Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Just someone here to visit their dear sister. Though, should a Jedi truly speak as crass as... Well, you have been?"

Honey, you don’t know the half of it,” Eloise replied. Once again, she felt like she was wasting her time. She would never be enough for these people.

Including Makko. At his icy response, Eloise merely shrugged and leaned back in her seat. Clearly she had hit a nerve. Whatever. Let him go on weeping into Cora’s satin skirts.

"I didn't realize it was common for Princesses to become Jedi. I suppose that's good for Coco at least, she could make a friend. Especially with how... Brutal, the Jedi seem to spar."

You weren’t here when they challenged each other to a duel to the death. I talked them down to a spar with nonlethal training sabers. I figure fighting will at least let them get it out of their systems.” One would win, and one would lose. At least in theory the loser would have to defer to the winner. The locked horns stalemate they had been in would be broken.

Once Taryn drew first blood, Makko ran off to put a stop to the duel. Blue guy and the Nautolan girl acted like everything was over with, wrapped up in a neat little bow. Unfortunately, it seemed they had judged the matter prematurely.

“How dare you!” Taryn snarled at Makko. “This is an honorable duel! I’ll not have it interrupted, let alone by another man!”

She took a swing at him with her training saber. Albrecht moved to strike her from the side. Perhaps in his mind he only intended to stop her, but from her end it just looked like he was coming at her again. The two of them went right back to fighting, this time in a much more chaotic manner. They knocked over a training dummy and accidentally triggered a combat training remote, which began firing annoying little stun bolts willy-nilly.

Eloise sighed, smiled a bit, then grabbed a training saber and joined in the fray.

Makko was not ready to be supervising this level of chaos.

Honorable duel.

"For the love of..."

Makko ducked under a laser bolt from the remote and kept closing on the pair. He lifted his left hand, palm forwards.

He had never been skilled in affecting the real world. The feelings of people and the programming of machines came more naturally.

Both dualist were shoved backwards firmly by his invisibly push.

Eloise sighed, smiled a bit, then grabbed a training saber and joined in the fray.

"If you could calm him down..." Makko pleaded, looking over his shoulder. He activated his own saber and moved to intercept the hapan.

Teru Challo


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Wearing: Robes
Wielding: Staff
TAGS: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

"I believe we can keep it to a civil level without being a bore." A soft pleased sound as he shed the outer robe and watched the Nautolan lead the way.

A prickle of warning at the back of his neck and throat as the sharp hiss of anger floated in the air. A bright orb of orange glittering with a hue of red at the edges causing his hands to move instinctively.

The other male however seemed to have a handle on it, even as the remote droid attempted to Stun him. Asking for assistance from the one he guessed to be the crass princess.

All of it allowing Teru to step back from the tenuous tightrope of control. The mental leap to ending the situation with a controlled expression of violence a worrying sensation he would reflect on later. Had their feelings influenced him that quickly? Perhaps convinced himself he had been at ease with subtle lies. Thoughts for another time, his hand withdrawing the staff that clicked open.

A defeated huff escaped the Pantoran, addressing the Nautolan.

"Need to settle the air before anyone spars. Aid whichever you see fit. I'll deal with the remote." Using the staff more as a guide than a weapon as the remote drifted back and forth, attempting to tag anyone that drew close while throwing free stun bolts around. The sensation of danger drifting into his left arm, his steps shifting right as the remote fired into empty air.

He shook his head, grinning at enjoying the simpler aspects of training.


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Tags: Teru Challo Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Ilo felt some headache amongst the turmoil of emotions felt by her tendrils. Tension, anger, despair, anxiety. The auras she saw through Force Vision became bolder, enhanced by their feelings, as they started to give in. All of the Jedi that went to the aid of the pair, in some way, were failing to keep focused and steady. She, however, would try her best to not let her inner will take control.

As she sprinted, she didn't care to take a training saber because she knew she wouldn't need it to resolve such a petty situation. When Teru instructed her, the only one not receiving attention was Albrecht, so the Nautolan nodded and turned in his direction. Before he could continue the conflict, Ilo, with the help of the Force, dashed right in front of him, appearing out of a blue blur.

She had her arms opened wide in a T-Pose, and the Padawan was also careful not to make physical contact with him in order to avoid stressing him more. With nearly 2 meters of height and a bulky build, she was a considerable obstacle if he tried something silly and was ready to grab him like a baby if she needed to do it. She also had her real saber, nonetheless.

"Halt! I know you didn't mean to strike her, I could feel you. You had good intentions, so use them now." Over her shoulder, the group was starting to control the situation. "See? Lots of people. They won't let this go on anyway. So breathe. Don't give in to hate, you are doing just fine. You proved to be classier."



"To the death? Jedi?"

Dominic grimaced. Corazona was here to recuperate after her husbands death, and yet they were so.. Violent here? Jedi, of all people? The stories he heard were seeming more and more akin to fantasy than truth. Such a shame. Their siblings would be heartbroken to know this truth. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned to walk away and leave the group to their fighting before suddenly throwing himself to the side.

Instinct, pure and simple. Just as one of the drones shots whizzed right by where he was standing.

He sat there on his rear, breath quickened from the sheer adrenaline of it all. He looked to the group of yelling Jedi before gritting his teeth and stood. Dusted himself off to settle his outfit before he again twisted a moment before a stray shot would've hit him. Sure, he was a visitor who likely wandered where he shouldn't have, but was it really okay for the Jedi to outright ignore someone who could get hurt?

"Are you all really even Jedi?"

He stood straight this time, glancing through the crowd with a very disappointed frown.

Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Teru Challo
Much like Albrecht, Makko’s intentions were (presumably) good, but his use of the Force to shove the combatants apart was unwise. To them, it was just another assault, something that caused pain. Both reached out at nearly the same time, their combined power creating a surge of telekinetic force directed at Makko.

"If you could calm him down..."

Eloise wasn’t quite sure what she planned to do. She had picked up a weapon mainly for the purpose of self-defense… and to have a little fun. Her blood was up, her reason boiling away in the heat of the moment, the joy of battle running thickly in her veins. But as she watched him get blasted, she burst out laughing.

"Are you all really even Jedi?"

Dominick’s incredulousness only made her laugh harder. “What even is a Jedi?” she guffawed. “Everyone I’ve ever met who called themselves a Jedi was unworthy!

"Halt! I know you didn't mean to strike her, I could feel you. You had good intentions, so use them now. See? Lots of people. They won't let this go on anyway. So breathe. Don't give in to hate, you are doing just fine. You proved to be classier."

Albrecht reared back as the Nautolan girl suddenly leaped in front of him, pronouncing him the “classier” party. Flattery and praise, now that will get you somewhere. One corner of his mouth curled up in a lopsided smile, only for him to wince as his cut cheek stung at the movement. This “victory” was bitter.

Finally, as Taryn began to advance upon Makko, her wrath having shifted from the submissive Albrecht to the tattooed man that had dared to lay an invisible hand upon her, Eloise put aside her mirth and froze the Hapan in mid-swing. “How’s that?” she asked Makko.

The healer who had arrived was hindered by the haywire remote, waiting for Teru to take care of it.

Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni Teru Challo Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania

Makko, having taken a gut punch of telekentic energy, drew himself tall again. The empathetic nautolan padawan was doing a fine job in taking Albrecht down, whilst Eloise held Taryn in place.

He glanced over his shoulder. Eloise was quick to declare everyone unworthy. His gaze passed over Dominick, slowing to offer a brief apologetic look.

Eloise bowing up at the slumber party had amused him. Her behaviour here did not. Something was not right in her life. So much potential, but seeking out opportunities to grate against those around her was self-destructive.

Makko offered a simple, tankful glance for stopping the hapan.

His attention returned to the noble duelists. Their attitude evoked memories of a young prince sneering down his nose as Makko.

He waved his hand.

The lightsaber in Taryn's hand sparked once and was broken.

"When a knight asks you to stop, you stop. Whatever rules you believe you had, in this training hall, that one matters more. Do I make myself clear?"

There was no anger in his tone, but he left no room for misinterpretation.
"When a knight asks you to stop, you stop. Whatever rules you believe you had, in this training hall, that one matters more. Do I make myself clear?"

Taryn, being stuck in stasis, couldn't utter a response.

"Why did you do that?" Eloise asked, gesturing to the Hapan's sparking training saber. "Was it supposed to be symbolic? Because that's not her lightsaber, you know. You just broke Temple property." She raised an eyebrow. "And since when are you a Knight?"

"You can let her go now," Makko replied quietly.

He glanced over his shoulder at Eloise. A deep breath and he let some of the tension out of his stance.

"Do you want to talk later?" he asked, knowing that he had ignored questions and responded with his own.

And also knowing that he was about to be subjected to a ha tongue lashing.

Teru Challo


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Wearing: Robes
Wielding: Staff
TAGS: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

The remote released Stun bolts as Teru drew closer. The haphazard bolts getting closer with each of his steps until he had to finally use the staff to absorb a bolt, his free hand raised as the little droid was pulled into his hand.

His thumb tracing the outer shell until he found what felt like a switch. His hand radiating energy as the remote tried to shock him once more.

His face screwed up as if something sour had touched his tongue as the bolts power began to fizzle out.

The remote droid giving a small chirp as it was shut off, and placed on another rack. Teru turning to find the situation had more or less been handled, though it seemed the crass princess and the man were now irritated with each other.

"Seems everyone is riled up. Not too much to hold up their own sparring for the evening and be pushed to reflective meditation I hope." An amiable smile presented as he walked over to Makko and Eloise.

"Maybe the Order has come to rely on aggression far too much to subdue their problems." A reflection on the situation as he wondered about reporting to the Masters about the scene.

"Maybe the Order has come to rely on aggression far too much to subdue their problems."

"On the contrary, most Jedi I've met since I got here are listless cowards who would rather spread malicious gossip than face down their rivals honorably." Eloise put away her training saber. "It's why I suggested this duel." Turning to the Ukatian, Eloise asked, "Did you get it out of your system?"

Albrecht raised a hand to his cheek, then sighed. "She drew first blood. I suppose that can count as a win." He clenched his fist. "But she dishonored herself by making a scene."

"Well, she won the duel but not public opinion. I don't think she cares all that much about the latter, but it's good PR for you at least." Eloise faced Teru again. "Sorry, were you saying something about punishing us?"


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Tags: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Teru Challo Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania

"Here, grab a protein stick. Bye!" Ilo said, tapping Albrecht back as he was leaving the place by the opposite door. She gave him a friendly wave of farewell.

As the situation settled, the Nautolan gave distracted steps towards the rest of the group, stopping alongside Teru. She heard all that passive-aggression in plain silence and shrugged positively about the hypothesis of just going into a meditation session after the event. However, she was still very curious about the mysterious blind knight. With some degree of discretion, Ilo poked Teru lighlty with her elbow, just to get his attention.

"Hey. Sparring is still up?" she asked, with her big black shiny eyes nearly begging. "I mean, there's no problem if you had enough. Just asking. Like, really no big deal. Yeah."

C'mon, Aduni felt like she deserved it. She acted in a very peaceful way throughout the situation, and didn't let her nerves get into the way. On the other hand, wandering around these thoughts were some kind of self-bragging, so she controlled her inner urges and kept the most neutral expression she could.



The closest thing to an apology was a brief look from one of the Knights, who decided to wander off with the rudest of the bunch no less. Otherwise, it was back to a fight, more general rudeness. Dominick stared in disbelief before letting out a heavy, exhausted sigh. This whole section of his time among the Jedi would be omitted from the story he'd tell his siblings. Better they at least still think them to be the heroes in the stories they'd been told.

He alone could be worried for Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania .

Teru Challo


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Wearing: Robes
Wielding: Staff
TAGS: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

The crass princess brought up a point in regard to the how everyone handled their problems, but the assessment made him grin.

"You remind me of a noble I shared my time as a padawan with." Leaving the comment at that as she addressed one of the duelist. Her attention swiftly returning to him as he chuckled at the mention of punishment.

"I don't believe in punishment as much as a chance to learn. Everyone grows at their own time, and their own willingness." His attention turning to the Nautolan with a nod.

"Sparring is still available yes." His staff clicked against the floor once as he took the place the duel had occupied and gave Eloise and Ilo a nod. "When you are ready."

The staff still in his hand as a guide and seeming unprepared for the two of them.


Location: New Jedi Order Temple
Tags: Teru Challo Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

Oh yes! Oh yes, it was going to happen. Ilo politely took one of the training sabers from the bench alongside the sparring area. She made it bounce a few times in the air in order to feel its weight and guess its shape in the best way possible. It was slightly lighter than her proper lightsaber, but it was still well-balanced and easy to use, as any saber made for apprentices.

Taking her distance, Aduni had a confused expression on her face that took over the anxiety.

"Are you going to take the two of us? Okay..." she shrugged in uncertainty. That didn't make her feel any more confident, because Teru himself looked totally neutral about the fact of being outnumbered. "Where's your sa... Oh."

Looking at the staff, she went for her trusty base. Dominant foot and hand with lightsaber back, held high in a horizontal parallel. The other hand stood also horizontally, with two fingers pointing at the opponent in a challenge. Soresu.

She ignited the lightsaber, the green light - diferent from her own - shining and giving her face a whole new hue. And yes, the sound. Oh, the glorious 'pssshhh'.


"Are you going to take the two of us? Okay..."

"No thanks," Eloise declined. She had already put away the training saber. "Not today. I'm a bit tired out after all this."

Never mind that she had barely lifted a finger. She just didn't want to be around these people, let alone spar with them. A Knight who clearly judged her harshly, and a Padawan who seemed kind of dumb? Pass.

She spared a glance toward Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , then shrugged. "I'm going to lunch." She left the dojo.


Makko stepped back from the situation. He had never intended to be in the middle of it. Regardless of what had been said, the situation had looked out of hand for a Jedi sparring session. He might have intervened as a novice too, more through his stubborn nature than any feeling of responsibility.

He walked to the edge of the training hall, crossing his arms over his chest to watch the sparring match that was about to begin.

He found himself stood in close company with a man who was probably on a list of people he wanted to speak to least in the Galaxy. His own father probably topped that same list.

"It is not normally like this," he said to Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania in an off-hand manner.


"I will trust your word on that. I shudder to think if this is how the Jedi truly operate. The faith that the common and noble folk alike have in your ranks would be utterly misplaced." His disappointment was immeasurable, especially as he watched possibly the rudest Jedi he'd ever met walk away. "Coco has been through enough already to have such a terrible environment around her."

Dominick's expression tightened, only for a moment, before it relaxed to a simpler smile. He trusted in Cora's decisions, being here among them. Perhaps he shouldn't be so hasty to judge. The younger sibling turned to extend a hand to the Jedi who had ended up talking to him. "Dominick von Ascania. It is nice to meet you, Master Jedi, regardless of the circumstances."

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres
Makko visibly deflated before standing tall once more. He offered his hand for a firm handshake.

Been through enough already. She certainly had.

Makko knew that at some point, he would likely regret not ending the conversation there.

What he did not know was what thought led Dominick to use those words. Did her younger brother think Horace's death an unfortunate accident and that Cora was a window in mourning? Did he know what she had been put through for that arranged marriage?

Makko had no way to know.

"This is the best place for Cora to be," he said softly. "There are a lot of people who care for her here. She..."

Don't do it.

"She shouldn't have gone back for that wedding."

For feth's sake you idiot.

"She should have finished her training," he quickly added, to make himself seem more distant from the situation.

Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania

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