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Alderaan Civil War (open, ic comments welcome)

Faith side stepped "do you know the location of [member="Elaine Thul"]? And can you truly say that a returned son who has. It been seen in years can wield the authority needed to stop the movement of troops?"

She was waiting for her intelligence officer to confirm she looked down another message from the field and her own arched brow, "it would seem they are backing down."


He spoke a truth if they exiled all nobles who rose up in defiance there would be no one left. So the question was could the high council and House Organa trust him, and allow him to take charge of his house. But still they needed Elaine.

[member="Adelram Thul"][member="Alyesa Organa"]

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
"I do not know the location of Elaine." He replied to [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]. "But she was not at the fortress, at least she wasn't to my knowledge. The subjects, statesman, and officers of House Thul are honor bound to follow my orders. They will listen to reason if not honor, as I've said before this is not a battle they could win."

Adelram studied Faith for a moment. He wondered if she was more concerned Adelram himself as opposed to the civil war that threaten to erupt at any moment. His appearance may be sudden, but the exile had long been in communication with his House, and knew of the military buildup. His only regret was not appearing sooner.
Faith had to take in all angles and ask the questions, Elaine had started this and [member="Adelram Thul"] wished to finish it to his credit. Faith looked over at Alyesa who for the moment would let Faith perform her duty as the Intelligence Minister for Alderaan.

"I ask about Elaine because as you say she must still answer to the High Council and the Crown for her actions knowing her location would help." [member="Draco Vereen"] had not yet confirmed from his position that House Thul was standing down but House Organa forces were confirming. She imagined that the Commander was waiting to greet the Jedi [member="Ella Nova"] . It was times like this that she wished her Tia with her empathic abilities was here to read the minds and intent of those around them.

"Lord Thul the Queen, will accept the surrender of House Thul and allow your loyalists go back to rebuilding their lives. We do not do harm to those that are innocent we seek only those that have done harm, and that at this moment is [member="Elaine Thul"] ." Faith moved slowly her hands clasped behind her back and her gaze always on Lord Thul.

"Will you take responsibility to see that Elaine is brought before the High Council to answer for her actions." Faith was offering him the ability to police his own house, and to capture Elaine to show his loyalty to the crown.
Draco, with House Thul seemingly standing down and allowing his men to take control, and hopefully dismantle the anti-orbital defenses as they had been instructed. Draco's attention was elsewhere already, split between the Royal House's affairs and his plans for the future, both personally and strategically. This uprising, even as it was handled politically, it did present the need for battle coordination, tactical analysis, and strategic asset monitoring. All of these were things that any bastion of defense needed. There were other things he could include in a design to ensure it maximized its potential. He had seen the Alor-class up close and could see the benefits of some of its non-combat systems.

His men had diverted Ella Nova away from the fleet, as currently while in a combat situation they weren't taking Jedi boarding parties. "Princess Faith, I'm sorry but we sent her towards the planet. I'm on my way towards the planet now to meet you." The big mandalorian stood up from the make shift mission control center and began walking through the launch bay towards a Rekali-class kitted with a stealth unit. Once aboard, he took a seat, a quartet of Mandalorian warriors following him, waiting to go down to the planet to protect Faith and Alyesa in person.

The ship slipped from the hold, leaving its stealth unit de-active. The ship pushed towards the planet and broke atmosphere, angling towards New Aldera and the Palace.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Captain Vizsla, Rally Master currently leading Clan Vereen's forces from the bridge of the Ori'drahr concluded that there would be something done about that fortress. "Recall the Rapid Response Force, put the air support in a holding pattern above the Fortress. Drahr'buir has instructed that the House Thul superfortress be destroyed and leveled. The new nobles can build a new house later. Have them reangle their drop pods away from the base. Its not like the enemy can use there shields to stop the light bombardment and fire the defensive guns through it as well." The captain wasn't well versed in technology, but he knew that shields of that grade and size had to shudder open and closed to fire outwards. Smaller shields that hugged the body of a capital ship a little tighter could be more precise but not scaled down planetary grade shields.

"Dispatch the Akaan'drahr to a perimeter location. Equip them with fifty Plasma-Jet Mole Miners, seventeen assault seismic warheads, eight assault graviton warheads set for inderdiciton, and twenty five assault scale proton torpedos. Prepare twenty four gatecrashers with capital grade napalm warheads. Have the gatecrashers set to remote open as soon as they pass through the shields and the napalm warheads to detonate at optimum altitude. Ensure that they are loaded properly to blanket that fortress in fire and white phosphorus in overlapping patterns. Ninety six will more than cover that fortress a few times over." Vizsla shared his masters desire for a centralized command station, to coordinate all this. Stable communications could be incredibly useful for times like this.

"Removing jamming their ability to receive communication and order all Thul Forces willing to kneel to House Organa to evacuate within the next thirty minutes. They should arrive at the western perimeter unarmed to meet with the Rapid Response Force on the ground. The force has a Mythosaur and an Ori'edee walker, they will not be threatened by infantry anyway, but have the Titan's take over processing." The captain turned from his position and took a seat on his command throne. Demolitions, and anyone left in that fortress was in for a very bad day. The captain's plan was simple, create a 6.0 earthquake, unleash eight interdiction fields in a perimeter. The earthquake should loosen soil and and rock, as well as defenses while the interdiction around the edges causes an increase in the pull of gravity in those localized areas. The countered force should cause a shift. And then, twenty five assault proton torpedoes being set off beneath the fortress, now on a pile of loose rock and dirt surrounded by compact solid rock and packed dirt from a gravity well, should literally collapse the entire area. Since it was being covered in cleansing fire, troops and emplacements on the surface would already be in serious trouble, but the detonation should also cause mass collapses and destruction.

[member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Adelram Thul"]
| [member="Khyros Sunblade"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Adelram Thul"] | [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"] |

"Hm. It appears we have lost our connection with Senator Sunblade, Arsix." Ella couldn't wait anymore. She had waited long enough for Sunblade to answer her questions. The information would have made it easier to investigate precisely what was happening on Alderaan. But the situation was anything but easy and the Jedi Knight needed to move quickly, if lives were to be saved.

Priming the Sochi Ru down towards the planet, Ella guided the starfighter through to the planet surface, bracing herself against the uncomfortable turbulence that followed as she flew from space and into the Alderaan skies. Almost instantaneously, the Sochi Ru picked up several jets heading it's way. Ella frowned, concerned by what the ship had picked up.

Wabapaiadoooo! Arsix shrieked, also registering the Mandalorians en route. The droid didn't need to be Force-sensitive to tell that Ella was concerned also. "It's okay," Ella said, to reassure him. "If they start firing on us, we'll lose them. At any rate, we'll get a glimpse of what is really happening here if they do."

Arsix blew a loud raspberry, showcasing his sarcasm at the fact that Ella was okay with being shot at. Before she could retort, a voice entered the cockpit. "Jetii, you have violated Alderaan airspace. On behalf of House Organa, I order you to follow our squadron, immediately."

The Mandalorian fell quiet. Ella observed as Vereen's forces surrounded the Sochi Ru, taking up flanking positions either side. "Arsix, takeover controls. We'll comply and follow them."

A soft moan emitted from the astromech, as he took over the Sochi Ru. Following the Mandalorian squadron, Ella and her droid were taken towards Draco Vereen. Landing outside the Organa Palace, the Sochi Ru lowered it's landing gears and powered down, as Arsix landed the ship. Retracting the cockpit canopy, Ella undid her seat belts and stood up inside the cockpit, to look down.

She was surrounded by Mandalorians and their t-visors looked menacing.

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
"I cannot take responsibility for the detainment of Elaine Thul. I do not have the resources, the legal means, or the even the military capability. It should be noted that as [member="Alyesa Organa"] has pointed out, Elaine has connections to larger galactic governments like the One Sith. I can't partition a galactic spanning government to simply hand her over based off the premise of the honor of humanitarian law." Adelram stated, a little more bluntly then he intended.

However there was a rumbling as the exiled noble spoke to [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]. One of the aides announced that [member="Draco Vereen"]'s forces were planning to launch an assault on Thul's estate with the use of Seismic warheads. Adelram had to restrain himself from out-bursting here in the court. "We'll it appears you have the solution to this problem, and I'm no longer part of it." He said in response to the new of the Mandalorian bombardment, Adelram clearly disappointed. "I will take my leave." He took a bow and turned away from the throne.
The Rapid Response force impacted the ground away from the palace, just out of range of main batteries, the Ori'edee's shields offering protection from any arms fire that might reach them at this range. The Titan's of Mandalore disembarking, preparing to begin processing those Thul Forces willing to surrender while the Aliit'drahr began preparing for their unorthodox assault on the palace. The super fortress couldn't be left standing in possession of a House that was literally only known for Coup attempts, aiding Sith, and trying to usurp power. More so given its relatively close proximity to the Capital, still well within cruise missile and air strike distance.

"This is Aten Vizla, Commander of Clan Vereen Forces. We are preparing to destroy the House Thul Palace constructed under orders of Elaine Thul. Anyone not wishing to die in its rubble should throw down their arms and make their way to the west to surrender for processing." The Mythosaur and the Ori'edee sitting in that area would ward off any hopes of attacking the three hundred fifty Mandalorians there, preparing for the assault. Even now Moleminers and ordnance was being delivered to the ground via heavy drop ships while the warriors began setting up. Droids would be needed and sensor data in order to plot optimum depths of detonation. If the goal was to create a crater where the fortress once stood, it would require coordination and some heavy explosives. Luckily, there wouldn't be serious fallout, nor a cloud of ash or fires from the underground detonation. It was possible that the napalm being loaded into drop pods and aimed at the fortress would continue burning in small areas once the collapse happened, but for now, the Mandalorians were simply waiting for what Thul forces willing to surrender to do so. An hour of notice before bombardment and detonation began.

In space, Aten's cousin Rach, still stood aboard the Ori'drahr monitoring progress of the operation as best he could. Mission Control Centers weren't standard and war vessels such as this, com-scan systems having long been utilized weren't really the size needed to deal with an entire operation. Operations of significant size required hundreds of tactical operators, battle analysis computers, strategic coordinators, and control officers to relay data to troops on the ground, ships in orbit, and starfighters running operations in the system. Rach made the notes in his mind, waiting to relay his requests to his Commanders. He was working on a name, Tra'kranak stuck in his mind.


Faithful Assassin Droid
"Declaration: Self preservation protocols initiated." Hk-51 said, as it heard the mandalorian announcement. It then began to make its way west, towards the surrender point. It had no wish to be turned into scarp, and as it posed no threat to the mandalorians at the moment, there was no reason to stay.
Aten stood on the ground, watching what soldiers and members of House Thul were surrendering as the clock ran out. It would take additional time to set up for the detonations, and as they would be remote detonated he could stave off as the stream of surrendering soldiers continued, assuming they did. Needless to say, the only people that would be left inside would be those that decided to die in arms against House Organa in the name of their foolish nobles. The word hopeless came to his mind as he ordered the mole miners to begin digging. "Lets get started, we don't have a lot of time to sit around." Aten was rather somber. It was the easiest way, and would cause the least loss of life. The Mandalorians activated the pods, let the droid pilots get sealed inside with the warhead's explosive cores and watched as they began disappearing into the earth.

The Palace of House Thul had about an hour before it was in a crater, filled with dust and many of its structures collapsed, basements filled with dirt and rock, about one hundred meters below where it sits now. More if its subterranean basements descend too deep into the earth. After that, the site would be hit by a few batteries of the Ori'drahr's heavy guns, just to break it open a little more. Once that was done, Aten and Rach Vizla would have their dry dock for their new operation. Star ship building wasn't something ArmaTech Industries was incredibly well versed in, but it could, and with assistance from Mandal Hypernautics, it would be exceptionally well done. Always use the best was the mind set.

Draco sat on his ship, waiting to land in New Aldera space port, listening to updates from space, hearing Aten issuing orders and Rach requisitioning ArmaTech work crews for his project. "This should be good. Maybe half an hour until that fortress is nothing but rubble and something else takes its place." The Mandalorian beside him nodded knowingly but didn't respond.

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
Adelram made his way back out of the palace and back to his ship, The Red Comet. A heavy weight had fallen upon him, his people would suffer and he was forced back into exile. No doubt some would refuse to give up and would die in the orbital bombardment. Yet Adelram was mostly concerned with what would happen to those Thul loyalists that surrendered. House Thul had fallen, at the behest of rogue member of the family who was nothing more than a child.

Coming to his fighter, the exiled noble pondered the fate of his people. Kaamos territory would likely be cut up and given to the other houses, or absorbed into House Organa. For a moment he wondered if the servants and people of the Thul's demesne would join in him in exile. But what kind of life would that be? Forced to live as refugees on a partitioned planet, likely some inhospitable rock in the Outer-Rim, Those who could fight would become nothing but mercenaries, fighting to support their families and keeping the name of the House alive. "Exile is not an easy existence." Adelram said to himself.

Firing up the ships sensors and communication systems, he flipped on some public transmissions to listen to the status of the eventual Mandalorian bombardment. In less then half an hour it will be all over.
She was nearly home just one jump away, then she heard the news from home, her ploy to make it just an internal affair had failed. Then sith under disguise of a mandalorian, know as [member="Draco Vereen"], had helped the Organas. She had only five thousand soldiers, she knew the militia could not hope to win, and [member="Adelram Thul"] told her fort to stand down. This would be suicide tun if she was to make entry, she would turn back, and pick up anyone from Alderaan who did not want to live proxy sith rule. She would need to find them a new home though, that would be a job for another day.
[SIZE=12pt]Faith sat down this was not what she had wanted, she hated this part of life and what it did to people. Why couldn’t there be a truce of some kind why had Elaine Thul decided to do this?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]After all her claims, this.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Alyesa had given Commander Vereen the order and it would all be over in half hour.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Faith would be having a drink after all this, and maybe a vacation. When you have to deal with the Republic, and then come home and deal with civil war it was time to take a vacation.[/SIZE]
The minutes stretched long as stragglers continued to processing. Processing was simple, ensuring they had no explosives or weapons via scanners and sensors, and then they were ordered to continue along their way, remaining at least two hundred meters from the Ori'edee Shield Walker acting as a command center for Aten Vizla, overseeing the demolition of the fortress. "T-Minus, ten minutes until preliminary detonations." A voice called from the Operations Room aboard the Ori'edee.

"Continue preparations. We are using Seismic explosives and graviton bombs to maximize destruction of built structures correct?" He asked, brushing his blonde hair from his face as he looked at a screen showing him the progress reports of the mole miners moving into position.

"Yes sir. Captain Vizla requested their use to attempt to maximize the size of the crater the underground detonations will cause and to disrupt power units buried beneath the fortress." The officer turned his head again. Minutes ticked by as the warriors sat around waiting, occasionally calling out information to the Commander.

"T-Minus sixty seconds sir." The officer said again, looking up from his console for orders.

"Order Captain Rach to begin surface bombardment." Aten said with a nod. In the following moments, an additional twenty four Gatecrashers, equipped to slip through the fortresses shields and deliver their payload of napalm missiles inside the dome of shielding, showering the surface in fiery liquid, designed to blanket the area and force those who had elected to fight inside, where they would await the detonation to turn the fortress into a tomb. Seconds ticked down and the fires started, followed shortly by the first rumbles of the earthquake being kickstarted by explosives beneath the fortress. With no other real settlements nearby, the most anyone in any populated area would feel would be aftershocks. Perhaps a few locals might have minor damages, but only the fortress would feel the brunt of the preliminary explosives. And only the fortress would feel the primary explosives at all.

Draco's ship landed at New Aldera and the armored Mandalorian descended the ramp, heading straight for the Palace, his four followers just behind him, their helmets and weapons still primed. Draco had questions for the Princess and the Crown Princess, mostly to ensure they were safe and well with his own eyes and give them the report of the situation. And to ask their permission to build a central defense point in the system. It was their planet after all.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="Alyesa Organa"]

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
The Red Comet cut through the lower atmosphere of Alderaan. As the fighter approached Thul lands, the seismic explosions went off. The timer had finally run out. Adelram slightly gasped at the explosion. A giant plume of smoke erupted and trailed off into the sky. The ground shook. Not long after the small starfighter came over Kaamos Territory to see nothing but a crumbled ruin. Many had surrendered to the Mandalorians, his attention turned to crowd of loyalists who finally rounded up by the Titan's of Mandalore and disarmed. Near the edge of the destroyed estate of House Thul, the red TIE/IN landed and Alderam jumped out.

Gazing out across his former home, the exile reflected on the words his mother had once told him during his accolade, his Rite of passage. You will have nothing. Your privilege is the dirt. Reaching down into the rumble Adelram pulled the blood stained helmet of loyalist soldier. Your birthright the losses you suffer. Such ceremonies and words often only had a symbolic meaning to them. A reminder of humility and a warning against entitlement. Now the words struck deep into heart and a great sadness washed over him. The helmet slipped from his fingers and fell back into the dirt. And when darkness finds you, you will face it alone.

"My Lord!" Adelram turned to see one of the surrendered soldiers waving at him. "My Lord are you okay?"
"I've failed them." His whispered to himself. "All of them."
Overburdened, Adelram held his head high, his face expressionless. The walk towards the crowd of survivors seemed like it lasted forever. They turned to him, the surrendered loyalists, servants of the Thul Estate, and other evacuees. Yet Adelram could not find the words. Many did not even recognize him. While he wore the uniform of Thul nobleman, he had been gone for so long. An adopted house, but his childhood home none the less. "Forgive me m'lord, I do not recognize you." One of the servants said. Adelram nodded. "I was Artesia's oldest son." He spoke. "I came to end this crisis and save our house." In their eyes he could see the desperation and uncertainty. The fact he was an exile mattered little to them now. "What happens now? What of our homes?" a loyalist soldier asked. Adelram looked at the soldier then looked out over crowd of what was now a group of refugees. "We'll find a new home, a better home." He would keep this promise.
Ana watched the operation from the holo feed, that could have been her home that could have been House Panteer. She herself had been judged by House Organa for the actions she had taken during the occupation.

She was not at all proud of what she had done, but she had thought and hoped she did the right thing.

She could do now for House Thul, or what remained of it. "Jared, I need you to do me a favor please"

Ana with careful thought to her words wrote the following

To the Survivors of House Thul,

House Panteer opens it's gate and resources to you in your time of need.

Ana Fa'leen, Duchess, House Panteer

"Take this please deliver to the highest ranking member you find."

Jared nodded, 'Yes Mam" Jared taking a speeder, darted off toward what was left of Thul lands to find who was in charge and could funnel folks in a direction. His mistress would be sure to have food waiting, and would have a scribe ready to take down what was needed. His armor would indicate the insignia of House Panteer.

[member="Adelram Thul"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
The first rumblings ceased and dust could be seen rising from the fortress amid the torrents of fire and smoke that had been dropped into the fortress. The surface that had been protected by the shields was now engulfed in flames, and smoke, and dust, as the siesmic warheads aftershocks rumbled away, leaving destruction abundant in the little fort Thul had built. Aten sighed, "This is why children shouldn't play at war." He said, looking out at the fires. The girl who had spent money and lives building that fortress wasn't here, nor would she be coming by the sound of things. And if she was inside, deep in the bowels of the fort, that would be her tomb, as it would be to all those that had elected to stand and fight a battle that wouldn't occur. Foolishness and childishness.

Under normal circumstances a battle would have been fought and the fortress overrun with Mandalorians, but, headaches had ensued, and so instead, wiping its very existence away was considered more appropriate and more cost effective. Why fight against an annoying enemy force when you don't have to. "Sir, detonation in ten seconds." Aten began counting down in his head as he waited for the underground explosives to go off. Without a sizeable nuclear warhead, the Mandalorians had made due with four dozen assault grade Proton Torpedo warheads, placed at optimum depth and were simply waiting for the pop.

"Detonation, Mark. Collapse in five seconds." The earth beneath the fortress heaved upwards several meters, and then fell several dozen in a cloud of dust, rubble, and spraying rock as air and smoke from the explosive force its way through the ground around it, leaving the whole complex having dropped several dozen meters suddenly. Most of the complex would be collapsed and in pieces, filling with smoke, dirt, and dust.

"Have Rach begin orbital bombardment. Focus his fire, on the crater, and keep it up for a few moments." The call went out over the comms and seconds later, with no Mandalorians or loyal Alderaanians, or those Thul loyal forces that had surrendered endangered, the bombardment began as super heavy shells hit the earth at fairly high velocity in kinetic bombardment pattern on the ruins of the House Thul Palace. What ever war that child had wanted to fight never happened, and her memory was being washed away in lead and fire and rubble. "Have him drop another wave of drop pods laden with napalm. Standard issue pods, double the napalm amount. Lets wash away this part of House Thul's history."

Even as he spoke, work was already beginning. Captain Rach Vizla had sent for work crews, and surveyors. All that was needed now was a work order and schematics to follow for the ArmaTech crew. There would be a fortress, hanging in space before long.
Fire rained from the sky, the occasionally low rumble of an air blast could be felt as large solid slugs struck the ground where there used to be a standing structure, fire boiled down on top of the rubble and as each round hit, portions of the lake of fire and smoke were extinguished only for the burning liquid to refill the gaps, spreading lower through the rubble and leaking through gaps in the structure that opened up as the shells struck it. Out going communications became jammed by the extensive fleet in orbit and the rain continued for several minutes. When it was over, there was little visible beneath the lake of fire and no screams could be heard, all those not wishing to die for a lost cause had already surrendered and only those wanting to fool-heartedly die for a child's pointless war were left. Left to die by their leader for no other reason than she had started this war, and she wasn't going to be the one to pay the price for it.

Aten coughed and turned his attention towards those that had surrendered to the Mandalorians. "Detain them long enough to put tracking chips in the adults. Let the kids slide. I just want to know if they all get back together in one group and where they are when they do." Mandalorians nodded and moved off with the Titans to begin issuing instructions to the prisoners. They had surrendered willingly, so there wouldn't be a trial or punishment to the low level folks. That was reserved for Elaine Thul and no one else. "Put me on conference with Captain Rach and Commander Vereen when you can." The blonde man pulled off his buy/ce and sat relaxed in the command chair of the Ori'edee.
Draco sat waiting outside the Throne Room, Faith was around, and she was safe so he wasn't panicking anymore. Assassins had been a major fear of his once this had started, and it would probably remain his primary fear for as long as she was a Princess. It was paranoia, and he knew that, but it still mattered to him. She was the most important thing to him, and thus any threat to her was something he would not stand to remain intact. That was why there was a crater where there had been a fortress and were remnants instead of a House, scattered like ashes to the wind. His comlink buzzed and he clicked it, his helmet affording him the privacy of having a personal conversation in public.

"Yeah, what is it Aten? Any issues?" He asked as it pulled up, seeing the familiar busts of Aten and Rach Vizla, two of his most trusted warriors and allies.

"No issues recorded. We took our time and we turned the whole place to ruin. No civilian or surrendering Thul casualties to report." Not that there would have been significant evidence to report with those in House Thul's fortress unable to communicate with the rest of the planet and the whole place in ruins, in a crater, underneath a lake of fire and smoke, after being orbitally bombarded.

"Yes, operation is complete as planned. Waiting on finalized data and then we can clean up." Rach's voice could be heard chiming in from aboard the Ori'drahr. "Which is why we have called. This operation wasn't as easy as it should have been. It could have gone infinitely smoother with a proper command and control center. I am requesting permission to commission such a station."
Draco licked his teeth as he thought. He used Mythosaurs on the ground as Operations Rooms for battlefields, command units and forward command centers were common and not unheard of, but obviously Rach intended to commission something much larger and more potent than what Draco was used to. "Commission a design team. Get Mandal Hypernautics in on it, and we can work something out. If you are gonna go big. Do it. Otherwise, let someone else take the reigns."

"Yes sir. I intend to use Idiot Crater as the dry dock for this project. We can kick two birds with one stone and put up a serious defense of the planet with the station I have in mind. Perhaps you could convince the Organas to assist in this project, monetarily, with man power, or other resources. Just so we aren't stretching too thin. Our supply train is already having to make a risky jump through One Sith space at this point in time." The older man had scars on his face from previous battles. Long ago he had been a pilot, then a ship's captain. Now that Clan Vereen was formidable, he was a Fleet Officer, but that didn't mean he couldn't still jump in a starfighter and fly circles around the greenhorns that came up.

"As a note, I think Mandalore could use these things he's dreaming up. Get some beskarsmiths down here and hammer out a design with a few designers and engineers, take the schematics to MH and MM. Get a couple of these things floating around. I know I'd love to have some help from one if I were defending Manda'yaim." Aten's notes added just enough to convince the black haired Mandalorian Chieftain.

"Get to work on it. I look it all over in a few days and we can meet up with folks with the idea later."

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