Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Aww Yeah I Want More Threads (Again)

It's me, hunting for more threads again. This time with a fresh new list of characters to choose from. But still with some familiar faces. Lets begin the list!

Iris - The one posting this. Young Padawan who's really started to pop off. I'd love to get her more involved with other groups of people. Non Jedi folk. Enemy Sith that she might talk to, other cultures for her to get to know, new friends and enemies alike. She's open for a lot of things!

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Mah boi. Recently severed from the Force he spends his time looking for Valery Noble Valery Noble and finding himself again without the burden of Force Sensitivity. His story will eventually lead to him reconnecting with the Force. Can be stories about his time out and about, force cut and doing spacer things or lead ins to him finding the Force again.

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru - She's back! No longer Sith she's going around trying to figure out what to do with her immortal life. She's part of the Sithspawn Sanctorium, helping Sithspawn who want to go against their nature (much like her) to be good. Old foes or old friends looking to find her, new encounters to stir the pot and introduce new stories and friends/enemies, all sorts of things are welcome. She does hover near exclusively around Coruscant for the moment.

Now for the newbies.

Mevi Mevi - Iridonian Mandalorian. She's a gunslinging bounty hunter with little chits to give if you got a problem with it. I'm leaning heavily in space cowboy themes for her, so bounty hunting, dispensing justice, quick draws and the like. I'm up for any kind of thread! She's still bein' made up cause I use RP to figure things out rather than try to set a script, so anything goes.

Tharil Tharil - Chiss Mandalorian! I'm in a Mando kick don't @ me. She's a Supercomando 'medic' who's enjoys kicking ass and poisoning people. Warcrimes galore here. Her personality is very aggressive. She'll poke fun and find any excuse to be as rude as possible whenever she can. Fun to write. Once more, up for any kind of thread. She'll travel anywhere. Oh, and she likes killing Maw.

N' that's it. Hit me up below or send me a DM if ya want some RP.

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So I'm in the process of turning this character into an investigator working for corporate insurance. Could be fun to cross paths with Mevi on a job trying to track down a corporate bounty?

So I'm in the process of turning this character into an investigator working for corporate insurance. Could be fun to cross paths with Mevi on a job trying to track down a corporate bounty?

Absolutely! I've been wanting to get a thread with you so this is makin me all kinds of happy.
I would very much enjoy working with Tharil Tharil again :)

Poison time? Poison time.

Omen is mostly on Kashyyyk as well as Kestri where I want him to own a bar to sell his tihaar at. He also has a mountain home on Kashyyyk.

Iris Arani Iris Arani

A bar you say? Tharia would be all over that. I can get somethin' going in a bit!

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