Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Dark Union


"I dunno if there's really a special way for a family dinner, but we'll show you if you want."

Kahlil shrugged nonchalantly. He wasn't thinking much at the moment, but dinner did sound nice. Real nice. .. Was he hungry? Maybe. He couldn't be too sure, but.. Yeah dinner sounded nice. He glanced briefly towards Valery, giving her a small smile just as the com clicked on. Ah, good. The cure. With the Sithspawn in hand, it made it far easier to be able to at least manufacture. And, well, Amani Serys Amani Serys certainly knew what she was doing.

".. Well, there. .. We'll be fine, see?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Valery nodded in agreement with Kahlil, "There's nothing too special about how to do it, but it'll feel special just because you're in good company. I'll cook so you two can take it easy, and... we just eat with all of us. Share stories, laugh and maybe the kids will want to show their new rooms and play with you." She smirked a little and hoped he wouldn't mind. She'd never force any of her Padawans to entertain a group of children, even if they were her own, but most seemed to like it.

Vera was great at making anybody have fun messing around with her.

She then turned to Kahlil as his comm went off and let out a soft sigh. It was pretty obvious she had been a little too worried about this plague, but she just couldn't help herself. Somehow, it always felt easier to be the one in a difficult situation, rather than watch while others were.

"Alright, you two, sit still," she said as she watched the doctor approach with two shots they had quickly synthesized. Both Jedi were given the cure, and slowly but surely, the effects of the plague would start to disappear.

"So..." she looked between the two of them. "How are you two feeling about the whole Master and Padawan thing?"

There wasn't anything special about it? Interesting. "I mean I wouldn't mind messing around with the kids. I don't think I'd be...great with kids if I'm being honest. I'm never normally good with people I think."" But the idea of being able to entertain the triplets and Vera was going to be pretty enjoyable if he was honest to himself. But now he had to think of some stories that would be suitable to tell the kids, which would be a bit of a struggle now that he thought about it all...Shaking his head afterwards, turning his attention back over Valery as the doctors came over to give them the cure for the plague. PArt of Shan wanted to reject it, but at the end of the day, as long as it was going to make him feel better, he was going to accept it.

It was going to take time for Shan to feel better, but he was going to be able to relax now and know that he was going to survive as he listened to Valery's question, and he bit his lip slightly, thinking back to the cave. He wasn't too sure what to say about it if he was being honest. He had already enjoyed it, even if it had been...a lot of danger and despair, before giving a short nod of her head, glancing back over towards Kahlil and Valery.

"I've been...enjoying it, but I feel bad for not listening to Master Kahlil's orders earlier...He told me to leave him and run whilst we were in the cave, but I stayed to try and defend him instead. He was holding up the roof for us and if I left him...The sithspawn would have just been able to slash away at him without anyone to defend him. I apologise Master Kahlil for not listening..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Ah, not being sick. Kahlil was visibly happy to have the shot once the medicine had been synthesized. With that, they'd be able to help the others here, and eventually he'd be able to focus on helping the Sithspawn itself. That was the ultimate goal now. He hummed as he listened, glancing to Shan for a moment with a brow raised. Then, just laughed.

"I told you to run for the same reason you stayed; the desire to protect. You don't have to apologize for it. Just expect me to make sure you're capable of at least defending yourself next time. The lessons won't be easy, but if that's your goal, you'll need them."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"I'm sure the kids will love you," Valery said without any doubt in her voice. Vera could make friends with just about anybody, and the triplets were babies and Nobles — they were always excited to play and mess around. Shan was also a very kind and polite person, so she felt very positive about bringing him closer to the kids.

Which wasn't something she did easily. Too many times have threats reached their home, so she was very picky about who was allowed to get close to her children.

Valery then listened to the two talk about what happened in the caves and chuckled, "Sounds like a very Jedi thing to do, Shan. But Kahlil is right, and he'll better prepare you for missions. I'm... sorry it got this intense. I should have been a lot more careful bringing people along for this." She frowned, clearly feeling bad over it.

"But just like my husband, I'll also continue to offer my training. Kahlil has often helped my Padawans, and I'll gladly continue to help his too."

The Noble Kids were already on the list of people Shan had wanted to protect, and it had been growing more nearly every week. Of course, there were a few people on that list who could protect themselves. Kahlil, Valery, Amani, Jasper. But there were over padawans like himself. Loomi...Lily could probably protect herself if he thought about it...Could Cora protect herself? More than likely, yes. There was...also another person in the back of his mind he thought about, but he kept himself from thinking about that. It was a thought he shouldn't be entertaining right now.

"I tired. It was hard for me to keep my ground with all of the tentacles. It was easier to protect myself, than it was to protect another person at the same time...I had to worry about not letting them get past me, but also not letting them get Master Kahlil." Shan decided honestly was the best policy and admit that it was just a mistake on his part. That he wasn't good enough, instead of saying that he would have been able to do it normally since he wouldn't have. All of the stress and the fear had gotten to him, and he'd happily admit that. Well, not happily but you get the point.

However, Shan frowned as it was clear to him that Valery felt bad about bringing Shan along for the journey, and he shook his head ever so slightly. "If I had not been there, it's possible that Master Kahlil could have been worse off. Without me to slash out at the Sithspawn's tentacles, he might not have been able to do...whatever he had done to fix the mine." He gave a small smile in Valery's direction, trying his best to try and make her feel better for the her actions. "Please. Don't worry about the past. It is through the Will of the Force that I came with you, and I survived. Think of the present Master Valery. Master Kahlil and I are going to live, the people here are going to get better, and we have a potentially redeemable sithspawn. We don't need to worry about what could have happened." He did lower his head afterwards however, giving an awkward chuckle. "I...apologise if I've spoken out of place. You've experienced more than I have."

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


The Will of the Force, huh?

Kahlil hummed as he watched the boy speak. Listened. It was easier with the plague being cleansed in his veins. He reached out after a moment though to bap Shan on the head. "Value your life more." Perhaps, once, Kahlil would've been more understanding of the mindset. They were Jedi, and it was faith in the Force that brought them their power. And yet, he'd already seen what happened when people rely on blind faith.

There'd already been far too many Padawan deaths.

"We should move him soon. The people here need closure, and they won't get it if we don't take them away." He looked to Valery, giving her a simple nod. It was time to move.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Valery offered Shan a grateful smile while she looked at him. She'd never really be able to shake her protectiveness, so it was hard not to put some blame on herself for what happened, but she could definitely move forward from today. It had been intense and dangerous, but Shan had held up well, and she hoped everything brought them closer as Master and Padawan too. In addition, if they were able to heal the Sithspawn, they'd also be saving another life.

"You haven't spoken out of place, but I do agree with my husband. Don't worry so much about us or others, and be okay with also focusing a bit on yourself. It's a lot easier to help people if you're feeling good about your own life." With that, she smiled and turned to Kahlil again.

"I agree. We should bring him to New Cov so there's some good oversight there. Then... we head home and get dinner and rest up. We can't help if we don't take care of ourselves, hm?"

Value his life more? Shan wasn't sure how to take that. He had always seen the life of a Jedi being around sacrifice, so the idea of valuing his life seemed...strange. To him, the life of his friends and the people he cared about had always been more valuable to him, and he had seen very little value in himself, but Kahlil and Valery were telling him otherwise. Telling him that he should value in himself which just made him go silent, as he was trying to wrap his head around it all. Was it okay for him to try and prioritise himself sometimes?...If that's what they were saying, then it must be alright.

"I'm just...used to risking myself to help others. Even before joining the order, I was risking my health on Nar Shaddaa to help strangers...So it might be hard for me to try and focus on protecting myself. I have to try somewhere." It was good to try and get that out at least. Let the pair of them know that the was at least going to try and focus on himself.

The mentioning of New Cov however caused Shan to sit up a little bit, breaking out into a grin. It was one of his favourite temples at the end of the day. He just nodded at the idea of going off to New Cov and then having dinner together, not really making any verbal comment on it. HE was just eager to have a good meal.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble


"That's what makes a good Jedi, the willingness to give everything to save another. But if someone is going to have to give their life, leave it to the oldies like me." He flashed a playful grin and a thumbs up to Shan. "We're a lot better at avoiding death than most others."

Then, he nodded to Valery. That was a plan. And a good one.

"Lets make it happen."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

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