Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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B'arrrr, Leia - Republic Dominion of Borleias

She had tried to follow [member="November Sinclair"] upon leaving the ship but with a distinct ineptitude for stealth had the master causing way too much sound to not be a detriment on the soldier's approach. Quietly she lagged behind. As the woman got out of sight she eventually got up and simply strolled forward in the dark looking to make way for the overrun Imperial base.

Pirates were a gamble. Either they were the lazy-drinking-and-chanting kind of tales or they were, well, pillaging, ravaging, bloodthirsty, kill-em-all pirates. The thought of the latter was enough for the Jedi Master to slow her approach and if any thing make her think twice about not partaking in the more stealth-like classes around the Academy.

Oh well.

For now she would simply make way. Those pirates was about to get a nasty whackin'.
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Alarice Mollari"]

Whilst the fleet waited above, the marines and soldiers of the Republic were moving in to various locations across the planet.
"Once there was a great battle here," the Admiral said.
"The Vong came here 800 years ago. It was the Republic which stopped them then. Now I fear this planet may have to stop them again. I want defences established on the ground, in space, on the space-lanes leading into the system. We must be prepared for the fact that the Sith and their Vong allies may come here soon. This, gentlemen, is the frontier of freedom, and it must be preserved."
Kian was waiting for [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s reply when he heard them. It was the heavy footsteps of booted feet. There were enemy combatants coming. Kian silently began to walk down the corridor toward the door. He couldn't tell if they were coming this way and he wasn't getting much from their force presences. They seemed afraid. In the distance Kian could hear the turrets outside fire and could feel the vibrations in the building as the Republic forces opened up with their own heavy weapons attempting to blow the turrets from the side of the building.

As Kian neared the end of the corridor, he could hear them coming closer. They were almost there. Kian ducked back behind the door frame and reached out with the force. He counted five force presences. He deactivated his ligthsaber so the light wouldn't give them away and he waited in the dark for his moment.

As the group of pirates rushed past Kian waited. He waited until the last two were coming past and then he spun around the corner, igniting his yellow blade and slashing in one smooth motion. He took the group by surprise and one pirate fell away clutching his severed arm while the other collapsed to the ground with a scorched hole below the elbow.

Kian spun around and the other three were finally turning about, bringing their weapons to bear. Kian rushed forward, not wanting to be the target of their combined fire in such a tight corridor and drove his blade into the closest of the pirates.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
after minutes spending getting the ships defence up she could hear talking from the other side of the door. "damn there here" she said in a low voice. Sanya stopped what she was doing and headed over to the middle of the room waiting for them to brake in.

the door swung open and the pirates raised there guns towards Sanya "we'll aren't you brave, you friends have left you and your aiming guns at a Jedi. please tell me what part of this turns out in your favor." one of the pirates walked closer to Sanya but keeping the distance. "the part where I take this ship and kill you" his voice crackled like it was many yeas of drugs, alcohol and smoking.

Sanya burst out laughing "there could be 10 of you here and I would find that joke funny. now seriously" Sanya tried to hold in her laughter "where do you think you will come on top. one three people who can't shoot straight against a trained Jedi or two the republic forces against this ship if you take it." the pirate looked furious he brought up his blaster and shot. Sanya's instantly ignited both sabers reflecting the one shot back to the pirate. the shot had landed on the left of his chest killing him instantaneously.

looking at the other two pirates they had lowered the rifles "if you leave now I won't take you in. just don't let me catch you with pirates again" one of the pirates had sprinted off but a young female had stayed stood where she was. the girl lower the scarf around her neck to show a device "is that a slave collar?" the girl nodded her head, her eyes kept darting the the man's front pocket.

Sanya walked over the the corpse and took out the remote for the collar. she observed there remote and it was obvious it was tampered with, the release button had a skull scratched onto it. she took in a deep breath and exhaled "I can't use the remote to get it off." she walked towards the girl igniting her saber "hold still" Sanya carefully cut the lock on the side of the slave collar causing it to drop off "there we go." the girl closed her eyes out of relief "th... thank you." Sanya turned around and walked over to the ships main panel and activated the exterior automated defence "it's no problem. if you stay with me while I make sure this vessel remains safe I will take you with me. don't worry you will be safe with me." Sanya signaled to the admiral that the ship would be safe to collect.

sitting up from the controls Sanya headed towards the docking port that her ship was at, the girl followed closely behind. it took about five minutes before reaching the ship. Sanya lifted the girl up first before climbing into the port into her ship. the girl sat down in the back of the ship, she looked so scared. before taking off Sanya felt like she had to reassure the girl "don't worry you won't be arrested for anything, and you can stay with me till this whole thing blows over if you would like" the girl simply nodded her head. Sanya sat in her seat detaching the ship from the docking port. she power the engines and set a course back to the fleet.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
Corvus was distracted and wasn’t paying enough attention to Kian. Not having the Force to guide and advise you was an odd feeling and she still wasn’t comfortable with it.

But the heavy footsteps she heard. She followed her fellow Shadow and crept down the hallway. Mirroring Kian, she kept a low profile as the men approached. Suddenly they were upon them and she watched as her comrade took out three of the five men in quick succession.

So she felt honour bound to take out the other two. The first fell victim to a Gundark slap - but she pulled the blow enough to render the man unconscious. The second man brought his blaster to bear and a lightning quick blow to his wrist both broke it and ensured the weapon clattered harmlessly on the floor. She immediately followed up with Sleeping Krayt and a second pirate lay sleeping on the floor.

“We need to find the control room and quick…”

[member="Kian Karr"]
As my dropship came out of the flagship I couldn't help wonder why this was so easy. I mean they had the advantage and the resources yet we were sweeping through them like nothing. I stopped my thought right then and there since I knew that something bad was bound to happen to me. The force like to play tricks on my like that and sure enough today would be no different.

The squad I was assigned to was relief team with very little training in the way of combat. The five men were here to get supplies safely from one place to another smoothly and without delay. I was here to oversee there operation and to make sure they don't get shot and killed. The ride was very silent up until we broke atmo.

Then all of the sudden a large jolt sent us rocking sideways. I used my communicator to talk to the pilot "What happened...I thought that we secured the area". A couple seconds later he responded with "We did..but the shot wasn't AA fire, it was a shoulder launcher coming fro..." All of the sudden another rocket hit us this time sending us into a spin. I blacked out as we hit the ground but I could tell one thing. We hit the ground hard.

I slowly woke up at the sounds of battle around and some one screaming at me. The commander was yelling at me to get up and call reinforcements. My ears were still ringing but I was able to stand and turn on my wrist com. I yelled into it "This is Padawan Caleb Brolen requesting reinforcements to this location. We are surrounded by enemy forces and have injured. If you can here this then send help fast".
"You'll have to teach me some of that one day." Kian said to Corvus after watching her effortlessly take down the two combatants without even igniting her blade. Kian could fight, but he wasn't skilled like that in a hand-to-hand situation. Then Corvus mentioned the need to find the control room. Kian pulled his datapad out bringing up the layout of the building that had been included in the mission dossier. First he located where they were and then ran the program to route them to the control room.

"We need to go...." Kian said giving it a moment to confirm. "That way." Kian said pointing toward the way the pirates had originally come from. Kian turned and began running down the hall toward the control room. He could feel the mounting tension of the battle outside. Kian focused on his connection to the force and found that while it still felt different, he could augment his speed, propelling himself down the corridor at a breakneck pace. He wasn't sure what they would need to do once they got to the control room, but he was sure Corvus would take charge.

Kian allowed his mind to wander a bit as he ran. It seemed these days when he did that he was constantly drawn back to the the darkness and the stink of blood. He knew Jedi who still hadn't escaped the place. Jedi who had vanished along with them and still hadn't been heard from. Kian feared for them. He feared what horrors they might have met there or what they did when they returned to the world of the living.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Corvus smiled. “Don’t tell Tracy that, he caught up with me on Kashyyk recently and commented how sloppy I’d become. But yes, when things settle down, I’d be delighted. In the present circumstances, it seems a sensible option.”

She waited whilst he pulled up the schematics and started to run after him once he’d identified the direction of travel. Using her martial arts training she was able to keep pace without the Force and as Kian stood to the side of the door they’d been looking for - no doubt waiting to consider the situation - she simply leapt at it and took it off its hinges.

“Hello,” she offered before drawing the hilt of her saber and smiling at the three technicians currently pressing various buttons on the massive console in front of them. “For once, just this once, surrender…OK?”

[member="Kian Karr"]
Kian let out a roar of laughter when the smaller framed Jedi shot forward, taking the door down in one swift move, but luckily the sound was mostly blocked by the sound of the door skittering along the floor and the gasps of fear and amazement coming from the technicians.

"I'd suggest doing what she says." Kian said, poking his head into the room but remaining on the outside of the door. "She's feeling violent today." Kian said, his voice deep and serious, though he was sure Corvus would tell the hint of amusement to it. It was often hard to gauge what Kian was feeling with his words alone, as the mask hid most auditory cues, but the two Jedi had known each other long enough that it wasn't as difficult.

"I mean, just look at the poor door." Kian said and even before the words left his mouth, the technicians had dropped to their knees and raised their hands into the air. Kian smiled and walked into the room, reaching into his utility belt and pulling out a length of rope and walking behind the three, securing their arms tightly together.

He glanced up at the controls and, after checking the bindings, walked over to stand beside Corvus. Kian had seen control rooms like this before and leaning down he eyed the displays more carefully. He knew what he was looking for, but with all the various controls, it took him a moment to find it.

"Aha!" Kian said when he saw the controls he was looking for and leaned forward, pressing a series of keys. Kian turned his head to the side and listened for a moment.


The turret defenses had stopped fire. That should help the advancing soldiers a bit, Kian thought to himself and straightened up.

"Shall we find you more doors to kick in?" Kian said and couldn't contain the chuckle.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Alarice would send in additional dropships to the positions of those on the ground - of course those dropships would contain more supplies and more troops to establish better defenses for the time being. Actual defenses would take some time, but it wouldn't something extremely difficult for the Republic to acquire within a short period of time.

The messages were streaming through about the losses of worlds across the Galaxy to various factions, both friend and foe. The numbers were also beginning to show the exact amount of damage that this event was causing and it wasn't something that would be easy to report - not to the Senate and not to [member="Kayleigh Tyven"].

All they could do would be maintain and continue to bolster their defenses against any potential threats, for now, the One Sith appeared to be in the same position as them - secure and remain in a defensive posture. Would this war become stagnated - might not be bad for both sides.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
And a nasty whacking they would get indeed.

November lost count of how many exactly she had killed in terms of numbers, but it was in the double digits - to be fair - she allowed some to escape with the threat of force being thrown in their direction. November still enjoyed these types of things, land and secure. Secure meant kill alot of bad guys and destroy some things, unfortunately - this time - she didn't get to destroy much.


Hopefully, she'd get to use some explosives in the future. Making things blow up in an array of fiery mess was another enjoyment of hers. Why not? As long as it didn't belong to her or the Republic...who cared.

[member="Kana Truden"]
With a thud the door slammed into the wall, flung open with surprising speed. Perhaps Rin was letting her friend's death get to her more than she was showing?... Of course she was. It had been a horrible thing to watch. But she had to at least act like she wasn't about to cry. Even if that meant terrifying her allies. They'd get used to this version of her. Or maybe not. It didn't really matter, of course, seeing as they were nearing the end of what would be their only time working together. Soon they'd reach the base and meet up with the other groups. Then, together, they would kill or capture every pirate. The world would be under Republic protection again. And they could all go home.

Eventually. There would still be more planets to look after...

"C'mon. It's only a few flights of stairs, but be careful. We don't know what's down there..." She hadn't talked this much in almost a year.
Maybe this version of her wasn't so bad after all...

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