Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Iris Arani Iris Arani | Shimrra Rin

Iris and Ishida had reached the base of the stairway, and Ishida narrowed her eyes at the newly emerged woman who'd been concealing herself for the most part. For reasons unknown.

"Dangerous? You're quite familiar with the caves?" Ishida pried at the newcomer and took a moment to compose the way her facemask sat beneath her chin. The pricking at her cheeks, and through the condensed clouds of her words she peered at the blue-skinned new arrival.

In the dim lighting the glittering crystals offered, Ishida could only recognize the Jedi's countenance as non-human. Her studies of species were limited and left her ignorant. But there appeared no immediate threat, the only thing that made her cautious was the peculiar curls of The Force around the woman.

"Who are you?"

Living In Color
Codex Judge


Iris's gaze drifted off as Shimrra Rin made mention of the danger of not having a lightsaber. She understood all too well. Or, she just didn't want to remember what happened to her original saber and friend. Or she was just reaaaally focused on not slipping and falling down the icy stares. Hard to tell, but her face certainly had an unsettled expression as she continued down the stairs.

Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina

Shimrra Rin


She wasn'y sure where from, but a gust of cold wind blew trough the cavern and caused her to shiver.

"Dangerous? You're quite familiar with the caves?"

"I am indeed!" Too much? Too much, Shimrra decided. "I am a caretaker, monk, Extolled, Shaper." Too mysterious? Tone it down. Not so dramatic. "I'm a Jedi Knight, much like you two will be one day. But I don't get out much. Mostly just here in these caves or at that small outpost temple you saw on your way down." She shivered again and wrapped her red cloak around her tighter as she followed the pair down the icy steps.

"At least, I haven't gotten out much since I've returned from Coruscant. Its been a long while since we've had anyone from the New Jedi Order stop by." She might have seemed unprepared for the cold for someone who claimed to have lived here, but despite her height and the ice she walked with confidence down the steps, passing Iris and dragging her fingertips along the wall to the bottom. More of the kyber lit up as she passed.
Gorgodon's were the worst.

The ape-like reptiles plagued the Sapphire Star with their hulking mass of muscle. It was intimidating thought, knowing a single blow from its arms could shatter her body. So large was the creature that its mere presence interfered with the natural flow of the winds, swirling into a vortex that dragged her back but she could settle for that over a mid-air collision not that her weight would inconvenience it at all. It'd been like flying straight into a speeding starship, something that was known to take a Songwings life on occasion back on Kashyyyk.

After recovering her balance, Tieuvelli darted overhead the beast to reach Valery Noble Valery Noble position. Where she observed something strange, the creature was covered head to toe in a thick fur and leathery hide except at the base of its neck. Predatory instincts suggested this to be the place to strike. Songwing talons were famously strong but not that strong. Instead, she would assist the Battlemaster in her way.

As she flew to join Valery, Tieuvelli concentrated on gathering as much energy as she could beneath her wings. As the reptile sought to capitalise on its advantage Tieuvelli swallowed her fear performing a wingover to meet it. She marshalled the Force manifesting it into a zephyr of protective wind. Unsurprisingly, the Gorgodon ignored her and continued its charge until it met the primordial wall.

The energy shattered under its combined weight and mass, creating a focused shockwave that broke its charge and momentarily knocked it back. Tieuvelli herself hissed as she was knocked back by the recoil, leaving an owl-shaped crater as she fell into the snow next to Valery. "Not my best work." She groaned, standing back up, talons shivering in the freezing snow and a layer of white powder sinking into the plumage of her head.

"I can't do much to hurt it, but I won't let it get a solid hit on you," Tieuvelli said confidently, "It will be easier for me to support you if we share our strength." She couldn't say if Valery knew anything about her, but she didn't exactly have time to explain it either.

(Post Soundtrack: "Blue Planet" by Hans Zimmer)

Out here on the windy flats, it was easy to feel alone. Even with the pair of tauntauns and Jorah flanking him, Jerek found his gaze drawn by the vast sheets of ice and snow beyond. On other worlds, even in the cities, creatures scurried underfoot while insects crept along nearly unseen. Plants invaded even the most stalwart of sterile environments, creeping up through tiny cracks or slowly drilling their own. Anytime the Jedi Knight opened his senses, cornucopia of life abounded near him.

Here, he sensed only the four of them.

Four living things upon a sea of sameness, a quartet of tiny dots upon the bleak landscape. Compared to the planet itself, the caves and the boundaries of their new base were but a mere speck as well. On a world that was nothing more than a footnote outside of the handful of governments or Force Orders that knew what value it held. Virtually insignificant.

"The bottom has a spike on it, we'll use that to drive it into the ice." Jerek gestured to the long pole in the hands of the Dathomiri boy, pointing down toward the end not populated with antennae or controls. "You can extend it with a button on the console, just point it away from you first."

Even virtually insignificant outposts had their invaders. Ilum did have a few natural creatures, one or two of them hostile, but the greatest threat to the Jedi's new venture would be the weather. A strong blizzard could bury the entrances to the caves, and a shift in the ice beneath them could change the landscape irrevocably. For as much as Jerek desired the same harmony with nature that the witch boy preached, he understood how much nature itself could be an adversary.

"Alright, find a stable spot to plant it. Try to avoid those peaks," Jerek pointed toward the nearby seracs, he'd noticed them cropping up near crevasses on their journey out here and his senses told him the two were connected. "Sometimes the caverns underneath open up a new crack or air shaft, we don't want our sensor falling through."

He laughed, "Actually, the sensors can usually detect that before it happens, but better safe than sorry."

Jerek found himself unusually descriptive with his instructions, pointing out next how to stabilize the sensor's anchor in the snow and then on to the initial setup walkthrough. If Jorah struggled with a step, the man gladly pointed to the display or gestured with his hands, leaving the boy to do the action himself. The young teen was so convinced his limited perspective and thoughts were the right answers, giving him the opportunity to try out a different approach was something Jerek hoped ease Jorah's stubbornness.

With the last steps provided, the man found his attention drawn away by something nearby. He glanced around them, finding only the tauntauns standing in a close huddle for warmth, otherwise greeted by the sameness from before. Jerek's hand poised over the controls of his suit, ready to turn on the sensors that would show the surroundings on the helmet HUD. He hesitated, drawing in a breath.

Then Jerek looked up.

"Jorah, look," he tapped the boy, not looking to see if the witch boy had already spotted the creature. Her white wings were almost invisible against the landscape, but when she banked or flapped to gain height, the snowfeather bird could be easily seen against the horizon. Jerek closed his open mouth, a smile pulling back against his lips. "See? I don't reject the natural world, Jorah. The sensor didn't tell me she was there, my senses did."

The man turned down toward the youth, placing his hand on Jorah's shoulder. "But when I leave this spot, the sensor will stand waiting and listening. It'll tell us if it detects something, and someday it may not be a bird. It might be the Maw, sending their soldiers to do harm to us and to this world."


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