Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Antithesis Campaign - Homeworld (Domination of the Aing Tii Hex)

The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue stood atop one of the collapsed ruins, shielding his eyes from the sun as he peered around, looking...well anything...preferably something that resembled civilization. What drew his attention was not that. The wild swinging of a yellow saber, held be someone running was what drew the man's dark eyes. Looking in the direction that the lightsaber-wielding sprinter Dax saw two more figures, a red blade igniting in one of their hands. "Chit..." Dax leapt down from his perch and began to sprint towards the converging figures, his own two sabers flying to his hands as he bounded over the obstacles parting him from his targets.

Red blades on Kal'Shebbal was hardly a good sign. Hopefully no damage had yet been done.

[member="Kytra Odran"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Aria Vale"]

Leos Palle

Kal'Shebbal, Near of the City

The yellow blade sizzled as it lanced through bits of undergrowth.

No attention was paid to what it hit as she ran. There was only the goal. The goal of the Monster. Kytra, the real her, had lost once again. It was only the second time in her life that shed lost total control, and the first time had resulted in a Dark Jedi and his people dying as she quite literally ripped them apart. Back then she didn't have a lightsaber and she barely knew that she had the Force. But Now? Now it was different. Now she was more of a threat, and she wished she could stop it.

She saw them now. Two women. Red lightsabers appeared when they heard her. That only served to draw a primal growl from her. And she didn't stop moving. There was no stopping now. There was only battle and death. And for her, she didn't care which. Even the real Kytra, the one buried beneath the Monster, longed for death and an end to the torment that her mind had unleashed on her since she was younger.

She threw up her hand and unleashed a blast of the Force at the two women, aiming to knock them off their feet so she could dart in and strike at them while they were down. Should that not work, they would simply mince blades.

Battle was begun.

[member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Dax Fyre"]

[Post 3]
Location: City's Outskirts (South-East Side)
Allies: [member="Aria Vale"]
Enemies: [member="Kytra Odran"] | [member="Dax Fyre"]
Post: 4

Vaylin ignited her lightsaber as she moved, one deft stride to the side avoiding the Kytra's initial Force attack towards them. There was no real time to assess the situation as Kytra Odran rushed towards them. The Zabrak could feel adrenaline pumping through her, the thrill of the impending fight that was about to happen. Vaylin hadn't halted in her movements, and after her dodge she lunged towards Kytra, and yellow met red as their blades clashed against one another.

She grinned, feeling something familiar within the dark haired woman. There was a beast, a monster lurking within her.

Oh, this was truly going to be an interesting fight.

Her sense ignited again as she heard and felt another presence running towards them. Hopefully, her Master would intercept whoever else was intending to join the fray.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Jungles
Personal Objective: Unravel The Mystery Of The Calling
​Posts: 4.20

​The voice carried with it an undertone of spite and distrust. At first she failed to comprehend the words, for they disappeared quickly as they had appeared; naturally catching her off guard when first spoken. The cyborg stood firmly in her position, playing the game of wills. She opted not to speak to the disembodied voice, instead hoping to force it to contact her again. When the minutes ticked by, she scoffed at the whole event continuing her search through the village. She came to a hut, with a familiar symbol on it. "Jedi," ​she whispered.

That single word from her mouth awoken the voice again. "And you are Sith!" ​The cyborg spun around on her heels to bear witness to an elderly Force ghost wrapped in brown and tattered robes. ​"Even in death you Sith refuse to leave me in peace. You've taken everything from me, what more could you possibly steal from me now," ​he said while his apparition form flickered in and out occasionally. ​"You are mistaken, I am no Sith," ​came my heated reply. I hated the Sith, and to loop me with that lot was the worst offensive accusation anyone could affront me.

​"Is that so? I can see the aura of the Dark Side surrounding you, monster. You carry a lightsaber, no doubt with a red blade, and have allowed yourself to be meshed with metal to prolong your life rather than accepting death as all living species are forced to endure." ​I removed my hilt, earning a mockery smile from the old man, and ignited the weapon. Instead of a red blade being produced, a silvery-green colored blade appeared. "If you see red on this blade, old man, 'tis because it is stained with the blood of the Sith I have slain," I replied before powering down my weapon. ​"And yes, I call upon the Dark Side but I also call upon the Light as well. I'm very much balanced in the Force."

The old man looked me up and down before pointing at my droid-like body. "And this?" I lowered my head in disgust. ​"The reason I hate the Sith." ​The old Force Ghost stood in silence for a moment before saying, "You're a Dark Jedi. Very few of you roamed about during my lifetime. Tell me, girl, what happened to you?" I turned my back on him, gritting my teeth in further shame. ​"That, I do not know."
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chip"]

Space is big, and the galaxy is bigger. It si full of weird, dumb, and downright kooky mysteries. However, some of those mysteries appear different when you see through the force isntead of your eyes. The Aang-tii ship, for example, looked not like some humble white vessel, but a veritable kaleidoscope of force auras. Each soul seemed to flicker as though it had a dozen different spirits driving it. So of course, when such a thign appeared in vague, entirely strange visions, Vorhi did what he coudl to arrive on this planet. He'd been here for nearly half a day, wandering. The ruins had told him little. They were clearly pre-hyperspace technology in terms of craftmanship and design, and likely cme from a droid less society--the carvings looked more hand-tooled than machined. However, at this point, he had coem to a new chamber. Soemthing crystalline, something....alien. He didn't know waht the structure was doign to the light, but it was reflecting the force in odd ways. Bending it. Channeling it. Could a building do that? Were the Aing-tii, or whatever they were after, capable of imbuing a building as some sort of Force Relay? That seemed preposterous, even by his standards, and he'd seen some crazy chit.

He would've blinked silently and stared with a slack jaw as other people came near. He though he'd been the only person dumb enough to find this place. He turned slowly and gave a gentle bow. "Greetings, I am--" He then oticed the familiar aura. Older than the last time he'd dealt with it, but still energetic, thirsty, full of wanderlust, and the strange kind of tingly blue only wardens seeemed to develop. Combined with the crackling, fizzy smell of hyperspace. Yes, there were two people in the glaxy who had that kind of energy. "Jorus Friggin' Merrill? Is there really that much damned coincidence in the galaxy?"

The man in the straw hat cocked it to the side. And then nodded to the other two beings. One was....something he'd seen before, like a shard, wasn't that what they were supposed to be called? He seemed fuzzy, probably using one of those camo-maskers or something. Then there was the other man, clad in leatheris, looking as if he needed a good stiff drink. His aura was....rough, like sandpaper or poorly-tanned hide. There was a definitely orange hue to it, though, like someone for whom moving wass more natural than staying still. "Errr, sorry. I'm Vorhi. Vorhi Alestrani. So, what bring you to these mysterious ruins? Not gonna lie, I know more dead languages than living ones, and these etchings still don't make much sense. Between that and the quiet ghosts, I'm having a hard time reading this place...." He smirked. "Never met a ruin I couldn't learn more about, though."

Those not in the chamber would feel a sudden surge around them, like the storm had grown in magnitude by a factor of ten. Just as quickly the storm would subside but a message would be carried on the wind... "The traveler has come" and the pull to the temple would become even more intense.

Those inside however would witness something more. The white glowing column of light would grow brighter and a cold wind would blow forth from it. As they watched it the outline of a person would appear. Their cloths would be torn and tattered like they had been worn for years. His eyes would appear years older than they had to people who had only just saw him a few weeks ago.

As he walked over the threshold the snow that covered his shoulders and head would be sweep off on to the floor. Looking around for a brief moment the man would focus his attention on the four that now shared the room with him.

One was an old friend and he was glad to see he had gotten the message. The second was a new acquaintance and a ship commander of some renound. The third and forth were unknown to him but from there appearance here this day he was sure that would soon change.

Pressing a clear crystal on his wrist those watching him would see what looked like a force field of some kind deactivate and the man would remove a breather mask from his mouth. With a deep sigh of relief the ginger headed man would look over at the four and say.

"Glad you could stop by!"

OOC: Hey this is actually me, my character just entered the story. I will now be in story from here on out, Loto will narrate as well as a few other characters when it is time for them to appear.

[member="The Slave"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Boethiah"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Iron Giant"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Aeshi Tillian"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] | [member="Chip"] | [member="Kytra Odran"]
The Temple

Boethiah enters the temple before the tempest arrives.

She glances back at the storm, just as he grows violent; her companion too couldn't help but return its gaze to the temple exterior. The two carried on, however, and ventured deeper within the structure. She follows behind those who had already entered, walking their path as they pushed further ahead. Unknowing of their presence, but the nose of her beast was not so blind. A snarl here. A sniff there.

Enough to alert the young witch of presences. "Something is there...?" She inquires, trying to understand the creature's intentions.

Boethiah saw the distant light in front of her, and her curious disposition only encouraged her continued path of discovery. She crouches in hope of remaining unseen.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Chip"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"]
[member="Boethiah"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chip"]

"Holy feth, Alestrani-"

It had, manifestly, been years. They'd been somewhat on opposing sides way back in the day, during the whole CIS-Daxton Bane-Mia Monroe incident. They'd been somewhat on the same side at the horrific Battle of Druckenwell. For the life of him, Jorus couldn't recall the last time he'd really talked with the monk. All he remembered for sure was some kind of Force-imbued drinking calabash weapon. Also the hat.

His train of thought derailed as white light swelled in the temple chamber. And bam - here was Bryce, visibly a little too old.

"The crap, Bryce? Where've you been? You working for the Aing-Tii these days or something?"
Chip's sensors lit up chaotically as a storm of abnormal particles and radiation fields flooded the temple. Rightly alarmed, Chip zipped over [member="Jorrus Merrill"]'s shoulder and began actively scanning what appeared to be the epicenter of the anomaly. Suddenly and entirely without warning, a physical being appeared right before Chip where one most certainly shouldn't have been. Letting loose an alarmed chirp, Chip zipped back the way he had come and floated behind Jorus, using the human's fleshy mass as a shield.

As the storm of particles died down and his sensors calmed, Chip peaked over [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s shoulder at the newly arrived humanoid.

"What the kark was that?" Chip asked aloud to no one in particular.

Well that made a ton of sense.

The Trandoshan might've been much more perceptive and smart than he actually looked. Generally, Maseo thought, Trandoshans looked stupid.

He shuffled the cards thoughtfully at what the janitor said. Hath could've not known that due to the fact that no one bothered to tell a mere private what was going on in the bigger picture. Just operations, that's all he was told and all he was supposed to know anyways.

"Sounds about right to me." Private Hath nodded his head as he dealt the cards again. "Think we hit something that looked like a factory a few weeks back."

"So what now? Y'all build a skyhook and ya got to stay and clean here? On this chithole of a planet?"

At least, as a soldier, he traveled a lot.

Saw the galaxy.

[member="Dalan Vaine"]​

Thane was not familiar with the monk who'd joined the adventure. Thane knew few here, but if Jorus was excited to see him, then it was a good omen he'd arrived. Then a biting cold and a blinding light appeared out of the æther, from within the light a figure appeared and walked towards the group. His image was familiar, one he'd seen and heard of in his years of service.

Bantham..?Benton..?Bantam...yeah, that is his name. He was known as a sort of beacon to some, and apparently they were right. Thane stepped forwards first and addressed the situation.

"Like I could've missed this if I wanted to...What's the game Bantam? Why the theatrics? Not complaining, but I do have a working communicator." His tone full of sarcasm, masking the genuine curiosity that was sure to peak through.

[member="Chip"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Boethiah"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Pitann
Allies: Corporate greed & [member="Wraithguard"]
Post: 5/20

"Naw." His talon ticked on the table and another card was revealed. He cursed to himself in Trandoshan - a slur of slizzes and sheerz that spoke of indignation and annoyance. That brought him just over 18 on 19 and lost him the pot, which made them now even in terms of losses and winnings.

So it wasn't all drama, but he had hoped to get out of here with at least some profit.

"I do zet-up, you know? Makez zure everything zet-up alright, pipez draining and toiletz flusshing." A shrug followed, before Vaine pulled the remnants of his cash to him.

Still a shame he hadn't run a profit. Could have been worse? Woulda been better though.

"Good game, friend, maybe I zee you around, yez? Good hunting, may Zcorekeeper notch you a couple of winz."
In a glass temple where one ought not throw stones.

Vorhi was likely about to reply, until something flashed. The old oracle didn't just perceive it, he felt it. The newcomer seemed happy to see them all, which was good. He'd appeared out of nowhere, and not in the figurative sense--he hadn't been hiding, at least not in a way that a master of force sight capable of divining the presence of souls both living and dead could determine. He'd just...appeared. And his aura...what the hell was happening there. He just kind of shimmered. Not the fiery flickering of emotional intensity, not the strange glowing of devoted concentration. More like being a state of flux, or in a state of....multiplicity? He looked around the room, as if cued into something else.

He was certain that another was approaching. No, two. Maybe. However, they seemed different. Younger and angrier. They could wait. The monk would not interfere with that until the other thing, the brighter thing, was seen to. He pressed both palms together and bowed. "Vorhi Alestrani," he said gently. "It appears you have learned quite a bit here. I hope you'll enlighten us, Bryce, was it?" He smiled warmly. "I feel giddy with curiosity. Between whatever you did, whatever this place is, why the Aang-tii are here, and his knack for finding adventure," the monk gestured to Jorus with a chuckle, "I'm sure this is certain to be one for the archives," he said, waiting to see what happened next.

[member="Boethiah"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chip"]
Post 3

A blast of force energy flew her way. Aria stumbled backwards as she first felt it, conjuring a shield before she could lose her footing. She looked again at the woman - Vaylin was already charging into the fight.

Identical twin sabers hissed into life a distance away. Aria narrowed her eyes; the figure was nearing Vaylin and she faster than she would've liked. Force-sense was too vague to give her an entirely accurate perception of the man's power, but she had an impending sense that his strength outdid hers - and he was running straight at them with two sabers.

For once, Aria was fairly contented at Vaylin's bloodthirst - it was something, truthfully, that frequently worried her. But she could keep the other woman occupied enough to give Aria a chance, and so for now, somewhat surprisingly, it was a bonus.

Her grip on her saber tightened, and she ran forward towards the other figure at the same time. She had long learned not to back up.

- [member="Kytra Odran"] - [member="Vaylin"] - [member="Dax Fyre"] -​

Maseo calmly gathered the small pile of credit chips and tucked then in his military vest's large pocket. Good game indeed. Some more money for useless stuff on this useless planet.

"Good game indeed, friendo." Private Hath said, his eyes turning back from his own pocket to the Trandoshan before standing up.

"Yeah, see ya around. Hopefully not too many times, don't want me to be stuck in this chit hole." Maseo chuckled and nodded to the Trandoshan janitor. "Good hunting."

Now back to boring duty in this ratchet place. Did the janitor had it better than him as a sanitation specialist?

He doubted it.

[member="Dalan Vaine"]​
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Location: Utapau -> Aing-Tii
Allies: ORC [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chip"]
Enemies: Unknown
People of interest: [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Boethiah"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] [member="The Slave"]
Post: 1/38

Janick was, simply put, disturbed by some dreams, some Force-visions, calling out to her, and it kept being replayed in her mind like an earworm. For the past few days, she tried so hard to get rid of these visions, calling upon the resources of her mind, but to no avail: these visions were somehow able to infest her mind to the point where her productivity has diminished. Yet she took no drugs that could lead her to get hallucinations, nor did she feel intoxicated when she escorted that client to Utapau. She was just finished getting her homestead - and workshop - in order on Utapau, which was bought on the cheap much as she would have on Barkhesh - and in the same style at that, but she was left wondering exactly why she had to go to Aing-Tii. What fragment of her destiny would be there, laying in wait? She promptly took off for Aing-Tii, in hopes that these unpleasant visions will cease once there, while of course taking the standard equipment with her: her trusty particle beam rifle, her datapad, her communicator, and, of course, wearing her armorweave dress and her black bracers, on one of which the communicator was. By now, however, she was about to embark on an adventure that she has no idea beyond a first lead. Yet, since business was slow, she could more easily afford to leave.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
A crackling explosion reached Dax's ears as red and yellow sabers clashed. It had only drawn his gaze for a brief moment before returning to the woman who had begun her own charge towards him. And so it began. The Rogue span the saber in his left hand so that it sat in a reverse grip while the one in the right, the one that thirsted for blood, lay prepared to strike. As they drew nearer, Dax slid onto his knees, swinging with his saber at the woman's legs, hoping to end this fight before it even began.

[member="Kytra Odran"], [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Vaylin"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Location: Aing-Tii
Allies: ORC [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Chip"]
Enemies: Unknown
People of interest: [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Boethiah"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] [member="The Slave"]
Post: 2/38

Even though I'm not getting additional business done here, that is, unless I'm getting very lucky, I had to take a timeout. I'm not doing any piloting-for-hire stuff here either, so I'd better get knowledge out of Aing-Tii for that timeout to be worth it, she thought, while chuckling and realizing that the comforts of her home on the Fourth Moon of Utapau are a luxury that she must not take for granted. Especially not in flight. But she accepted that some rough-and-tumble activities are in order to keep herself grounded among the relative coziness of alchemizing items. And yet, she is now reverting to realspace, and frantically began looking for where the Force wanted to guide her. It seems as if the Force, either by the intermediary of a nexus somewhere or a powerful Force-user (or a group thereof) brought her here, alongside a good number of other people that were also rumored to be brought to Aing-Tii through the same mechanisms. For now she seems to be piloting her craft as if the source of those visions was the target of some heat-seeking missile and she was the missile, going in at maximum speed until she enters atmosphere.
Jorus Merrill said:
"The crap, Bryce? Where've you been? You working for the Aing-Tii these days or something?"
"Or something Jorus, wish I could say more but their is too much as stake... Aing - Tii are not directly involved here. They are just fulfilling the vows they made... "

Thane Drexel said:
"Like I could've missed this if I wanted to...What's the game Bantam? Why the theatrics? Not complaining, but I do have a working communicator."
"Hey Thane, comm wasn't an option for this job, too much at stake. Glad you were able to make it. How is Red fleet looking these days?"

Vorhi Alestrani said:
"Vorhi Alestrani," he said gently. "It appears you have learned quite a bit here. I hope you'll enlighten us, Bryce, was it?" He smiled warmly. "I feel giddy with curiosity. Between whatever you did, whatever this place is, why the Aang-tii are here, and his knack for finding adventure," the monk gestured to Jorus with a chuckle, "I'm sure this is certain to be one for the archives,"
"Good guess Vorhi, and the pleasure is mine buddy. This is not an archive, more of a train station. That pillar is light over their is some type of gate way. The Aing Tii are the conductors so to speak. If you love old poodoo your gonna love where we are going next. but first we need to get you gear."

"Gewalla la shek, those of lissha request you to fulfill your oath and supply us protection from homeworld!"

As Bryce ended his request a flash of light appeared behind him and one could almost make out the silhouette of a multi legged form before another flash of light appeared and the form vanished leaving a large white case. Well folks help yourself, but I would make sure you take the a mask and gloves. Plus all the cold weather gear you got.

OOC: OK time for you to create some lore gear. I only noted one item you would find in my previous post. A type of void suit made out of gloves powered by a crystal, and a breathing mask. Feel free to create something else but be sure it is crystal based to keep with the them. Next post will take us to the adventure zones so be ready!

[member="The Slave"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Antherion"] | [member="Boethiah"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Iron Giant"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Aeshi Tillian"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] | [member="Chip"] | [member="Kytra Odran"] | [member="Janick Beauchamp"] | [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Post 4

Gaze went fleetingly to [member="Vaylin"] - the Zabrak seemed to be handling herself well, and Aria would've been proud if she hadn't been so distracted - before she forced her attention back on [member="Dax Fyre"]. She backed up rapidly at the first swing of his saber, chiding herself for having backed up, for not having blocked. Get a grip.

A telekinetic push of her own went flying in his direction, more to give Aria a moment to get her act together than anything - not that he needed to know that - though if his focus diverted, she'd perhaps be able to make the man back up a little.

Hurriedly, she searched through the Force to decide on his alignment. Not a Jedi by any standard, but by no means dark either. Why, then, was his saber drawn? Aria wasn't one who could judge on what did and didn't line up with the light, but the girl was a Sith herself and still rarely attacked without putting proper thought into the matter.

"Who are you?" she called through the hiss of her saber, angling it to swing horizontally forwards.

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