Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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B'arrrr, Leia - Republic Dominion of Borleias

Corvus managed to dodge the anti-aircraft fire as she came in to land. This building was primarily designed for defending against a ground assault, clearly nobody expected two Jedi to come calling.

But of course that didn't mean the red carpet would be rolled out for them. The moment they landed Corvus jumped out of the ship and drew her saber. She predominantly blocked the blaster fire as she advanced on the ten or so pirates that were foolish enough to stand on the roof.

A bolt beat her defenses and winged her right shoulder. Blocking out the pain, she wondered what was happening with the Force. Usually she could have deal with this many combatants relatively easily. And where was Kian? So she continued to close the gap and two of the blasts she was able to deflect back to their owners. Two down, eight to go - but this was getting to be heavy weather. She decided that as soon as she was close enough she would switch to Teräs Käsi instead.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]
"Good to see you again as well, Admiral. Roger that. We will hold behind. Once they have fled we will direct our fleet toward the base. Our dropships are being prepped now for deployment to the imperial base. They will reinforce the troops already on the surface."

The Caledonia's sensors picked up the Aimless Ranger as it moved from the fleet formation toward the base. Kayleigh laughed slightly to herself. "Ma'am, should we inform the Ranger that we are prepping dropships now and to wait?" Kayleigh waved her hand. "No, let him go. He knows what he's getting himself into. We'll be in behind him shortly anyway."

With the dropships prepped for launch Kayleigh recalled the first squadron of fighters to the Caledonia to escort the dropships to the base. "Deployment will commence in 15."
"Sounds like fun!" Kian said following Corvus in and settling the J-1 down on the rooftop. Kian shut down the ship and opened the hatch, leaping down to the ground and unclipping his lightsaber and began to defend from the enemy fire.

"Infiltrate and sabotage...." Kian said glancing sideways at Corvus, "....that reminds me of a mission once.." Kian said smiling broadly once more and advanced on the group ahead of them. Normally Kian would have relied on the force to hurl some of the men off balance, but these days the force wasn't acting the way he'd like it too.

Utilizing Shien, Kian took out the first two who fired on him while he closed the distance. As soon as he was close enough, Kian barreled into the group, his yellow blade cutting and slashing with the slower, more deliberate powerful strikes of Form V. He felt the twinge as a vibroblade bounced off of his armor and he spun about, cutting down the man wielding it. He could see from the corner of his eye, Corvus was advancing on the men as well.

They would make quick work of this group.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]​
As soon as they were close enough, Corvus deactivated her blade and clipped it to her belt. Her moves were lightning fast - only Kian as a Force-user would be able to appreciate her pace. To the men she faced, her martial arts training in steel hands meant she didn't need to use the Force to deal with these ruffians.

Three went down in the space of a heartbeat. Two had gaping holes where their ribs used to be, the third found his neck lolling at an unnatural angle. Non-lethal would have bee preferable but too many lives were at stake to take any risks.

There were just three left - that Kian had managed to knock to the ground. Would she have to wait for him again?

[member="Kian Karr"]
The Ranger landed like a drunk boulder, the impact was hard enough for Orick to feel it in his spine. He had oriented the cargo doors away from the only hatch leading into the room, which allowed him to see the two pirates that were moving forward to investigate the old freighter. He slipped down the ramp and put a blaster bolt in each one in succession. Pirates, he thought to himself. remembering the time he had gotten lax on a security detail when he was a marine. He quickly secured the cargo bay and moved to the door and what lay beyond. Someone else had already landed, Jedi by the humming sound, and whoever they were, they were drawing a lot of attention. Checking the corners, he moved forward slowly, blasters ready, and oriented himself towards the sound of combat.

The first two pirates he came across had their backs to him, they were ducked behind a corner and were snapping off shots at someone he couldn't see. He dropped one wit ha pistol whip to the back of the head and the other decided that he wasn't going to be taken alive. His blaster was up and the trigger was pulled before Orick could react, The bolt missing him wide as the pirate was dropped with two clean shots to the chest. " Kriff me that was a close one." He checked the corner, there was a Jedi there for sure.

Watching the Jedi work he was drawn to a glaring fact that he wasn't sure the pirates had noticed, but he sure did. She was moving a bit slower, almost normal even. She was still a dervish in combat, and well above anything the pirates could throw her way, bit she almost seemed human for a second. I wonder why that is. he thought to himself as he advanced on another pirate from behind. I really hope she's paying attention and realizes I'm here.

[member="Kian Karr"][member="Corvus Raaf"]
Kian would normally have tried to apprehend the three men, but despite the odds they continued to fight. Feeling regret, but knowing they had more pressing matters at hand, Kian cut down the remaining three and turned toward Corvus with a sad shrug. Looking at the men laying on the ground before her, Kian shuddered. Book worm yes.....but deadly hand-to-hand combatant, absolutely.

"So, what is our way in?" Kian asked. He felt the presence of another in the force....but it felt wrong, felt different. Kian still was adapting to the new feeling of the force and the way it was skewed and off. Turning toward the presence he saw another approaching, bringing his saber around defensively he eyed the man cautiously. Kian hadn't met him before.

"Anyone you know Corvus?" Kian asked the Jedi Master without taking his eyes off of the man.
[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]​
Orick looked up and saw the other Jedi, Damn, where the hell did he come from. He was rusty, there's no way he should have not noticed that there were two of them. He tilted his head and holstered his blaster, showing his empty hands to the Jedi. He had learned long ago not to piss off people who carried lightsabers. Kneeling down he checks the pirate for anything of interest, twi'lek dancer pictures, death sticks, a broken watch., these guys sucked as pirates., he thought. He checked the blaster on the ground next to the pirate and in two quick motions he disabled the weapon and dropped it back on the ground.

" There's two more around the corner, one went out the hard way, the other's just taking a nap." He looked up as he said the words. " You two want to push further into the compound, I'll stay here and secure the area until the rest of the fleet decides to join us. I'm sitting on some important cargo in the next bay, but if you need a hand clearing out this nest of bugs, I might be open to giving you a hand."

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
The second hit came without warning.
It rammed into the side of the ship, feeling more like a charging bantha than some sort of firearm, pushing them hard right as they were about to land. People started to panic within an instant. There hadn't been any time to brace for impact, not even a split second. One moment they were ready to fling open the door... the next they found themselves tipping over. Alarms started blaring again, then smoke drifted through crevices, and all the while the shuttle slid hard against the ground, screeching, sparks flying, rushing towards a wall. Stopping it was impossible. Trying would be futile. They were going to crash. Their momentum was to much, pulling them along, right into-

Svarin blacked out for a moment.

When her eyes forced themselves open she had to stop herself from gagging. A panel that had been ripped loose in the initial impact was now... She looked away, unable to see what used to be a soldier. Under her breath she muttered a short apology to them. Maybe I could have saved them... But there wasn't any time to think like that. Someone was coughing. They were still alive. Somehow... Wait, there was more than one person. Silvia! Rin, fearing the worst, tried to see through the rising smoke. Failing that she got down low, crawling across the dirty, cracked floor. The noise got louder. People, maybe three, were moving towards the door. Thank the Gods! Only a second passed before she saw them. Figures clad in heavy armor, coughing hard, trying to pry the broken panel away. Silvia wasn't among them.

"Silvia! Are... are you okay?!?" She called, barely able to get a sound out, choking on the thick smoke. A faint sob was her only response. "Just try to make some noise. Anything! I'll come get you!" Every word hurt. It was like she wasn't speaking. More like she was forcing spikes out of her throat. Trying not to inhale anything bad didn't make it any easier. But her message got across- the sobs continued, followed by something banging on metal. Quietly she tried to move towards the sound. She was sore. The crash had destroyed the ship and bruised her. This was going to hurt in the morning. Then again, it already did. That's not important. I have to save Silvia. Another sob entered the air- before being destroyed, forming into a horrid series of coughs. They were running out of time. All of them.

A sharp ray of light managed to cut through some of the smog. It did not, however, make things any better. For it revealed yet another terrible scene: Silvia laying near-still, shrapnel in both of her legs, sitting in an ever-growing puddle of blood. More than the average being could lose and still live. Rin didn't think. She just moved, carefully picking up the smaller woman, grunting as she rushed towards the exit. It was too late. It was far too late but she had to try... she had to try...

The sun seemed far to bright for a moment like this.
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"]

The pirates scattered. A couple tried to turn and harass the Republic fleet, but when the Dart was deployed they wisely pulled back. The Republic meant business, and they had easier fish to fry elsewhere.

With this in mind, the Republic fleet entered into close orbit.
“Ground control, Admiral Tyven, we are deploying dropships and marines to assist the ground landing.”

Everything was going well. But then an alert started to blare on the bridge. “Admiral, we’re receiving a distress call from a ship identified as the Rocksteady.”
“Patch it through.”
A garbled and slightly panicked voice came through. “…is merchant freigt…steady. …the crew disap…only one left. Please he…”
“It could be a trap, but it may not be. Commander Wain, dispatch one of our corvettes and a wing of fighters to investigate. Evacuate the crew if needed and help get the transport back online.”
The Admiral watched as his orders were obeyed. One really did get everything as a soldier!
And infiltrate the stealthy assassin would - like a thief in the night.

She would drop in a zone a few hundred meters from the actual drop point of the troopers themselves and begin taking out scout points and enemy patrols well within the confines of the city - heading towards an objective designated on her holomap within her goggles. The objective was no different than that of her comrades, just her approach was different. She would maintain contact with the primary force - like [member="Sabena Shai"]. Ensuring to mark their specific locations on her holomap for good measure.

Not that she'd confuse them for an enemy, more so for the fact that she didn't want to cover over their tracks and not have any fun with enemies they might have already taken care of - can't kill something twice you know?
As the gunships reached the pirate base, they came under heavy fire as the pirates attempted to dissuade them from pushing further. This at least helped draw attention away from forces such as [member="November Sinclair"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], and [member="Orick T'ane"].

The gunship that Sabena was on landed a distance away from the gates of the military base. Many other ships - those with frontline soldiers - landed ahead of Sabena’s group. She followed a Barabel Jedi - male or female, Sabena could not tell nor had the bravery to ask. The Barabel Jedi’s name was Hisra - and for the sake of simplicity, Sabena assume it was a “she”.

Hisra drew her purple lightsaber and began to make her way toward the military base with a group of Republic soldiers. Looking back to Sabena for a second, she told Sabena with her hissing voice, “Ready yourself. You’ve yet to face a battle like this.”

In many ways this was what she had known was going to happen. This wasn't like the other 'fights' she had participated in. Nor was it a simple diplomatic mission. Their foes were pirates intent on killing them. Either she was going down or they were. But, of course, she wasn't the only one fighting. And was far from being able to protect everyone with her. Causalities were going to happen. They already had. Adrian, Teo, and Lyson were already gone. Lost in the flames of the crash... Here Silvia was, taking in shaky breaths, preparing to join her comrades in one last crusade. She wasn't going to make it. There was to much blood- on her legs, on the ground... on her friend's tunic. For once there wasn't a medic around to even try and patch her up.

Just Rin. A lone Jedi with no medical training.

"Holy... hell... I'm going to die... oh God, Rin, I'm going to die..." Silvia reached a hand up, shakily placing it on her friend's shoulder, crying softly. "It hurts. My stomach.... I can't feel my legs anymore..." The others glanced around nervously, waiting for an ambush, for enemies to come rush at them. No one dared watch their friend pass away. They couldn't. "Rin...can you... can you sing me a lullaby?... I know it's silly... but... it's almost like I'm going to sleep, right? I just... gotta take a quick nap..." The Echani tried to refuse. To tell her that she was going to make it. I don't need to sing for you, you're going to live. But her companion wouldn't budge. "I'm going to die anyway," she says, "just do this for me. Please."

How could she say no?...

"I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated... or if you're staring at the edge of the world..." Speaking hurt. Singing was worse. Her voice cracked. It sounded hurt- broken. Like someone had taken a beautiful painting and scratched pieces away. The affect was strange. Silvia loved it nonetheless. "Keep in mind that I'm a sore eye with blurry vision... but I can see that it has to be you, love, that I've been dreaming of... And if we climb this high I swear we'll never die... no, we'll never die..." The woman shuddered. Then she smiled, softly, for a moment looking peaceful. As if this wasn't her last moment.

"Find Eridan for me... please."
Silvia closed her eyes.
"I swear we'll never... we'll never die..."
And so did Svarin.


It was a minute before she got up. When she did her expression was empty. A blank slate. An outline of a face- nothing more, nothing less. There wasn't a trace of sadness or misery to be seen. Not from her. The others turned to her, waiting, wondering if she would be okay. Silence. Two exchanged glances. Their commander was dead, half their squad had perished, and their communications had been cut off. What they needed was for someone to step up. But all they could do was stare at Silvia. Watching. Waiting. Almost as if at any moment her eyes would pop back open and she'd crack a lame joke.


Eric never finished. Svarin had already pulled out her lightsaber, keeping it at the ready, and started walking towards the base. Her expression never shifted.
[member="November Sinclair"] | [member="Sabena Shai"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]​
Yet another battle that Xion was drug into by the jedi and their Republic. In the name of democracy and all that other good stuff but what were they truly doing for the cause? Did the republic want the planet for what it provided or because they truly wanted to aid the planet? Did they truly want to save the galaxy and help the weak and impoverished? These questions have been on Xion's mind for a long time but even more so in recent days. Planet after planet the Republic would go to and take claiming to help the ones who needed it, but Xion had lost faith. He knew this was nothing but a bid for more power. Power so they could go back to fighting their meaningless wars against the Sith. It was something he did not condone, but he dare not bring his concerns up now. He would not leave the jedi in their time of need, especially with the sudden disappearance of so many.

Sitting in his starfighter and wearing his armor Xion flew among the gunships transporting the Republic soldiers and jedi as extra protection but as they broke through the atmosphere he veered off to pass over the objective. He could see Master Raaf and Karr cutting through the pirates and making short work of them. Knowing that they had everything under control Xion turned around and went to join the main force.

This would be Xion's first true big battle and he was unsure of what to do so he fell behind a Barabel and female jedi (Sabena). Usually he would open himself to the force and try to connect to it but recently his grasp on it had became shaky and frail. The one comfort he had thought he would always have had been almost completely taken from him. It was what guided him, helped him in his decisions but where was it now? What was truly happening to the galaxy? Would it return to normal? These questions and more flew through Xion's mind as he drew both his curved hilt lightsabers and activated them.

[member="November Sinclair"] [member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Svarin Wolfbane"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
(ooc sorry I didst post yesterday, I got quite busy)

with the firefight now over she herd reports of a ship in distress. she opened com's to [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] "sir I'll also brake off towards the distress signal. just incase it is a trap." she flew the Inqusition towards the Corvette before rushing off to scout the area.

a merchants ship soon came into view, it was idle almost lifeless. she cut the engines on her ship while she scanned the area for life signatures. other than the merchant ship there was nothing else here, she turned the scanner to the merchants ship, picking several life signatures on bored, and by the looks some of those are pirates.

as the Corvette came closer from behind she started the engines again and headed towards one of the docking ports on the exterior of the ship. "Okay I will secure the bridges, try get some system working like defence. there is two teams of pirates onboard, one are in the cargo, the other going towards the bridge"

as she drops into the ship it seemed quite. it must have been like this everywhere all across the galaxy. she saw the place where everyone was been sent to, everything felt dead there... even the force. she shifted her mind towards the current task again moving towards the bridge.
"Sounds like a plan!" Kian said to the soldier and nodded respectfully before turning away and making his way toward the edge of the roof. Glancing down he saw that the buildings side had several outcroppings that held anti-infantry manned turrets. "Looks like our way in." Kian said to Corvus smiling. He braced himself as he stepped up to the edge. As he did so he saw the door below slid open and a man begin to activate the turret. Glancing ahead, Kian saw the advancing Republic force. They'd be under fire soon.

Kian took a deep breath and hoped the force wouldn't fail him completely here, it as far enough of a drop that he'd need it to help. Leaping over the edge, Kian dropped over the edge, and for a moment he was concerned. But while the force was acting strange, he could still feel it and he called it to his legs to brace himself for the impact. He landed harder then he would have liked, but he buckled his knees and rolled forward to take up some of the momentum.

Which almost took him over the edge of the turret placement. Catching himself just in time, Kian came up with his lightsaber activated. The soldier on the turret, surprised by the landing, reacted to slowly and was just bringing his blaster to bear when Kian recovered. The first blaster bolt went wide of the target, but the second one was right at Kian's chest and he sent the bolt back, nailing the pirate in the face. He stumbled backwards, his helmet taking the hit but he lost his footing and went over the edge. Kian leapt for him, not wanting the man to die in such a way, but he was too slow.

"Sorry." Kian muttered under his own helmet and mask and rose to his feet. Realizing the security key had gone over with him, Kian drove his lightsaber into the door, and began to cut his way in.
[member="Sabena Shai"] | [member="Svarin Wolfbane"] | [member="Xion Vala"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Orick smiled, He could hear the rest of the assault. He watched the two Jedi race off deeper into the base. Returning to the unconscious pirate he takes care to bind him before dragging hum back to the loading dock where his ship was. He checked on his cargo and the once he saw it was undamaged he opened the cargo hold and started to unload his cargo. He had helped secure a foothold on the base, but the spare parts were critical to the defense of the base once control was reestablished.

"Fleet command, assault teams have boarded the base and a foothold has been established. Unloading critical components as we speak. " He toggled off his comms and returned to the task at hand, as he did he was thinking about the last few minutes. What the hell was that? I haven't done any assault maneuvers in years. he sighed and sat down, I still got it though.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]| [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]| [member="Kian Karr"]| [member="Svarin Wolfbane"]| [member="Xion Vala"]| [member="Sabena Shai"]| [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus kept pace with Kian. Again she was wary to use the Force and so allowed her Teräs Käsi training to kick in and she landed as softly as she could and performed a forward roll as she hit the ground.

She saw Kian take on the pirate and sadly fail to catch him before he went over the edge. Seeing her comrade use his saber to cut a hole on the door, she followed suit, her face soon bathed in violet light as she mirrored the direction Kian was cutting in. At least there was no Force being used.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]
At the distressed freighter the Republic boarding craft came in to dock. Weapons ready in case it was a trap they cycled the hatch.

On board the small ship they found a single crewman, rather dazed, but alive. He had been a mere mechanic, but when the rest of his crew had vanished the freighter had gone wayward, thus the distress call.

"Admiral, we have recovered the Rocksteady, we are bringing it into dock."
"Good work. Any news from the surface?"
"Positive so far."
"Keep me informed."
Kian nodded to [member="Corvus Raaf"] as she too began to cut through the door. It would only take them a few moments to get in.

"As a padawan I often felt like I was failing the for the first time I feel like it is failing me." Kian admitted to Corvus, his voice thick with frustration. Even a Jedi Master felt frustration and being unable to control the force the way he had in the past was starting to eat away at Kian's patience. He also hadn't told Corvus or Kana about what had happened in the Netherworld....he hadn't told them of who he had seen.

"Whatever that place was and how we got there, it has changed things." Kian said cutting the last few centimeters and the metal square fell in clanging on the other side. Kian peered into the hole cautiously and saw no one on the other side. Leaning down and stepping through, Kian came up on the other side his lightsaber held ahead of him defensively and covering the opening for Corvus to come through.

"Where to?"
"Rin, are... are you okay? I mean Sil-"
"Cover me. Get me to the door and I'll cut it open. Focus on that."
No objections were made. Their tiny group- three mismatched soldiers and a padawan, slowly made their way through across the rooftop they had landed on. A stairwell would take them to the ground floor where they could head to the base. It was a ten minute walk at the least. If they ran into any opposition along the way... No, not if, when... another five or six minutes would be added to that. By the time they got to the base (if they did) it might be half empty. Or those they came into orbit with could be- no. Not going there. That wasn't going to happen.

If this ragtag group, the admittedly weakest of them all, had made it this far, then the others would be making it to the end.

"Aim your guns at the entrance to the stairs. I'll open the door. If a pirate is on the other end... you know what to do."
She flung it open with her free hand...

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