to strengthen that freedom and independence. His feelings of the Rim being a second chance for anyone and anything still remained, even if what started that dream in him was now just a lovely memory. A cherished memory, but a memory none the less.

Now the winds howled around him, they had summoned him here, and for the second time he had simply obeyed, as he had once of old. He was no longer a young sapling though. Now when he felt the winds of the living Force sweep through and around him he could feel himself sway in it, and yet it was different. He'd allow himself to grow stubborn, and resistant and so it had changed him.

Still he let that thought go as he let his mind lose and float on the winds of the living Force. Without any attempt to guide it he felt it bring his presence closer to watch and listen. The Force required nothing else at this time, and so he simply withdrew pulling his signature in even as he could feel his awareness around these students. There was no need to disturb the class, and he'd no doubt their Master had already felt his presence when he arrived.

He didn't know him personally, though he was quite sure an old friend of his had brought him to a class on a water world once to view witness to it. He'd rejected it then of course. A man who lived in the past would always have trouble accepting the truth of the presence after all. Perhaps that's why he had sought to close his eyes and mind for so long. It didn't really matter though in the end. He had taken his first steps away from that and the only choices he had now were to grow or sit still and be angry about wasted time.

Still there was nothing wrong with his mind in learned about these people and the newest government out in the Rim. Of course this wasn't exactly his old stomping grounds, no they were closer to old Omega territory weren't they. He almost laughed out loud at the thought. He truly did have trouble letting go of the past didn't he?

Settling against the mud he closed his eyes and simply continued to float and watch. The choice was coming soon, he could feel it in the distance like a moment unwinding. He wasn't a prophet of the Force, he couldn't see the future, not in the sense many believed in. He simply knew it was time and had trust in the Force. If the winds told him to duck, and he ducked. He didn't necessarily know the blow was coming that way, or the bolt from a blaster, but because he listened he found safety and success many times he would not have. Now clear as day it told him to be here and watch, so he did. He just wished somewhere inside he didn't know what it wanted this time.

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Thelma Goth Thelma Goth Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Jorah zos Darnus Jorah zos Darnus Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Sargon Vynea Sargon Vynea Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Thelma Goth Thelma Goth Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Jorah zos Darnus Jorah zos Darnus

They were not alone. Now, that was obvious to those who paid attention. It was Dagobah- one couldn't go anywhere alone without running into some buzzing insect with the aggressiveness of the average adolescent Sith apprentice.

But this was something different. There was someone not far away, and the tides of their paths were slowly intersecting. What that meant, Tiland could not guess. It was another Force user, although not one he had ever met. Nor could he easily discern the being's identity. He let one hand rest lightly on the quarterstaff resting across his knees.

"One of you did mention water," Tiland continued after a moment, "But it was a more general way of speaking, at least from your phrasing and structuring. Were you referring to water in the concept or the actual water around us?" He let a small smile flit across his lips, letting his gaze drift between them all before looking past them for a moment to where he thought the other presence might be.
Pyeth was thankful for Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher 's assistance, he looked for a moment at his former master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . He moved on with the lesson, and not wishing to disturb it any further he fell into silence staring at the untouchable hilt.

His eyes turned to Corbin, regarding his old friend with uncertainty. He knew little more than what he had witnessed, and even that was fading from memory.

"I don't..." He glanced around again, half expecting to find himself on the warm beaches of his home world again. He focused, plucking at the threads of the Force until he found some measure of clarity. Echoes. Echoes of the Kyber.

Could Kyber store memories, perhaps invoke them? If so, whose or what memories had been drawn out. What was that ruin? And what connection did it have to him, if any at all.

He reached out again, gripping the hilt tighter. The Kyber, that was the source. He focused on it, trying to ascertain the cause, but all he sensed was a cocktail of Force energies. He recognised two, but the third was alien.

"I don't know. I think I witnessed someone else's memories?" He answered in whisper.

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher
Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki


Corbin handed the now warmed lightsaber hilt back to Pyeth as the avian Jedi reached for it. "Ice is gone, at least."
"I don't know. I think I witnessed someone else's memories?"
"You mean like Psychometry? Odd. One of the pieces of your lightsaber have a unique history or something?"
His friend was still soaked from the swamp water. He looked extremely uncomfortable. "Let me try something."
Corbin concentrated, the adrenaline of the moment fueling him. He reached out in a gentle weaving of several techniques at once. He blended a movement of wind, water, and fire in an attempt to dry Pyeth. It actually worked quite well. He'd never done it before, but when the voice inside him told him to try doing something with the Force, it thus far had never let him down. The result was that a good bit of water had been pulled away from Pyeth's feathers, which were now fluffed up from the heated wind Corbin had created. Corbin stifled a chuckle at the sight. "Gotta be somewhat better, at least." At least they hadn't disturbed the padawans trying to meditate.
And whoever the person watching them was. Corbin had felt his presence, but it had never been threatening. And Corbin didn't yet know all the Jedi from the Dagobah temple, so he would not make any assumptions. Likely Master Tiland sensed him as well, and he didn't seem worried at all. Must be a potential comrade for Corbin to eventually meet.
He patted Pyeth lightly on the back. "Try not to jump in the water again, you're not a duck." Hopefully the lighthearted joke would improve the Jedi's mood.


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