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Axis Tengoku | Kiliea Command Asteroid Fortress Base

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Xiro Mohc

Atrisian Force Lord of Kiliea


  • Dedicated Gunnery Centers [DGC's] [Pictured Left]:
  • osEkduO.png
    DSGC's are a new naval installation originally designed for the New Imperial First Crusader Fleet's command vessel the Basileus Battlecruiser. However, upon the purchase of the NIO Axis Imperator by Xiro's Kiliea Command the installation was added to the Axis-Tengoku.
  • This is achieved by the software and droid brains installed in the centers. Although each center is manned by a small crew [3 Personnel in their own Data-Center-Silo (DCS), with 1 DCS per Battery], the heavy lifting in computational operations is done by the CD-14c Gunner Droid Brain and the added TXD DB-SR01x 'Powerslave' Droid Brain assists in "fire-linking" all the batteries to the other software and droid brains.
Because it is naturally made of some of the heaviest and densest metallic ores (see materials), as well as an extensive defense system - the Axis-Tengoku can take a heavy beating. Even when it's shields are down the raw material of the asteroid can absorb a plethora of bombardments (although a sustained bombardment will start to flake and break of chunks of its surface eventually).
    Stacked with a large ordinance of batteries affixed around the asteroid's varied and multi-angled body the base is well armed and can deliver a sustained bombardment. Or break into specified targets in groupings of batteries. At far and mid-range the asteroid base can cover its immediate and long-range filed of vision in a storm of heavy turbolaser fire.
    DGC's are semi-automated gunnery centers that provide advanced battle data interpretation and battery targeting, firing and fire adjustment calculations assistance. The DGC's are mounted by every major battery, beneath the surface and the sub-hull gunnery decks. Allowing for faster reaction, better-aimed, better-timed, and better-calculated bombardments, making its volley of fire highly accurate, highly focused, and extremely concentrated when necessary.
With a Maneuverability Rating of Very Low and Speed Rating of Low, Axis-Tengoku is truly - a big dumb rock. When it exits hyperspace it needs to be pointed in the direction of whatever it's assaulting and from then on it takes considerable effort to correct course and change travel vectors. Evasive maneuvers are essentially impossible. It often resorts to residual momentum drifting once it is in place.
Due to rushed production, there are key systems that are exposed above the surface of the asteroid. For example, despite being hidden in the crevices of the asteroid's terrain - a starfighter could fly in close and discover the location of ISD-72x Deflector Shield Generator Domes Network which supply augmented shiel energy to the various shield systems. Or exposed starfighter hangar gates, etc.
Although Axis-Tengoku is a hornet's nest of cannons, if a team of starfighter comes in close they are effective too close to be attacked by the big guns. Especially the many trench lines that run across the surface of the asteroid. Axis-Tengoku relies on its large starfighter complement to combat this, but, even then if a team slips through the starfighter screen, that can cause dangerous damage up close.

Originally dubbed by New Imperial Order's Imperial Naval Design Bureau (INV-DB) as Project 1153 OREL, the asteroid base was to become the Forward Operating Fortress Base of Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa 's First New Imperial Crusader Fleet. However, due to the completion of the Braxant Campaign and a change in NIO War Strategy to targeted and spread out invasions across the Sith-Imperial Oversectors, the Project was shelved as such an operating base was unnecessary.

However, at this time Zovesa would negotiate the Project's purchase by one of her Imperial Knights Xiro Mohc who had been privy to the Project's development as one of Zovesa's personal attendants and Imperial Knight Squire. Zovesa was informed by Xiro of her ambitions to form an Imperial Atrisian Command and "enact military reform" at her home system of Atrisi. A purchasing agreement was formalized between Zovesa, the Imperial Naval Design Bureau, and Xiro Mohc. Thus, Project 1153 was redubbed Re-Project AX-150F6 - i.e. Project Neo-Axis.

The asteroid was removed from its orbital dockyards production facility in the Yaga System and sent to a re-purposed Imperial
Deepdock Complex. The dockyards were mounted to the asteroid and a servicing hyperdrive was installed. Then the asteroid was jumped into the Unknown Regions to a secret asteroid belt Codenamed: Garden of Thorns, where Project Neo-Axis would be completed. However, the project was taking longer than Xiro had hoped. Elements within the Galactic Alliance and Atrisia were changing and she wanted to exploit the fractured state of the Atrisian Commonwealth's communications with the various Commonwealth worlds before they were resolved.

Project Neo-Axis was rushed to completion, leaving certain systems exposed and rendering the base more slower and less maneuverable than it was originally designed to be. It was effectively a siege base now, rather than a forward operating base as it was originally designed to be under the name of Project 1153 in the INV-DB. Setting out from the Garden of Thorns Belt, Xiro Mohc and the newly christened Axis-Tengoku unleashed a surprise attack on the Atrisian Commonwealth world of Kiliea, establishing the Kiliea Command. There, Axis-Tengoku is currently moored at Garden of Thorns along with its guarding 1st Kurogantai Fleet
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Sorry on wait but few issues...scratch that, a lot of them. I am going to break them up from simple mistakes to talking points. Easiest to Hardest.

Faction links are broken, please repair.

[Tower Fixed|Lining Trench Edges]

[Automated|Ventral Arrangement]
GIFs as I assume are broken. If they are still images from the Star Wars movies, that is fine but otherwise, give credits to the image sources section.

I believe you mean Cap Drain. Just mentioning.

5000m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 12 | Low: 20 | Average: 28 | High: 35 | Very High: 42 | Extreme: 50]

Length: 5000 meters

Let me start unpacking this simply as this was done wrong.

You have a squadron limit of 50, not 40. Next, you do not give a hard number as to how many are in each squadron, that is not how it works. When a person makes a starfighter/support craft, they give a squadron rating from None to Extreme, ranging from 1 to 24. Each one of these squadrons, regardless of size takes 1 slot in your hanger space.

What I recommend is redoing this section as everything is fine but get rid of the hard number of starfighters and support craft in your list and only list the amount of squadrons that are in each section.

These need to be fixed, let me know when this is possible. Again, sorry on the wait.
Xiro Mohc Xiro Mohc
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