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LFG A Force-Sensitive Problem

Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis is a lawful good Zeltron. Ok, "lawful-good-ish". Her path always seemed set in stone—to work in Coruscant law enforcement. Alas, she had to drop out of the police academy for... reasons. Not fully aware of her Force-sensitivity, and somewhat without a purpose, Kori as at a crossroads...
For the moment, Nykoria is a starter-tier char without too much fancy stuff going for her. She may remain that way for a while. Unsure what to do with her life, she is confined to Coruscant's streets and cantinas. But Kori has the potential to develop into many things—as long as it fits her character—and to go places (which I'd very much like her to).

That's where you and your characters can come in. Kori's main concerns as of now are:
  • Why does my head hurt? Although Kori benefited from psychometry once or twice, she is still unaware why she's getting those headaches and seizures. For Nykoria, it is a problem to be solved. For a Jedi or Sith, that is an opportunity to discover Kori's Force-sensitivity and bring her into the fold. That is, if you can convince her and are ready for the challenges of dealing with an adult student of the Force.

  • Who am I, and what do I want to be? Kori's chosen career in law enforcement seems to have eluded her. That leaves her wondering how she'll earn her living. The dream of being on the right side of the law and maintaining the family tradition still remains. And a certain level of pride means that Kori wouldn't take a job where she'd be just "a pretty face" or "a telepathic empath"...

  • ...Unless I'm really desperate. Credits are an issue. If pressed by the circumstances, Kori might overstep some of her principles. But that decision would need to be weighed up carefully and ICly.

I'm still dipping my toe into writing here. That's why Kori didn't start in faction, and doesn't have any fancy tech or ship just yet. As she progresses, so will I; hopefully, the faction affiliation will determine itself through the story by then. Besides, it was fun to start at the low point and develop the character through interactions.

That's why my first thread is a "Public" social in a club on Coruscant. The only thing that feels better than doing "Big Stuff" is forging bonds with other characters; making friends and enemies, growing over time, etc. Especially if at least some of it is emergent.
P.S. Well, thank you for staying with me this far. If anything above piqued your interest, or you think that Kori could somehow benefit your story, do let me know here or in PMs. I'd be perfectly fine in playing second fiddle in contributing to someone else's story.

P.P.S. It's pretty late here right now, so I should be able to check back and reply in 20 hours or so. Just in case.
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If you'd like some help figuring out the path Nyko would like to make, I'd love to thread with you! Asha can help her understand what's happening (a fellow Psychometry gal), and teach her some coping mechanisms for the headaches. She's not one to try and push someone into her cause either, so there'd be no hidden strings or expectations that she'd follow the path Asha is on. Whatever the will of the Force is, Asha will bend to it.

Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv is a character I designed to be a cross between a Jedi Knight and detective in the real nitty gritty parts of Coruscant. I haven't had the chance to explore the second half of his character yet, but I'd be down to write with if you'd like. He's a Coruscant native who grew up in level 1313.

Feel free to shoot me a DM or add me on discord at Leper#3599 if you wanna write.

EDIT: I feel like I should mention my lovely kiffar was once a problem who managed to find a solution to his troubles with the force. He's got some experience in that area and might be able to help out in that regard.

Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis
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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Been to Coruscant on a few occasions and had some rough run-ins with the underworld.
My charry is not naïve or anything but headstrong and loyal to friends. Hence, doesn't hesitate in risky business when it concerns helping friends and those less fortunate and exploited.

In short, if your are interested in making a friend who happens to get herself into entanglements with the underworld while trying to help others, then Marina is a good bet. She is not a force user, so she has to use her wits to overcome obstacles and force users. :)
Well Howdy partner, just to advertise I suppose.

Who said that that old dingy police force was the right calling you know. That city/planet has been a hell hole for centuries now. So for that second issue about finding your calling and wanting to be on the right side of the law, may I offer thee the Cyran benchmark? XD

Basically Cyran's actually on sort of the same wave length when it comes to being a bounty hunter, or as he sometimes puts it, "Freelance Officer of the Law" Cyran really only takes bounties from official authorities. None of that scum and villainy type stuff. Then again law enforcement isn't always in the right on some cases. But Cyran also doesn't kill, never has, and hopefully never will. Plus the idea of having a partner has always been interesting for the character I feel. Not to saw that you need to :D

Not too long ago I made a LFG post about Cyran being a teacher for a padawan type character. But a teacher that know's virtually nothing about the force nor really cares to. More so in teaching how to really navigate people and places well, and practical skills too.

Nonetheless I figured I'd just reach out some with Cyran since I feel like he could be a possible candidate for this.

PS: Cyran really isn't a part of any faction either...

Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis
Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis Somebody mentioned space cops?

Vulpesen's personal organization tries to act las an intergalactic police force(cops without borders kinda deal) and while I will always love the idea of having more PC's in on it, having the occasional freelancer/friend to turn to is always nice. Could be a good way to earn some credits doin what she wants without breaking her moral code. Also Vulps has been around the block a few times when it comes to the force.. maybe she could pick up a thing or two on things beyond copcraft. Sure he's technically affiliated with the silvers, but the connection seems fairly loose at the moment.
Wow, that's a lot of answers. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'd love to thread with all of you. Not to mention that it would be rude of me to leave anyone here without a thread ;) Already got some ideas, and will be reaching out to everyone in private.

So far, I even see a way for it to become a "one thread fits all characters" (although I'll understand if you prefer a more personal touch and smaller threads).

But first things first—to reply here.

If you'd like some help figuring out the path Nyko would like to make, I'd love to thread with you! Asha can help her understand what's happening (a fellow Psychometry gal), and teach her some coping mechanisms for the headaches. She's not one to try and push someone into her cause either, so there'd be no hidden strings or expectations that she'd follow the path Asha is on. Whatever the will of the Force is, Asha will bend to it.

Thanks, help would be very much appreciated! Also, hidden strings are totally ok. Although I do have some plans for Kori (like eventually wielding a lightsaber and learning to use the Force), I'm also willing to let things unfold organically. So, if Asha ends up in the mid-to-lower levels of Coruscant, there's a chance for them to meet. After all, the Force always finds a way to make the right people meet.

Ryv is a character I designed to be a cross between a Jedi Knight and detective in the real nitty gritty parts of Coruscant. I haven't had the chance to explore the second half of his character yet, but I'd be down to write with if you'd like. He's a Coruscant native who grew up in level 1313.

It sounds like Ryv is already in a perfect position to cross paths with Kori on Coruscant! All it takes is for both of them to end up in the wrong place at the right time. I can already see how it could tie in with...

Been to Coruscant on a few occasions and had some rough run-ins with the underworld. If you are interested in making a friend who happens to get herself into entanglements with the underworld while trying to help others, then Marina is a good bet. She is not a force user, so she has to use her wits to overcome obstacles and force users. :)

Friends are always nice! A blaster-armed Kori (and her other new bounty hunter friend who posted below) could end up a way to overcome an obstacle in the underworld when wit wouldn't be enough ;)

Who said that that old dingy police force was the right calling you know. That city/planet has been a hell hole for centuries now. So for that second issue about finding your calling and wanting to be on the right side of the law, may I offer thee the Cyran benchmark? XD

Kori's parents did, and she does value their advice. But given that her path has changed, other outcomes are on the table. Since Cyran already met Kori, could be accompanying her as they run into Marina and/or someone else. What happens next is anybody's guess.

Vulpesen's personal organization tries to act las an intergalactic police force(cops without borders kinda deal) and while I will always love the idea of having more PC's in on it, having the occasional freelancer/friend to turn to is always nice. Could be a good way to earn some credits doin what she wants without breaking her moral code. Also Vulps has been around the block a few times when it comes to the force.. maybe she could pick up a thing or two on things beyond copcraft. Sure he's technically affiliated with the silvers, but the connection seems fairly loose at the moment.

I haven't had the time to figure out how Vulps fits into that possible big thread (assuming everyone agrees and it happens) :( But they should definitely cross paths! Maybe Cyran would appreciate another employer as well.

P.S. I'll try to concoct a Private thread that could include all characters mentioned above. Then I'll post the concept here or PM that to everyone, so that they could let me know if they're ok with it.
Well, I glanced over everyone's biographies, and I think I've accounted for everyone. Below is what the thread could be. Please let me know if everyone is ok or not with this arrangement. And especially if you'd prefer something else instead.

P.S. It's totally ok if you'd prefer to cross paths in a different thread instead of this one. I'd hate it for anyone to feel "forced" into a large thread when they were counting on a 1-on-1. In that case, I'll just figure out some other way to thread with you ;)

Working title:

The Force Finds a Way


Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe arrives to Coruscant underworld to deliver medical supplies intended for the refugees from the Scar Worlds (the order could be coming from Vulpesen Vulpesen , to explain his involvement). A local swoop gang goes for the supplies and attacks the witnesses, Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis and her new acquaintance Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas included. Trained Force-sensitives ( Ryv Ryv and Lief Lief ) happen to be nearby arrive to help, but not before the supplies are stolen.

The unlikely team must work together to deal with the aftermath of the attack and maybe recover the supplies. And Nykoria will have to deal with more than that...

Steve Apollo

Currently there's a thread in a hospital where I and a few others are going to discover that there are some shady operations going on down below. You could probably join, I have no problem with it though I'm not the poster and the thread already started. It's called "Is there a doctor in the house? Hospital of Horrors!"

I believe we have a Sith, a Reporter, an Elysium Agent, a Bounty Hunter or Two...etc

Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis

Feel free to join!
Currently there's a thread in a hospital where I and a few others are going to discover that there are some shady operations going on down below. You could probably join, I have no problem with it though I'm not the poster and the thread already started. It's called "Is there a doctor in the house? Hospital of Horrors!"

I believe we have a Sith, a Reporter, an Elysium Agent, a Bounty Hunter or Two...etc

Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis
Feel free to join!

Wow, thanks for the invite! This is looking up to be a fun thread, and already well on it's way. I'd totally hop in if I didn't owe posts in Purple Blues and that new thread discussed yesterday. And I'll only be able to start working on them in 10 hours or so. After that, it will all depend on the pace of those two threads. Maybe there will be time for one more ;-)

But I'd hate to bite more than I can chew and stall a thread for someone else. So perhaps it's best for you not to wait on me (I'd slip in if and when I can). Even if I can't make it, right now, I'd love to thread in the future!

P.S. Nykoria might get jealous of Holly's career in media and consider a similar line of work, along with a fancy scenic name, like "Kori Starlight" or something :p On second thought, she might use that alias either way, media or no media.
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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm
I had looked into that thread for my alt Ayda Elisantra Ayda Elisantra who's a doctor earlier this week, but thought it had progressed too far for an additional writer.
But if you think I can fit her in, then I will introduce Ayda into that thread. :)

Anywho, Marina is still game for what you had in mind, Nykoria Tallis Nykoria Tallis
I will keep tabs on this planning thread and should you start what you have proposed, then Marina is in. :)
The thread is up! Feel free to PM me if I got anything wrong and need to adjust something.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
No problems. Just may not get to reply till Monday, as I only post from work.
Hehe..yea, they pay me to RP... :p

No, that's not true. I actually am quite efficient at work. I do find adequate amount of time between open windows to get on line and write. Also the reason I limit myself in entering open role plays.
But this one I am definitely interested in perusing. I should be good for 1-3 posts replies during the work week. So you know, I don't abandon threads. :)

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