Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Location: Outer system
Objective: Ponder allegiance
Post: 4
"The Remnant's pulling out all the stops, Cap. Not sure I think much of their respect for their own people's lives." The colloquial diction sounded a little odd in a gravelly Noghri voice, but Futzchag wasn't your average Noghri.
"Not surprising. Most Imperials, of whatever stripe, would rather fight than bend -- even if it costs more lives than it should. A good commander doesn't do that unnecessarily. On the other hand," Vastor admitted, "this loss might galvanize the Remnant."
"You still thinking about where to send the sensor logs from the trap?"
Vastor nodded, watching the screens. "Fether earned a black mark, and I'll see him burn for it. Right now, I'm thinking the Sith."
Objective: Ponder allegiance
Post: 4
"The Remnant's pulling out all the stops, Cap. Not sure I think much of their respect for their own people's lives." The colloquial diction sounded a little odd in a gravelly Noghri voice, but Futzchag wasn't your average Noghri.
"Not surprising. Most Imperials, of whatever stripe, would rather fight than bend -- even if it costs more lives than it should. A good commander doesn't do that unnecessarily. On the other hand," Vastor admitted, "this loss might galvanize the Remnant."
"You still thinking about where to send the sensor logs from the trap?"
Vastor nodded, watching the screens. "Fether earned a black mark, and I'll see him burn for it. Right now, I'm thinking the Sith."