Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adding Restricted Materials or Locations to Planet Submissions

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
I look kindly on materials which require a quest, rather than mining, since you can have a tonne of it and not use it unless you recite the Estonian national anthem backwards or whatever.
Hmm, I wonder where the Squirrel is?
There's already ten planets with the supposedly rare phrik on them, on this site. Yes, on an actual galactic scale, that's nothing, but in the scope of our roleplay, that's a lot. For Cortosis, there are eight such planets, according to the Restricted Materials list. Same goes.

As such, as a long-time judge, I would suggest that anyone that's looking to add a restricted material to a planet would have a better chance if they looked to the less-widespread restricted materials (save for the disallowed Beskar, as previously stated by our dear Codex Admin) when creating a planet, if a restricted material is to be included.

This however does not discount the work that needs to be done, regardless. The more quality work you put in, the better, IMO, because dang it, I want to be impressed.


Well-Known Member
Well...Val'hala was the first planet to be posted and have a restricted material....

Just saiyan.

And the main reason for Phrik being so popular I imagine was its description. Unless I'm incorrect.

Also, whatever happened to Tegs, you ever bringing her back out?
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I guess I don't go to the good threads anymore. Haven't seen her in over a year...ah well.

Back to the complaints about this stuff!

Wait question, that Isotope 5, if explained and worked thoroughly, could it be on a planet? I ask cause its cannon page says it is only on one planet.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] I could care less about building my own planet or species, Though I think your new ideas are great.......I would however like me information about this "Twi'lek Fanciers Club"


Well-Known Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Yes, but on its page it says it came on one planet on alone. Hence me asking can it be put into a future submission as long as devs are done.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I like quests too rather than mines, we will do our best with our dev and then submit and pray to the almighty factory gods, and perhaps in the mean time let me introduce you to my friend


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