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Alderaan Civil War (open, ic comments welcome)

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
"Sir we have an open communication line. Unknown location. However we are receiving from a Representative of House Organa." One of the guards said. Adelram nodded. "Play the message." He ordered. Listening carefully, the exiled noble gave a quick and sharp exhale when it was [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] and not Alyesa. Yet it was better then receiving no response at all. If the Organas were willing to talk they could avoid a bloodbath. "Again this Adelram Thul, son of Artesia Thul. I'm here at the House Thul fortress and taking command of Thul forces. I am giving the order for Thul soldiers to stand down. At this time, I'm asking for a cease fire and I'm willing to discuss terms with the Royal Houses of Alderaan and the High Council."

Turning away from the communicator he looked to the Thul Commander, Steiner Delaz. "I have a feeling Draco's men are on their way." he said bluntly. "We don't have time for games, we don't have the means for victory. Give the order to stand down." the noble demanded. Commander Delaz still looked down to the ground, his pride tarnished, his honor in question. "Stand down or we all die here." Adelram said. Finally the commander nodded. "Fine." Switching to open frequency so Thul's army could here the message, but Adelram made sure that Draco's fleet and the Royal Army of Alderaan could listen in and hear the order as well.

"All units stand down." The order was given from command and would travel down the ranks of the army and the militia. Now Adelram waited for the response from the High Council of Alderaan.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
Faith opened a communication to [member="Draco Vereen"], "Commander Vereen, can you verify that the forces at House Thul are standing down" Faith was careful making sure that this man who claimed to be a Thul nobleman was indeed taking charge, and not preparing some trap.

She was waiting for Ana who within moments was at her elbow providing the information on [member="Adelram Thul"] , Looking back to [member="Alyesa Organa"] "It would seem he is of House Thul interesting however he is listed as exiled." Faith pondered this information, "if he can get command of the Thul forces it would stop this civil unrest in it's tracks, and give us a new noble, perhaps raised to the level of Duke to work with."

What would would Alyesa say to this, while they waited for Draco to confirm.

[member="Elaine Thul"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra frowned as she watched the fighting now shift to appear much more one sided. She wasn't sad, or disappointed, no far from it. She was happy that there would be less blood spilled on the planet she called home and yet she still stood now on the hill nearby the Mandalorian forward command base with a sigh. She had wanted to see this supposed sith and this former sith fight, even if one was but a young child she wanted to see what it would come to would they had met yet now it seemed simple as to what was going to happen. With that she was standing with a sigh now and her hand finding her chin. "Boring, absolutely boring. Atleast the planet will avoid another blood soaked bath because of the Girl's immaturity."

With that her legs fell from under herself and she took her seat near that forward base camp. She would try to talk with this [member="Draco Vereen"] once things were settled. IF possible even get in a small little bout with the man to see just how strong he is to command a force of the size it was over Alderaan and to have full faith from the Organa family. Yet she was curious about who stopped this battle in its tracks too, atleast for the Thul side... Curiosity made her stand and start towards the fortress belonging to these Thuls, taking the forest so to avoid as many mandalorians as possible in her attempt to make it to the Thuls without issue.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Adelram Thul"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]
Aldera Royal Palace, Throne Room
Alyesa rubbed her temples gently.

So much information in such a short period of time. Who was this newcomer? The information had listed him as an exiled son of Alderaan. Why was he exiled? Did that matter? The forces of House Thul appeared to be adhereing to his order, but why now? She sat upright and looked to her sister and then the display infront of her before slowly rising from her seat. Her gloved hand gestured. “Patch me through.” She looked to Faith. “Put our units on standby for now, it appears House Thul has a lost son.” She offered her sister a weak smile before stepping upon the holopad.

Her form would shimmer to life before [member="Adelram Thul"], hands would clasp together as she spoke. “This is Alyesa of House Organa, Crown Princess of Alderaan – I’m to assume that this is Adelram of House Thul, is that correct?”
Draco looked at comm feeds, he had heard Faith's voice early on, and was already listening in, but not connected to her calls. He was just keeping appraised of the situation. Republic Forces were standing by from his feeds, but had thus far not intervened on anyone's behalf. All the more reason Alderaan needed a solid central defense station to coordinate and keep track of all this. It would do well if such a station had his Shield transfer systems on them. When she commed him, he wasn't surprised. "My men haven't hit the ground yet. They've been equipped with half coma gas grenades, half anti armors with instructions to use coma gas first. Once they hit the shields they won't be able to receive communications from me due to the jamming signals I have in place. You can understand why I am hesitant to tell them to stand down when they will be deaf and alone until they can bring down the Fortress's shields and aa guns." He sighed. He was hesitant, but it was Faith, and it wasn't his planet. "I serve at your pleasure though, and will proceed as you order Princess Balor-Organa." It stung a little that he was having to be so formal over the open channel. Too many people could be listening.

They were his first wave, the best and brightest he had at his disposal, given the honor of being the first into the breach. Five hundred strong, perfectly equipped, trained, and experienced in this type of combat, but they were smashing a hornet's nest of Thul soldiers alone and with no back up for the next several minutes. There was simply too much there to risk a full division, especially if the Republic chose to take advantage. He heard they intended to stand down, but Draco was a Mandalorian. Further more he was a Mandalorian that had fought for and against the Republic, and that experience taught him not to trust them. And they had a Jedi in route. His mind pounced pack to the thought of Jedi Assassins. How badly was he needed on the ground, how badly did he need to protect Faith? He flicked the comms to include Alyesa as well, "Princess, one last question, do you require my protection personally? There is a Jedi making her way to the planet." And he had a drop pod with overdrives with his name on it if they needed him.

[member="Adelram Thul"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Alyesa Organa"]

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
There was a very tense moment when no reply came over the communicator. Adelram realized that the Organa Representatives were doing their research to discover who he was. It was true, Artesia had exiled him for dishonoring the family, yet this was ruse to protect him. Not to mention Artesia was dead and gone, killed in the One Sith invasion. His exile was no secret to the High Council or Alderaan ruling government, and would not be after all these years. Adelram tried to think of the choices and consequences of his actions, as the political situation was very volatile. Yet his concentration broke as [member="Alyesa Organa"] came over the communicator.

"Yes this is Adelram Thul, of House Thul." Repeating his name again, trying to remain cool. "I am contacting you to negotiate a peaceful resolution to this Crisis."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Alyesa raised a slender eyebrow.

“You must understand that the crisis came when House Thul decided to decry the ruling House, the Crown and the High Council.” She sighed softly and made a gesture through the holo, unsure if he could see it or not. “This crisis can easily be averted or it can go forward and we can end it now by ridding ourselves of the nuisance that House Thul has become.” Harsh words but truth as it were. House Thul had become apparently riddled with spies for the One Sith, apparently made true by this child [member="Elaine Thul"].

Her hand would fall down before her, clasping the other gently. “I know of course, that wouldn’t solve anything and be cause for un-necessary bloodshed of innocent Alderaanian men who were simply following the orders of an ignorant child.” She sighed heavily. “Am I to understand you’re coming to the Palace as we speak in order to seek a resolution? Or would you prefer to do this afar?” A legitimate question, she wasn’t sure if this was some elaborate scheme to get close to herself and end the heir to the throne where she stood – but it was a risk she had to take, right?

[member="Adelram Thul"]
Faith send the communication for the Organa forces to stand down and wait for further orders, then she flipped over to [member="Draco Vereen"] , "Commander this Jedi is it Rianna Organa, or Garith Organa?"

Faith had not received any communication that a Jedi was coming to Alderaan and if a Jedi was coming, why? She knew that Jedi were well versed in the laws of the Galaxy, and knew they were usually well informed of political standings so...would this Jedi contact them to see about landing, or was this to be a clandestine infiltration attempt by the order.

"Also Commander I understand the situation with your forces a new development may make their mission shorter than expected. So, when they are able to receive messages, please have them stand ready, rather than attack." She hoped she had said that right. She then heard his last request did they need his personal protection, "Commander we are quite safe but thank you for your concern"

Yes formal, and it was difficult when she knew he worried but it was the truth they were fine.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled as she moved towards the Thul fortress without many problems, except for once she was near it. As far as it looked, she was a random cloak wearing woman with no ties to any faction walking right up to a fortified home of one of the families of Alderaan... probably not the best situation that she could ask for but she was curious in seeing who caused the Thul forces to stand down from what she could see. Did little Elaine do it out of fear she wondered... hmm... None the less though she was curious so her eyes focused in on the walls of this little fortress. With a smile she stood with her hand against the tree.

She would wait till it seemed most oppertune to find out who had stopped this, but at the same time she had this nagging feeling that if she did not move now she might lose her chance. There would always be more though and if she waited she could see just what might happen between the Thuls and the Mandalorians, oblivious to the little conversation the Heir and the Exile were having. Yet her vision drew to the sky now in anticipation. Waiting to see a shuttle or ship leave or enter the Thul fortress. "Ten minutes, then ill go see who it is that caused these Thuls to appear more docile..." She wondered with each passing second, just who had caused things to stop in their tracks.

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
Adelram remained calm. Right now allegiances and political maneuverings meant nothing. He had to save his house.

"It is a valid question of how a girl, who may not have the legitimate right to rule, came to organize an Army using Thul's resources. I understand concerns of agents from governments and factions that wish to see the oppression of this planet. For the record, I will concede to terms for a tribunal to weed out any such agents conducted by the Alderaan High Council." The words easily escaped him, perhaps it was the fact a hundred thousand Mando were about to crush this location.

"Tell our men to lay down their arms for the Mandalorians, give the order." He shouted to the commander.

When Alyesa asked if he was coming to the palace, the exiled noble bulked. For a moment there hesitation. To many possibilities, and consequences. If he stayed he could be killed, or the High council could view his actions as subterfuge. If he left, House Thul may destroyed and he could lose command of their forces. The soldiers could very well ignore his orders. "I will come to the palace. I will be in a single red TIE/IN." He said. Handing the communicator back to the guard he looked to the commander. "No one fires a shot. Not one shot, no matter the circumstance. Understood?" The commander nodded and gave the noble a salute. "Yes my lord."

Adelram boarded The Red Comet, in a few short moments the fighter had lifted off and flew towards the palace. The fighter used an open transceiver so Adelram was recognized and no one would shoot him down. After a few more minutes the ship landed at the palace and Adelram was met by a contingent of guards. "My lord Thul. Weapons?" Adelram shook his head, he left his personal weapons on-board his ship. After a quick search by the guards he with, the exile was then escorted inside the palace.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Alyesa Organa"]
"No Ella Nova is the Jedi in route. Give me one moment to relay orders to the men in route to the House Thul fortress." He had about forty seconds before they went silent, screaming towards the fortress. "Clan Vereen, Non-aggression has been ordered by House Organa. Get in, take the defensive emplacements. Do not fire unless fired upon." He couldn't hear responses, and he wasn't exactly blind or deaf to the situation on the ground, with visual scanners able to show him a live feed of what the Fortress looked like. It could be very ugly, and the Organa's could have just killed those men in those drop pods, but on the same side, better to do this and save face if House Thul does stand down as this Adelram suggests they will. He didn't like this fellow, but he would like it much more if all his men returned fine.

The Mandalorians in drop pods hit the shields, slipping through them using individual field disruptors, sized up to fit drop pods. It wasn't something that was seen everyday. Most people didn't have access to those, and he was pretty sure he was the first person to use them on drop pods.

"Alright Princess Balor-Organa. I told them not to fire unless fired upon, I will lift the jamming frequencies only after they secure the fortresses aa guns and shield generators. So long as House Thul doesn't fire upon them, they will not fire upon House Thul." But the terror that would be if there was a fight now. It would be a mess, bloody and reckless, almost cleaner to orbital strike the target than to attempt a prolonged battle, his element of surprise wasted. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. "But, Ella Nova is the Jedi in route to the planet. Do you know her?" Do you trust her? Should I trust her with you? The questions weren't said, but he wanted to. That was his hope he was betting, and he wasn't one to gamble things like that.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Alyesa Organa"]
[member="Adelram Thul"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra looked up as the drop pods hit the shields from where she stood not far from the fortress. It was a smart plan she saw as they cut through the shielding, field disruptions. "Ingenious. Who ever this Mandalorian is, i now want to meet him without a doubt... most would have simply attempted a bombardment or even landing outside of the Shielding but to use field disruptors on the drop pods... oh this reminds me of the days with those Corsairs. I miss those days sometimes Daeda..." Her head turned to look at the White Ashlan wolf that now stood at her side, staring at her like she should keep her voice down and maybe get back into the forest if she wanted to watch this while still remaining in cover.

At this point though, Alexandra was sure of what she planned and it was to either fight this Mandalorian, or just atleast meet him. Something about this one was different than the simple tactic of hitting it as hard as one could... then again, it was a Mandalorian she was talking about. Be it as it was, she always found herself drawn by their ability to impress her. "I wonder if this one is a underling of Strider's. Been a while since i seen that old man and i do hope hes still kicking. Would hate to see Garon kill over before i got in one last conversation with him. And you shush... if they see me, they see me. Just makes me meeting the Mandalorian easier in the end." She glanced at the miniature wolf that spoke with her from mind to mind, verbal communication being a bit hard for the Wolf.
The communications were relayed across the line - as they would be to her sister, who seemed to be doing an excellent job at her intelligence role. She knew that Faith was handling the Mandalorian side of things as well as the Royal Military Forces - for now, she would continue to let that be. The woman was more than capable, had proven her worth many times over and then some. What else could be said? She was an Organa, these things sometimes came naturally. As it stood, Alyesa remained in the throne room - surrounded by no less than one-hundred of the most elite Royal Guards known in all the land. Trained by one of the most prestigious Jedi Masters, [member="Marcello Matteo"].

For Alyesa, there was no fear of the lone man - atleast not right now.

He would be escorted into the throne room, where Alyesa waited along with her sister [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]. The two of them were side by side - along with a few members of the ruling High Council. The general feeling amongst the members present was one of tension, perhaps even apprehension - regardless of the tight security. It had been a few thousand years since Alderaan was on the brink of Civil War because of brash actions. Maybe this man would be able to prevent that - just maybe.

[member="Adelram Thul"]
| [member="Khyros Sunblade"] | [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Adelram Thul"] |

Ella accepted the transmission from Chazwa. Senator Khyros Sunblade's voice entered the cockpit of the Sochi Ru. Reclining in her seat to listen, the Jedi was pleased that there was some form of Republic help. Even if Alderaan planned to secede from the Galactic Republic, it was still under Republic law. As Ella thought about it, she found it odd that the Alderaans wanted to leave the Republic. After all, the Alderaan system was right on the border between the One Sith and the Republic. It was incredibly dangerous for Alderaan to leave.

"Hello Senator. Thank you for your offer. Could you get me up to date with events? So far, I have determined that Alderaan plans to leave the Republic, but do you know their reasons as to why? I would also like to know why the Republic has allowed a Mandalorian fleet, so deep in Republic space?"

"I would also appreciate it if you could get in touch with House Organa and explain that I have come to resolve the situation between their house and House Thul. I am planning to detain Elaine Thul and investigate her claims about the Mandalorian in the center of all this. Who is Draco Vereen?"

As Ella waited for Senator Sunblade to answer her questions, the Jedi looked over her shoulder to the astromech behind her. Arsix blew a raspberry at her. What do you want? He was asking. "Did you find where House Thul is then?" Ella asked.

Arsix beeped an affirmative. Ella grinned. "Thanks. Could you monitor any communications coming from the planet?"

The little astromech wooed sadly. A message appeared on the dashboard again: The Mandalorians are blocking all transmissions from Alderaan.

Ella frowned, gave Arsix a thumbs up and turned to listen to the Senator before deciding her next course of actions. She definitely didn't want to make the situation worse. She felt distrust from House Organa and it wasn't just about House Thul. They didn't trust the Republic and Ella wanted to know why.

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
Royal Guardsman flanked him on each side as he walked down to the throne room. All eyes where on him, he could feel it without the need of the force. The exiled noble's appraoch was met with silence, yet the looks of other nobles here in the palace was that of animosity and insecurity. If this crisis erupted into a Civil War, it would be the second one in history that began at the behest of House Thul. Adelram kept focus however, even in the halls the newly rebuilt palace, his attention was fixed to the conversation soon to be had.

It was not long before the guards escorted him down a lavish crimson red carpet to the Throne of Alderaan. As he and stood before the throne the herald spoke. "The Crown Princess, [member="Alyesa Organa"] and his sister Lady [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] of Alderaan." The herald announced as Adelram came before the two ladies of House Organa. Out of formality he took a bow before the two ladies, then his escort stepped away.

"Adelram Thul of House Thul." He said to the both Faith and Alyesa Organa. "I believe we have much to discuss, and little time to do it."


Faithful Assassin Droid
The drop pods came down like meteors, slamming into the ground with tremendous force. HK-51 had no reason to show aggression, and from what it could see, neither did House Thul. It would be best if it stayed where it was, acting as a protocol droid until either shots were fired or he was given a target that happened to be a member of the mandalorian force. "Protocol functions initiated."
Faith stood silently looking at [member="Adelram Thul"] he had a genuine understanding of his position right now, and that of House Thul.

"Yes there is much to discuss, first let us say welcome home." His timing was impeccable for certain perhaps he had been monitoring politics, and the status of House Thul from a distance she knew many that had not returned to Alderaan did so from the comforts of their homes on the worlds they adopted during the vong forming.

Was this man trustworthy though? How much pull would he truly have?

Faith felt her comm going off again, "excuse me for one moment" Faith stepped back, and sent a message rather than speak it to [member="Draco Vereen"], "Thank you. I do not know [member="Ella Nova"] . If she lands please ensure she is shown Alderaanian hospitality." She did not want her in a cell, she merely wanted her detained until she and Alyesa could speak with her, and find her purpose for being on Alderaan.

She stepped back and waited to let Alyesa know what was happening.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
Indeed there was much to discuss and little time to do it in.

As Faith excused herself for the moment, Alyesa inclined her head. “Welcome home indeed, and yes I do believe there is much to discuss.” She gestured to Adelram. “I would offer a more formal setting but I don’t believe there is time for these things.” Alyesa walked over to a refreshment cart and carefully picked up a prepare glass of water and brought it to her lips, taking a sip before turning back to the man from House Thul.
“Am I to understand you’re willing to call off your forces?” An question that held an obvious answer. “I’m curious as to what you’re asking for in exchange? The High Council has spoken while you were en-route and of course, depending on what you say next may or may not determine the very existence of House Thul amongst the Alderaanian nobility.” She gestured with the glass in hand, letting it drop shortly after before clasping it with her other hand.

“For many years we have tolerated House Thul’s treachery, and now we discovery that this pretender has been amongst us – and was apart of the massacre of our people.” She clenched the glass visibly. “How would you think that makes the Council feel? Angry? Perhaps even betrayed that she sat here before us and claimed loyalty yet now swears allegiance to other nations to include the One Sith.”

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Adelram Thul"]

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
"Thank you, its good to be back." He said to Faith. "And you need not apologize for the informality, especially in a time like this." He said to Alyesa, and watched as Faith left.

"I'm willing to cease hostilities on behalf of everyone. Thousands will die in a needless conflict. I came here to save my people and my house." Answered Adelram. "Elaine's actions are indeed a rogue element in this crisis. Offer a cease-fire, and let the Thul soldiers go back to their homes, or rebuilding the ones they already lost because of the One Sith. If you condemn them to die, they will fight. Alderaan has seen enough war for now." Said. He did not criticize nor plea, but merely stated in honest tone.

Alyesa spoke of Thul's treachery. "The pretender's action were her own, she should suffer the consequences. The High Council does what needs to do to rule Alderaan. Treachery between houses has long been prominent way of our people. Do we cast out everyone for the sins of their fathers? No. There would be no ruling house left on Alderaan if we did."
Threatening exile to an exile was after all meaningless.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"]

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