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Approved Planet Aurion

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Niamh Raste


  • Intent: To create another one of the worlds known as the Six Sisters.
  • Image Credit: X, Additional Image Credits are in the spoilers with their images.
  • Canon: No
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: The Six Sisters
  • Planet Name: Aurion
  • Demonym: Aurions
  • Region: Inner Rim
  • System Name: Aurion System
  • System Features:
    • Star: Jalabast, Class G Main Sequence Star
    • Planets (closes to the start to furthest in order):
      • Cerna (Zero Atmosphere, Molten surface)
      • Aurion (Habitable Zone)
      • Ephon (Gas giant with rings)
      • Cloys (Ice Ball, Zero Atmosphere)
    • Moons:
      • Aurion: Riyn (Zero Atmosphere, rich in titanium)
      • Ephon: Loes (Type II Atmosphere, Forested), Zo (No Atmosphere, rich in graphite)
  • Location: The system is located in the same hex as Eshan, to its northwest.
  • Major Imports: Farming and Mining Equipment
  • Major Exports: Food, Water, Wood, Combat Gear, Echani Martial Arts trainers, Titanium, Echani Graphite
  • Unexploited Resources: Neuranium (located in deep pockets beneath the southern pole, undiscovered)
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: The planet is covered by large prairies of tall grasses, and lush forests full of green trees that sway in pleasant breezes and provide shelter from spring storms. In the north, a mountainous region lays covered in snow, and the south has much the same. Several mountain ranges dot the lands, with water runoff creating sparkling rivers full of fish and lakes full of the same. Strangely, the oceans of the world are not saltwater, but freshwater and of significant size. The planet possesses no deserts.
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Northport
  • Planetary Features: The planet is primarily wild with several high-density locations (major cities and starports). There are several outlying settlements used by various different groups who prefer to live in privacy rather than living in the clutter of the city. Most of these smaller cities are nestled within forested locations along rivers or near lakes in order to acquire freshwater and an easy food source. These locations are preferred by those who like a low-tech lifestyle, especially those studying certain schools of Echani martial arts.
  • Major Locations:
      • The capital city of Aurion is relatively large, centered on a frozen lake that's sheltered by numerous tall mountains. Construction of duracrete and durasteel was necessary to create the many tall towers and large homes that sit to either side of main thoroughfares. Open-air markets are a thing for warmer climates, and all shopping is done indoors. Most days the streets are not places of conversation, but purely used for transitioning from one location to another. At the center of the city is a large governmental complex where the planets governor consults with regional leaders to determine what's best for the planet. On the far outskirts an open-air starport is routinely busy with imports and exports. Two large domes, situated on the east and west side of the city, are regular sites of combat sports. The tallest structure in the city is a tower dedicated to the moon, rising in a large spiral pointing up to Riyn.
      • Meadowbrook is the second-largest city on Aurion. Centered on the central plains, just far enough from a mountain range that rarely ever sees snow, this particular city houses most of the non-Echani denizens of the planet and is the main trading port for food and water goods. Numerous outlier farms surround the city. As for the city itself, it's built primarily of timber frame and stone construction; timber from the forest moon of Loes and stone from the nearby mountain ranges. It's a stark contrast to the much larger Northport. The largest tower is a temple to the moon, but the city only houses a single battle dome. Additionally, open-air markets litter the streets, which are often crowded with people buying, selling, and conversing.
      • The Temple of the Shadowed Moon is the most prominent religious and training installation on Aurion. Carved into a unique mountain in the northern hemisphere. The temple's prestige has made it a highly sought after training facility for both priestesses and warriors, but a limited amount of housing has made the entrance requirements rather strict. A high level of aptitude is required to be demonstrated in combat by potential martial trainees.
  • Native Species: None
  • Immigrated Species: Echani, Humans
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: The planet is dominated by Echani, with a sporadic blend of humans who have come to call the world home. Several other species regularly call the world home, but their numbers are insignificant in size to that of the Echani and Human population. The only groups not welcomed are the Thyrsians and Mandalorians, largely because of the long-standing feuds between them and the Echani.
  • Primary Languages: Echani and Basic
  • Culture: Aurion subscribes itself to the Echani Compact, meaning it is ruled by the Queen who resides on Eshan. Generally one of those on the Queen's council is from one of the noble houses that call Aurion home. Like most of the worlds that make up the Six Sisters (with the exception of Thyrsus), the primary structure of the Echani that reside on the world is centered around combat. Combat sporting events are common, and there are numerous training facilities within the major cities, as well as scattered across the planet. Their primary export is combat equipment as well as trainers for various martial arts groups throughout the galaxy.
That said, there are some fundamental differences between those who reside on Aurion and, for example, those that reside on Eshan. Eshan is a primarily cold planet, and while Northport is in the north pole region of the planet, the majority of Echani that live on the world reside in warmer regions. They celebrate different seasons and are more accustomed to varied temperatures rather than constant cold. Echani from Aurion are more easily capable of adapting to climate changes than their sisters and brothers from Eshan. They also tend to be a little more culturally relaxed in that a large number of the Echani have forgone careers in combat-related fields in order to become farmers, hunters, fishers, and a variety of other agriculturally necessary roles.​

  • Government: Democratic Matriarchy
  • Affiliation: The Echani Compact, Echani Command, and the Queen of the Echani.
  • Wealth:High
    • Exports of titanium, wood, and other goods make the planets export companies and harvesters wealthy. Additionally, the planets beauty makes it a prime location for vacationers, whether Echani or not, especially to Meadowbrook.
  • Stability:High
    • Reliance on the Queen and the rest of the compact makes the planet relatively stable as long as there is no instability in the leadership of the Compact.
  • Freedom & Oppression:High Freedom
    • All denizens of the planet, whether Echani or not, are autonomous, provided they abide by the laws of the Compact. Slavery is outlawed. Taxes are in place, but are generally fair and haven't risen in years.
  • Military: As with most Echani worlds, there's a standing military garrison and virtually all Echani that live on the world are capable of fighting if it comes down to it. All major cities house shield generators to defend the cities from bombardment, but they're usually not powered up unless they need to be. There's substantial energy draw to run them, and virtually the entire power grid of the city is required to keep them running under a barrage. The compact maintains a naval defense above the world and an air force on the planet itself of atmospheric fighters.
  • Technology: Aurion meets galactic standard for technology, matching the rest of the worlds that make up the Sisters. All the comforts one could expect are readily available. Droids are plentiful, especially for mining and farming. EIC EMBU droids are utilized for policing. If you can expect it on most worlds in the galaxy, you can expect it here.
Eshan is the ancestral home of the Echani, but as the population expanded they looked for further homes to expand to. One such location was Aurion. Located in a nearby star system, and comfortably situated in the habitable zone, the world offered an ideal blend of home, with its cold polar regions, and new territory with its plains and temperate regions. Settlement of the planet was easily done as there was no native species to the world of the sapient variety. Echani being what they were, they did choose to make their first city, and capital, at the northern pole where they could have a similar environment to what they were used to. Slowly, over time, they branched out and formed other cities such as Meadowbrook in the central plains.​
During the Bengali uprising, Aurion remained on the side of Eshan and the other Sisters. Ultimately Bengali returned to the fold, but Thyrsus remained particularly irate and had to be quelled on numerous occasions. Prior to the galactic civil war, peace was obtained when Thyrsus was granted its independence, but counter-actions by overzealous Thyrsians would later see their planet taken in hostilities by the Echani, and the Thyrsians more or less enslaved. No Thyrsians slaves were ever brought to Aurion, as it has a long tradition of anti-slavery.​
During the galactic civil war, Aurion remained neutral, as did the remainder of the Echani worlds. While the royal guard of the Emperor was populated by Echani, it was by personal choice and selection, not by governmental sanction. Prior to the release of the Gulag plague the world had experienced something of a renaissance, surpassing most of the other worlds in the Sisters in technology level and popularity. However, the resulting dark times that came as a result of the plague set the world back quite substantially, and in the rebuilding years after the darkness, most other planets in the Sister's surpassed Aurion.​
In order to counter the losses, mining was pushed to produce greater economic output, as was development of armory and weapon facilities. Training facilities for Echani and outsiders began to pop up, and the reputation of the Temple of the Shadowed Moon grew exponentially, particularly in its output of skilled combatants. Said combatants also made fine instructors and are currently sought after throughout the galaxy. The result of these efforts was a return to nearly normal function of the planet, albeit not quite to the level of what they had known, especially as the world wasn't quite the tourist attraction it used to be.​
To bring back tourism, they've begun capitalizing on their greatest assets. Construction of battle domes was undertaken, and these facilities regularly house combat games of skill. In order to make it purely skill-based, the facilities are layered with Ysalamiri to remove any advantage that might otherwise be obtained by those with a connection to the Force. The result is that people have begun traveling to Aurion to both participate and watch these games, which has increased economic revenue and begun to revitalize the stagnant economy.​
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Niamh Raste

This is a very aesthetically pleasing submission. The information is nicely presented and makes sense - Good job.

Just a few things:

1.) Image Credit: I see that you have sources linked with the images below. This is fine, however, please place a note in Image Credit field that additional sources are located in the spoilers with the images themselves.

2.) Force Nexus: Per the General Codex Guidelines

The entire template must be used in your submission. The template's base fields are not to be changed/removed/altered with the exception of a Force Nexus. If a Planet does not have one this can be removed. Otherwise, If the field does not apply simply state "N/A". Additional information and fields may be added if desired.

You CAN actually remove the Force Nexus part of the template if it isn't in use. If you would like to leave it - This is perfectly fine, but, it is an option for you.

3.) Affiliation: Per the Planet Template

Affiliation: [ Does this planet fall under the rule of a certain person or faction? Company or group? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]

Affiliation: The Echani Compact, Echani Command, and the Queen of the Echani

These items should be linked if applicable: Ex.) Echani Compact, Echani Command, etc...

Otherwise - That's all! Tag me when you're ready and I'll take another pass. Thank you kindly!
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