Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ascendancy Over What Remains (OS Dominion of Crina)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Outer system
Objective: Ponder allegiance
Post: 4

"The Remnant's pulling out all the stops, Cap. Not sure I think much of their respect for their own people's lives." The colloquial diction sounded a little odd in a gravelly Noghri voice, but Futzchag wasn't your average Noghri.

"Not surprising. Most Imperials, of whatever stripe, would rather fight than bend -- even if it costs more lives than it should. A good commander doesn't do that unnecessarily. On the other hand," Vastor admitted, "this loss might galvanize the Remnant."

"You still thinking about where to send the sensor logs from the trap?"

Vastor nodded, watching the screens. "Fether earned a black mark, and I'll see him burn for it. Right now, I'm thinking the Sith."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: outer system
Objective: observation and eavesdropping
Post: 5/20

The Arcona burbled beside her.

"I see it. Can't pick it up on scanners -- maybe a stealth ship, maybe just too small -- but something's disturbing things over there." Alec squinted at the screens. "Maybe one of those crappy quasi-stealth ships the Rebs run?"

Burble, burble.

"Yeah, well, I've got my reasons."


"They've been known to-"


"You're kidding. That's brutal. Just chewing through those transports?"


"Well, that's something. Never thought I'd be rooting for the Imperial Remnant. Wish we could get out there. Pull up the plot?"


"You weren't kidding. That's a big fething area, even for Kalee space. There might be beacons left after..."


"Yeah. Red pennant is right."
Objective: Infiltrate Royal Palace
Location: Royal Palace Courtyard
Allies: One Sith / Sith Assassins

A red lightsaber sliced through a stormtrooper's torso, the man screamed as he flew back. The Sith Lord now took the fight to the soldiers themselves. Darth Kentarch's red blade glowed through the dust, deflecting blaster bolts and ending men's lives. The lightsaber slashed through a man's arm dismembering it completely. With a horizontal slash Kentarch decapitated two men with one blow, their heads rolling about the floor with their helmets still on. He sent out a devastating force push, throwing several from their feet and smashing them into a nearby wall. He twisted round to deflect back a blaster bolt into the face of man shooting at him, the stormtrooper's helmet exploded open, and the man collapsed dead to the floor. He made hard contact, slaying more than two or three dozen of the opponents forces. Then the Sith Lord rolled then vanished completely behind a collapsed pillar. He had once again called upon the force using Force Concealment, rendering him invisible to the naked eye.

Fear and uncertainty, he could sense it in the soldiers and guards. He had left them confused and disoriented, his attack reducing the unit's overall combat effectiveness. They had not left a scratch on him. Kentarch reached into the force, using and drawing from these feelings. Just like explosives he would use their own emotions against them: fear. Kentarch reached out to their minds touching each one he could Force Insanity. He could see it now, one man went catatonic, another started screaming like a madman. In the sudden rush of emotion, a stormtrooper then pulled a gun on another and killed his comrade in cold blood. Screaming, shouting, they turned on each other shouting and began fighting among themselves.

[member="Weiss"], [member="Rick Galurom"], [member="Alva Calvarona"]
Objective: Win
Location: Aboard the Scourge
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"], One Sith
Enemies: Imperial Remnant
Post: [1/20]

In the recent events surrounding his new command and his new fleet group, he had come to despise being called Captain.

Commodore Vaiden paced back and forth upon the bridge of the Scourge, his life-long habit of movement that only stirred thoughts and calculations within his mind. Green eyes darted back and forth from viewport to battle analysis screens, and none of the bridge officers were looking at him. They'd grown used to their commander and his erratic movements during battle, particularly since it was nearly impossible for him to sit still when men were dying and peace was being destroyed.

Sigmund watched him placidly from the side. "Query: What is the plan of approach, master?" Glowing photoreceptors locked onto the frame of the pacing officer with benign interest. The droid cradled his heavy assault rifle like a baby.

"Come here." The droid paced over, its sound dampeners straining. "I'm not exactly sure, to be honest. This is mostly a job for the ground personnel; Tmoxin and the 182nd along with their Sith crony." His voice was low enough to dispel any listeners should another officer desire to actually know if their commanding officer had a plan or not. "I think we'll just attach to the main Black Sword fleet assembled for the moment, especially since combined firepower is best needed to drop that Crinan fleet on the far side of the planet."

"Commentary: That sounds... sensible, master. When do we get to destroy things? Will I get to try out my new stealth device?"

Hans shot the droid a grin, "Soon." In an instant, his attention turned towards the helmsman and the adjacent officer. "Helmsman, rotate us twenty degrees to port. Bring us into that Black Sword formation, near the front if you could. You, Lieutenant, make sure those ground troops are properly deployed while we move. Approach vectors are bound to change."

Oh man. This was gonna get hectic real fast.
Location - palace
Objective - defend the palace
Allies - Imperial Remnants
Post 5/20

watching as the sith easily butchered squad after squad only to suddenly dissapear into thin air, followed by his comrades turning mad en masse - Weiss felt fear, hopelessness and hatred. The sight made him came to a single conclussion.

"These sith freaks need to be externinated - all of them." he concluded to 404 beside him. They had the heavy repeater mounted but no target.

After a few seconds he again resumed control and switched frequency to battallion.

"This bastard is a mind controller, and not one to one but one to masses! Shoot on sight, I'll buy rounds for an entire year to the trooper that can put a hole in the freaks head." Weiss knelt holding his rifle steady aiming toward the place where the sith dissapeared, starting to survey the courtyard. Then he switched to platoon frequency.

"This is TK-402, we just lost our NCO along with most COs. Set to stun to stop your fellow troopers but do not linger on the courtyard. Keep posts at the entrances, and get those freakin snipers ip on the roofs on the double!"

Having assumed platoon command the remaining, sane, troopers of the 337th followed orders and spread out.

"Have that repeater ready 404, altough keep your dagger even closer..." he murmured to Rick next to him.

They were probably going to die here but hell, he prefered death over becoming some drooling sith tool he decided and put down one of the crazed troopers with a stun blast.

[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Rick Galurom"]

Rick Galurom

[member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Weiss"]

Objective:Defend the palace

Auxiliary Objective: Kill the sith

posts 3/20

The trooper slowly got up the confusion, the debris, Rick would do his part. His fear was increased, but in no way shape or form would he kill his battle buddy. Galurom was slower, and while he still functioned to fight, the force was obviously affecting him. "Sir, the sith is playing mind tricks, im trying to focus, but I keep seeing my greatest fear sir. Fatty foods.", he had told weiss everything, about his past, who he would be after the empire was back to its glory.This was not a time to get scared, the soldier tried his hardest. Hopefully the others would understand , they both knew were their loyalties lie. The storm commando , kept looking around nervously, as if he was looking for the sith, but also fighting the images in his head. "We need to find him sir, I dont know how long I can deal with it." , the images were slowly becoming more prominent, and harder to resist, his hands began to shake. No way, shape, or form would did he show he would break, he knew this sith dog was playing with his mind, but he could not help but shake.
[member="Adalric Vastor"] [member="Eobarda Tarkin"] [member="Jericho Mayhew"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Rick Galurom"] @Weiss @Aurna Vern [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"] [member="Cyrene Miles"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Hans Vaiden"]

Fleet Composition:
Alva listened to the comms for a moment and gritted her Teeth at the mess she was hearing. An infiltrator had made their way to the palace and engaged the Stormtrooper unit deployed to that location, and it sounded like one of the Court Practitioners and a pair of Imperial Knights were going to be backing them up soon at the front gate. Worse sounding to her was that the refugees were under attack. The Remnant knew winning this was next to impossible, but they more than recognized that they had to fight this fight to get as many resources and key personnel off planet as they could. If a few soldiers died so they had the resources and strength to continue the war another day they had to make that sacrifice, and they would leave the Sith of the memory of it.

"Kestral this is Hound Squadron, slowpokes were you sleeping? If your trigger fingers are as slow as you are getting lift off then we'll have a much higher killcount than you today. I think if we do we'll have you buy us a round at the mess, I think caf with real ground is decent for the wager wouldn't you say?" Perhaps too enthusiastic, but adding energy to the air to diffuse the tension for the upcoming battle was what Alva wanted. The Crinan fleet wasn't going to last long against those star destroyers, but unlike the Remnant Fleet they were fighting for home less than they were the Empire, their motivation was leagues above the Sith, and any good commander knew what the tide would be like when the fleet engaged them. Speaking of the Remnant's Fleet though, it looked like Admiral Tarkin had arrived with it just in time to save the refugees, her Imperial warships engaging those of the Sith in that area and looking to give them a hard time.

It looked like some Sith were trying to head planetside what their target was Alva wasn't sure yet. The Palace and capital city were certainly the most well defended, but they were also the prizes to take if you wanted control.

At Cosmina there were definitely forces waiting as well, but to be sure less than elsewhere. The Sith wouldn't find many students there, many having departed earlier, but a number of the staff had stayed behind to fight, and they were joined by a small group of the Crinan Royal Army as well, reducing the number of force using Practitioners, but adding the skills of the soldiers in their shielded combat armor to be the Sith's opposition within those halls. Hopefully their fighting would be one to remember.

The one at the Palace certainly seemed to be leaving its weight on the soldiers already, the Sith leaving destruction in his wake at the gate. However, perhaps that would end soon, as a Practitioner of Crina's Court and an Imperial knight arrived to support the soldiers in need, the same ones who had been hunting the disturbance earlier. The Practitioner quickly tried to keep themselves hidden as they skirted the edge of the fight, unlike many they were not a combatant type, however, they would provide aid as they concentrated on relieving the negative force being place on the Stormtroopers attempting to fight. His ability was below the Sith's own, but keeping still and focusing they would certainly disrupt those mental intrusions, although as the Imperial Knight activated their lightsaber to move to engage the Sith warrior with the 337th's survivors maybe it was unneeded as the knight's attack likely was a distraction itself.

At this time a voice would come over the comms again, once again belonging to one inside the Palace organizing what defense there was. "Everything is in place, keep fighting just a little bit longer everyone. The last wave of transports are nearly ready to go, the shuttles for the troops going last second are prepped and fueled as well. Let's show them they can't take this world without a little blood for the toll."

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: park
Allies: none
Post: 2
[member="Sage Bane"]

With his message delivered Rexus remained where he was levitating in the air above the water. It was painful to see everything that was going on, a wound in the force. It was something the One Sith brought with them everywhere, darkness and decay. A blanket that smothered the light until it was no more and everyone and everything became nothing more than numbers and puppets. But Rexus did his best to remain holding on to what little light there was left in this place.

Small cute rodents held their heads up from their hiding holes, fuzzy creatures that began to gather around the bastion of light and life that was Rexus and the water fountain. He took in a deep breath and exhaled letting the soft pulse of the force flow through him and into the wooded life around him, entering their minds and filling them with calming feelings. They were simple creatures, find the acorn, eat the acorn, bury the next acorn. But in that simplicity there was life and beauty and even the life of a field rodent was worth protecting. One thing above else Rexus could sense within them was fear, fear for everything that was happening around them. The invasion, the gunfire, chaos, from giants to simple rodents all life was precious.

"Return to your homes, you will be safe there." and with the wave of his hand a few dozen little furry critters began to scatter among the wooded park.

So he sat there, he sat there to wait for Sage. The boy he had failed.
Objective: Waiting for mines to be cleared
Location: Then to Cosmina Academy for Practicioners
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Hans Vaiden"]

The Sentinel Class shuttles disengaged from The Scourge and slowly made their way to the entrance of the minefield. Commander Temi was in the first shuttle in the cockpit along with the pilot and crew, surveying the approach. The sleeper mine field was not visible to the naked eye but she could clearly see the asteroid belt and Crina just behind it. In a trick of the eye, the planet almost seemed close enough to reach out and grab. But Tmoxin knew that between the shuttle and Crina was certain death if this “well plotted” route was plotted with any errors by the tactitians at all. Still, something seemed wrong, mainly the motion of the ship moving forward.

“Why have we stopped?” she asked Sgt. Major Ulysses.

“Orders from Commodore Vaiden. He wants us to hold here in space while The Scourge removes the minefield threat.”

“And why didn’t he tell me before?” she not so much asked but seethed through gritted teeth. She wasn’t necessarily angry that her men had witnessed this slight strategic mix-up, but with the Sith Knight sitting among them on the shuttle, she didn’t want anyone beyond her battalion to hear the indecision going on right now about how, when and which way to get to the blasted planet.

She nervously glanced back at Sage Bane to see if he heard her exchange with the Sgt. Major. “He was busy with the Black Sword fleet, Commander,” the Sgt. Major finally replied.

Tmoxin tried to play it all off like this further delay was planned to begin with and with a cocky grin she looked back at the crew, Bane and the troopers who were nearby and shouted, “Hold tight boys, we’re going to have ourselves a good fireworks show!”
Objective: Win
Location: Aboard the Scourge
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"], One Sith
Enemies: [member="Alva Calvarona"], Imperial Remnant
Post: [2/20]

"Commodore, we've got reports from the front; urgent messages, sir." The Ensign almost ran to his commanding officer with a datapad tightly clutched in his hands. "Sir, there's a minefield right in front of our deploying troops. Heavy casualties are expected should we choose to continue with our plans."

Hans Vaiden merely turned to face the junior officer with a scowl, his trademark look that put even Grand Admirals and High Generals in unease and discomfort. "Ensign, I am already aware of that fact. Now, if you would be so kind, report to me in a calm, collected, and professional matter next time - or there won't be a next time. Do I make myself clear?"

The young officer didn't even look like he was twenty standard years old and he was already on the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer. What was fleet command thinking of putting junior grade personnel on his ships? Even Sigmund seemed a bit riled up by the display of discipline and had closed the distance between himself and the junior officer. The heavy blaster was still cradled in his arms but a look of malice and sheer vehemence occupied his photoreceptors.

"U-understood, sir. I'm sor-"

"You are dismissed."

The young man swallowed the rest of his words, gave a half-decent imitation at an about face and smartly departed. "I swear. That boy shouldn't even be out of his cradle just yet. Looks like he graduated from the academy yesterday." The Commodore shook his head, not noticing Sigmund's gaze upon him until a few seconds had passed.

"Query: Master, what are we going to do about those mines? The boy had a point, you know."

Hans nodded. "I know he did, but as I said before, I'm aware of the minefield. I'll be connecting with Black Sword fleet in a few. I just wanted enough space between the Scourge and the minefield so that when we destroy it, the debris won't hit us or any adjacent units."

Sigmund seemed ecstatic. "Commendation: You never cease to amaze me, master. My processors still have a hard time keeping up with your tactics. I am much more suited to personal matters." The assassin droid held the heavy blaster closer to his metallic frame and closed in to occupy Hans's flank as they paced back towards the gunnery and helm station.

"Helmsman, halt us here. Rotate forty degree starboard, dip our superstructure towards the minefield." Green eyes found the gunnery officer, "Commander Gavin, fire all available batteries at those mines. Leave nothing behind and be sure to capitalize on collateral damage. Knock over the dominoes, please."

After a pair of unison affirmations, the entire weapon payload of the Scourge was unleashed on a vulnerable, unsuspecting minefield. "Let the deploying forces know that they are to advance as soon as they see a safe, clear opening."
Location - palace
Objective defend the palace
Allies - Imperial Remnants
Post 6/20

"Get it togheter 404! Remember your training and keep eyes open for the target!" Weiss ordered. fear of loosing Rick to the mass psychosis grew heavily in Weiss mind.

"TK-403! I need you to flank on 404:s right. If the sith tries to reach the repeater we take him down together - On the double! Get whatever reinforcement left we can sapre!" he continued issuing instructions to the remaining troopers in the platoon. what was left here would no chance for the sith. They all knew this, but damn if they would not try frying the bastard for what he had done to them. the troopers hurried to surround the courtyard, the rooftops being checked as well as any exits.

As suddenly the strange wet blanket of fear was somwhat lifted. Weiss could not explain it but at the same time an Imperial Knight rushed past them, lightsaber lit and he was heading straight toward the pilar where the sith had dissapeared. The stormtroopers gained momentum and a shred of hope returned to their ranks.

Weiss traced the Knight with his gaze.

"Alright, this might be what we need Troopers! Prepare to fire!" he did not know if the Imperial Knight would be able to force the sith out of hiding but if he did, the troopers were going to give him hell.

[member="Javos Infored"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Rick Galurom"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
Objective: Academy of Practitioners
Location: 5 kilometers from the the Academy
Allies: None at the moment

He was alone. Jaron had heard of a raid against an old Imperial world. The Sith were claiming it as there own, and he decided he was going to see what he could pull out of the libraries of the Academy they had. Jaron had fallen to the darkside, but he was not fully Sith, according to his master anyway. [member="Maja Vern"] on the other hand, she had simply decided he was. All Jaron knew was he was no longer Jedi. Was he Sith? The answer to that really remained to be seen. All indicators seemed to point to yes, however.

His arm was stretched out, a mine detector attached to it. Every step was taken with care because one wrong one would be the end of his life. Yes he came without support, but Ayra wouldn't have it any other way. Her ventures were to remain private, so Jaron would be in, then out. Like his master, he would slip into situations, do what needed to be done, and slip out. The Academy was in sight. He was not far now.
[member="Adalric Vastor"] [member="Eobarda Tarkin"] [member="Jericho Mayhew"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Rick Galurom"] @Weiss @Aurna Vern [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"] [member="Cyrene Miles"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Fleet Composition:
It was a beautiful and terrifying view as the Sith Fleet continued its destruction of the mine field. They couldn't land every shot, mines weren't big targets and these were stealthed too, but with the amount of fire they put in they just had to get lucky shots and hope for chain reactions in clusters. And after all this time a fair number of those mine clusters had been detonated, leaving a free path in front of the Sith. for the most part. Any mines at this point were few and far between, if the Sith were lucky they could still hit them, but it was also likely only bad luck would result in them being effective at getting kills. The chain reactions had damaged a few of the gravity well generators as well caught in the shockwaves too close. While not enough for fleets to jump through, it certainly would ease the task the Sith would probably have wiping the rest later.

Alva watched sorrowfully as the the delaying tactic the Remnant and Crina had concocted fell away. Leaving the Sith finally free to press their advance for the invasion, as well as to allow the fleets to finally clash once the Sith came into range. "All squadrons maintain your assigned position in the screen, when the firing starts prepare to advance on the enemy fighter wings once they're deployed. Our objective is secure fighter dominance and keep the hostile bombers off the heavy cruisers. We might not have the firepower to match their capital ship but everything today is for the sake of fighting tomorrow, we merely need to hold out for the last waves of refugees and pull out our forces before we suffer too many casualties. Kestral Squadron, you'll be leading the right flank with Shadow and Shockwave Squadrons. The Crinan Interceptors have a good edge in speed but don't have much firepower, that's what the 181st is here for to back them up, the Interceptors will focus on maneuvering through the enemy fighters to pick out their bombers and heavy fighters too slow to match them, we'll take care of dogfighting their main fighters."

Still, they weren't the aggressors, they had to wait on the Sith to come to them, to hold off casualties as long as possible and buy time. The Crinan Fleet's formation held steady as the Carriers held back with their lack of long range weaponry, waiting to fill in gaps in the ranks should the heavy cruisers take losses or the enemy close the distance where they could fire. The Missile Frigates prepared their payloads as well, waiting to obliterate the first enemy fighter wave and unleash devastating impacts on the forward destroyers that lead the charge.
[member="Weiss"] [member="Rick Galurom"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Location - Palace
Objective - Defend


Trooper 403 had been taking his time this day. Yeah, they had swords and magic but the Storm Corps had an army. Javos didn't usually get angry and wasn't hut something wasn't making sense. He knew the invasion was for something but what? Guess that's why you shouldn't be a shiny.

Javos was pacing himself, he knew this fight wouldn't be easy but trying to rush to get it done wouldn't be the best idea. He was reloading as he was given an order. Javos nodded and shoved the clip of ammunition up the gun. He sprinted over to Rick's right as his squad marched behind him. He saw Rick doing something odd but he didn't interfere. Instead, he and his squad sent blaster bolts after the enemy. Wherever they were..

Rick Galurom

[member="Javos Infored"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Weiss"]

The images seemed to be less and less, the soldier was regaining his confidence "I hate sith, whatever you do, I want the last shot at him sir. " . The storm commando was angry, and from his voice, he was trigger happy to shot any signs of where that sith could be. Their was a shiny among them, "Hey newbie! I was in your same boat a tour ago, follow us, and you might get out of this alive." , they called him heavy for a reason, not because of his size, but because he was lean and mean. His comrades could see the tough power lifter, and battle hardened trooper they all loved. Whatever the imperial knight had done, it was well needed, their was no time to break in the midst of battle. Their time on this planet would be short, this tour was different then hunting the warlord, instead of being the victors , they were the losers.Minutes later he spoke, "Sir, if we get out of this alive, and get another chance at these wampa rats, on their own turf. Promise me that we desecrate their flag. " . These elite storm commandos if they survived would be needed for many covert missions to come.
Objective: Wipe them all out
Location: Royal Palace
Allies: One Sith / Sith Assassins

Kentarch glanced about as the stormtroopers fought each other under the influence of his manipulation of the force. The Empress had been evacuated, so why were elite soldiers still making a defiant last stand? Someone was still here, someone important. A the Imperial Knight arrived, he could feel his influence of fear begin to wash away from the Imperial soldier's minds. He jumped from his perch, a daring leap from across the hall and came down on the Imperial Knight, he slammed down on the knight's neck with his left hand. The attack killed him outright, a hidden bladed attached to his wrist shot out and tore through the force users neck.

Darth Kentarch turned to face the stormtroopers, once again he was visible however he planned to conceal himself no more, and finish the fight. A blinding white light erupted from his body. Force Blinding, in essence causing all who looked at him to go blind. With a wave of the hand the heavy repeater the stormtroopers tried setting up was flung from its spot and landed in the rubble, the barrel mangled beyond quick repair. He lit his red lightsaber and charged. The first to die was a imperial soldier by a saber thrust straight through the chest. The second Kentarch cut the man clean in half at the waist. The third soldier died via a force push that smashed him straight into a wall.

"Where?" Darth Kentarch spoke for the first time. His voice emotionless, yet the tone was ominous. "Who are you protecting?" His saber ran another stormtrooper clean through as he spoke.

[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Rick Galurom"]
Objective: Get agitated at his sisters, defend himself!
Location: Aboard the Sicarus-class
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Maleah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"]
Post: 2/20

Dealing with Kai was one thing; Dealing with Aela-Miss-Know-It-All, was another.

The grimace across Micah's face would bloom into an annoyed glower, "Pipe down Esmae," he shot back to his oldest sibling, his eyes frantically moving across the sensor board before turning back to the Nav-Computer.

"I can fix this," he said with a slightly strained tone that would express his frustration; but his body language would be as clear as day to the rest of his siblings he was worried. They all had training from their mother on her Lorrdian ways; and that included being able to read another's body language. Micah was the most skilled out of the group in regards to that, picking up how to mimic animals and other non-humanoid sentients easily. He was able to practice picking up on subtle little notes others would miss.

Dirty blonde forelocks would fall and tickle his stupidly long eyelashes -- Talith genes giving him what many girls across the 'verse would kill for -- frowning as his mind went ten parsecs a second.

He was smart, incredibly so. Annoyingly so as some might say and well aware of it. The only thing is that it often led to some spectacular failures.

Case in point, this particular kettle of giju they were sitting in.

"They can't vector in on us. Not on this ship." he would explain, glancing up at the looming sight of those four fleets. He had no clue who or what they belonged to. But this was bad.

Oh soooooo bad.

The wash of green and blue lights from the various consoles would flicker over his face. Out behind them, was the piloting droid he had moved out of the way to experiment with the controls.

"Nohei, " he'd point over towards the sensor board, "Keep watch --- don't touch anything!"

Oh pot to the kettle right there.
[member="Rick Galurom"] [member="Weiss"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]


Listening to the man who seemed to have gotten himself together in the short time, he laughed silently. Just cause he was a shiny didn't mean he was completely new. He probably had a better shot than most of these guys. Not to brag, but maybe a clarification would be good at another time. Right now, it was time to kick some arse.

The sith quickly engaged on both of the forces. Javos aimed his blaster at the sith and began firing at a constant rate. He expected the result to be stabbed but he had an order. He then made a motion with his hand that meant to fire. Many shots could be heard, even a mile away. The repeater was slung, retrieving it wouldn't be easy. And even repairing it.

Rick Galurom

[member="Javos Infored"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Weiss"]

Posts 5/20

Objective:Survive, and take the sith down.

Blinded the soldier's vision was blurry, the sith was a sly one, his repeater was destroyed, his beloved repeater. The trooper thew five stun grenades, one near the pillar, another one near his position, two set to detonate within the air if he tried leaping, and one directly in front, the only place he could retreat without being stunned was backward. With pure explosive ability, he drew his knife out, their would be no choice now, the hand to hand combat expert was ready to take the sith down, force users were not invincible, this was proven time and time again when the mandalorians encountered many of the sith, or the infamous day of order 66. While his throws would be slightly off due to his blurry vision, they were in the general spot needed. If anyone had a chance at going toe to toe with this sith it was them, the rest of the legion had also fired upon the sith, giving thousands of bolts coming toward the sith, with the stun grenades being thrown and the volley given to him, their was no way he could dodge, every single blast, even as a force user, and expect not to be harmed. These men were elite, trained to deal with these sort of scum, they would not just have overwhelming numbers of men, but overwhelming numbers of men trained to kill him, a bad idea for the sith. It was the duty of the 337th to teach him a lesson, and so he would. Rick was just waiting for the right moment, "Sir, my knife is my secondary, I have no choice but to engage up close, cover the hell out of me!"

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