Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Lore  Shyyyo's Heart Tribe

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a record of the Wookiee tribe associated with the upcoming Jedi Shadow Temple project Image Credit: Here Canon: No. Permissions: My subs, Jedi Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Shyyyo's Heart Tribe Classification: Conscript...
  2. Connel Vanagor

    Shyyyo's Heart Wookiee tribe

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a record of the Wookiee tribe associated with the upcoming Jedi Shadow Temple project Image Credit: Here Role: One of the longest standing Wookiee tribes providing security and local liaison to the upcoming Jedi Shadow Temple project. Permissions...
  3. D

    Private  Open Range

    Kashyyyk was a world with trees older than some stars, and the inhabitants were as sturdy and strong. The Wookiees had always had a warrior ethos, and they prided themselves in their rites of passage down in the depths, below their great homes high at the tree tops. Offworlders were usually...
  4. Kei Amadis

    First Reply  Old Home Callings

    Muse Music Kashyyyk Remote Lake Morning Hammering away at a simple log cabin would be where you'd find Kei most days—a few simple houses for close friends around a distant lake. Fixing a door, mending some steps, and helping keep the gardens and nearby temple clean, guarded, and staffed...
  5. Darth Kinrath

    Character  Darth Kinrath

    DARTH KINRATH Age 55 GSY Homeworld Alaris Prime Species Wookiee Gender Male Height 2.21 Meters Weight 136 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Krrsantan INVENTORY Equipment A reddish-orange bladed lightsaber made with a wyyyschok fang A Sith shield A breastplate of Kashyyykian...
  6. Rohesia Munin

    Character  Kallatharr

    KALLATHARR Age 60 GSY Species Wookiee Gender Male Height 2.13 Meters Weight 159 kg Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION As a Wookiee, Kallatharr appears similarly to others of his kind. He is a tall, muscular, mammal biped. He has dark brown fur that borders on being called...
  7. B

    Character  Bulgaar

    SOCIETAL Name: Bulgaar Alias: The Mute Wookiee Homeworld: Kashyyyk Current Home: Mobile Faction: Jedi, non-denominational Force Sensitivity: Yes Force Rank: Jedi Master Class: Jedi Guardian Force Alignment: Light APPEARANCE Race: Wookiee Age: Around 150 Gender: Male...
  8. T

    Character  Tathkawr, The Cookie Wookiee

    - Aliases: Tathkawr Rank: Future Padawan Titles: Cookie Wookiee Class: Future Jedi Consular Affiliations: Galactic Alliance Species: Wookiee Birthworld: Kashyyyk Languages: Galactic Basic Shyriiwook Education: Jedi Training Gender: Male Age: 13 Years Old Eye...
  9. Arthakk

    Approved Tech  Arthakk's Bowcaster - Shyyyo

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal bowcaster for Arthakk Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Bowcaster PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Arthakk Affiliation: Arthakk Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Bowcaster Modularity: Scopes...
  10. Arthakk

    LFG  In Comes The Wookiee

    Now that I've gotten your attention. Looking to do a few thread with my new furball, any kind of thread is welcome. And don't worry he has a translator droid, well just the head though, since he ripped the rest of the body so he doesn't have to wait for the droid to waddle to him. So theres no...
  11. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  Have you hugged a Hairless Wookiee today?

    “Don’t try to change the world, just change yourself.” C. JoyBell C. Life Day was a holiday that he was not looking forward to when it sunk in that it was coming up. The big man did not regret separating himself from the Silver Jedi Concord, from the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi Praxeum, all of...
  12. Aisha Garon

    Character  Chewurra

    C H E W U R R A Clan: Lok Species: Wookiee Homeworld: Kwookrrr Gender: Male Age: 44 GSY Height: 2.47 Meter Weight: 143 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Deep Brown Skin: Blackish-Grey pads, nose, and lips Long ago, there was a Mandalorian named Aram Lok, whom was a scion of the Vindicated's clan. Like...
  13. Caltin Vanagor

    Approved Lore  "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a backstory for an NPC Wookiee Clan that pops in and out of Caltin Vanagor's posts Image Credit: N/A Canon: Wookiee Clans Permissions: My subs Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: "Aricsias" Clan Classification: Clan Affiliation...
  14. F

    Character  Fiyak

    NAME: Fiyak. FACTION: The Silver Jedi Concord. RANK: Silver Padawan. SPECIES: Wookiee. AGE: 13 Galactic Standard Years. GENDER: Male. HEIGHT: 5 ft tall. WEIGHT: 65 kilograms. EYES: Brown. HAIR: Brown. HOMEWORLD: Kashyyyk. FORCE ALIGNMENT: Lightside. STRENGTHS: Wookiee Strength...
  15. G

    Character  Grozwarr

  16. M


    || C H A L B A C C A || || FACTION || Sanctuary Systems Liberation Army / Friend to his fellow Light Jedi || SPECIES || Wookiee || AGE || 60 GSY || SEX || Male || HEIGHT || 2.29 Meters (7'6") || WEIGHT || 127 kg (280 lbs) || EYES || Blue || HAIR || Brown and beige fur || SKIN || Black flesh...
  17. G

    Gryylarc the Silverback, Sith marauder

    NAME: Gryylarc, called Silverback FACTION: Peripherally affiliated with the Sith Empire; a servant of the Elder RANK: Sith Marauder SPECIES: Wookiee AGE: 251 at death (Khar Delba, 860ABY) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.2m WEIGHT: 150kg EYES: Yellow HAIR: Graying fur SKIN: N/A (covered in fur) FORCE...
  18. Iakchi

    Iakchi, Jedi Knight

    Iakchi FACTION: Silver Jedi Order RANK: Knight SPECIES: Wookiee AGE: 20 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2m WEIGHT: 140kg EYES: Blue HAIR: Light brown, Dark brown SKIN: Gray FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes Strengths & Weaknesses (+) Physicality: Iakchi’s Wookiee lineage blessed him with greater strength and...
  19. Barrettaka


    JEDI PADAWAN BARRETTAKA NAME: Barrettaka (Barrett) FACTION: Jedi RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Wookiee AGE: 18 years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2 meter (6'6") WEIGHT: 170lbs EYES: Bright blue. HAIR: Brown SKIN: Unknown FORCE SENSITIVE...
  20. Enyo Typhos

    Approved NPC  Ser Grrowh

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out Enyo's posse a bit - and lampshade species stereotypes. ​Image Credit: Here. 'First Mate - Victorian Chewbacca Steampunk Star Wars Art' by Greg Peltz. Role: One of Enyo's lieutenants. Grrowh runs a gang that's subordinate to her crime syndicate...
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