Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A force to be reckoned with

Teslar was now floating higher in the air above the heads of the crowd, he rose a little more and stopped reaching a safe distance from the crowd to begin. He raised his hands as the crystals began to slowly spin around him "People of Valen! For too long you have been in blind to the force to it's power, it's mysteries but today we shall change that!" his deep voice boomed as lightning shot from his hands connecting with the spinning crystals causing them to light up. This was taking enormous amounts of energy but he had one of the crystals with him still and he was using it as a magnify glass for his power.
@[member="Morna Imura"]
3. check citizens for force sensativity

Balaya moved with a smirk as she didn't do more like the others. She didn't have a scanner but she did grab several of them and checked to see what they were going to be doing. Her grip on the one while she reached into him. Her empathy sizing him up and her force powers searching deep into the head of him. The force responded to him a little but not much. The same as most normal people. "Bah go and run." With a look she tossed him aside and started after another citizen.
@[member="The Wrathful One"]

Shinju thought about the idea of putting defenses up and a smirk came to her face. Oh they could turn so many things into weapons. Oh she wanted to find some of the equipment they used. There was plenty here after all and she breathed the scent of the locals. "Well whatever you want to put up I am sure will look perfect with our servants strung up between them to warn against any who want to come and try to take our property." shinju gave a grin as she grabbed one of the locals and pulled it close to her chest with a grin while holding his head to her chest. "Oh so sweet and delicious."


Well-Known Member
Shado looked like he was going to catch the fireball as it rcketed, quite nicely may I add, at him. Hands held together to form a small net it would hit when close enough, but instead just before it could make contact he threw his arms to the side and began to concentrate. Just as the flames licked against his clothing, Shado manipulated the molecules in the air around himself. As they heated from friction, they moved and danced against each other until suddenly flames leapt high...along his body.

The flames flew up his arms to spread down his back and along his legs, but despite the awe inspiring effect it wasn't as simple as the others would believe. Through the focus and manipulations, Zaiden had made himself burst into flames, but the flames only appeared to touch his body, in reality the flames hovered in the air above his flesh. Which at this point was already pinkening from the heat.

"Not bad Imura!" He called down, letting the flames leap higher and higher until he appeared a miniature sun in the sky, illuminating many hundred yards in all directions. The greatest thing about his image was the fact it seemed to begin with the fire created by Morna, thus those about would not even truly know Zaiden had amplified the look.

@[member="Morna Imura"] @[member="Teslar Rantarus"]
Meret found a small area in the cargo hold where the bulkheads were polished durasteel. She stood in front of the mirror like surface and checked her posture. She rolled her shoulders back and pushed her chin back. She lengthen her neck. “ Citizens of Valen, we bring you a great opportunity. As members of the Confederacy…” A ship’s steward interrupted her speech. “There you are Lord Vynea is looking for you, they need medics for the medical team,” She shook her head no. “Follow me” he shouted.
She followed the steward to a mid level deck where Lord Vynea was addressing a crowd. Meret sighed and raised her hand “ I can do triage, some orthopedic work, debris and suture wounds.” Sargon nodded and Meret could not resist. She opened her mouth and out came “I can teach you a few things…” A few members turned around and looked at her. She put her fingers over her mouth.
Hemlock was still in awe of the flora that overtook the landscape as the whizzed toward their destination. The wall ‘protected’ them from the actual nature but still the afterglow of the excellence poured over the wall like bubbly champagne. The ominous mist was equally beautiful and dangerous; Hemlock would be sketching the entire surrounding if he didn’t have more important things on his mind. The planet would erupt in chaos sooner than later, seeing as all of the major players in the galaxy had attempted to set up shop on the planet.

When they finally arrived and got out the Draethos took a moment to take in the hospital. There were beautiful sculptures high atop the building on its roof, the alien was curious as to what they were. Quickly the alien let go of his day dreams and caught back up with the group. He waited for Meret to finish speaking before speaking himself. “Lord Vynea, I am a training Force Healer, and I am more than proficient at nursing.” The tyrian colored alien had spent most of his long life learning different ways of healing people, holistic medicine.

@[member="Sargon Vynea"] @[member="Meret Blackmoon"] @Tricia Kalamack
"Lord Vynea has informed me that we are looking for victims that have been poisoned or those who are faking poisioning. This is what you should look for in humanoids: Look at their eyes pupils could be dilated or one dilated, the sclera maybe yellow, also skin and fingernails maybe yellow or blue the later indicates hypoxia, the liver and spleen area maybe enlarged or tender to touch, and vomiting. In the medi kits there should be packets of charcoal and minerals. After identifying a poisoning victim administer those packets by dissolving the contents of the packets in water..." Meret marched forward and entered the hospital passed through the lobby to the admissions area. Several sick patients were waiting to received medical assistance. She cleared a space on a bench, opened her medi kit. Her eyes caught the look of young mother holding a sick infant. Meret turned to her and asked "May I hold your baby?" The mother nodded and gave Meret the baby. She heard rales, lung sounds in the baby's breath. " She needs something to open up her breathing tubes, may I, my medical kit has a medicine." The mother agreed. Meret placed a bacta patch on the baby's chest. It takes seventeen seconds for the bacta to circulate and dilate the bronchus. After a few minutes the baby was breathing was clear and normal. Patients started to line up to see Hemlock, Tricia and Meret.
@[member="Hemlock Briar"] @Tricia Kalamack


Well-Known Member
Shado smiled as the flames died away, leaving the man with a slightly pink tint to his already tanned flesh. Slowly lowering himself back nearer to the group the Legate called out, "Does someone wish to truly see a trick? What would you say if I told you I could make that entire house-" Zaiden interjected an indication of a nearby home here, "-completely vanish?" To make the effect more miraculous, Shado decided he would make the effort seem far more then it actually was. The home was barely a cottage as it was, smallest of the block, thus he knew he could hide it but what would be the fun in an instantaneous trick? As he reached this deduction, Shado slowly extended his hands out infront of himself as he listened to the chuckles and negative remarks. Many boldly called out on the impossibility of such a feat, even as the man prepared himself.

Slowly a staticy fog began to cover the base of the home, looking like white static that spread from the ground up. Concentration on not making the home gone in an instant was entirely necessary, thus the smoke grew higher ungodly slow. Soon enough though, those about whom stood nearer to the ground would realize they could landscape on the otherside of the building.
The eyes of the Cramoloid watched with ill humor as he waited for the first set of explosions about to go off. A speeder in front of the very house @[member="Shado"] was attempting to make vanish was rigged to blow, and there was a crowd around it. With the flick of a button he watched it explode in a million pieces of shrapnel as hundred were suddenly critically injured or dead. The explosion was strong enough to shake the very building the mercenary was watching it all happen in, and despite his distaste at such needless loss it would serve it's purpose.

The peaceful attempts of the Fringe to gain the trust of the people of Urain would end in tragedy for all, including the Fringe. Several other devices were rigged to explode inside the city, and in their time they too would do their bloody work. For now though the mercenary just watched through cold eyes the unfolding drama in the streets. Untold amounts of natives would be blinded by this flash, and even the Fringe would find it difficult to properly handle this new situation in the dark of Valen.

@[member="Shado"] @[member="Meret Blackmoon"] @[member="Hemlock Briar"] @[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"] @[member="Balaya Zambrano"] @[member="Teslar Rantarus"] @[member="Morna Imura"]

The Wrathful One

Looking at the native pressed against Shinju the Wrathful One tilted her head slightly as she gazed upon it. The fool didn't realize what was going on with some half dazed look on his face he actually blushed. Well so much more the fun to see his surprise when this meal was started. Running a clawed hand up she ran her finger's over lunch's face and smiled at it. She'd have struck then if it wasn't for the tremendous explosion that seemed to rock the city around her.

A plume of fire soared into the night as cries were heard around her, "Seems Morna is enjoying his firework show more then usual, no matter lets take this one inside." Moving her arm around her mate to trap the native between them the Rakata simply picked a house at random, and opened the door shoving their meal inside. As she closed the door behind her the Wrathful one heard the native start to scream, oh how she loved a screamer.

@[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"]
With the explosion in the city the entire hospital went on emergency status, and suddenly there wasn't enough room in the hospital to nearly cover the needs of the injured. Given that atmosphere they had no bacta on the planet, but the Fringe's supply of bacta was limited as well due to the lack of supply ships coming in. Running down out of the building Sargon gave a grim look towards the first set of speeders coming in with patients, and the Force only knew how many more would be.

"I heard the two aliens brought fire out unnaturally, they did this!" Cried a voice in the crowd and Sargon's grimace deepened, this event would hurt relations quickly if they didn't do something to curb it. "They threw fire around, and lit the car on fire I heard!"

Stepping forward Sargon waved over @[member="Meret Blackmoon"] and @[member="Hemlock Briar"] , "I need solutions now, get in contact with the gunships get some bacta down here and start showing these people what it can do. Use the Force, our medical knowledge, and every ounce of bacta at our disposal. Meret if you could please I need you to start going through the incoming wounded, and pick out the worst cases for evac to HQ so they can get in a bacta tank."

Reaching his hand up he squeezed the woman's shoulder and gave her a small smile before turning to his next task, security. Setting his com link to reach @[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"], ::Shinju I need security sweeps on every block, and get your team working on getting some heavy scanners in here.:: Now he had to hope @[member="Shado"], and @[member="Morna Imura"] could control the crowd down at the explosion.


Well-Known Member
Shado barely had enough time to react, if not for his own perceptive abilities he might have sensed the bomb completely to late. But as it was, he sensed it just as the building began to disappear, thus with quick thinking he saved the greatest number by encasing the home in a Force Bubble. He couldnt contain the blast alone though, so some ended up wounded, but he saved the greater number from the pain.

Shado contacted @[member="Sargon Vynea"], Sargon...they don't want us here. Bad enough they just bombed themselves. Should I maintain course? I'll heal the worst on site, thus keeping them in belief it was part of some hidden plan...but I won't be able to heal everyone nor everytime.. With that being sent the Legate landed near the most charred victims and placed his palm on the man. Soon enough the blood and dead skin dried up then began to gently blow to the wind.

Morna, Teslar, keep the facade up. To them, this was all a very dangerous part of our show. He sent to his friends as the man he worked on laughed and touched his now pain free face. Leaping to his feet he talked in their language to his family nearby as Zaiden moved to the next victim.

@[member="Morna Imura"] @[member="Teslar Rantarus"]
Teslar opened his yellow they were the only thing visible from the inside of his hood as a speeder exploded. Looking up he surveyed the scene as @[member="Shado"] began to heal those caught in the blast nodding at his team members comment he continued with his performance. Using the force he flung the crystals towards a spot now abandoned by the crowd and using a huge amount of energy he began to tear the piece of earth up that the crystals were stuck in, lightning was still shooting from his hands making it seem as if he was using them as ropes. That turned their attention, to keep them from rioting he decided to try and employ the mind manipulation skills his master had taught him reaching out he attempted to calm them .
Teslar opened his yellow they were the only thing visible from the inside of his hood as a speeder exploded. Looking up he surveyed the scene as @[member="Shado"] began to heal those caught in the blast nodding at his team Www members comment he continued with his performance. Using the force he flung the crystals towards a spot now abandoned by the crowd and using a huge amount of energy he began to tear the piece of earth up that the crystals were stuck in, lightning was still shooting from his hands making it seem as if he was using them as ropes. That turned their attention, to keep them from rioting he decided to try and employ the mind manipulation skills his master had taught him reaching out he attempted to calm them .
@[member="Morna Imura"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
2. do security sweeps and find all the explosives hidden throughout the city including IEDs

She got to meet a Barbel (@[member="Teslar Rantarus"]), pretty cool. Maybe she'd get a chance to talk more with the other Fringers after this mission - her first, official mission!!(!!!!!)!!! Rolling up the sleeves to her jacket, she held the explosives sensor in her hand as she revved-up the speeder bike. The bike rumbled beneath her as she maneuvered through the crowded streets, the wind fingering through chestnut strands of hair.

A grin no one would ever see slid over her lips beneath the scarlet mask.

The explosives sensor started to click and bleep as she neared a rather large, important looking building. Interesting. Slipping off the speeder-bike, she lazily strolled up the steps, flashing a mocked-up Fringe badge. "Official business, comin' through folks." Little did she know, she had just entered the lair of one Cramoloid.
In the distance there was a lower rumbling sound which she could not identify. Meret’s hearing was still not perfect. She felt the vibrations through her whole body. Meret look to @[member="Hemlock Briar"] for an answer. She excused herself from her patient interview to walk through the lobby to the entrance of the hospital. In the distance she saw a streaming line of speeders. Sargon and several others met in the lobby to be briefed. tell me this is not happening…I am supposed to be giving a speech at the city council on the merits of belonging to the Confederacy…this cannot be happening

Meret heard Sargon’s words and felt his warm hand on her shoulder. His touch was calming and cleared her head. She started to hyperventilate. He squeezed her shoulder harder and looked deep into Meret’s eyes. YOU OWE ME BIG TIME…I can do this

She ran back to the admission area and stood up on a bench and stated her plan. “May I have your attention there are patients coming from some type of explosion? We will use the lobby as a triage staging area. Those that can be treated here will go to the hallways. The most serious cases will be brought to the outside of the entrance to be med evaced out.

The first victims were burn victims. The smell of brunt flesh is one that a being will never ever forget. Meret put a surgical mask on to filter out some of the smell and to protect the victims from her own breath. From the supply cabinet she passed out boxes of surgical gloves. She found some foil blankets. they will be cold With a quick glance Meret accessed the first few, 2nd and 3rd degree burns. She covered them with the foil blankets and directed them to the front of the hospital to wait for transport.
I watched as Zaiden made himself become a body of flames. I could only smile as he tried to take my natural powers and form them to his will. As he did so, I felt like playing with him. In the air the flames that were on his body changed colors to be orange to a deep red, a blue to purple to green. Each time it happened, people made sounds of amazement at what had happened. A few had cried out because a man was on fire, but to see him alive and well slightly more pink than before, they sighed as he came down. Zaiden started to talk about making a building disappear. and as much as I wanted to see that, Suddenly the building exploded. My adrenaline kicked in, feeling my eyes burn like the fires that I could control. I limited the flames as best as I could to only injure the people that were in the back near the building. I knew that a bomb had gone off, As Zaiden contacted Sargon, I spoke to him with the force. "​I'll try and heal the burn victims, but thats all I can do for healing. And as soon as I can do that, I'll check the bomb to see what it was made of."

Quickly I ran over to the downed people that were burning. I slammed them to the ground to stop them from making it worse, and taking my hand I absorbed the flames that the man had into a ball on my left hand. Moving from one to another taking more and more of the fire away and storing it into this ball that grew and grew. And I had to let it out somehow. Trying to keep flames was impossible. Even for me. Letting a draft of wind rush down, it carried me up into the sky where I let the flames expire from my hands. Shooting up into the air, the orange flames that reached the clouds, began to make the sky rain.
@[member="Teslar Rantarus"], @[member="Shado"], @[member="Grundark"]
@[member="The Wrathful One"]

Shinju laughed at that sight, the blushing sealed what would have to happen to him. Yes it wasn't enough they were going to eat him but he would have to enjoy it even more as she moved seeing Morna and his fireworks. With a grin she spoke going inside... While public displays wouldn't matter she wanted to keep some mystery after all for the others. "Yes he does now come my love I am hungry and well urges." She dragged the blushing boy with her towards the door and laughed. "Come now little one we're going to make a man out of you yet."
Hemlock felt as though it was his duty to be a guiding light in a fog of chaos, especially the bioluminescent miasma that was Valen. The entire planet was shrouded in a dark mystery, it’s location and lack of Force knowledge were unfamiliar to the rest of the galaxy and as thus it both startled and intrigued the rogue padawan. It would be quite the learning experience for both the citizens of Urain and the Draethos. His goal was to successfully show these people that they had nothing to fear from the Fringe, nothing to fear from the galaxy at large, nothing other than the demanding burden and chaos that the galaxy allotted everyone from corner to corner of her unforgiving hyperlanes. No, Hemlock would show them that the rest of the galaxy was just the same scared civilization stumbled upon on accident; they just had to open their minds to them.

As Meret gave her speech, Briar made a call to the gunships, hoping they would be able to deliver enough of the lifesaving serum. “This is Hemlock Briar with the Fringe, we need some bacta on my location. My Force abilities will only go so far.” Before too long they agreed to drop some down within the next ten minutes. Though in a situation like this, when you were exerting yourself to such an extent to help others, or yourself, time seemed to stop. There was no reason to count the clocks or to hold his breath; the Draethos healer knew that he had to act before any more innocents lost their lives. Whatever the explosion was, Hemlock felt it ripple through the Force, resonating down the alien’s back and sending shivers back up. Whatever the explosion was, it wasn’t as simple as it seemed and the bacta would be needed sooner than it arrived.

It wasn't long before patients started arriving en mas.

“Meret, I’m going to need your help.” He had made his way up to the blonde. There was no easy way to put it, the task before them was going to be quite a tough road, and the people would be resistant at first, but once they felt the eternal calm that Hemlock seemed to radiate, hopefully they would ease their opinions. “While we are waiting for the Bacta and your supplies, help me heal a couple of these injured.” They had already taken some of them out front to be flown for more intense medical care. “Just make sure they feel comfortable, if they get too upset by my Force Powers it will only worsen their situation and our own. We must show them we are a force of good in this scary galaxy.” The Draethos started to clear his mind in preparation for how much he was going to have to focus to be able to help as many people as he could.

@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
The guide Led Lucien and his many potential force sensitives to a large auditorium. People hurried in and grabbed seats soon the room was filled with people seeking to be tested for the force. Lucien stood at the front of the room and began to speak "Thank you for coming Ladies and Gentlemen I will begin shortly by bringing each of you up to the front to be tested then unless I tell you otherwise you must leave" He took a chair of his own on the platform at the front and placed a second chair in front of him Then he called up the first Valen to be tested.

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