Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Charter For All

Laconic as she was, Yusana made no remarks on the previous bickering and wittering on the part of the others in attendance. Doing so would not serve her, nor add any more value than what had already been put out there. Clearly moving forward there'd still be a lot to discuss, as with the inevitable birth pains of bringing forth any new charter, organization or movement. Such things were unavoidable with democratic institutions, but the Echani tarried no longer around such idling thoughts.

Immediately after the senator of Yutan sat down, she in turn rose to her feet and with that same stoic calm addressed the council.

"Senators, chancellor, I move that we discuss next the guidelines and policies for the filing of motions, votes of for and no confidence.Unless the honorable assembly wishes to discuss term limits for our offices?"

In introspect, it was this very nature of democracies however, as volatile as it was progressive, that would allow her to crystallize her long term ambitions - it would start with Talasea.

[member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darth Mara"] [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Corey Brave"]
Natalie giggled at Viktor's response. "I didn't know you were so passionate, however if we are going through it in that order, let's start." looking down at her datapad, writing something down. "As we all have different points of discussion to make, why don't we start right at the beginning. A definition for the Commenor Systems Alliance, along with a definition of the key roles within the governing body, and within each key role the term limit for said role if applicable."

"I believe we should all start by stating what we believe the CSA is, because only then can we define what it is."

"It only seems right that [member="Lady Kay"] define her own position of power, given its importance."

[member="Viktor Alexander"] - [member="Darth Ineritus"] - [member="Corey Brave"] - [member="Yusana Fenni"]
Corey was starting to like the Senate even more, it reminded him of his days as Prime Minster. He would spend whole sessions fighting with the opposition leaders and fighting off votes of no confidence in his Government. Now as he sat and watched the other senator and the chancellor he couldn’t help but be amused.
“My fellow Senators as much as I enjoy the passion of Senator [member="Viktor Alexander"], I do believe that we should get down to business. [member="Yusana Fenni"] is right we need to establish the filing motions for the senate. As most of you may know Gyndine has one of the most functional and deliberative parliaments in the galaxy. In our parliament, a motion is a formal proposal by a member to do something. Motions are the basis of the group decision-making process. They focus the group on what is being decided. The process of handling motions involves the following steps: 1.A member obtains the floor and makes a motion. 2.Another member seconds the motion. 3.The chair states the motion. 4.Members debate the motion. 5.The chair puts the motion to a vote. 6.The chair announces the results of the vote and what happens with the motion. The Vice Chancellor would fill the role of the chair and would also answer any parliamentary questions. I move that we adopt these rules as our own”
He paused
“As far as votes of no confidence go it’s really hard to tell at this particular time how it would work. The way it normally goes on Gydine and most other governments is that the leader of the opposition calls a vote of no confidence in the Government. The leader of the government would then debate the motion with the leader of the opposition. Once the debate was concluded there would be a vote based on a simple majority. If the government is defeated the senate would suspend and an election would be called. ”
On one had he had no idea how with a senate this small there could be an effective opposition party, but on the other hand it would be good to see it play out. No doubt [member="Viktor Alexander"] would be a natural leader of the opposition, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to see him go against [member="Lady Kay"].
“I do have two solutions to our problem. The first would be that any member of the Senate could call for a vote of no confidence. The second would be that we wait until we have more members so that we can form political parties and the two largest would be the party of government and the opposition.”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay just pursed her lips while [member="Viktor Alexander"] spoke. The man would always take issue with whatever she said or did. There was no right answer to come from her, even if she agreed with him or did as he proposed. He would always find something wrong with it.

She didn't respond well to people like that very well. She'd rather stay away from them. Yet Kay had no choice but to be around the man and to try to ignore her distaste for his personality for the sake of the government body and most importantly, to the people of all of the worlds under their care.

As he continued to speak, she came to realize that they were all wanting the very same thing. But what she called Legislation, he wanted it to be put in the Charter. The topics that he wanted to touch on were exactly what she wanted. Although instead of interupting, she just let him have his monologues, jotting down her own notes while she did so. Viktor was probably a lawyer in a past life, and not the military man that he told her that he was.

[member="Yusana Fenni"] spoke up next, taking a good route of not trying to upstage Viktor. Instead just suggesting that they move on to cover just a part of what he had brought up. Wise move.

Kay's attention was then turned to [member="Natalie LaForte"] as she giggled. Obviously she found this all quite entertaining. Perhaps she would too later on, but not right now. Her points were valid as well and so she jotted them down. At least there were audio recordings being done as well so that a proper draft could be made after this meeting had finally ended. That wasn't going to happen for some time.

Her eyes drifted over to [member="Darth Interitus"] whom had remained quiet during all of this. What was he thinking? What were his wants to come out of this meeting?

[member="Corey Brave"] caught her attention next. His parlimentary ideas were sound and very much what Commenor had before she...well, before she became Queen. But she didn't agree with some of his other ideas. They could tear the Senate apart instead of keeping it united. Kay didn't want that.

"Senator Alexander...Neither of us have ever been around during the creation of a Senate body such as what we are starting. I served in the Senate of the Galactic Republic for a time, and mostly I had encountered a lot of bickering. I don't know how it all started. Was it as small as our group here? Or was it already hundreds of Senators strong? Neither of us really know."

She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she glanced down to her notes. "But you bring in a lot of valid points, some of which we'll need to approach a little later today." No doubt they were going to need plenty of breaks today, and she was going to need plenty of tea.

"Senator Brave, I don't feel as though we should follow Gyndine's government in it's entirety. Opposition parties and the like only divide us when we should be united." Kay folded her hands on top of her datapad. "After the One Sith collapsed, Commenor was in such a sorry state. It's economy was floundering, the Underground was thriving and the people were suffering. But after I won the election, I fixed it, taking out corruption and clearing out the crime syndicates. I opened the doors for various governments and businesses, regardless of their affiliation, to come here in relative safety and neutrality and to conduct legal business. It worked. War has not come here, our economy grew, the health and well being of the Commenori vastly improved. And it was all done without oppressing people, but listening and working with their concerns. Others wanted to partake in our successes, to learn from it and impose it on their own people, so we decided to share our methods with others. Rather than invade and occupy, the Commenori way is through peace and understanding. That's what this Senate and our Alliance should represent.

As for the role of Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, I believe that the length of the term should be three years before an election is called. If re-elected, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor can serve for another three years. There shouldn't be a limit as to how many terms they can serve, especially if they are doing a great job. However...a vote of no confidence can be put forth by any Senate member and put to a vote at any time. If it passes, then an election is called immediately and the Senate is suspended until a new Chancellor is chosen."
She made a promise to her husband that she would walk away as leader if she was removed. Kay would still be Queen of Commenor, but her political duties would be diminished to only looking after her own world. But she hoped that that wouldn't happen for quite some time. "As for their responsibilities, I agree with what has already been spoken of.

Ladies and Gentlemen, are we all in agreement thus far, regarding the roles of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and their terms of office? If we are, then let us proceed to the next part in our discussion. Our protection provided by an allied military force." That seemed to be what others touched on the most.

[member="Kiran Arlos"]
Viktor looked over at [member="Natalie LaForte"] when she made her comment about him being passionate.

"I care about what is best for my people. We have put our faith, safety, and prosperity in the hands of the Chancellor and her ability to lead. That means ensuring this is done properly and does not turn into another Galactic Republic. You may find this a joke and amusing but I don't."

Viktor turned back to Kay as she went into her little speech.

"Are we in agreement on the terms of office? Sure the Offices have been defined but only one have even given an indication of what those terms limits should be. So just because you have decided does that mean the matter is closed? Am I not allowed to have an opinion on what the term limit should be. Or if term limits should even be implemented? How about my fellow Senators? Are they permitted to provide a number?"

Viktor paused.

"An Alliance Military? What Alliance? Surely not the Alliance that has not even been created yet? The Alliance we are here in large part to iron out and form?

Viktor glance at Corey before turning back to Kay.

"Filing motions? Filing motions to be brought before what? A Senate that doesn't exist? The very Senate we are supposed to be here to establish?

Viktor took a breath.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I am but a simple Navy man. I know ships, I know warfare, and I know discipline and structure. I don't have the depth of Senatorial experience some of you do. I have never been a Chancellor or a Prime Minister, and certainly never a King. What I do know however it without strong leadership. Without structure there can only be chaos."

He paused.


Viktor held his hands out.

"Is chaos Ladies and Gentlemen. This is a cluster. There is no direction, there is no common goal, there is only disorder. Today is not about legislation, today is not about voting. Today is about consensus. Today we establish the foundation and for the sake of democracy leave in the protocol for making amendments when all positions have been filled so that everyone who could not make it today can have their voice."

Viktor took a breath and neatly organized the papers in front of him more and more wishing he had stayed on Yutan and refused the granted temporary Senator seat in the CSA. Today was an utter failure and a total waste of time. Even if things got back on track they had already wasted hours of progress. Hours they would never get back. Even worse the group was devolving. The Honorable Senator from Gyndine who had first only wanted to be the seat of Military power but now apparently wanted to model the entire CSA government after his own planet. Senator Fenni he really couldn't nail down anything about. Senator LaForte apparently thought this was all just an amusing joke.

Viktor was beginning to develop and huge dislike for politics. First from having to deal with Kay whom he knew was well aware of what the right thing to do was but was too afraid of making the wrong call or of offending somebody to do what was needed. Second from the time he had spent so far seated in this very room. He was beginning to feel a very uncomfortable knot in the pit of his stomach.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Darth Interitus"]
This banter is tiresome.

The Senator of Talasea lightly shook her head in silence as she gave the others the usual courtesy of letting them talk. Personally she wasn't one to get caught up in sentimentalities, and moreso in this scenario. As an erudite scholar back on Eshan she was more than aware of the compromises that came with democratic institutions - again, their appeal lay in their twofold attribute of pliability and diversity.

With a simple raise of her hand, her gaze once again averted from her lap as she turned to face her fellows. "My personal take on the offices of the chancellor and vice chancellor is that their terms need not be set in stone, nor does it have to be limited to a certain number of terms. I propose that once a revolution, we do take a health check of trust in the Offices of the Chancellor and his or her deputy. A simple vote of confidence or no-confidence from the senate, I figure, would be sufficient. As for the senators themselves, I recall an earlier motion to recognize their election based on the electoral processes from the planets they represent - this too I approve of."

"As for their term limits, 4 revolutions a term, and a maximum of 3 terms. That's a maximum total of 12 years." Yusana then paused slightly and cleared her throat before continuing, "Unless of course local planetary legislation calls for a re-election of a new representative."

We'll probably have to talk about protocols for non-recognized representatives later on, she thought. Coups were commonplace these days.

[member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Natalie LaForte"]
Natalie gave a stern look towards [member="Viktor Alexander"], "I don't think this is all a joke. I'm laughing because we came in here without an organized agenda, which without, let's be frank, are just discussing things in a disorganized manner. In fact, I believe you're the only one who has actually attempted to make this look organized in the slightest." Pausing and then looking at [member="Darth Interitus"] "And for the entire time that I have been in this room, there has been one member who has refused to speak, agree or even give me a notion that he has any interest in this. Well I do. And I think that it is an insult that we-.. Forget it."

Pushing her hair back and closing her eyes before speaking again. "I agree with what Senator [member="Yusana Fenni"] and Chancellor [member="Lady Kay"] in regards to term limits and Senatorial representation. As for the statements Senator [member="Corey Brave"] has stated, I heavily disagree and would even go so far as to outlaw political factions in the Commenor senate. Voting decisions should be made entirely based on what the Senator best believes his or her planet wants to happen. Not based on a corrupt system of voting because you don't want to be removed from a party."
Yusana nodded in agreement and offered the senator a soft smile, she herself sharing the same sentiment. "It is not difficult to appreciate the conditions that give rise to factions, but I believe we must reject the temptation to give in to lobbying. This Senate must not succumb to pressure, and remain united and strong if any commonwealth is to come of the Systems Alliance."

Personally, the Senator of Talasea had some very interesting takes on democracy as an ideology - one her close confidantes and subordinates were well aware of. Planting the seeds of democracy, Yusana reckoned, was a lot like raising a child. Too many rules and you made it timid, but too few and you spoiled it. Faction politics were unfathomable to the senator, as they sowed rifts between colleagues and tended to dumb complex issues down for the sake of making populist arguments. Either way, she'd have none of it.

However, the Senators of Talasea and Gydine would have much more to discuss, away from the chamber and its motley crew.

[member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Corey Brave"]
To Corey it seemed that the members of the Senate lacked the necessary political experience to understand the harsh realties of politics. He had learned from experience that people of like minds tend to stick together in politics, that's where political parties tended to come from. It wasn't that he particularly wanted parties in the Senate, but as it expanded they would be inevitable.

"I would remind the Senate that almost all of the successful democracies in the history of the galaxy have had political parties or coalitions. I'm not necessarily advocating for them, but they are a fact of political life that everyone has to deal with eventually. As far as term limits go I'm in agreement with the Chancellor [member="Lady Kay"]. I also think that [member="Yusana Fenni"] has some good ideas about democracy".

Three years seemed like a reasonable time for an election for Chancellor and Vice Chancellor.

"I would like to remind [member="Natalie LaForte"] and [member="Viktor Alexander"] that democracy is often times messy and disorganized during it creation. People may not get everything they want, but I do believe that we are all in basic agreement about the concept of the legislative and executive Branch of government. There are of course many things that will need to be discussed for instance what government ministries are we going to have, and the contributions that each planet will make to the military. What we really need at this time is agreement on the fundamentals of what we want and how we plan to get there. Democracy is never easy, but if you put in the work down the road it will get easier.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay narrowed her eyes slightly as [member="Viktor Alexander"] chastized [member="Natalie LaForte"] for giggling, when he himself was laughing a little just moments before. Then he assumed to twist her words, as though she was dictating when she had said otherwise.

Until now, Kay had remained seated. But now she stood with her hands on the table, leaning forward on them as she glared at Viktor. It was obvious that the two didn't get along, unless people were blind to it. Yet they would find out now. Her voice was raised, but she wasn't yelling. Yet... "Senator Alexander...I asked everyone if we were in agreement. I did not say that we had to move on right away without everyone having a say.

Every step we take, every suggestion that we make is belittled by your negativity and criticism, even when we start to cover your points. This is not one of your ships and you are not in command over everyone here. You were hired to represent the great people of Yutan, not to be defiant of everything stated by everyone else. You may have only jotted down three lines of text that you feel are important, but I can assure you that others have written far more than that. This Senate, this Alliance is to represent equality and co-operation. If you feel that you cannot be compelled to be constructive and listen to your fellow Senators, instead of solely being critical of everything we say, then I suggest that you ask your government to find a replacement."

She glared at him for a few seconds longer before retaking her seat and folding her hands on top of the table. Kay looked to [member="Yusana Fenni"] as she spoke of personally not wanted set term limits on the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, yet a 12 year maximum limit on Senators. "Senator Fenni, it is not up to us on who holds the Senate position for a planet, or for how long their terms of service can be. That decision falls to that planet's government alone. We may not like their choices, but we have to work with them, regardless. Senator LaForte, the idea of factions and parties within this Senate body would hurt us more than it would do us good."

Kay sighed a little as she looked from [member="Natalie LaForte"] to [member="Corey Brave"] and [member="Darth Interitus"] . "We are all different individuals, from different worlds and different ways of life. Our governments are all structured differently and we're used to things being done a certain way, which happens to differ from the others. The Republic Senate fell because of bickering like this. Little could be accomplished as others weren't willing to listen without being critical. It's okay to have a difference of opinion, but there are better ways to address it than putting others and this whole body down.

I was asked earlier as to what I believed this Alliance to be and I spoke of how and why it was formed. I ask you all, do we share the same goals? Do we want peace, unity, stability and protection? We all have plenty to bring to the table to accomplish all of that if we respect eachother and hear eachother out. That's what I'm trying to do.

All of our points and decisions made will be written down in a proper Charter for all of us to sign once we are finished. If we continue to go in circles, then it will slow our progress.

Now for the sake of argument, we seem to have reached an agreement on term limits for the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, as well as the margin needed for all votes to pass being 60/40. Does anyone else have something to say on those two matters?"
Viktor let Kay have her moment. Even as every muscle in his body screamed for him to jump out of his chair and meet her aggression in kind. His face remained neutral through her entire tirade and subsequent speech. When she was finished Viktor calmly stood and took a breath. He looked at all of the people in the room before his gaze settled on Kay. Today he had another reason to be thankful to be away from Jedi. His face and body language may have been composed but underneath he was far from. It would be another minute before he spoke.

"My fellow Senators if you will indulge me for a moment as difficult a request as that may be let's recap our progress so far."

He paused.

"Today started off with an announcement to the purpose of creation of a Charter with appropriate checks and balances and then no formal agenda but plenty of Sapir tea for Queen Arenais. Only open discussion with no clear bullet points to discuss.

The Honorable Senator from Gyndine [member="Corey Brave"] then proposing the use of his world as the Headquarters for the Alliance Military. I move that i suggested be postponed but did not in the slightest express a stance on much less criticized. Unless I missed something a move we all agreed to. Then in regards to subcommittees the same response which I was under the impression agreed to but postponed without prejudice. Finally the creation of Vice Chancellor. I move met in the middle in that the position has been approved but no move to currently fill said position."

Viktor paused scanning the room.

"I suggested ironing out the positions and responsibilities of the positions of Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Senator. Even going as far as to make a show of support in Queen Arenais currently holding that role. A proposal quickly agreed upon without rebuttal. Followed by the Honorable Senator from Talasea [member="Yusana Fenni"] proposing a 60/40 confirmation vote for the position of Vice Chancellor which was expanded to include all votes and agreed upon without prejudice."

Viktor paused.

"Then we have the Honorable Senator from Cato Nemoidia [member="Natalie LaForte"] proposing discussion on economy and trade. A discussion postponed again without prejudice in agreement of all parties voicing an opinion. Followed by equal proposals from both Senator Fenni and Senator Brave to open discussion on policies and guidelines for motions, creation of political parties, and term limits."

Viktor scanned the room.

"The proposal of political parties largely dismissed with what I would categorize as mid prejudice a point I have yet to address but speaking on it now am not in favor of. The topic of term limits in which you did not yet actually have a majority on until after a questioned the existence of a Majority but you were yet will to assume majority consensus on and already proposing to move on to the topic of the military. A topic previously agreed on to be saved until a later day. Not to mention attempting to move on with the topic of guidelines and protocols for motions offered by both Senator Brave and Senator Fenni having not yet been covered."

Viktor focused on [member="Lady Kay"] for a moment before going back to focus on the group in it's entirety. Viktor took a breath before moving on.

"Personally I am not in favor of term limits but I will acknowledge the now majority support. Moving on a bit of personal response since personal feelings have taken over an otherwise professional meeting."

He paused once again looking at Kay.

"You are correct Chancellor I am not in charge here nor do I wish to be. My only concern is to do my utmost to ensure that the Alliance we create here today, the Senate we are here to create today is not only the best possible outcome we can have but stands the test of time. I will point out that I have yet today asked for anything on behalf of myself nor the people of Yutan. I have only focused on the greater good. I have yet as you say criticized any proposal set forth today. Not even the ones I suggested be tabled for another day.

I have however encouraged each and everyone of us, myself included, remain on task with a clear and focused goal. Not only a goal but a less chaotic path to reach that goal. Something which I whole heartily agree is very much necessary for not just today but to ensure a stable future for this Alliance. Personal feelings have no room here and should not take a seat in these Chambers much less a front seat."

Viktor turned to Senator LeForte.

"Now I owe you an apology Senator. My interpretation of your reaction was obviously off based and uncalled for. For that I sincerely apologize."

Viktor then turned to Senator Brave.

"I respectfully disagree with your assessment Senator. We are not creating Democracy here. Democracy already exists. It has existed for centuries if not for a Millennia or two. What we are trying to do here is implement Democracy. The implementation of which should not be messy or disorganized if we want it to succeed."

Viktor finally turned back to the Chancellor.

"I must profess I don't understand why you would bring personal opinion much less personal grievances into this Chamber. It defeats the purpose and only furthers to keep us from our goal for much longer than we need."

He paused.

"This Senatorial body is within it's yet to be established rights to request the Yutani government consider my removal from my seat has temporary as that seat may be anyway. Granted under the very initiative you claim to want to respect the sovereignty of the member worlds are under no obligation to comply with. However it would be a much better use of our time to entertain the proposal on the establishment of Guideline and protocols on presenting motions before Senate suggested by both Senator's Brave and Fenni. After which perhaps in the interest of cooler heads prevailing perhaps a recess until tomorrow would be a good idea."

Viktor then retook his seat and took a breath grabbing a sip of water.

[member="Darth Interitus"]
(OOC: I apologise for joining this thread much later than expected. I hope my character's arrival does not feel too out of place. I will keep my entrance brief so i can hop right in)

The grand senate hall was loud today. Loud with the ever familiar and frustrating sound of diplomats arguing. Effie had only been the Senator of Tarhassan for a short time and she already felt somewhat fed up with the bickering that often echoed through the beautiful halls of the Senate. Effie made her way slowly through the halls with her handmaidens following closely, rolling her bright blue eyes and letting out a sigh every time she heard a raised voiced coming from the direction she was headed. Effie was late, very late. In fact, Effie was so late that she considered not turning up at all despite how unprofessional it would make her look. Ultimately it was the opportunity to see [member="Lady Kay"] again that changed her mind.

"My lady, we have received word that the meeting has been underway for quite some time" One of Effie's nervous handmaidens whispered in her ear. Effie faced her and shot her a cocky smile

"And?" The handmaiden seemed shocked by Effie's remark.
"It's better to turn up late than not at all, darling" Effie said with a smirk causing her handmaiden to fall into silence.

After a short while Effie had arrived at her destination. She could tell by the sound of disagreement that this is where she was supposed to be. Effie signalled her handmaidens to wait outside and she finally made her entrance. Effie was not exactly dressed appropriately for the occasion. Her beautiful gown and jewels were more suited for a ball or a formal party of some kind. This would be no surprise to anyone however. Effie was known for her decadent and lavish lifestyle.

Effie entered the room boldly. Her confidence and slightly arrogant nature showing clearly.

"My honourable senators, Forgive me for arriving so late. I had some important matters to deal with"

Effie looked slowly around the room, meeting eyes with everyone and giving them a well rehearsed smile. Effie's eyes then fell upon Lady Kay and her smile widened.

"Ah your grace! I see you are as charming as ever" Effie said to Lady Kay as she headed off in her direction. Effie then spoke to everyone in the room as she made her way to a vacant seat near Lady Kay.

"I have been filled in on most of the things discussed here so far. You wont need to worry about catching me up"

(ooc: I apologise again for this intro. it's short and lacking. I just wanted to catch up quickly)
Interitus had listened very carefully, he had chosen not to speak so far, as he had wanted to hear everyone's view point. He as both a Sith and a man of political intrigue it was always the best decision to wait and listen before speaking out of term. He had an abundance of calm in order to achieve this, and so he waited as they discussed terms regarding the needs for terms regarding the Chancellorship and Vice Chancellorship respectively. He as a Senator was never really used to discussing terms about such things. In fact this was his first time being part of such a huge ordeal that the best option was to in fact listen.

So far he had listened to Chancellor Kay and Senator Alexander go back and forth, he found the bickering pointless, but the points that were brought up, by both Senator Fenni and Senator Brave proved to be interesting, as far as terms that were discussed he had nothing to say in regards to such matters, as he felt that perhaps an agreement had been reached.

He then heard Senator LeForte speak as she looked his way, for a moment he wanted to show her his power, but that would mean revealing his true nature and his plans. He was in no position to do that now. He then spoke as he looked at her his core world accent showed, and so did not waste time with the words he had to say. "Pardon me Senator LeForte, but I believe you are in no position to belittle me out of simply listening, a wise man tends to listen to matters at hand before speaking out of turn. If you are suggesting that I speak out of turn to matters I am largely unfamiliar with, and insult me just for listening then I am afraid you are no better than a bickering Senator from the Old Republic then. So let's get to important matters than insulting one another for doing the right thing then it is perhaps in everyone's best interests if we move on with our grateful alliance shall we." He gave her a slight smile only hinting at his disdain for her insult behind the veil of his words.

He looked to the Chancellor giving her a nod. "My apologies for not speaking, as someone who is new to being in a Senate I am unaware how terms work, but I believe we are all in agreement, and if we do nominate for Vice Chancellor I would like to nominate myself for such a position. As far as legislation goes If I may I have an idea. In order to create better lives for our citizens if I may I would like to propose we cut down the military and focus on Industrialization and Education, I know it may seem early but I would like to propose that idea for the betterment of our citizens, I have been in the works with doing the same for Belasco, and I hope to try to accomplish it in the Senate."

He stopped as he looked over, and noticed a new comer approach, which he then went back to listening, and waited to hear what the other Senator's, and even what the chancellor had to say.

[member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Natalie LaForte"]
Corey found [member="Darth Interitus"] to be one the more interesting members of the senate. In his experience it was always the quiet ones that you had to look out for. As he listened to the senator speak he couldn't help but smile, everything that he had to say in regards to [member="Natalie LaForte"] was spot on. The only problem was what the man said at the end about nominating himself to be Vice Chancellor, that job would belong to Corey. The experienced political operator that he was knew that if he was going to get the votes needed he was going to have to spend some time lobbying his fellow senators.

"Senator [member="Darth Interitus"], I happen to agree with you. I think that person who takes their time and thinks over issues is much more valuable to the Senate than someone who just shoots from the hip about things they don't know. I think that as different people from different planets it's incumbent for all of us here to understated and accept the fact that we all have different styles. If a Senator wants to sit back and watch a debate play out, that is there right."

He smiled "I do however disagree with the Senator that this is the time for us to consider filling the position of Vice Chancellor, perhaps we could discuss filling the job after we take a recess and all Senators have chance to think the matter over. I would also like to welcome the arrival of [member="Effie Duanna"], I have always been a believer of better late than never. I'm sure that she would like to give her opinion on some of the matters that we have discussed."

[member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Natalie LaForte"]
Effie had only just taken a seat next to [member="Lady Kay"] when she heard [member="Corey Brave"] mention her name. His statement about her giving her opinions on today's discussions caught her off guard a little. Effie was a newcomer in the game of politics, her experience was vastly lacking when compared to her fellow Senators with whom she was currently sitting with. However, everyone has to start somewhere right?
Normally Effie would turn to Kay for advice in a situation like this. But if she wanted to play with the big boys and girls she would need to make herself known and heard.

"First of all i would like to thank Senator Corey for his warm welcome. It is truly appreciated"

Effie gave Corey a soft but brief smile and then shifted her gaze to Kay next to her. Anyone in the room could tell that Effie did this to comfort herself more as she was now noticeably nervous.

"I would love to give my thoughts Senator Corey. thank you"

Effie glanced at everyone.

"I understand that i arrived pretty late to this meeting so i will keep this brief to avoid us having the feeling that we are just running in circles"

Effie cleared her throat

"I should state that like the honourable Senator Interitus, i am very new to this. I hope my lack of experience will not cloud your judgement of me. From what i can see on my datapad here, it seems that most of the things discussed at the start of the meeting were all agreed on unanimously. Well, i too agree with them. I think the honourable senators [member="Viktor Alexander"] and [member="Yusana Fenni"] brought up great points and i agree with their opinions on them"

Effie turned back to Corey and smiled at him

"I also think your point was great as well Senator Corey. But like the rest of our fellow senators, i too feel that it is a discussion for another day"

Effie looked back down at her datapad

"Lets see, what else do we have.... Ah yes. I agree with the idea of set term times but no set number of terms. A good politician who is doing their job well is not always so easy to come by so i see no need to keep them out of office if his or her people want them to remain"

Effie looked back down at her datapad and noticed that there was nothing else left on it.

"Forgive me. It seems i have went through all my notes. If it is okay with Lady Kay, i will catch up through her notes. I would just like to thank everyone for letting me voice my opinions, I apologise if i seem somewhat unprepared. I promise that this will not be the case next time"

Effie stared at Kay like a child looking at a parent for approval for a good few seconds then returned her gaze to her fellow senators.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay frowned slightly as [member="Viktor Alexander"] got up. Again he twisted her words, as well as others, and again he only heard what he wanted to hear. She had rebuttals for everything that he said, but remained silent. No doubt he'd take issue with that as he took issue with everything that she said or did. He just wasn't being constructive. Did he want them to write down the proper steps for eating and breathing as well? For him, common sense had to be legislated. For him postponements meant another day, instead of just for the moment. If they only took one issue a day, it would take forever to get anything done. His suggestion of a day's long recess was far too long as well. Recesses were only for a half hour, tops. Maybe things work very slowly on Yutan, but they don't elsewhere.

She smiled however when [member="Effie Duanna"] arrived. The two have only known eachother for a short while, but they became quick friends. Kay didn't have very many of those. Most wanted something from her. But Effie didn't. She whispered to her, "Good to have you here. We'll chat later."

Her attention then went to [member="Darth Interitus"] as he finally spoke up. She smirked a little as he tried to set everyone straight, but at least they now knew of his position on certain things. She raised a brow a bit at his suggestion of cutting back the military. It was already not as well funded as other large governments, not by a longshot. Yet there were certain standards that they had to maintain. And putting himself forth as a candidate for Vice-Chancellor? That would be interesting. But she already knew who she was voting for if he threw his name in the hat.

Kay slid her datapad over to Effie after she spoke, nodding to her with a small smile. The lady did well for her first meeting.

"Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen for your patience. I know that we are running in a bit of circles as we all have different ways of approaching topics. If I had laid everything out in a specific order and told everyone that that is the way we are to conduct this first meeting, I'd only be accused of being a dictator. This is the first time that we are together, the first time that we've spoken. We shouldn't have to write down the hows and whys for every little thing, but use common sense. We are brainstorming here, getting to know what eachother thinks are the most important issues to them and going from there. It helps us to learn and be constructive, rather than combative.

But if the majority wishes that I jot down every little detail and every order down, even to the minute that people are allowed to speak so that everything fits in a predetermined strict schedule with no allowances, then we can take an extended break of one day for me to write it all up for everyone and give them to you all to look over and vote on. Is that better?"
She didn't want to do it that way, always wanted to go the more personable route as they were so small in numbers. But some people just preferred to be told what to do.

[member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Yusana Fenni"]
"Your Grace, I respectfully disagree."

The Senator of Talasea spoke up once again, still with that serene but unfeeling tone as she rose to her feet and faced the Chancellor. "I think I speak for us all here when I say that debating the more technical aspects of charter is tiresome, and I agree. But we must not give in to vexation or red tape." She gave the Chancellor a soft, reassuring smile.

"At this point, if I may humbly recommend for the Senate, that we discuss the principles that the Charter will revolve around rather than its technicalities. I see now that we will not be able to cover everything in an evening - we'll conclude in a fortnight at the rate we're going, and by then we'll be so deprived of sleep the charter will seem as though it was written by spacers and like scum rather than politicians and statesmen", she continued as she laughed and gestured to everyone with her open hand.

"Principles today, my esteemed colleagues and Your Grace, and we can have follow-up sessions to discuss the clauses and sections of each item we run through." Yusana's head and eyes turned to the other senators, with that same warm smile against her heavy-set yellow-to-green eyes.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Do you have an issue with me suggesting that we all speak, regardless of our intellectual capacity or is that too much to ask? In fact, I find it quite funny that you have ambitions of becoming the Vice Chancellor but can not even agree to something as simple as a term limit. And welcome to this 'discussion', Senator Duanna." Smiling and squinting her eyes, then continuing to speak in reply to [member="Lady Kay"].

"Had you have done that, then this would have run a lot smoother. I'm not suggesting that you need to go and write a rigid structure, because obviously the rest of the Senate believes that would be a negative for some reason, but I would at least like to think that we could choose a topic, debate it and then move on. Granted, that is what is happening now, however I felt that earlier, things were not running as smooth as I would have personally liked, and I'm sure everybody else can agree to some extent."

Natalie had no ambitions of becoming Vice Chancellor, simply more responsibilities that she couldn't be interested in delegating. For who she wanted to become it though? She wasn't sure. Infact, she wasn't sure the position of Vice Chancellor was even necessary in such a small group. "Could I suggest that the position of Vice Chancellor be simply left vacant rather than filled, at least until we have more Senators. In my humble opinion, in a group of 7 individuals I don't believe it will have the impact that anybody thinks it will and is simply creating a title that will cause jealousy and a superiority complex, rather than having checks and balances. Could we all not agree that the current Chancellor, Lady Kay, does not require anybody to check her? Considering we have decided to make the monarch simultaneously have the most important position in the legislative body, I personally don't believe we have any reason to doubt her decisions."

[member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Corey Brave"] @@Yusana Fenni [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Darth Interitus"]
Corey had no intention of waiting for more senators in order to be elected Vice Chancellor, he wanted the position as soon as possible. The members of the senate that they had now would work well, and as Vice Chancellor he was sure that he could convince more people to join.

"Esteemed Senators, I disagree with [member="Natalie LaForte"]. I believe that the this government would do well to have balance, if the executive branch of government has only a monarch it will cause some to work against us. A Vice Chancellor who comes from a democratic planet could go a long way in reassuring people that our intentions are pure. I think that the position of Vice Chancellor should be filled in the near future. Even though we do not have a large senate, it is important to establish the system that we want now so that future members can be assimilated easily. My intention is only to bring stability to this government, I have led a government before and I can tell you that peoples trust is very hard to gain and extraordinarily easy to lose."

He turned to the Chancellor

"I think that your doing a good job[member="Lady Kay"]. If there had been a specific list of things that needed to be done, it would have been inevitable that people would have felt that you were trying to dictate the agenda. At our present rate it's clear that everyone will express there feeling and ideas by the time we are done here, I count that as a success."
Viktor sat and listened quietly for a few minutes. It took everything he had not to bang his head on the table...........repeatedly. When he finally spoke Viktor didn't stand this time he just spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen there will not be a Vice Chancellor. Not to today, not tomorrow, and not even next week. To keep bring it up is just beating a dead Bantha. We don't need one right now and we will not have one right now. Chancellor Arenais is more than capable and is all the leadership we need until we have expanded more and out grown the current set up of this room. Let's move on."

Viktor turned to address Kay specifically.

"Chancellor you have a vision. A vision that spawned the creation of this Alliance and the governing body to guide it into the future. I can't speak for my fellow Senators but I came here today expecting to be introduced to that vision. We don't see exactly what you see so we have to rely on you to paint the master piece for us."

He paused.

"Presenting a vision for us to consider and give feedback on is not the same thing as walking in with a Charter and demanding we all sign it. However it seems like you are finally looking at this from the perspective of more a leader than a Diplomat. That is the person I can get behind."

Viktor looked at his fellow Senators before turning back to Kay once again.

"It seems like we have made as much progress as we can make today and have gotten further off track than we can correct before the sun rises. I would like to encourage you to seriously consider the recess I suggested earlier. To take the time to ironed out that vision you have and come back with something to weigh in on. It can even be broad strokes if you prefer but let me point something out. It is much easier to remove a clause believed to be too rigid than it is to create something from scratch that is missing."

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Corey Brave"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Yusana Fenni"] [member="Darth Interitus"] [member="Effie Duanna"]

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