Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A new beginning

In its prime the temple must have had been a very impressive and most likely highly active location. The structure spanned several floors high in its pyramid like shape and from what could be gathered several floors bellow the surface as well.

It was here, on Yutan that the temple of the newly formed force enclave under Republic care was seeing its birth. It was far from its past glory and power however. The figures moving around outside and inside were few in number but their determination and focus on the task to restore the building shone ever as bright.

With the main courtyard being cleaned from rubbles there was enough room to set up a temporary kitchen and organize other necessities as the group began making themselves at home.

Mantic stood just outside the grand door apparently peering inside. An ancient emergency light had been switched on as they had managed to finally open the door. So there was still power in the structure, hopefully they could find and repair the generators. Maybe they could even learn more about the temples history if there were any databanks or computers not destroyed by time.

While there was much work ahead, and they clearly were not going to be using the entire temple Mantic felt at peace. There was enough room and the place held tranquility.

It was good to restore the forgotten. Mantic had let the message pass to those jedi remaining loyal to the Republic know about the intent of creating the Republic Force Enclave here on Yutan. This time they could not afford to stand alone though and others had been asked to help as well.

Mantic knew that hope and a seemingly never tiring group still lingered within the Republic. He just hoped enough would come to aid to make the temple shine once more...

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
There was a lot that went into some of the things here but building a place for force users to go well... if it offered them training she could get behind that....... and as [member="Thalia Rist"]s mistress who had been working with things to get jarna stone shipped to Hok for use in some of their supplies. It came in handy in case the jedi master leading this wanted to have something very very secure. She stood in the black armored bodyglove with the combat boots and channeling gloves from Sasori as the color of it adjusted and following the reports from the drones they had gotten crystal deposits and metals in the surrounding caves were important. Hopefully securing it so Shinra could work the mines for the chance to help out was possible. "It is a really pretty place master [member="Mantic Dorn"]."
Rafeesh was finding the travels to worlds he had never been on before to be a more common practice now than it had been before. It seemed strange that only after some rather severe occurrences within his life that he would actually begin to explore the galaxy. He had been to a number of planets since his awakening, and they had all held some sort of interest. The Force was magnificent that way, it led him to a future that while he could not see, that he knew was a path he should follow.

When the message had come that [member="Mantic Dorn"] was preparing a base, Rafeesh had felt that the Force was guiding him to this end. He decided it was time to leave the Jedi Order, he would adhere to the teachings he remembered of the old ways, he would not forsake the Order he had once known. It was a weight off of his shoulders when he left, the changes that had occurred within the Jedi had been difficult to accept. Now there was no problem with it, he was free of the Order and would find solace within this new Order that his old master had begun.

Time would tell what the Force had already shown. That this was his place to be. This was his future. He accepted that with all of his being. When he arrived he had focused his efforts on clearing out more of the courtyard, pushing back Nature for a time being. Eventually everything here would turn to rubble and dust, time could be held back only for so long. When at last the doors were opened, Rafeesh turned his attention to the entryway. He walked from the courtyard to where his master was.

"Time to see what is left working here then?" He asked after [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] had spoken.
The Evakmar-class vessel erupted from hyperspace above the world of Yutan. Below the jungle span kilometers in all directions engulfing this part of the world like a glove. The ship shutterd then began moving into the atmosphere of the world. fire erupted around the ship as it rocketed through the planets sky then hissed out into a cloud of mist as water from the worlds atmosphere heated on the hull causing a cloud trail behind the ship stretching across the sky. The ship slowed as thrusters fired and then the ship shuttered as the repulsors came online and gripped the massive vessel slowing it into a controlled descent.

"Set us down ten kilometers from the Temple captain. Let's give the jedi room. Once down clear a defense zone and deploy the dozers." Forlon said to the human man standing beside him. The man turned and saluted then walked away. Forlon watched the world grow larger in the view port. Now the jungle spread out as far as the eyes could see. Trees and green undergrowth painting a tapestry of untouched life so few worlds could claim. The ship shook as the landing struts extended and compressed under the massive mass of the vessel. The ship had landed toppling trees and earth below its form coming to rest amid a world of green.

[member="Rafeesh"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]
Productivity accompanied with a sense of peace and endurance.

It was how he could describe the setting in an as short but to the point way as possible.
It was something new, taken out from an old frame and it made such sense that his main issue was what he had missed.
But for now things progressed and he knew he should give himself the moment as well.

"Yes, the location is beautiful." he replied and tilted his head as he kept staring into the main entrance. Then he turned around facing both [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] and [member="Rafeesh"]

At the same time [member="Willam Forlon"] s ships roared through the skies above, forming streaks behind them as if a protective roof was granted them.

"The Republic is truly investing in this world. It is good that we can operate from such a place... in due time." he added as a carrier droid dropped a few crates on the half broken stairs.

"But, yes my padawan. You are right, we need to investigate what is still operational."

"Does either of you have much experience with power supplies?" He asked with a crooked smile.

Slice Spiralflame

I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Rafeesh"]

Slice exited the shuttle wearing a jumpsuit he had gotten a little while back, tagged as the next wave of people who have come to rebuild the temple. As the wind rushed through his hair he looked back to the blur that was the last few months. Being torn between the republic and the Jedi. He stayed with the republic and it had seemed to be the right choice.

Something called to him, it appeared to be a robed person's aura. He would approached slowly. It appeared the robed figure was already talking, he had asked if one had known how to use power supplies. "Er.. Master. I know the basics of such." He said quietly, nervous and somewhat shy from all the people.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Slice Spiralflame"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Willam Forlon"] [member="Rafeesh"]

She was looking at Mantic and some of the things with a nod of her head. More people were coming before she crossed her arms over her chest. "It is but we should looked towards some of the things. I can get some of the dodaria droids here to start cleaning and repairing as needed. We can get some of the survey droids into the hills to mark and clear out sections that could be used for terraces to have gardens or training areas. The jungle and mountain would provide enough but always a need for more. Say the word and I can have some all terrain transports for scouting."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled as her shuttle landed and she moved down the ramp towards the temple entrance of this place for which had been chosen as the home of the Enclave. With her were simple droids, those that would help with cleaning and construction to fix up the temple but what she cared most about was a small seed which she carried in her hands and held tight. She did not simply hold it though as her breath was slow and her force aura was being fed into it while she walked to find the man whom would direct her to the place this seed would take form.

It was a practice she had perfected by this point, the creations of these trees was a process she had done not once but four times now and this was just the fifth to be created. The only difference is she would not have [member="Minna"] or [member="Veino Garn"] to help her, but rather these new faces around her. And the man whom she had looked to first was the body that belonged to [member="Mantic Dorn"]. She had informed him that she would arrive with a gift to add to their enclave, and while it would seem the droids is what she meant, it was not even close to the truth but that was for her to show him.

With that thought though she started to approach Mantic and [member="Ayumi Pallopides"], letting the two converse as she continued to feed the seed with the force to keep its growth in check and controlled. She needed its growth to start long before its planting, and as she had been feeding it ever since her ship had left Alderaan, she was sure that it would be ready soon enough for planting and further feeding.
Rafeesh watched for a moment as a ship flew overhead. It was a good thing to see the Republic caring for the Jedi that stayed with them. It showed that while the larger Jedi Order had left them, the Republic was still willing to protect and aid those Jedi that stuck beside them. He hoped that more Jedi would join them, there were too few as it was to fight as the Jedi had in the old days. Jedi had once been so plentiful as to fight as common soldiers, number wise, but now they seemed so few. It was unfortunate that there were so few Jedi that stood for what the old ways had been. But then again, that was why he was here. To try and go back to the old ways of teaching. [member="Mantic Dorn"] had proven a good master in that regard, old school. He also had a standard that was about the same as the old Jedi Order, something that Rafeesh had found difficult to see in the other Jedi he had met.

The question has struck the padawan as something of a joke. The smile aided that guess. Rafeesh knew little of technology, it had not been a focus during the turbulent times of the Great Galactic War. He had been trained to defend against the Sith, fight their soldiers, and command his men. The technological training had not been a big concern for him, only having learned the basic repairs. He knew how to operate most of the old vehicles and ships, but maintenance and repairs were beyond him. He could make some basic guesses on how to set up a power system to keep a computer running or get one started, but it was by no means an area of expertise. He decided to respond truthfully, "Not really. I can see what I can do, but there is not much that I know about it."

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Slice Spiralflame"] [member="Willam Forlon"]
Mantic looked at [member="Slice Spiralflame"] and offered him a slight bow.

"Welcome," he began formally.
The young man was a force sensitive. Mantic could sense it, and while his power seemed rough and without proper control the aura suggested that he had received some training.
"I am Jedi Master Mantic Dorn, and I would be very grateful if you could assist us in locating and if possible get the power generators online once more.”

Turning to his padawan [member="Rafeesh"] he continued.
“Perhaps you could accompany our new friend inside and see if you could locate the generators together? My guess would be to start with the underground levels.”

“I do not sense any danger here but the temple is ancient and the force might require you both. If you encounter anything that is out of the ordinary trust in the force, and remember that you are not alone.” he added somewhat cryptic.

As usual Mantic expected his pupil to carry out his instructions and turned to [member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

“We need to map the surroundings of course, such machines would give us an advantage over the terrain for sure. I am however afraid that our coffers are rather empty for now….” he confessed not without a plead to the voice.

He knew that [member="Alexandra Feanor"] had landed, her presence was a strong one and he was glad to ee that more were coming to help. The academy just might be coming off in a good start.
Forlon sat watching the massive Excavators push rock and soil away from the massive lander in all directions. Soon the near one kilometer ship would sit in a flat open space among the trees of the jungle which stretched out for three kilometers in all directions from the ship. This would be the main star port for the Jedi and their visitors once completed. Inside the hull engineers were readying the tools and equipment they would need to begin work on the landing platform. IN three weeks this path of trees and undergrowth would be a fully operational starport supporting the Jedi of the Republic and the regions around the Temple proper.

"Sir, Alpha team awaits orders." said a man from behind Willam. The Supreme Commander turned to face the ships captain. He nodded and spoke.

"Have them deploy and begin setting up the defense turrets. I want those firewinds up by the end of the day. Have them load the batteries with the 12b. We are just wanting to keep the terrestrial wildlife off the jedi for now. No need loading out for anything else. IF we are attacked at this point we would be in a very bad position and could not hold. Later we will load them out for heavier operation but for now lets just stun the nasties out there that may cause problems with the Jedi and our engineers." said Forlon as he turned back to look out the raised command decks view port. Below him the massive form of the Evakmar streached out seven hundred meters with its open hanger positioned down the center axis of the ship. Large haulers mover out of side hangers hiden from view with the engineering teams and the defense turrets strapped to their hulls. The first twelve lifted off and mover to the west and to the far side of where the Jedi now worked to restore their Temple. Soon the location would have a full defensive circle of three zones of LLT-5 launchers. He looked out for a time then turned and walked to the rear of the bridge and the lift.

"Captain, you have the CON. I must see to my transport back to Kashyyyk." said Forlon as the captain nodded to him and sat in the chair Forlon has just been seated. The door opened to the lift and he silently walked in and turned to face the door. It slide shut and he was off to his quarters for some much needed rest.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Slice Spiralflame"]

Slice Spiralflame

I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos
[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Rafeesh"]

Slice would return the bow and walk away slowly, breathing deeply. See? nothing to worry about, he told himself. He had reached the a great archway which marked the entrance of the temple. He walked in, turned a corner. Okay where to... It was rather dark inside, it did have a emergency lights however it only gave little light.

Slice would resort to sticking to the walls to find pathways to other sections. If he found a one that lead down he would follow that one, however the Jedi master had sent the other padawan with him, but he ran ahead. Oh yeah.. You should probably wait for the other. So he did, he stood just off to the left of the archway.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Slice Spiralflame"] [member="Willam Forlon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

"Coffers might be empty, this planet is not." SHe said it with a smile while feeling some of the others and walking with attention on more of the things. "While I know most people only do things for themselves. What help would I be if I only took from you master jedi. Hok provides jarna rock shipments for credit. Cartographer probes are easy to get and the probes they have for surveying resources." She said it with a smile though seeing some of the other things. "Though if you don't like favors then a trade, Shinra can mine the crystals and ore while providing mapping and survey equipment to the enclave."
The padawan bowed in return to his master before turning his attention to the travels inward. The other padawan ran ahead, not a problem for Rafeesh. He had no true reason to rush, there were no immediate dangers to make them want to race to their goal. Neither was it a time for dallying. The Iridonian walked swiftly into the corridor and ignited his lightsaber, holding it over his head to cast the blue light over the dark area. It did not give enough to see more then a few meter or so further, but it was considerably brighter than the emergency light.

Rafeesh saw [member="Slice Spiralflame"] waiting and smiled politely. "Which way did you think of going?" Rafeesh looked at the passageways, that were made visible by the light of his saber. There were quite a few and Rafeesh did not pretend to know which was the correct path. It was another day of learning, exploring what would be the new home for the Jedi. Those Jedi that remained true to the Republic. This was a new beginning for the Jedi and he looked forward to helping strengthen it.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
I would be glad to accept your help in that case." he explained with a smile. We need all the help we can get."

"I have understood that you are an experienced force user. I hope that you feel comfortable with how we will have set up and manage this enclave?"

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra looked on the place before her as she then turned to look for a place where a garden could be constructed for this enclave of the Jedi's. It was something she was curious about helping with and trying to stick to purely as she could care less about the defenses of their temple or the rooming or how they decided to teach their students. Alexandra was concerned with the life held in the force and that is why she much preferred a strong and beautiful garden over anything else... something she was more focused on working on right now.

It took her a short time but she soon found a suitable location in which was clear from the ruins of the temple yet still on their grounds. Her legs let her fall to her knees as she breathed in and sat in the center of this soon to be created garden with her hands setting the seed she carried down beside her, Daeda's paws moving and taking it in his care while she worked. Her eyes shot back to the dirt now, those very same hands that held the seed a moment ago dug into the ground carefully and slowly using water to soften it a little and clean her own hands while she worked at it and carefully created a hole that would be needed for this seed she brought with herself.

Other plants and flowers would come later, but this creation was something she did every time she founded a new temple or helped to do so. It was a constant product of her work and even in her eyes a way to train that ability which she seldom found the chance to use past feeding these seeds and trees with the lightside of the force.

It didn't take long for the hole to be finished though and as she waited for Daeda to put in the seed her mind started to reach out and draw on the energy of all the life around her while Daeda now filled the hole with dirt, careful not to crush the seed as he pushed the dirt back into place. Her breaths ceased as she sat there drawing in the force from around her and drawing it from herself, taking the positive life and feelings from around her, the peace in the air that flowed in this place. The calmness of the air and the breeze that mixed and created that quiet, serene surrounding. Her hands drifting out as they were as still as a statue and staring at the back of her eyelids as her force sight took over.

A brief light flickering in her hands before the force took on the visible form of strands of light erupting from her palms, force light being fed into the plant before her as she mixed it with plant surge. It left her focused entirely on this task as her muscles would not move an inch and her breathing was slowed to the point of it appearing to be gone. Her mind focused on memories like those of her spending long nights beside the one she loved who was no longer around. She missed Vulpesen but the memories of him and the dreams that he had sparked in her, the thoughts he had helped create helped her focus on that love she so seldom had anymore. That love then transferring its hold to her children she never saw anymore and her breath continued to slow further as those strands of light twisted with the seed.

The air around her seemed to even coincide with this as she sat there, it would feel calm, peaceful. Even happy somehow as someone who would enter would start to feel, whether they would help with the creation of this would be up to them, the only one she even expected to be able to help is that of [member="Mantic Dorn"] or any other master that would find their way to this place she had chosen to turn into the temple's garden. Yet she never doubted there would be those that would arrive who knew what they were doing. It would be up to her little companion though to stop anyone who wanted to try and interfere or make sure that whoever joined in would know what they were doing. Her body at the time was still and her mind focused on only the task before her.
From the makeshift kitchen that had been set up, Arisa had busied herself with preparing lunch for all the people present, with the help from a few Kiribian crewmen and troopers who had accompanied her from the Wicher still in orbit. The meal they provided was pretty simple - basically sandwiches and soups - but hearty, made with fresh ingredients gathered directly from Kiribian hydroponic facilities. For their part of the restoration, she had donated supplies like the foodstuffs she was using on behalf of Senator Teigra and Kiribi. Then above, the Kiribian Spacey worked with the Republic military to patrol the system.

After the majority of people had been served, she left the kitchen munching on a self-made chicken wrap. She wandered in and around the temple courtyard, noting the progress that had been made so far. Most of the debris had been removed over the course of the day, but she found the area still remained littered. All over, the stone ruins were cracked with years worth of new plant grow that had aimed to reclaim the area from interlopers of the past. Some serious renovation would be required to restore the integrity of the structure. It was probably the same within the temple, which had yet to be explored in depth. She was definitely going to join in on that part of the exploration soon.

In her wanderings, she came across a female Jedi ([member="Alexandra Feanor"]) who made her pause in her steps as she could feel the high concentration of Force energy being channeled through her, physically manifesting as light. Looking closer, she saw that the woman was infusing a plant with said energy, making it explode with rapid growth. Forced germination.

"You know, that may not be a good idea. Jungle soil is generally poor for gardening or farming. Hydroponics is the way to go."

[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

"I have no problem with how it will be, might be preferable in the end who knows. Though I will get it started." She was looking at him while bringing out a datapad directing it as she saw some others staying off to the side a little. "Haulers will be down here with droids and we have ponic bays designed as needed with livestock paddocks if requested." Her hand went to the comlink in her belt as she slid it into her ear while walking. "Just tell me what you need master jedi and [member="Arisa Yune"]. We can get a seeder here for construction purposes within an hour." The seeder ships were wonderful things, no guns but if you wanted a factory ship that could sustain itself indefinetly well they would last forever.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Alexandra's body remained still as ever and instead of her moving, and the plant's growth not reaching so much as out of the seed itself yet there remained one movement in that spot. It was that of Daeda, the Ashlan wolf that was connected to Alexandra's mind and spirit through their little bond. With a smile befitting of the animal that it was it merely shook its head and reached with its paw to its ear. Signalling as simply as it can about how Alexandra could not hear either of them nor respond to them in any way while she was in this current state. Daeda though had learned a trick long ago thanks to another of its kind and would not stop there to explain to the newcomer what was happening and Alexandra's experience with this kind of climate.

Its mouth dug into one of the pockets of Alexandra's robes, pulling out a datapad and using its paws and muzzle, very slowly turned it on. It was going to try and use the datapad to type what it was that Alexandra was doing though the process would be slow and Arisa would have to wait a minute before it could get out a coherent sentence on the datapad.

"She has done this before, no need to worry."
Mantic felt warm by the many that started to show and help with the project.
He noted @aris yune handle the kitchen and saw how [member="Rafeesh"] and [member="Slice Spiralflame"] headed into the temple to get the main power online. The Republic presence and support via the supreme commander [member="Willam Forlon"] s personal orders were reassuring.

He even sensed the familiar presence of [member="Alexandra Feanor"] near by. The jedi Master he had encountered on Alderaan. He should find her later on he decided.

"Then make it so." he smiled at [member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"I am grateful."

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