Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Bark at the Moon (OS Invasion of Telti)

Location: B2
Objective: Not lose limbs...
Allies: [member="Kaia Vullen"] | [member="Tacitanya"] | [member="Catherine Soja"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Greta Kohler"]

The crab...has my arm?

He blinked. Many times, it did not pay to be big and burly. It was hard to find good-fitting clothes that didn't make one look like they were wearing a tent. It also made chasing a certain Nautolan jedi padawan around the Ossus Academy rather difficult too. But his large build combined with all of that weight-lifting and climbing did give him a fair amount of upper body strength, quite possibly more than the child-like frame of [member="Darth Nephthys"]. He was likely to succeed in any measure of brute strength against a small opponent. Moreover, the man was exceptionally well-drilled in Broken Gate. He might not know many force-powers, but even in his addled state, the man began to fall into the martial arts drills tirelessly pounded into him by training against the academy droids, padawans like Mark Sage, and his brief master Matteo Marcello.

The man was now in his element, and he wasn't particularly inclined to let his opponents deal out multiple strikes uninterrupted.

He brought his right leg around and brought down in a snap kick aimed at [member="Darth Nephthys"]'s shin. The movement seemed to take longer normal, perhaps because of the efforts of [member="Darth Carach"], or perhaps because of that Sith Lord's alteration of his mind. But it didn't really matter if the attack succeeded or not. If it connected with her body, it would likely knock off the woman's balance, and consequently her attacks off. If it did not, and his foot landed on the ground, he would be all the closer to her body, and even in more of a position to deal out punishing kinetic blows. Perhaps just as importantly, it would likely allow him to avoid the sweeping lightsaber attack to his leg, in conjunction with the actions of his upper body.

But in truth, his foot attack was a diversion to the actions of his saber hand. Using his likely superior strength, the man attempted to yank her towards him and to his right, placing her between him and [member="Darth Carach"]. He switched his saber off, aware that the ongoing physical maneuvers would likely lead to him injurying himself with his saber as much as they would injure [member="Darth Nephthys"]. There was the possibility that she would let go when faced with such a maneuver, in which case he would let her go, and quickly return to a defensive stance from the Soresu style of lightsaber combat.

The snarling heads of the hydrastaff loomed out at him as he became aware of a burning sensation radiating across his temporal lobe. But his eyes caught glimpse of a piece of faint fabric. His swept the fingers of his left hand up, using the force to grab hold of the edges of his course jedi robe to fling them upwards to block the venom, and possibly ensnare the hydrastaff if it continued towards him.

Air rushed around him as it was vented outside and into the vacuum of Telti's atmosphere. He clamped his teeth down on the air supply device. Things were about to become very interesting.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: D4àC2 [via D3 and D2]
Objective: Blow stuff up
Allies: [member="Khallesh"] | [member="Darth Raven"]
[ [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] |
Incoming ]
Enemies: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [ [member="Varus Shatterstar"] |
Incoming ]
D4àE5 [via E4]
Forces: 280 Yuuzhan Vong of Legion Yun'Do | 20 with Vrag, 260 heading for E5
Enemies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Steve"]
Her plan to storm through the corridors unimpeded was quickly dashed when she and her contingent of bloodthirsty Vong came up against a pile of refuse and twisted metal blocking her path. Blue eyes narrowed behind the skull of her helmet, a tongue sneaking out between her lips to worry the tip of a sharp canine as she assessed the change in situation. Used as she was to adapting on the go, the Hand of the Dark Lord wasted little time contemplating possible alternatives, ordering her Vong to remove the obstacle with a rain of carefully-aimed blast bugs.

Like any self-respecting warrior, the twenty were able to blow a hole through the pile of trash with little difficulty, carving a path for the Sith Lord.

With determination in her gaze, the armored woman came storming through, almost a blur to the naked eye. Now, with the explosions they'd set off in the corridor, whoever was left inside D3 would have a fair warning that something was coming, but not what. After all, both the Vong and the Sith Lord were, for all intents and purposes, Force-dead, and thus undetectable to any Jedi who would attempt to reach out with their senses.

As tempting as the opportunity was, however, Vrag had but one goal at the moment, and she wasn't one to be deterred by roadside distractions. The group of seemingly all-Vong would attempt to sprint across the length of the quadrant, not caring for whatever resistance remained in the devastated D3.

The woman herself would speak to [member="Darth Raven"] through her oggzil, her breath hardly impacted despite the strain of running. "The way is clear now. Rip apart the shredded Republicans." With that, the firrerreo signed off, intent of making her way over to C2 as fast as possible.
OBJECTIVE: Whelp, at least this isn't another curbstomp
ALLIES: [member="Des Kovak"], Grand Republic. Jedi Order.
ENEMIES: Gonna punch [member="Sage Bane"], gonna kick [member="Shuduc Macar"]
Location: E1, Forces: 20 armed security guards, Opponents: None yet.
*Casually uses own music in thread*

Sometimes battles got confusing. Average people who passed by wouldn't be able to understand any of what happened. Usually a good portion of the combatants weren't entirely sure how things happened either. Did Svarin have an understanding of what was going on around her? Not entirely. Perhaps the pink-haird woman had a partial grasp of the swing of things. Or maybe it was merely the force and her instincts that kept the second Sith's blade from slamming into her. It was a sudden twist, a flash of her second blade, then a forced leap back. The movement left her sliding back towards the wall. Both boots skid against the ground, slowing her down. Had the first warrior (aptly nicknamed Mr. Tentacles) not suddenly been occupied with yet another duelist... well, the Echani certainly would have been defeated!

Luckily it was now, for the moment, the time for one-on-one fights. Rin quickly entered a combat stance again, her knees slightly bent, feet balanced less than a meter apart. Her blue eyes remained locked on the masked Sith. For now she did not attack, simply waiting for her opponent to strike again. There were still to many allies for her to justify the risk of an active force maneuver. Somehow she'd have to get by with just her blades. That was fine with her.
{OOC: Sorry for the wait! Came down the an unexpected illness. Not sure when I'll get back to feeling better.}
Location: D3
Objective: Hold Location
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic, Jedi

Darth Raven and her men watched as the vong under the command of [member="Vrag"] were able to blow through the rubble and clear a path to the other section. Impressive work. It made Raven wish she had been given such resources for her men, or else the fight with the Jedi would've been over far sooner. After Varg had told her what to do before running off Darth Raven watched her and her men run onward to take another piece of the battlefield her remaining men were almost in awe of how easily they came and went, like a force of nature ready to mow any and all down in their way.

Standing on her own feet, but still shaking off the effects of the stun blast, she ordered "Get half your men ready to move. Once I'm good and ready we're going to take that Jedi and his men down."
Location: C4
Objective: KAINE!
Allies [member="Kana Truden"]
Enemies [member="Darth Vornskr"] (Just die!) [member="Vrag"] [member="Khallesh"]

Location: C4
Forces: Less than 100 dudes now...
Enemies: Like 400 Vong and 300 Blackblade Guardsmen on their way….

“It’s a fine line between the two, bravery and stupidity,” Damian said taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. Weapons fire below spiked and degreased as the battle waged without the care of the young padawan. His focus was absolute, and only on Kaine. A scream echoed as the man sent a short series of chops and thrust at Damian. He deflected them and took a shuffling step back to stay out of range of the Sith Lords sabers.

Circling one another Damian listened to the Sith Monologue. He worried about Kana, but refused to let the Sith’s words interfere with his focus. Instead he used the time, precious seconds to rejuvenate himself with the force. Although as he did so Kaine poked at him with his lightsaber.

That is when he felt it. Pain and distress from his master. “No,” Damian said with a sudden expression of horror. She was alive though, and where there was life there was hope. Still in order to see his master he had to destroy this sith.

He fired his pistol as he went into another charge taking a striking stance and stabbing with his saber. As he did so he dropped his pistol reached for his side pulling out a satchel charge. his movement continued much like the last time rolling through and behind Kaine as the larger man blocked his strike, only this time he had dropped an explosive payload at the siths feet and detonated it once out of the kill zone.

The blast wracked the area and the concussive force sent him flying towards a nearby wall. He slammed hard on his back before standing up on shaky legs. Damian reached out with a hand and pulled his pistol to him waiting to see if the Sith Lord had survived the blast...
Location: C4 (I knew it.)
Objective: Get blown up!
Allies: [member="Vrag"] (bby come back, ooooh), [member="Khallesh"]
Enemies: [member="Damian Starchaser"], [member="Kana Truden"] (sorrynotsorry)

Location: C4 (At last.)
Forces: 300 Blackblade Guardsman
Enemies: The Repooblic

His face split into a vile sneer as he witnessed the horror wash over Damian's face once he had finally felt the distress his master was in, and he doubled his attack into a vicious whirlwind of stabs and cuts as Damian came at him with both saber and pistol. For the first volley of blaster bolts he simply deflected with his lightsaber, sending them far and wide away from his body, and then they finally got in close and personal with their blades, clashing and clanging against one another with a shower of sparks and the fusing of crimson and violet. They traded blows for a time before the young Jedi again rolled past and behind Vornskr to dodge a heavy sweep from the Sith Lord's saber as it cut a clean line across the space where he used to be. As Vornskr turned to face the Jedi, his senses were overloaded with the foreboding klaxon of immediate danger, and that was when the charge the Jedi left behind on the floor became so painfully aware to the Sith Lord.


The charge exploded right in Vornskr's face, shrouding the body with burning flames, smothering smoke, and he could distantly feel the thudding of shrapnel as it impacted the armorplast plates covering his body. Luckily he managed to throw up a Force Barrier at the last moment, but by then his body was covered with fire and the impact sent him flying across the walkway to land a good distance away from Damian. His body rolled to a stop, the behemoth of a Sith laying on his back as the flames continued to lick at his zeyd-cloth robe, burning most of it away to reveal the protective underarmor beneath the armorplast, although the armorplast remained pretty much impact from the explosion although the surface of the armor was charred even blacker and it's smooth surface was rendered jagged and ugly.

For a moment Vornskr laid still as the grave on his back, but slowly he stirred and placed one hand on his knee to brace himself as he rose up from the smoldering ruin. The cowl covering his face had been mostly burned away, and the visor was cracked and bent, so with a single hand he tore it away and tossed it aside to reveal the cruel features of his face. His eyes burned with an intense hatred, but his mouth still curled into a murderous smile as he tested each of his limbs for any broken bones. Luckily, most of the damage inflicted on him was on his skin, which was decently burned beneath his armor and his face was marred by gashes made when the glass of his visor cracked from the explosion.

The Sith Lord laughed, "Oh well, it was about time I broke this body in. Wouldn't be right if I didn't add new trophies to the flesh." He rolled his shoulders, and at first he reached for his lightsaber, but then realized it had been blown away in the blast and he didn't have enough time to go searching for it. So instead he placed a single hand on his waist, and the massive Scepter of Power uncoiled itself and began to wrap itself around his forearm and bicep. It hissed in the Jedi's direction, and glared at him with it's own murderous stare, the amphistaff completely attuned to it's master's mood. "Now the real fight begins."

He raised his right leg, and then suddenly stomped down on the blackened metal beneath him to send a shockwave all through the walkway, the metal buckling and warping as the Force raged through it before it finally started to collapse in various segments. No doubt some of the soldiers, both Vong and Republic, might be crushed by the falling debris but heh...

People died in war all the time.
Objective: Assume Control -- Be Nephthys’ Sword.
Location: B2
Allies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Enemies: [member="Tacitanya"] | [member="Kaia Vullen"] | [member="Travot Ravenna"] | [member="Catherine Soja"]

It was a mistake to assume that such an obvious tactic would work against two Sith Lords who had fought so many battles against the Republic, venting the space and hoping that they would choke? Please. They weren’t little acolytes anymore playing with lightning.

The moment the Sith had realized that they would be fighting on Telti, things had been changed around specifically for the upcoming battle. More specifically, Gnulliths implanted with Lungworms were worn alongside the standard Vonduun armor.

Out of nowhere Kaia appeared, traveling vast spaces of distance to try and block his own saber attack, Carach was big, strong and fast- which was to say that he had the advantage in reach. What happened was that she succeeded in blocking the saber, but not in the way she imagined.

He parried her strike right into Catherine’s right slash. So what would happen was that Kaia would do his work for him, blocking Cath’s attack and maybe even hurt her in the meanwhile. Lightsabers didn’t weigh anything and they were so young… Carach doubted they even knew the intermediate forms.

That’s the problem when you weren’t working together or paying attention to your environment, Travot was currently engaged with Nephthys at his left. Which meant that for the two Padawans to attack him at roughly the same time? They would have been coming from roughly the same position and direction, cramped space… they wouldn’t have a lot of space to maneuver around each other.

As they would try to work that one out though… Carach wasn’t going to sit around and wait. Instead he turned Tacitanya’s strategy against her, whilst the two Sith Lords could breath freely because of the Yuuzhan Vong Biots…

They were reliant on the rebreathers.

So it didn’t come as a surprise when Carach wrapped the Force around those same rebreathers and started to press down on them with all his and Neph’s might. They might start to break and fail, leaving them without the precious air.
Location: Leaving D6
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Kira Talith"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Enemies:[member="Cameron Centurion"]

Hylo huffed and puffed as he ran. He was almost out of it completely. Too much use of the force, trees and mental attacks, it was all too much. Learning up against the wall he saw Laura approach and nearly collapsed onto her as she crossed his path. That is when Kira came. Thank goodness. “We’d get just in her way,” Hylo said in a hushed voice. His pheromones almost popped in a defensive way to try and get the girl to do as he asked. Self preservation was hell on bodily functions. “Their mum will take care of them….”

Mothers protected their children. Not that Hylo’s did, but other people's mothers protected them. He’d seen it. Closest thing he had to a real mother was his sister and he knew she’d do anything for him, protect him from all the monsters of the galaxy where she could. “They’ll be okay….” He reached up a hand and wiped away tears from the crying girls face.
Location: F7
Objective: Break something
Allies: [member="Athena Heron"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Rel Connory"] | [member="Tanek Santii"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

He mentally shuddered at his own lack of care for the tools of his trade. He had lost so many lightsabers in his day, it was surprising he could even manage to keep himself equipped. Thankfully, he could grow his own now, though he would venture to nab Roecnar back when he had the opportunity. Mostly valuable for its sentiments, he wasn't surprised to see the strike fail but nevertheless, if he could see the opponent waiver as he did, the Wrath would have taken in the grip of pleasure and succinct entertainment for what it was. But unfortunately, he wasn't facing that opponent and neither was the Voxyn al'Do. The force blinding was focused entirely at Matsu, falling on blind eyes as far as the Wrath was concerned.

He couldn't deny it, if asked: the bite of the flesh against shoulder was riveting for him, for the chom-huun, and for his arm. But he was a berserker, through and through, and the clinch of a strike wasn't enough to garner pause in his attack. And had Kian been fighting against any other Makashi fighter, he may have been able to push back easily against the shoulder strike and block. But this Makashi user was equipped with a Voxyn al'Do, double the strength of his left arm, and a Vonduun Skerr Ygdris armor, which further modified the strength of the arm. When the push came, the muscles tightened and Voxyn gave a growl and chom-huun pulsated, likely in result to the pressure of the applied force of the Kel Dor on the sphincter blade. Yeah, sphincter blade. But it seemingly remained un-phased except for the grow that escaped from the helmet of the Ygdris suit.

As the counter came, the glide of saber against saber, the Wrath responded in the best way he knew: rotating his wrist downward and towards the ground, tilting his elbow upward. Sparks flew from the continued contact, Gabriel evading the attack on the appendages with applied pressure and a monstrous power behind biot and armor. With an application of strength to his own left, attempting to force the assailants blade to Kian's right, currently locked in a stalemate, he planted his left foot forward and kicked out with his right leg - power and strength modified by the ygdris suit, which augmented strength of all appendages, and speed modified by the force. His aim: right leg against the left ribs or armpit of Kian, continuing to hammer the side already wounded and potentially giving falter what normally would have stood unmoved.

Location: F7 - F8 corridor
Forces: 270 Vong, working on the resistance in the corridor, still doing there thing
Objective: They would work to focus the forces against them, distracting away from the nearly imperceptible intent of the stormtroopers, now traveling towards D7 under the command of [member="Rel Connory"]


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: D3àC2 [via D2]
Objective: Lend a helping Hand
Allies: [ [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | Incoming ]
Enemies: [ [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | Incoming ]
Forces: 280 Yuuzhan Vong of Legion Yun'Do | 20 with Vrag, 260 at E4
Enemies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Steve"]
It was the steady beat of her heart in her chest that kept the pace of her run, the thrum of blood in her ears. The chitin of her boots made a hard, sharp sound every time her feet hit the metal floor, joining the chorus of the Vong surrounding her. They moved as one, a single disciplined entity that gave no noise of protest, their breath hardly even labored as they closed in on their target.

The C2 quadrant wasn't very far now, and she could almost feel the anticipation rising everywhere around her; the warriors beside her, their Vonduun, the amphistaves, her loyal, treasured Skerr Ygdris… they were all reeling and ready for the rivers of blood that were running just around the corner.

"Commander Temi," the firrerreo growled into her oggzil, hailing the leader of the One Sith forces in C2. "Brief me on your situation." Her voice was low and measured as muscles and crab strained in unison, sending her across the even terrain with ease born of decades of practice. It helped that the woman wore her armor almost all the time, her body growing so accustomed to the weight that she hardly noticed it anymore. A thorough doctor's exam might even show long-term adaptation in her bone- and muscle-structure, but the firrerreo had never been the one to need medical attention. Even the worst of injuries healed in a few hours, which rendered any visits to the doctor completely pointless.

One could argue, of course, that even the most hardened and battle-tested of warriors needed to take care of themselves from time to time, but Vrag didn't really heed anyone's advice but her own. Well, maybe a couple of people that had earned their might and worth in her critical blue eyes, but there weren't a great many of those. In fact, she could easily count them on the fingers of one hand, if she were so inclined.

It was not to be, alas, for the woman was far more interested in preparing herself for the upcoming battle. As the highest military commander of the One Sith, Vrag was never really out of the loop about the happenings on the battlefield. Even as her boots pounded against the metal, her oggzil was alive with reports from all over the Telti facilities; wins, losses, tallies, movements… it was all there, buzzing in her ear. A few years ago, the constant flow of information might have been too much to take in, but she was used to it by now; if anything, the voices were almost comforting.

On second thought, maybe she needed a psychiatrist, not a doctor. Oh, well.

Her skull-clad face turned to one of the warriors beside her as they continued their trek towards the C2 quadrant, ordering the Vong to hand over his pouch of blorash jelly. The legs of the Vonduun closed around the satchel, keeping it safe until such a time as it would come to be useful in combat. If the reports were anything to go by, there was at least one glowstick-wielding bastion of self-righteousness waiting in the target quadrant, and Vrag could hardly wait to meet him.
Location: F7
Objective: A Kethanite gift
Allies: @Reverance, [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Athena Heron"] and [member="Tanek Santii"].
Enemies: @Kian Karr, [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and [member="Dair Cotarin"]
(See bio for all weapons and abilities. I will link to them individually as I use them; however, if you want to know what's at my disposal before hand I would most certainly check the bio.)

Location: F7
Forces: 3 Massassi lieutenants, 150 stormtroopers, 47 Golian(
Opponents: Republic NPC's

*Dust settled on the moon of Telti as he arrived on the moon to reinforce the OS push on the F7 area of Telti's dome structures. Golian warriors of all races, influenced by the abilities and power of Dust, flooded off the landing vehicles as stormtroopers set up a defensive perimeter behind the more forward forces of Reverance and the other Sith at the site. The three Massassi and Dust sat in the makeshift command center, Dust using telepathy to order his Golian scouts forward so that he would have intelligence before he sent his main battle force to fight against the enemy. Dust would soon join the fray, using his abilities to support the other Sith, and engage the Jedi if necessary. Unfortunately, little was currently known about the battle to Dust as he had been sent by his master to assist Reverance and Matsu in their side of the campaign on Telti without much more than the knowledge of where to go and who to assist. Soon though he would have more than enough intelligence to move forward and enter the fray.*
Location: E1, monitoring station Radar 04
Objective: keep breathing
Allies: [member="Svarin Noimare"], [member=Zylah Dvale]
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Shuduc Macar"], mainly [member=Cylus Jest]

Location: E1, monitoring Radar station 04
Forces: 10 5 technicians, 1 monitoring supervisor, armed with a blaster pistol
Opponents: MurderSith

---The following is brought to you from the standpoint of Ibram Haas---

Ibram Ren Haas had been monitor chief for Radar station 04 for almost twenty years now. He was well into middle age, and had served the Republic in some capacity for almost all his life. It wasn't what one would call a prestigious career, but he'd had a good life, he thought. Now the Sith were here to snuff it out. The dreaded, terrible Sith. Ibram knew he was probably going to die here, protecting this young Jedi. He was strangely calm about it, though of course he was still nervous. If he survived this, he thought, they'd probably give him some kind of medal. Maybe a job at some highly public place of office where he got to sit behind a desk some more, on display as a 'hero of the Republic' or something. Ibram would decline that and stay right here on Telti if the Sith wouldn't have taken it over, no thank you. A raise would be nice. Maybe a promotion, if he could get his boss' position and supervise all of Telti's monitoring stations. His boss was probably dead now, and he had some ideas.

His musings were broken by the strained voice of the young Jedi propped up against the monitoring station of one of Ibram's dead technicians. "Can't... breathe..." the Jedi wheezed. The wheeze of the Jedi's voice confirmed what he claimed, and for a moment Ibram's mind blanked. "I... Uhh..." the Mirialan stammered. Then he remembered the medkit every monitoring station kept in the back wall of the supervisor office. His office, to which he had the keycard. Rules and regulations. "I'll be right back." As Ibram made to move off, the Jedi grasped weakly at his sleeve, but Ibram shook it off. He had to hurry.

Keeping low to the ground, Ibram moved along the far wall from the door, making for the door to his office. With a high pitched bleep, the electronic lock responded when Ibram held up his keycard to the reader and the door slid open. Ibram winced to the noise, risking a glance back over his shoulder. The sight of the suffering young Jedi drove him onward, and he made for his desk. He fumbled briefly in the drawers for the small metal key to the medical cabinet, a time that seemed to draw on forever to Ibram and only made him more nervous. He rushed over to the cabinet, opened it and snatched the stimm packet without even looking for anything else that might help. There was no time, if the Jedi was truly suffocating.

When Ibram returned to the doorway of his office, the Jedi lay limp at the monitoring station, head hung forward limply, eyes closed. "No no no no..." Ibram muttered as he hurried to him, still keeping low. He lay the Jedi onto his back and plunged the stimm shot right into his chest. From what he remembered from the first aid classes he'd taken way back when, that was the place for it to be, but he couldn't be certain. He waited for several seconds uncertainly, for was seemed like an eternity, on his knees by what seemed like the Jedi's corpse. Then the young Jedi suddenly shot up with the stimm pack's needle still stuck in his chest, coughing and spluttering, flailing his arms after the near death experience. The Jedi's body would have hell to pay when the stimm wore off and the pain would return with a vengeance, but for now he was breathing and alive. He might even survive for long enough to get long term aid. He'd certainly need it after all this...
Location: B2
Objective: Not get rekt further ; Call for help
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] (Somewhere) ; [member="Vrag"] (Maybe) ; [member="Darth Carach"] (No idea) ; [member="Darth Nephthys"] (Hopefully)
Enemies: [member="Varus Shatterstar"]

It was unfortunate that despite her best efforts, she wasn't quite quick enough. He had eventually caught up with her, despite her troops sacrifice, and it beginning to look like it had all been in vain. Oh well, she tried. The Jedi began to circle her with his droids, their metal bodies facing their human counterparts head on, weapons aimed at each other. The Jedi stood in front of her, his emotions clearly displayed on his visage. He looked waaay too excited. She wasn't an expert on Jedi or anything, but weren't they not supposed to show emotions? It was even in the first line of the Jedi code. Perhaps, he was a Dark Jedi? Might he become Sith then?

Then he started babbling.

She did not understand a word of what he said. Something about a River Styx. It made no sense no her, and she was beginning to wonder if it was a code of some sort. She yelled back in annoyance, wanting to place a palm upon her forehead, then realising she was wearing a helmet. "Oh for the love of me, stop babbling your poodoo, there's no one here interested to here that." Without any warning, the Jedi lashed out with his blades, and cut down several of the troopers standing near him. She took a lunge back, surprised by the sudden outburst and swung her Defender around, spraying slugs at the Jedi.

Reflect that mister!

To their credit, the commandos surrounding him followed suit without hesitation, spraying him with their slugthrowers. The remainder of the troopers that had not been cut down yet, fought the rest of his troops, but they were fighting a losing battle. There was a real slim chance she would remain victorious unless the Jedi was defeated. Sending an emergency alert in the proximity frequency, she requested for immediate backup. "To all who hear this, I require immediate backup. There's this Jedi here who seems to love killing a little too much. Anyone nearby, I would greatly appreciate the help! You get to defeat a Jedi, think about that!" Greta broadcasted that plea for help on all channels, including the emergency one, but it was inevitable that [member="Vrag"] would hear anyway.

She hears everything.

12 Blood Monarchs
20 Storm Commandos
Location: B2
Objective: Get rekt, try their best
Location: B2
Objective: Halt the enemy advance
Allies: [member="Tacitanya"] - [member="Kaia Vullen"] - [member="Catherine Soja"] - [member="Travot Ravenna"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] - [member="Tmoxin Temi"] - *[member="Greta Kohler"]*​
Engaging the young Officer had been a good decision on Varus' part. She wasn't going to be able to keep him at bay for too long, but to his advantage, his other soldiers were at a disadvantage against overwhelming Sith number in C2. For every one of them, there were two enemy warriors trying to force their way through the blockade that Varus had set for them. It was a battle that looked increasingly grim for him if he didn't get support, and being cut off from the other Jedi in the neighboring sector didn't give him many options. That was why he decided to push through this young, flankhappy woman who was probably a Sith's mistress and reposition his soldiers.

About the only upside to the clash in C2 was that his Republic snipers must have had a field day picking off one after another charging Sith soldiers, but their numbers were still too great. They weren't going to last there, and though the Snipers numbers were able to be sustained by their distance from the front lines, it was at the cost of the soldiers at the front of the lines fighting back the Blood Monarchs and Royal Guards.

Sliding to a halt in his advance towards Greta Kohler, Varus disengaged his lightsabers and thrust his fists into the metal floor beneath him. When he did, a powerful barrier of force energy rose up around him, about five feet wide. About the time the enemy fired on him, his five Commandos filed in behind him as the droid troops stacked up around them and immediately returned fire. The Commandos were unable to return fire as the sea of slugs meant for those of flesh and bone bore down across the force barrier, which shimmered with each collision of every slug that struck it. Those metal units, however, were more resilient to the attack however, and though a few of them fell, returned the favor with a volley of blaster bolts that washed over the Blood Monarchs and Commandos under the woman's command.

"Tell the soldiers in C2 to leave their charges in and behind crates and fall back, Torkan.", Varus said, blue eyes still trained forwards as his words put one of the five Republic Commandos in motion. The man pulled out a comm and communicated the order as directed, and not a minute later the Republic snipers were seen pulling back to rejoin Varus and his small force of elite troops. Behind them were straggling and hobbling soldiers, some barely able to hold their weapons any longer if they weren't already being helped along by a comrade.

"STACK UP AT THE BLAST DOORS!", Varus called, then glancing over his shoulder and whispering to the same Commando. "When they Sith forces collide with our own again, give the order to blow the charges and have your rebreathers ready...", noting the surprise on the man's face, and when he hesitated Varus confirmed the order. "Do it now!"

NPCs With Varus: 22 - 9 YVH-2 Droids - 8 EMBU Droids - 5 Republic Commandos(Officers)
Location: B2
Opponents: [member="Greta Kohler"]
NPCs holding: C2
Forces: 159 - 38 Republic Snipers - 121 Standard Republic Soldiers
Opponents: [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Location: E5
Objective: Defend, as usual
Allies: [member="Steve"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Location: E5
Forces: 225 Republic Troopers
Opponents: The One Sith
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
Her eyes narrowed as the Zabrak released his grip on his saber, and almost in slow motion, while the hilt fell towards the floor, the secondary blade was called from its' hiding place and snapped to life. The bright, insulting flash of the Jedi blue made her lips curl with a bit of irritated disgust. Though the hand from which it was held meant only one thing, he had planned to inflict the same unfortunate set of circumstances upon her. The blade came within centimeters from his metallic covered prosthetic before her thumb slid over the activator to kill the beam, reverting it back to the housing before contacting the arm.

That was all fine and well, except that it didn't matter a whole lot. The ground splintered beneath her feet as a surge of telekinetic energy tore through the air point blank between the two, colliding into her like a speeder at 95 km/h that sent her not stumbling, but rather tumbling backwards in its' wake until she made contact with the wall several meters behind her, where her head snapped back up and rested momentarily, her arms down at her side, both sabers still gripped in the palms of her hands, likely due to the inability to simply release them in that brief second, as if she had stuck her hand in an electrical socket, they had remained fixed on the weapons.

Still, she didn't stand right away. Her eyes looked at the Zabrak that was now a few meters back, and over to [member="Steve"] to see what he was doing. Her head shook once or twice to clear her focus before slowly standing back up. Her weapons flickered back to life, though she didn't immediately re-engage. She studied him, looking for his next move, or what Steve might do before she pressed forward again. The wind had been knocked clear out of her chest a moment ago, but the fight was still far from over.
Location: Stopped in Transit. Currently E8 -> E7
Objective: Unknown
Allies: One Sith | @Darth Parash
Enemies: @Ali Hadrix and the Republic

I’ll kill you.

Ouch.Tara clicked her tongue. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Her grip on her saber lulled, the coy smile on her face hadn’t faded. She was excited…She was ecstatic. She knew that the woman was here, and alas, they both found each other. She looked strong, powerful in whatever she was wearing. It didn’t suit her, but then again, Tara preferred most of her paramours unclothed and naked.

The droids watched her, anticipating her every move. They didn’t shoot her yet, which was good for her. Sitara detested droids ever since that terrorist attack in Coruscant. She learned from that experience, she knew how to deal with droids. She still hadn’t trained in the art of toying with droids through the force, perhaps she should really consider putting that in her bucketlist.

Huh. And I thought you worked for finance. Now this was definitely no boring office job. Clothed in armour, droids at her command, Ali was definitely more than she said she was. To be fair, Sitara had never told her who she was either…but hey, the lightning was definitely a clue. Wasn’t it? Her face twisted into a frown as Ali demanded her lightsaber be thrown over.

And surrender herself to the enemy? She scoffed. Now fething way. She wasn’t the one who should surrender, she growled. It was Ali. Ali was the person who surrendered herself to her. On that night—that beautiful luxurious night with candles and fire at the beach—that was when Ali gave herself up for her. And she knew that, didn’t she?

She saw Ali’s hand relax, and she smiled yet again. This woman wouldn’t dare defy her.

Until a dash of wind light pierced through the air.

The bullet was fast, and Tara moved to dodge it, the bullet scraping her left shoulder.

She winced as blood seeped through her clothing. Her eyes narrowed into a glare. She shook her head. ‘Oh Ali.’ She mentally sighed.

And then she smiled.

And then the images came, hurling through the invisible force that lingered between them, tying their minds together.

The connection that was established was easier, considering these two shared a past.

Skin. Lots of skin.

Mirrored eyes stared into each other, their bodies starting to understand each other.

You remember don’t you?

She mocked.

Come with me Ali.’ She smiled. “After all, the Republic doesn’t know about your treachery.
Location: C6
Objective: Can't fight da pheromones
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Hylocereus"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Kira Talith"] (NPC'd PC) [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"]

Gorram pheromones, Laura thought angrily as her will to fight drained completely. Her tears stopped as she realised that she wasn't going to fight the terrifying presence she felt looming behind them, and as Hylo convinced her that running was the answer this time. Wow, he's actually making sense. Maybe he's not so dense ...

Maybe's it's the pheromones.

Wiping her tears onto her sleeve, she nodded at Hylo, grabbed Kaili, and started running the right way. Towards the ship.
Location: B2 moving to C2
Objective: Fall back and get more options.
Allies: [member="Travot Ravenna"] | [member="Tacitanya"] | [member="Kaia Vullen"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Engaging: Nobody yet falling back

As the others seemed to fall into panic and start doing things at random she focused noting the attempt to crush her rebreather, she smiled and picked up several objects hurling them at the Sith Lord he’d have to deal with those or keep on his force attack. As she did this she began to power her her own force powers enhancing her speed, falling back was vital now they couldn’t win tying to fight in a vacuum against a superior foe. She moved and hit the button to pressurize the room. As air returned she throw down the damaged rebreather. Keeping her saber up she watched the sith carefully.
L: C6
A: [member="Laura Na'Varro"], [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"], the rest of you. I have a cold, no judgies.
E: [member="Cameron Centurion"].

Constant conflict. The little girl wanted to huff at her uncle's 'truth.' It felt rather obvious, there was always a conflict around her. Micah and Aela being the most prominent one. So yes, she could see the point of her uncle's words but she still believed that deep down it wouldn't have to be like that. It would make for a very bitter world if they all believed it. What was even the point of going on if the struggle for peace wasn't a part of life anymore? She merely meant that it was her belief that peace and inner peace were two different things, but only one of them was truly achievable.

Yeah, Kai was pretty deep for a kid.

As Laura tugged at her arm she set off with the others for her mother. Without a word she got onto the ship. No doubt there would be words around the dinner table at home once they got home again.

I have a cold, 0/10 post.
Location: B4
Allies: 90 sith troopers and a medic
Enemies: The republic troops and the one and only [member="Draco Vereen"]
Music: A little Cheesy

The medic put harley injured body on a zero gravity stretcher, and began to move her to rear of the infantry formation. The republic began to advance, the officer incharge, realised they were set up for close range combat. They had range advantage on their weapons, with the fact the grenades fired towards the enemy, and not just thrown. He order his men, Everyone fire at the republic in volleys, and then fall back. I repeat don't let them close in, they are geared for close quarter combat. Keep your distance, and keep the advantage. As he spoke a few grandes landed, near there front proving his point as few of his men were cut down. His men quickly formed five man fire teams, as one team fired another team move back. Each time trying keep the enemy back, as other teams took next position.

Harley was know in the rear of formation, getting bit`s sharnal removed from her body. Each time a piece was removed, the wound stitched up and bleeding was stopped. He also got some blood from the local store brought to him, she would be fine soon the force was healing her as well as his medical skills. The question was how long before she could fight again, not if she could fight again.

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