Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Bark at the Moon (OS Invasion of Telti)

Location: E1
Objective: Mount a heroic rescue of the totally not screwed Padawans in E1
Allies: [member=Des Kovak], [member=Svarin Noimare]
Enemies: [member=Sage Bane], [member=Cylus Jest], [member=Shuduc Macar]

Zylah Dvale was late to the party. She didn't even know it was going to be a party before now. When she had dropped out of hyperspace earlier, in the J-1 Class Interceptor on loan, the Arkanian-Human hybrid had sensed chaos. She had been instructed to join the facility on Telti, in response to reports of suspicious Sith activity in the system. There was Sith activity alright. This was more than probing the Jedi's defences, this was an invasion.

She felt the surges of the Force below, presences, violent and malicious mixed in with pure. A battle was being fought on the moon below. At last, young Zylah was drawn into war. Had she been more fine-tuned in the ways of the Force, she might've been able to pick up the presence of her Master, as well as that of her close friend [member=Kaia Vullen]. She didn't. This was perhaps for the best, for had she sensed Kaia's feelings and the nature of the Miraluka's situation, Zylah would not have been able to retain that same calm determination as when her interceptor had detached from the hyperdrive ring, and descended towards the planet.

At present time, the Padawan had landed, and she immediately set out to join the fight in aid of the Republic. It was her not only her duty as a Jedi, but also as a citizen of the Republic. The Jedi had taken her in as a child, and saved her from a dark future, having brought hope to a hopeless situation. This was what she would be fighting for today, knowing the Jedi and the Republic brought hope to the hopeless, while the Sith condemned them to a darkness of deceit and despair. Everything she held dear was under siege today. Defeat was not an option. For the Republic!

The Padawan strode in towards the sector identified as E1. She sensed the darkness ahead, but to her relief, it was not unopposed. Light stood against it, in an attempt to reduce total darkness to mere shadows on the wall. The situation was dire, death loomed over it. Her help was needed, she had to hurry. Zylah's pace increased. If not for the chaos surrounding the entire facility, for the violence in E1, she would have been able to identify the familiar presence of [member=Des Kovak]. Had it not been for him taking cover, she would have seen him. Last time she had seen him... Well, let's just say she would not be expecting to find him here.

The Padawan barged in through the entrance, following a path already created. Her long silver coloured hair was tied together in a ponytail, in the hopes that it wouldn't get in the way. She wore regular Jedi robes, having no other armour than her trust in the Force and the lightsaber formerly on her hip, now held tightly in her palm. She had not yet forged her own lightsaber. Like the ship she had arrived in, this was also on loan from the Jedi Order. It hissed to life. Green, this time. Huh. She made a minor mental note about it not matching the colour of her blue eyes, but that was hardly her main concern at the time being. Another Jedi was in danger, being ganged up on by two Sith. She didn't know the Jedi, but it didn't matter, she felt a strong familiarity and sense to protect her allthesame. The Arkanian Offshoot charged. As Des Kovak might have put it: The albino has arrived.
[member="Kana Truden"]
Forces: 200 various Yuuzhan Vong (see last post, on mobile, will update asap)

They were late. The Republic forces arrayed before them were already heavily outnumbered and fighting a rough skirmish. It was clear they could not hold this sector without reinforcements. To Khallesh Val it almost seemed an unworthy fight. Still, the slaughter would be brief, and then they could find a serious challenge.

The flanking manoeuvre was executed with typical Yuuzhan Vong efficiency. After all, how could such pitiful creatures - whose warriors didn't even start training until adolescence - hope to stand against them. The Chazrach moved up first, using their carbines to pin the enemy's flank. Thud bugs whizzed through the air, arcing to hit their targets with lethal force.

Then came the thralls. A shambling mass of Republic citizens, altered into mindless beasts by the shapers. Surge coral protruded from their bodies at odd angles. Whatever weapons the Republic had that weren't trained on the black blades likely wouldn't be enough to hold them off. Finally came the warrior, crying out to their gods as they swept into their enemies. Khallesh pulled free her staff.

The furious creature hissed and spat as it wove it's way through the battlefield, leaving destruction in its wake. The arachnostaff Khallesh wielded was also hissing and spitting as it lashed out. Weapon and wielder were a good match.

As quick sweep cleaved the head off a Republic soldier cleanly. And Khallesh was given a moment to assess her wounds. A stray blaster shot had caught her under the ribs was nicely cauterised. It hurt every time she moved, but that pain at been earned in battle; it was to be embraced, not eased. Of greater concern was the gash above her eye, from where a soldier had caught her with the butt of a rifle. That fight had been almost worth having. She pulled a larvae from her armour and squeezed out a trail of healing salve. She applied it to the wound, almost immediately stemming the flow of black blood. It could be stitched properly later.

Then she saw it. The bright glow of a Jeedai's weapon. Damn, but there was Vrag already in battle. The pair leapt from a platform vanishing from sight. Still, with luck Vrag would fall in battle and Khallesh could take her place, finally testing herself against a worthy opponent before the Gods.

She rushed after them, leaping off the platform. She landed lithely on her haunches on the conveyer below. A razor bug was in each hand now, she was particularly proficient at throwing them round tricky arcs. She did not engage immediately. Vrag's opponent was already off-balance and it would be dishonourable to steal a worthy kill. The other commander could demand recompense by combat to the death. Instead she moved up beside Vrag looking for any sign, no matter how subtle, that she could engage.
A: [member="Damian Starchaser"]
L: C4
O: Try not to die
E: [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Khallesh "]

“Oh don’t tell me Sith don’t like it dirty.” Kana retorted with a fake pout. “Look, I have no idea what you lot are trying to achieve by claiming this rock of-”

Yeah, no, the trash talk was tossed over the shoulder as Kana was put into the defending corner while slash after slash followed one another in rapid succession. Their blades would clash. The impact caused her hands cry out in a reminder that punching the armor wasn’t the best move, but she kept on soldiering through the pain. Not that she really had any choice, the alternative was dying or worse.

Then there was a pause in their scuffle. With a quick looked over her shoulder she saw a tunnel. Dark, cramped, a death trap. A bad place to be with the words ‘certain death’ written all over it. She had to move, but where? The conveyor belt didn’t exactly offer much in the case of escape routes and it only went in one direction.

Certain death was calling out for her. She needed a way out.

There was a way but she didn’t like it.

Her eyes set on each edge of the conveyor belt. She could jump, but would her leg take it? She didn’t know and she wasn’t sure she wanted to try it either. She still had some time to think. Adapting a new stance she grabbed the saber with both hands and held a diagonal guard up. So far it had all been a game of defense on her end. Adapting something meant to simply protect her and, well, not do much else seemed like a smart move.

Kana kept an eye out for a way to escape. So far: Nothing.

Worry began to spread. She didn't like this one bit.
Location: F7

Objective: Hold the line
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Tobias Wraith"], [member="kian karr"], @Jedi/Republic
Enemies: @OneSith, [member="Reverance"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Athena Heron"]

'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...I think not.' Dair could feel Athena's clinging to the edges of his mind. He quickly brought up a wall of ice to encompass his mind, simple, easy and efficient with the way the core of his essence in the force worked. Her next attack, quick as the speed of thought, crashed into the wall of ice, digging a furrow into it but not breaking through just yet.

One of the main tenets of Form V was to apply even, consistent pressure to one's opponent to force a mistake. As Athena twisted and dodged back, Dair moved up right along with her. As Athena extended her hand to execute her force push, Dair tucked into a shoulder roll, coming to his feet next to her opposite side. Dair set his feet and turned his hips in line with a diagonal cut coming up from hip to shoulder, its intent to cleave her in two. No matter what, Dair's intent is to keep up the pressure and keep the fight at saber range.

Location: F7
Forces: 70 Republic Marines, 4 EMBU Droids, 4 YVH-2 Droids (-16 Marines, -3 EMBU Droids, -3 YVH-2 Droids)
Opponent: One Sith
NPC PC Allies -- Jedi Master Kira Talith nee Liadain
Allies: [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Maleah Talith"] [member="Hylocereus"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"]
Location: C6

Normally, Kira wasn't one to be able to hear anything telepathically. For some reason it all came as white noise. But when you toss in telempathy of a very frightened little girl, the signal comes loud and CLEAR.

The massive BOOM coming down the corridor from the explosion would make the ground tremble. Wood shrapnel came flying, and Kira reacted.

Both hands came up in a sudden summoning of the Force; a massive Force Shield expanding the width of the corridor to block the incoming shrapnel.

"GO TO THE SHIP!" she'd yell out at Mara and the rest of the kids with her. She caught sight of Kai, Hylo, and Laura.

But where was Micah and Aela?!!

Off in the distance, Kira would see movement beyond her shield. The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck rose. There it was again.

A dark familiarity.


Location: D6 -- McYoda’s door that went BOOM
Objective: Grabbing Aela and trying to survive the shrapnel
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies????: [member="Cameron Centurion"] -- dat jungle gym

It was a bit surreal.

Was the the pheromones? Was it the empathic tug? The plants Hylo grew to smoke out and make people high as a kite?

Was that really their uncle?!

Shock would paint the young lad's expression, but it would suddenly turn fierce as the burst of kinetite would send shrapnel shards of sharp wood.

Micah would grab Aela, pushing her against the wall to cover her with his body. A grunt would flare from his mouth as he summoned the Force in a bubble of protection. It was one of the first things his parents had ever taught the children, Aela took more to it, but he was on protective mode.

Aela wasn't the only one who was fiercely protective of their siblings. Micah and Aela might have their differences, but when it came to each other's well being, both were willing to do what it takes to ensure each other's protection.
Location : West side of F7
Objective: Hold the damn line
Allies: [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Ryan Korr"]
Enemies: One Eye, No Arms, and Feather Face [member="Reverance"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Athena Heron"]

Forces: 86 Marines, in deliberate defence position aimed to draw Vong forces into a kill zone. 14 YVH2.
Location: Western side of F7 near next corridor.
Objective: Second echelon of defence, or protection against flanking

Jacen’s soldiers maintained their position. A few snipers and precision specialists with good positions fired into the enemy forces whenever possible. They kept a scouting post at the far end of the corridor, keeping eyes out for any attempt to flank.

Jacen gained heart from his saber striking home. No expert to the mental side of Force manipulation, instead his training had focussed on telekinesis and defensive saber work. Footwork was a speciality. Careful footwork had seen him through the first round of the Kenobi padawan tournament against an opponent with greater reach, speed and strength. He’d even used it to undermine an opponent’s foresight by watching their reaction to future events. Master Shulespeaker himself had worked on his defensive form. The feet were the foundation of every swing, every block and he had learned to read them.

So, as Athena twisted and backed away from them, he was already stalking to his right, putting some space between himself and Dair. He slowly circled the avian creature, watching the flash of emotion across her delicate features as he closed the gap. His saber always remained between them, to prevent the sith striking directly at his body.

He was considering going for a pistol, when Voidstalker felt the intrusion into his mind. The attack on his faculties felt like a horrific violation. His breath quickened and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as the edges of his vision turned brilliant white. The illusion was given by a padawan, and split between two targets, so Jacen was aware it was a ruse. However, with his inexperience he was unable to prevent it. As his vision vanished in a flare, he reached out with his other senses.

He felt Dair stubbornly continuing his attack, whilst he feared an assault from the sith whilst vulnerable. He gathered the Force about himself, reaching out with tendrils of influence. He felt the creature’s childlike weight. A telekinetic grip wrapped itself around her ankle, attempting to anchor her to the ground. He grimaced and tried to shake the creature from his mind. Vile thing, he would strike her down before the day was done.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: C4
Objective: Same old, same old
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Khallesh"]
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Damian Starchaser"]

Location: C4
Forces: 260 Vong in the room, 20 in the corridors
Enemies: Damian's Random dudes™

“It is better to be a coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life„

The corners of her lips twitched at the blonde's comeback, and she allowed the impulse to turn into a full-blown grin despite herself. If her skull was smiling, she might as well. Thankfully, the Jedi abandoned her sassy ways as soon as the Hand turned up the heat, and then they were dancing again, moving steadily towards the Pit of Doom™ in the background. A pitiful end, perhaps, and for all that her opponent had shown thus far, a rather undeserving one, but Vrag never much cared about these things.

Unfortunate, eh?

You couldn't count on mercy when you were fighting the Sith. The best you could hope for was a good death. And a good death is its own reward.

Blue eyes narrowed, and her assault faltered for a moment as she felt her Vonduun reel against her body, but not in aggression or bloodlust; no, it was something else. Happiness? Camaraderie?

Her gaze darted to the side, taking in a familiar form of one recently promoted Commander. Without comment, the firrerreo looked back at the struggling blonde, her lips peeling back into a cold leer. Her whole body was thrumming with a solid, healthy pulse, as if her very blood knew that another's will flow, and soon.

"You will die here," Vrag called out, her stance relaxed, like that of a predator that has finally cornered its quarry. "Or you will kneel."

Not much of a choice, but if there was one thing you could trust in life, it was that people wanted to live. The Jedi were… trickier, certainly, but with death breathing down your throat, even the most stalwart of heroes had abandoned their principles.

And if the woman chose to say no? Well, the Hand of the Dark Lord was always ready to push that buzzing blue blade right back into her pretty face. Cruel? Perhaps. Effective? Definitely.
L: C4
O: Try not to die
A: [member="Damian Starchaser"]
E: [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Khallesh "]

Kana wiped the grime off of her face.

“For what?” She resisted the urge to spread her arms as if she was going to welcome an answer. Instead her eyes locked onto the opponent on the other end of her lightsaber. “Life in a dungeon? Servitude to a ‘dark lord’ in his effort to destroy everything else I hold dear?”

“No, your vong have already destroyed my home once. I will be damned if I see you ruin yet another.”

And with that the Jedi prepared herself to be punished for her ‘insolence’ once more. Chat time was over.
[member="Kana Truden"]
Forces: 200 various Yuuzhan Vong (see last post, on mobile, will update asap)

They so loved to loosen their tongues, these humans. The battlefield was no place for wasted breath. Despite being soaked in blood, some her own, Khallesh felt she had barely warmed up so far. It wasn't truly a fight until you'd confronted your mortality face on. Looked the Gods in the eye straight on as they tested you, took from you, but grimly replied: "Not today." And yet, her chest rose and fell and she took the chance to fill her lungs before the next exertion.

And then the pointless banter was at an end. Offering surrender, if she was to maintain any respect for Vrag, Khallesh reasoned this must have been a Jeedai worth capturing. A person of importance. A real challenge.

One knee rose suddenly as Khallesh launched herself forward, legs pumping hard as the agile Huntress accelerated. She leapt over some intervening debris, keeping her eyes on the target. Without warning she started to spin in the air and planted her left foot. Her right shoulder came back and around as she transferred her momentum into the pivot. Just as her back was turned to the Jedi her right leg shot out to slow her spin, but it was shortly followed by her right arm snapping out. She let fly the razor bug, transferring much of her own energy into the creature, which flew out to the side, before starting to arc back around to the target. As Khallesh completed the spin her left arm came around and she flung the other razor bug forth in an almost lazy underarm throw. It started with little speed, but then accelerated under its own power.

The seemingly inefficient routine was carried out with a grace few expected of a Yuuzhan Vong, but it had a purpose. She displayed poise and balance that few human ballerinas could match, but this was a dance of death. The first bug span out quickly to Khallesh's left on a wide arc, but with greater speed. The second took a beeline straight for Kana. The timing of the throws, the distances of each approach and speed of each missile all aligned so that the pair of creatures would reach the Jeedai at almost the same time. One high from her right, one waist high and straight on.

Khallesh pulled free her arachnostaff, its stinger tipped tail released just a few drops of acidic venom to help it pierce any armour. With a subtle gesture, Khallesh forced it into a straight shaft, holding it near the head like a spear. That venomous point held inexorably on target at Kana's chest as the Huntress cried out to her gods and charged.

Today would be a good day to die against a worthy foe. But perhaps it was not that day, but a day for glory nonetheless.
Objective: Assume Control -- Be Nephthys’ Sword.
Location: B2
Allies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Enemies: [member="Tacitanya"] | [member="Kaia Vullen"] | [member="Travot Ravenna"] | [member="Catherine Soja"]

Note: [24h are up guys, moving on]

The Sith Lord’s grip over the young padawan grew stronger as the Force wrapped itself even firmer over the lad, but that wasn’t all that Carach was intending on doing on his new victim.

Drawing his lightsaber and igniting it, a white light radiated and filled the darkened room with its iridescent shades. As Travot tried to dodge the poison and as his saberhand moved to avoid the arm, the Sith Lord would swing his own lightsaber aimed at that same saberhand, in an attempt to cut off the arm at the joint.

The grip would only grow stronger as his bond with Neph strengthened and Carach fed from the Darkness.
Objective: Hydrastaff attacks face, block hold with right forearm, sweeping attack to the right knee in an attempt to cut off a leg with saber hand ( left hand)
Location: B2
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] ; [member="Darth Carach"] ; @Darth Nephthys
Enemies: [member="Tacitanya"] ; [member="Kaia Vullen"]; [member="Travot Ravenna"] ; [member="Catherine Soja"]

The man had swung at her with his saber, attempting to get her hand. The hum of the saber would burn a line across her gauntlet just as Carach came to attack at the Padawan's arm. Had it not been for the armor, the padawan would have cut it off her remaining organic hand. So instead she held it there, using her forearm as the crab armor would sizzle with the heat of the lightsaber, being the block to hold his arm out at bay for Carach's attack to hit home.

She gave a grimace.

It was then she also felt the tug of telekinetic energy attempt to take her saber, but instead of drawing it to him, he would instead be met with another Hydra attack while her grip and that aura of energy maintained to keep her saber at her side remained.

This time, the five heads would reach out to attempt to pierce his skin on his face, head and shoulders with those deadly fangs, already dripping with acidic poison once more. In the dark, it would appear as if the creature of his fears was lunging straight at him.

Her grip would tighten around the yorrik coral saber hilt, and a twist of her wrist meant she was getting ready to use it to make a diagonal sweeping attack at the man's knees in an attempt to slice one leg off.
Location: C6
Objective: Oh Chiiillldreeennnn
Enemies: [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Maleah Talith"] [member="Hylocereus"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Allies: None

The sensation of the approaching Jedi behind him did little to deter Cameron from his goal. Even as he felt the inevitable flexing of energy resulting from the Nefertari attempting to strike him whilst a protective bubble surrounded him, the Sith Lord kept his gaze fixed ahead of him. Once he'd cleared the former obstacle, Cameron utilized the Force to levitate his body from being flat on the ground to almost vertical a few inches above it.

As soon as he felt himself capable of resuming control, he released the Force from bending around his body in such a manner. The result was him nearly crashing to the ground, but he managed to deftly maintain control by forcing his legs back into an all-out sprint. Given his size, it would look as if the tree was very nearly about to fall over...before catching itself to hurtle down the corridor into the adjoining section.

Immediately, Cameron's silver-green eyes caught sight of not only Micah and Aela but also a number of others, Kaili included, that had stopped their advance momentarily for...whatever reason. Reaching out through the ethereal nature of the Force, Cameron projected his deep baritone directly into the minds of [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Aela Talith"], and [member="Kaili Talith"]. Nieces...nephew... War is no place for children, but there is not time like the present for your baptism into the true nature of the galaxy. Endless Conflict.

A surge of several waves of darkness followed his silent voice across the expanse, effecting the nerves and minds of children and adults in the immediate area alike. Of course, Kira's shield would temporarily protect her from that reality. In the grand scheme of was little more than a benign action.

However...only mere steps now separated him from the first group of children. If his immediate objective was their death, there were plenty of actions he could take from distance to be done with it.

Hard to learn if you were dead, however.

Speaking of dead...the reality that the girl advancing from behind him had literally just tried to kill him did not escape his awareness as he closed the minute distance to Micah and Aela.
Location: A4
Allies: None
Enemies: That naughty [member="Kiran Vess"]
Objective: Keeping his hands off - in all capacities (if you know what I mean!)
Theme: I won’t let it go (all references to the name of the band are purely coincidental)

‘You never see my way
******’ on my flame
I'll be the one left standing

With everything I do
It never pleases you
But I'll be the last one laughing

You're always missing
Blind to my vision

I just won't let it go
Just can't let it go
Just won't let it go
No matter what
It's in my blood

Life is more than sitting back
Oh I'm on the attack
Yeah I am off and running

I'm on a mission
Done with this ******’

The man closed to within two metres. He was a talker, and Corvus was unsure if that was a good or bad thing. Sometimes it could add to the confrontation but other times it was a weak attempt to distract her.

She sensed the third shot through the Force and once more she used her martial arts training to evade the shot…even at six feet away, she had sufficient time to react and move, her momentum closing the distance between them to just over a metre. But her saber remained attached to her belt. A Jedi only activated her saber when she was prepared to take a life and so far, she was willing to allow this man to surrender despite his insistence to fill her full of holes. Or was that to fill…? No…never mind.

Corvus smiled. “If your record is clean, you’d have nothing to worry about. But attempted murder, in cold-blood, of a Jedi is a good place to start.”

All the while she was prepared for him to make his next move. She suspected he had more toys to share and so she was ready and alert. And now she was in striking range with her feet and fists if it came to it.
Location: B4
Allies: 100 sith troops and most importantly a medic
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] and his crew
Music: Hmmm This one

Harley had passed out as the firefight started, the republic had better cover than them, but the sith troopers did have disruptor cannons. These weapons would begin to pulverize the republic cover, whilst the majority had Infantry assault rifles and they were all armoured with infantry armour. The fighting was fierce and bloody, but cannons were aiming at cover, in attempts to remove it. Grenades were being fired at the republic troops to disburse them and brake down there line of sight. Whilst they troops let loose all hell on each other, the medic began his field work.

First he began removing the shrapnel from Harley body, and injecting bacta into the wounds. Then stitching them up, non of the wounds by them self were fatal, but they were in there sum total blood loss would kill. This was not to mention the internal bleeding, the little strips of shrapnel had caused. He could get her back in the game but it take him awhile, he was getting some supplies to him to carry on his field work....
Location: C4
Objective: Go get some lunch after this
Allies: [member="Vrag"] (My rock <3), [member="Khallesh"]
Enemies: [member="Damian Starchaser"], [member="Kana Truden"]

Location: C3
Forces: 300 Blackblade Guardsman
Enemies: Stuff, idk anymore.

The Sith Lord crashed down onto the walkway within close proximity to the Jedi, and as he brought he saber down he half-expected to cleanly cut him in two through brute force alone, but the Padawan was a wily one and he managed to partly deflect Vornskr's power strike. But the force of the strike still sent the Jedi careening, forward instead of backwards, so Vornskr had to pivot on the spot in order to follow him, and in that moment Damian managed to pop off a few shots with his damnable ion blaster, forcing Vornskr to adopt a Form III defensive stance to batter away the globs of energy as they came to him, although they were undirected and were merely flung away aimlessly. Even if one of them managed to hit him and short out his lightsaber, he didn't need it to be an effective warrior as he had other methods, but for now he would like to keep his weightless cut-through-practically-anything saber of plasma as operational as possible.

He struck an offensive pose, his lightsaber now held aloft at his side in a Form VI low-guard stance, and chuckled. "Brave of you, boy. Brave, or unbelievably stupid..." He flourished his blade, slowly pacing across the walkway in a crescent motion around Damian, like a predator circling his prey. The roar of battle echoed from below the walkway, filling the air with the beautiful sound of explosions, screams, and roars of hatred, all of which brought immense pleasure to the titanic Sith Lord. Suddenly; he moved in with a series of chops and thrusts, nothing too overpowering, but rather to test the lad's defenses and keep him on edge. He moved back a few steps and started to prowl the other way now, heading back to where he had come from.

"I smell desperation... and I smell the despair of your master! My colleague will be ending her life soon, and I fear you won't be able to save her in time... Not with me standing in your way, especially when you wield the Force so clumsily." He taunted, "Search your feelings, you know my words to be true. By the end of this your master will be dead, and you will have the privilege of staring into her mangled corpse before you join her in the Netherworld. That is..." He paused, suddenly launching himself into another series of chops and thrusts mid-sentence to attack Damian's defenses, and then back away again after he was done.

"Unless you give into the Dark Side, and use your hatred to strike me down. Then you will have the power to save your master from death."
Location: Holding Position at C2 - Advancing to B2 to head off the flanking Sith force
Objective: Halt the enemy advance
Allies: [member="Tacitanya"] - Anyone in C2 or B2
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] - [member="Tmoxin Temi"] - [member="Greta Kohler"]​

"They're attempting a flank with around 60 or more troops, sir!", called out one of the scouts returning from the B2 sector. That was something Varus hand't wanted to hear, knowing that there were other soldiers in that B2 sector who would need help. Still, he was well aware that the Sith forces were quick when mobilized, and he'd have to do something about it. He'd even sensed deception while waiting for the Sith forces in front of him prepared for attack, but he could wait for them to make their move no longer. He had to address this issue at their flank.

Turning to the soldiers that had dug in to C2, Varus called out to them as he said, "This is where we make our stand for the Republic. I, alone with our Commandos and droid units will address the enemy at our flank, leaving you all to hold this position until I return. I need you now. I cannot pull this off without your help. We need to keep the enemy occupied here while I deal with whatever leads this small flanking force.", he explained, his blue eyes searching their nervous faces as the commandos and droids sifted through the ranks to come and stand before him, ready for orders. "I need you, this very moment, and if you can do this for me, I'll bring their leader back in restraints and give them to the highest bidder!", he called out. "And the only currency I accept is dog tags...", he then said, in more of a whisper, to which the men and women of the republic erupted in one, united "HOOAH!"


The trip was short, and the clink of heavy metal legs against the ground was more than enough to give their advance to the B2 sector away, but it didn't matter anymore. There would be no more games. Their units would clash then and there, and blood would be shed. That's why Varus was perfectly confident in his ability to stifle this flanking force of Sith soldiers. He never wore a mask, and he wasn't a man that relied on deception. In fact, his strength relied in brute, raw, shove it down your throat force.

Twenty-five soldiers and one Jedi bolted through the corridor heading right for [member="Greta Kohler"] and her backdoor force that doubled their own numbers. That didn't matter one bit, though, because Varus was well aware that emotionless droids were always more effective than living beings. They were better killers, and took life without hesitation. It was an order, not a choice. They did as they were told, nothing more and nothing less. They were cold, and didn't have the option to hesitate or question what they were told, which was why Varus was confident that this confrontation with 60 Sith units would be more of a massacre than a fight.

"Kill them all, but leave the leader to me...", Varus said to the others, the five Commandos nodding to him before the Jedi darted out in front of the pack, his speed enhanced by the force as he threw himself from the end of the long hall and into B2 to, landing at the front of the enemy troops, slamming both hands into the metal ground beneath their feet. The moment the Jedi touched the ground a wave of kinetic energy rolled off of his stout form in all directions, warping and bending the ground beneath their feet as raw force rushed across the enemy soldiers intent on throwing them in all directions.

NPCs With Varus: 25 - 10 YVH-2 Droids - 10 EMBU Droids - 5 Republic Commandos(Officers)
Location: B2
Opponents: [member="Greta Kohler"]
NPCs holding: C2
Forces: 175 - 40 Republic Snipers - 135 Standard Republic Soldiers
Opponents: The One Sith
L: C4
O: Get rekt
A: [member="Damian Starchaser"]
E: [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Khallesh "]

Yep, she was ready but not for a second combatant to enter the playing field. A look of surprise spread on the Jedi Master’s face as she had to reevaluate her chances. It was a former ballerina and a coward in a suit. She wasn’t a gambling woman, but if she didn’t know any better she’d say the odds just simply weren’t in her favor.

A razor bug was whipped out followed by another. Certainly a new foe unlike any other she had seen before the Jedi wasted no time to shove her saber at the first projectile as it came right for her. With a successful hit, mostly by chance, she got it off of her but it still wasn’t enough. The bug dug in, once, and twice and almost thrice before the hilt of the jedi’s saber came in to it mixed with her pained yelp as the wry hit got her poking into her wound.

Eventually the new opponent launched a charge looking to pierce Kana with a spear.

Blood running down her arm through the newly acquired holes in her jumpsuit she wasted no time in stepping aside in order to avoid the attack. A one-handed strike at the staff sought to cut it in half. Didn’t work, but at least she tried.

As a follow up she promptly decided to try her luck at a tiny slash at the spearman’s knee. There was no effort put into it and no real strength either. What little of it she had left was starting to drain on her and for the first time for the duration of the battle she felt the small tinge of worry flash up.

Nah, she wasn’t gonna die here.

[member="Darth Veles"]
Location: A8
Objective: Offer the final chance.
Allies: The Force.
Enemies: Robo-fish.

Here now was a very definite time where the character overrides the writer's desires. This writer, and many of their characters, would have taken the opportunity to press the attack while the Sith was weakened. Instead, Phylis was that annoyingly stubborn mix of Light Side and morally correct which made her hold back a moment.

"My apologies, I did not know your innards were so controlled. However, Sith, I ask you to yield now, or I will strike you again with more power. I will not kill you, but I will ensure you are no longer a threat."

Stupid Lawful Good characters....

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: A4
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Objective: Kill and or Seduce Grandmaster

“Murder?” Kiran said as he flexed every muscle in his body.

There would be no more toys. She still had yet to draw her lightsaber, still had yet to take out her most dangerous weapon. He knew what that meant, he knew what that weapon being drawn would mean for this fight. His armor could take a lightsaber strike or two, but that was it. If she took out that blade, he would die.

Didn't take a genius to figure that one out.

“It's war, Jedi.” He said as he suddenly broke into a sprint. With only two meters between them, the distance that Kiran had to close was laughable. “There is no murder in war.”

He tossed his blaster to the side, moving to tackle the young woman.
Location: C6
Objective: Protect little brother!
Allies: [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Maleah Talith"] [member="Hylocereus"] [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Enemies: @Cameron Centurion

Aela fell onto her rear with a muffled 'oof' just as her uncles voice projected into her head.

The waves of darkness crashed over her, but the tight grip on her lightsaber seemed to send a calming peace over her that counteracted the effects of the crushing despair. Her eyes narrowed, and despite all of the calm that lay within her, Aela felt a little bit of panic touch her heart. It was a tiny worm, a parasite, a small little sliver that she could not quite shake herself free of.

“Micah, Kaili.” Her voice was a hushed whisper, only loud enough for Micah to hear. “Run.”

She had no idea what he uncle intended. She had trained with him just as she had trained with Father, Mother, and Aunt Amorella. Uncle Cameron had always been on the harsher side in training, even brutal. The first time under his tutelage Aela had walked away with more bruises and cuts than she had received from Oma Quietus' training, but she had appreciated each one of them.

There was a certain brutality to the way Uncle Cameron did things, a certain way of showing what was necessary and when.

The only problem was she had no idea what was necessary now, what he intended. “Run and get mom.”

Aela scrambled to her feet as fast as she could, clutching her lightsaber tightly in her hand. Whatever it was that her uncle wanted, whatever it was that he was going to show them, Aela would be the one to face it.

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