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A day at The Oyu'baat (Mandalorians and Friends)

@[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"] @[member="Mason Ordo"] @[member="Ozmeri Gitana'ti"] @[member="Anija Ordo"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @E'vi Sohl


The sun was warm and a breeze was blowing gently bringing the smell of the nearby river into the streets of Keldabe. On a well worn street within sight of Mandalmotors stood one of the finest establishments ever seen, The Oyu'baat tapcafe. The Oyu'baat was aboit as close to a government building as any other on Keldabe and more than one meeting of the clans had been held in front of the large fireplace and more than one Mand'alor had held talks around it's Tables. Today however just a few regulars sat trading verbal jabs and laughing at news from arpund the galaxy.

Ordo sat his armored shebs on a heavy bar stool and fiddled with the inner workings of his buy'ce as he nursed a glass of @[member="Arrbi Betna"]'s finest black ale. The broad shouldered Mando was just killing time until his ship was ready and then he'd be off to Coruscant to see his riduur, @[member="Rianna Organa"].

His heavy black Beskar'gam had seen it's share lately and he would need to fix it, but it could wait for now. He was supposed to meet a few people here before he left but he came early. It made it more fun if he had a drink before Strider did.
"Pirur Ord'ika!" The old warrior entered the Oyu'baat and slighted at the sight of Ordo drinking by his lonesome "You are gonna need a head start if you plan on keeping up with me, jatne'vod!"

Strider who was also armoured like most of the patrons of this infamous Tap Caf/Canteena as not wearing amour was almost out of norm. The old hound strode across the floor and perched himself upon the bar stool next to Ordo waving at the bartender "gai'ka be Tihaar, gedet'ye!" he ordered. "How long you leaving for this time Ord'ika?"

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
With a twirl of her head, and head tails, the Togrutan bartender rolled her eyes jokingly at the old man. "Right away, oh Mand'alor," she joked, mock bowing in the process. He always went for the hard stuff first, which didn't make any sense to her. She was no light weight, but she rather enjoyed Corellian ale. Spiced of course. But until he got off of her shift Strider was the "boss", and that meant destroying his liver with the triple distilled beverage. Filling up a small glass with the clear liquid, the strong smell of alcohol wafted up into her nostrils from the large barrel that held the strong liquor.

Walking back to the man, she set the glass down with a soft thump. <Anything else old man?> she said with a smirk, her black eyes locking onto his for a moment.
@[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Ordo"]
"There is only one old man that holds that Title, Ar'ika!" Strider smiled smiled back as he gripped his short glass of engine cleaner " And he be the uglier one". Strider then skulled the glass in one single gulp, his face involuntary spasm-ed to the bitter taste and the burning sensation the Tehaar left as it went down. @Ar'rek Zavros was sassy but always served him his drinks and the put her in his good books.
Anija wasn't all that far behind @[member="Ordo"], and she wandered in about the time @[member="Strider Garon"] did. She shook her head slightly at Strider's comment and grinned slightly as she spotted Ordo at the bar. She quickly made her way across the large room and grabbed the stool on the other side of Ordo, her plates clinking slightly as she sat down and pulled her buy'ce off. She wasn't normally a drinker, but an occasional mug of netra'gal wasn't a bad thing.
"'cuy, Buir..." she said,. smiling at him as she hugged him with one arm, and gave Strider a polite nod as she did so. When she dropped her arm from Ordo's shoulders, sh turned towards Ar'rek. "I'll take a mug of netra'gal, vor'e..." she said, and flipped the bartender a cred coin to pay for it out of habit.
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Today was Briika Tor's first day working at the famous Keldabe tapcafe, the Oya'baat. The sole daughter of goran Solus Tor of Enceri had taken a job as a barmaid to get away from home and move to the big city. More so the trained baar'ur was tired of helping her buir, Mirja Tor, deliver babies and take care of the village elders' aches and pains. Not that the medic didnt like helping care for the people quite the opposite, but the pace was a bit too slow for her and not challenging enough. Plus, she wanted to see some action with the verd and offer her skills as a field medic, if they would have her. Anyways, after her older vod Valen was killed, Bree didn't want to see life pass her by as she seemingly stood still in the small farming community butted up against the foothills of the northern mountains of Mandalore. It was a beautiful place to raise a family, but her prospects in the process of getting to that point were pretty limited there; not that she was actively looking to settle down either just saying is all. So now Briika would settle for earning some credits while waiting to see what other opportunities presented themselves.

Coming out from the kitchen area dressed in her red beskar'gam minus her buy'ce, which was sitting on the back counter of the bar, the golden haired young Mando'ad put a tray of clean glass mugs away, then poured a netra' gal and grabbed a Corellian ale as she'd overheard the latest order from the ever growing table of patrons that @Ar'rek Zavros had been serving and brought the drinks over for the Torugta.

"Here ya go… " Bree said, flashing a friendly smile at @Anija Ordo and @[member="stardust"] as she placed the beverages in front of the them, then azure eyes gazed over to @[member="Strider Garon"] and @[member="Ordo"] as well as her boss. "I just made a fresh batch of stew, if anyone is hungry."
"I bet that I could out drink you all,"Adelaide grinned as she took a seat near the forming group. It was a challenge only if everyone else decided to take it that way. She could drink them under the table if they wanted to play that game and than they could get some of that tasty soup to help get them up. It seemed like a good way to get herself back in the fold as it was. The young woman had been out of the game for far too long.

She took a seat on one of the empty stools seeing who if anybody took the challenge she proposed before actually asking for a drink herself.

@[member="Strider Garon"] @Ordo@Anija Ordo@Ar'rek Zavros
When the mug was set down in front of her, Anija grinned up at @[member="Briika Tor"] for a moment and slipped a few creds into her trashy as a tip. "Vor'e. The stew sounds wonderful, actually."

She nudged @[member="Ordo"]. "How you doing, buir? Heard you were heaided to Coruscant soon to see Ri'ika?" Her gaze slid sideways and she smiled at Adelaide. She recognized her from the reception, but they hadn't really spoken.

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
@[member="Ordo"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @Ar'rek Zavros @[member="Anija Ordo"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"]

Briika gave an appreciative nod for the generous tip to the raven haired woman, then made her way back to the kitchen to dish up several bowls of the hearty nerf and vegetable stew because once the heavenly aroma waffled about the table everyone's mouth would be watering. It was her buir's recipe and one that was passed down from one generation of Tor to the next.

Plus, the vode should have something in their stomachs before participating in the drinking challenge issued, though that in itself could be a double edge sword at the end of the night too.

Returning, the blonde gave Anija's to her with a big spoon and extra napkins, then stood there holding a tray of steaming bowls of stew. "Who else would like some?" she asked with a contagious smile.
The Oyu'baat, Adenn hadn't been here much, even whenever he had been on Mandalore. As he sat down he called "I'd like some." to @[member="Briika Tor"]. He took off his helmet and put it in between his legs, the place smelled good, each one making him hungry "haven't eaten in a while." he chuckled lightly to himself before taking a quick look at the other mando's in the Oyu'baat

@[member="Briika Tor"]@[member="Anija Ordo"]@[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"]@[member="Strider Garon"]@Ar'rek Zavros@[member="Ordo"]
@[member="Anija Ordo"] @[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"] @[member="Briika Tor"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @Ar'rek Zavros @[member="stardust"]

"I begone a month this time ner vod." Ordo told Strider as he lifted his heavy mug of black ale. The bitter sweet liquid was heavy on the tongue and was thick enough to chew this time around. Ordo savored the drink that always reminded him of home. He sat down his buy'ce and turned toward the others as they came in.

When Ar'rek said old man Ordo looked at strider again.

"She said "Old" not "big sexy" so she's not talking to me." Ordo laughed as he lifted his glass to qiuckly down the rest. "One more when someone has a chance" he said with a laugh.

He heard Anija slide up and say 'Cuy. She was a good kid. She had been a pain in the shebs at times, stabbed him once, but a good girl still.

"Hey ad'ika what are you up to today?" He said as he put a big arm around her and gave her a squeeze.

"Su'cuy." Star he said with a chuckle.

As the new woman served some drinks he heard her mention stew. It was his favorite food. He loved a good hot stew.

"OH HEY!" He said his deep booming voice cutting the air. "I'll have some of that stew ner vod! And the refill when your free."

He was having a good morning. He had jabbed at strider, adjusted his comlink, had a drink and now stew was coming. Then he got to hug one of his girls. He was doing alright for himself. Then he heard a wee voice say something he had not heard anyone say in his presence for a very long time.

Ordo was known for his ability to drink. Not long ago he had been nearly inseparable from the bottle.

"Ad'ika" he said looking at Adelaide, "I have been waiting for someone with the gettse to say those words to me for years."

Ordo laughed loud and long as he looked at the girl with a friendly grin before he answered Anj'ika.

"I'm off to Coruscant for the month, Ad'ika, but I'm bringing Rianna back with me this time."

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
@[member="Ordo"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @Ar'rek Zavros @[member="Anija Ordo"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"] @[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

Briika served the bowls of stew that we're ordered, then gave them each a big spoon, dropped more napkins onto the table and grabbed Ordo's empty glass mug all with fluid ease.

"I'll be right back with your refill," the blonde nodded to the big Mando, then spun around as she heard another patron call for some of her stew.

Flashing a friendly smile the vod's way, Bree stepped over to Adenn and lifted the last bowl of stew off her tray, then placed it in front of him along with a spoon and a napkin, tilting her golden head a bit to set her azure gaze down upon him. "Well this should stick to your ribs. Traveled far have you.... Would you like something to wet your whistle too? "
"I'll just take a mug of netra'gal please." he said to @[member="Briika Tor"] 'Oh it smells good... he thought as he picked up the provided spoon and took a spoonful of soup, It tasted good, even more fortified by the fact that he was very, very hungry "this is good." he called to the woman before taking another spoonful.

@[member="Briika Tor"]@[member="Anija Ordo"]@[member="Adelaide Baldesarra"]@[member="Strider Garon"]@[member="Ar'rek Zavros"]@[member="Ordo"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Briika smiled again @[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]. "I'm glad you think so," she said pleased, then was off to get the drinks.

The blonde filled two fresh mugs with ne'tra gal that was on tap, then brought them out dropping one off for the big Mando and the other for the vod sitting alone eating his bowl of stew quietly.

"I'm Briika, by the way. If you need anything else, just let me know," she offered, then moved over to the empty table next to him to tidy it up taking a damp cloth and wiping it down.
Strider chuckled at ordo's quick jab and gave the rest that showed up a respectful nod before glancing back to the ever so beautiful @[member="Briika Tor"]. She sure lit up the place and was very much easy on the old man's eyes. The old hound didn't hide his obvious affections towards the younger, much younger and attractive female mandalorian. Then again when was he ever sly about his eye ravagings and sexist comments? Strider slid his empty glass forward "Hey Cyar'ika! May I get another refill of tihaar and some of that stew that big lug is eating. Smells delicious and then for dessert take the night off and spend it with me, eh?"

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Briika just smiled good naturally @[member="Strider Garon"], ignoring his quip for now, then she went to fetch the much much older man's order.

When the blonde returned, she placed his drink and food in front of the grizzled Mando'ad with another good natured smile gracing her lips. "Tell you what.... How about I send you home with a big piece of my uj cake for dessert instead, on the house."

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