Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the jackals

  1. Cadan Tazi

    I'd Better Get Paid Well

    Scene A YT-2400 Light Freighter burst from hyperspace and made it's way down to the planets surface. The ship landed at the White Palace, it's steam powered hydraulics reliving the stored up steam as the pressure of the ship was applied to them. A duros exited the ship and walked towards who...
  2. Cadan Tazi

    Looking For Some Dedicated Pirates

    So you may be reading this and thinking "Damn another post from Cadan and The Jackals..." or something along those lines, but hear me out! Cadan is in need of a small dedicated task force that is willing to join The Jackals and be under both his and Flannigan's control. I am only starting a...
  3. Chiasa Kritivaas

    Approved Starship  RRHC - Kebechet V1

    Image Source: Art by M-Wojtala Affiliation: Red Ravens/Jackals Manufacturer: Salvatrucha Economic Development Corporation Model: RRHC - Kebechet V1 Modularity: With dev thread Production: Mass Material: Neutronium heavy Durasteel, Transparisteel, miscellaneous electronic components...
  4. Cadan Tazi

    To Make A Cantina (Kalandra)

    Scene On that planet of Drunkenwell, in the city of Kalandra a two head, four armed humanoid sat over a desk in the council chambers of Kalandra. One of the heads was concentrating heavily on some data pads in front of it, while the other played some sort of game on a hand held device. They sat...
  5. Cadan Tazi

    Smugglers Haven, Construction On Kalandra

    Scene Talani must have seen the advertisement for Kalandra, and thought it was a good place to set up a bar. Upon her arrival on Kalandra she would notice a busy city filled with those who want to hide from the law. The city looked like it was built upon the remaninats of an old town. There was...
  6. Cadan Tazi

    Be The Water To My Fire?

    Hi everyone. So I assume your all sick of hearing about The Jackals yeah? Well I am here to give you another shot of us! So basically we are looking for a small group (actually about the same size as us) to sort of create a rivalry with. This is just so we can create some RP for our members...
  7. Cadan Tazi

    Come To Kalandra!

    A message would fly across your screen as your browse the holonet. It seemed to be an advertisement for a new city on the planet of Drunkenwell. A two headed, four armed, humanoid is helping a citizen of Kalandra lift some food produce up onto a small hover car. The troig walks towards the...
  8. Cadan Tazi

    Drunkenwell. Open For Business!

    So The Jackals have just created a Pirate City called Kalandra. We were hoping to find some people who might be interested in setting up some shops, apartments, bars and anything else. Also we were wondering if anyone would consider living there. So yeah, lets all become pirates! Yo ho, yo ho...
  9. Cadan Tazi

    Three's A Crowd, More Is An Army (Jackals Recruiting)

    Scene For some reason, you find yourself on the planet of Tatooine. The duel sons overlook you, spitting down their heat. You see a cantina with a varity of guards standing out the front ranging from, human, Weequay, Trandoshan and various other aliens there guards were station outside the door...
  10. Cadan Tazi

    Fiarr Will Be Remembered.

    Scene The Jackals stood at attention, all wearing their best clothes that they could muster. The steam powered pistons would gently lower a casket out into the center of the group. The casket held the body of a fallen Jackal. Fiarr Zikri'tvo. The casket had the top half open, and was made out a...
  11. Cadan Tazi

    The Jackals Are Recruiting (PM to join)

    Setting The cruel sun beat down, it's duel malevolent eyes unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. The fauna took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them. Each step sunk into the searing...
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