Kana Truden
Wandering Healer
A world Kana did not really know much about but just like many other places it was one of the planets under the Republic that had been hit. She hadn’t been there herself, obviously, but there were still a few things of note in the dossier that had been handed to her and everyone else that was to partake in this relief campaign.
First off a known band of pirates had taken up shop in one of the old military bases. An old imperial base that had still very much been in use before a majority of all stationed men disappeared. The emergency transmission was garbled at best and the Republic has raised the flag. They needed help and they needed it sooner rather than later.
Down on the ground the men were all cheering. Happily descending into drunken stupors and petty arguments as their watch shifts ended. The local populace had learned to avoid the base by now and those who didn't were free to join the dead just like the few before them.
These men had terrorized the people enough and your instructions were clear on this.
First of you needed to work together in space to rid the pirates harassing the planet. Nothing serious, but they will certainly prove a nuisance.
At the same time you needed to reclaim the imperial base from said pirates.
Finally there was a severe need for repairs on the old planetary defenses. Primarily a set of ion cannons that can be used to help against the ships in orbit.
The Republic has faith in you and believes you can do this. Do not let them down.
A world Kana did not really know much about but just like many other places it was one of the planets under the Republic that had been hit. She hadn’t been there herself, obviously, but there were still a few things of note in the dossier that had been handed to her and everyone else that was to partake in this relief campaign.
First off a known band of pirates had taken up shop in one of the old military bases. An old imperial base that had still very much been in use before a majority of all stationed men disappeared. The emergency transmission was garbled at best and the Republic has raised the flag. They needed help and they needed it sooner rather than later.
Down on the ground the men were all cheering. Happily descending into drunken stupors and petty arguments as their watch shifts ended. The local populace had learned to avoid the base by now and those who didn't were free to join the dead just like the few before them.
These men had terrorized the people enough and your instructions were clear on this.
First of you needed to work together in space to rid the pirates harassing the planet. Nothing serious, but they will certainly prove a nuisance.
At the same time you needed to reclaim the imperial base from said pirates.
Finally there was a severe need for repairs on the old planetary defenses. Primarily a set of ion cannons that can be used to help against the ships in orbit.
The Republic has faith in you and believes you can do this. Do not let them down.