Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zef Halo

    Approved Location  [Hypergate Contest | Byss] The Box

    Intent: Participate in the Hypergate Contest Pay homage to the ol' Mirrorverse event Provide writers a viable Mcguffin/tool if they wish to explore "What If?" scenarios for their characters Image Credit: Movieweb (Original: Dark Matter TV series) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Great...
  2. Sinestra

    Codex Denied  delete please ty

  3. Chaaj Priest

    Ra'syn Imura

    || THE BASICS || Full name: Ra'syn Ryujin Dai Imura Preferred Name: Ra'syn Alias: N/A Titles: N/A Species: Variese Race: Sakai Homeworld: Kro Var Faction(s): Atrisian Commonwealth (Loose connections) Galactic Alliance (Loose Connections) Jakku Jedi Enclave (Member) Je'daii Order (Journeyer)...
  4. Jorus Merrill

    Jagged Mirror (ORC Dominion of Alakaha)

    [/CENTER] In a dusty tavern on Alakaha, mercenaries sat around a table. One especially disreputable man hunkered back in a dark corner. They hung on his occasional words. For example: "This timeline has issues." The dark man slugged back another drink and grunted. A Zeltron woman, thin and...
  5. Dominik Borra

    Approved Tech  Mirrorverse Civilian Handgun

    Image Source: Here Development Thread: Post #102 Manufacturer: Mirrorverse Model: ST-93 Affiliation: Civilian handgun Modularity: No Production: Semi-Unique Material: Durasteele and other unknown components from the Mirrorverse Classification: Blaster Size: Handheld Length: 20 cm Weight: 1 kg...
  6. Mirror Emperor

    Act III OOC

    For those that wish to discuss the final chapter! Feel free to ask questions :)
  7. Mirror Emperor

    Act III: Lockdown

    He had dismissed those closest to him. There was no formal council in his Empire, but the heads of the various ministries took direction from him in person. Each footstep brought him closer to the precipice. As he walked out onto the balcony of his throne room. Five kilometres above the ground...
  8. Mirror Emperor

    Act III starts this weekend

    As Chaos begins to spread in the heart of this Galaxy the Emperor takes matters into his own hands The hidden past of Mirrorverse will finally be revealed and the fate of this Galaxy decided [member="Mirror Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member=Ascendant] [member="Mark...
  9. Mirror Emperor

    Mirrorverse Propoganda

  10. Mirror Emperor

    Act II Spark of Revolution OOC

    Threads will be open in a few hours! Feel free to come up with some ideas, organise some groups!
  11. Mirror Emperor

    Act II The Spark of Revolution [Green Zone Open Thread]

    Act II Introduction Link PvP Oriented Zone Put a header in your posts with the district your character is in [member="Fifth Sister"] and [member="Eralam"] are your event team [Empire and Rebel respectively] Surface District 1: Floating city District 2: Palace district District 3: Gemera...
  12. Mirror Emperor

    Act II The Spark of Revolution [Purple Zone Open Thread]

    Act I Introduction Link Imperial PvE Oriented Zone Put a header in your posts with the district your character is in [member="MWither"] and [member="Nergal"] are your event team It is a time of unrest in the Capital City. The Black Hole District hosts civil protests that often hide vandals...
  13. Mirror Emperor

    Act II The Spark of Revolution [Blue Zone Open thread]

    Act II Introduction Link Rebel PvE Oriented Zone Put a header in your posts with the district your character is in [member="Marek Starchaser"] and [member="Cryax Bane"] are your event team Surface District 4: Skyhold District 5: Docklands District 7: Fairview Heights District...
  14. Mirror Emperor

    Act 2 Intro

    In a single day, everything had changed. The peace that had lasted across the Imperial Centre since its creation; gone. Protests had sprung up across the city, quickly turning to violence and chaos. The illusion of utopia began to fade away, an ugly truth revealed through the cracked veneer of...
  15. Onrai

    The Solemn Life OOC So yeah... Seeing that no one's been willing to claim either Vitor or Circe, I figured I might as well start a plot for at least the former. As such, Mirror Vitor's been living in the wasteland of what had once been Zahat'n'ira for a...
  16. Mirror Emperor

    Act II The Spark of Revolution #2

    Act 2 starts Sunday the 22nd! The Empire is built on a foundation of lies and must fall. The peace is a lie. The Empire is a lie. It must all come crashing down to bring freedom to the Galaxy. ~ This Sunday writers will be sent on one of three missions (both PvE and PvP based) to show...
  17. Ascendant

    Meeting Up

    Just wanted to put this for people who wanted to ask about meeting up in the mirrorverse. (If we are not supposed to make threads here please delete this, didn't see any rules about making threads here) So anyone want to meet [member="Ultimatum"]'s mirrorverse self?
  18. Mirror Emperor

    Act 2: The Spark of Revolution

    Act 2 starts Sunday the 22nd! The Empire is built on a foundation of lies and must fall. The peace is a lie. The Empire is a lie. It must all come crashing down to bring freedom to the Galaxy. ~ This Sunday writers will be sent on one of three missions (both PvE and PvP based) to...
  19. Mirror Emperor

    Act 2: The Spark of Revolution

    Act 2 starts Sunday the 22nd! The Resistance has reared its ugly head. Your Empire is threatened by deviants and fanatics! Your Empire is founded on the will of the people to come together peacefully and build a better society. Are you going to allow the few to disrupt the happiness of...
  20. Ascendant


    Image: Zach Hall NAME: Ascendant FACTION: N/A RANK: Ship Communication Droid SPECIES: Droid AI AGE: One hundred and fifteen standard years SEX: Male program HEIGHT: 1.3 meters WEIGHT: 187 kg EYES: Azure Photoreceptors HAIR: N/A SKIN: Silvery FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
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