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Approved Species Midvinter Lion

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An adult male, depicted in his summer and winter coat respectively.
  • Intent: Further flesh out the wild fauna of Midvinter.
  • Image Credit: Lucie Bilodeau
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
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  • Name: Lion (alt. Lejon)
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Midvinter
  • Average Lifespan: 20 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Large felines unique in that they live in groups, called prides. Males grow thick manes running from atop their heads down to their shoulders whereas females do not, and it is the male who leads the pride consisting only of family members. Males are typically larger than females, though females are usually the more skilled hunter while the male safeguards the pride. All lions have large fangs and sharp claws capable of piercing even the thickest armour. In wintertime their fur turns snow-white, granting them natural camouflage.
  • Breathes: Oxygen
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.7 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 3.5 meters
  • Skin color: Pink w/ black details
  • Hair color: Light brown (summer); Pure white (winter)
  • Distinctions: Larger and stronger than most of their kind found on other worlds, the Midvinter lion possess the unique trait of being able to adjust the comings and goings of seasons by growing their fur out as the weather grows colder, as well as turning pure white to better hide in the terrain. Male lions are discernable by their thick manes framing their faces and adding to their overall size, and are generally bigger than their female counterparts. Males tend to be stronger, females tend to be quicker. Male cubs start growing their mane at the age of 5.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • No natural predators; top of the food chain in the animal kingdom.
  • Live in groups of up to a dozen individuals; use numbers to their advantage.
  • Fangs and claws sharp enough to rend through flesh and chainmail alike.
  • Winter camouflage; grows additional fur to combat the cold.
  • Native only to the western plains of Midvinter.
  • Large targets; vulnerable from afar.
  • Few in number.
  • Diet: Carnivore; other mammals, fish.
  • Communication: Roaring and purring.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Midvinter lions live in tightly-knit prides, but differ from most other species of lion in that they do not merely consist of one leading male and his harem of lionesses. Rather, these lions mate for life and do not consider seeking another once they've had their first cubs, and the pride is led by both founding partners. As cubs come of age, they remain with their family and only leave temporarily in order to find a mate of their own, either adding to their own pride or that of their mate. Each pride therefor usually consists of a single close-knit family of felines, male and female alike, all living and hunting as a pack. Pride leadership is passed down to the firstborn child and their mate, but only after both elders have passed away. Rival prides may decide to intrude upon each other's territory which will likely lead to a duel between the two leading males, but rarely lead to the death of either animal. There generally exists a status quo between the prides that is respected by the respective parties.
Large cats may not be the first creature one imagines would inhabit a world as cold and snow-ridden as Midvinter, but they are in fact some of the top predators native to this particular frozen world. Just as all fauna found there, the plain-living lions adapt to the cold seasons and have thrived for millennia. They dwell exclusively in the west, past the tall peaks housing the Fortress of Dawn and south of the city of Heavenheim, in the vast plains known as Odiirland; named such for the popular myth that this was once the battleground upon which the High God fought the Frost Giants and finally vanquished their kind, liberating the world for the warm-blooded races to populate. Lions require vast open fields to roam freely, as they do not hide away in the woods or mountains like many other rare wildlife.

Lions tend to themselves, and generally only interact with their own kind. All other creatures are considered prey, even rival predators as a pride of grown lions make even the largest and bravest invader to think twice about attacking. They are not naturally aggressive, but are instead fiercely protective of the pride and their territory that they will not hesitate to attack any intruder, be they man or beast. If one were to step inside their borders, the leader will let out three warnings in the form of powerful roars. Should the intruder persist after the third roar, the pride is mobilised and tasked with hunting down said intruder.

The type of lions found on Midvinter differ from many of their off-world counterparts in that they keep their family incredibly close. Pride leadership is shared between the male and female, and passed down from one generation to the next upon death. This means that most prides alive to this day have likely persisted for centuries, and the founding of an entirely new pride is very rare. To avoid incestuous relationships, males and females upon adulthood will seek out mates from rival prides, and then rejoin either mate's pride to add to their numbers. The outsider male or female is then adopted into the pride.

Females are more proficient at the hunting for food as they lack the large mane of males are may more reasily hide in the terrain, whereas the males form the frontline against any invaders. Each couple have between 1-3 cubs throughout their lifetime, with both parents caring for them in equal measure. Cubs are considered adults at the age of 5, at which point they set out to find a mate of their own.

These lions adjust to the long winter months by growing their fur longer to compensate for the freezing temperatures, as well as turn completely white to blend into their surroundings. Only during the brief summer months when the temperatures reach above freezing do they shed their winter coats and assume their lighter, iconic appearance. During these months lions can be seen frolicking in the flowery fields, as it is also mating season.

The denizens of Midvinter know to keep a respectful distance where great cats are concerned. Only the incredibly brave or foolhardy dare to enter the known turf of a pride of lions, and only rarely do they return without having become dinner to the mighty felines. Hunting trophies are exceedingly rare, but can be found in the form of fangs or claws. Recently reports of unsanctioned hunting of lions have dropped to almost zero since Thurion Heavenshield ascended the throne, for to challenge the King of Beasts is to challenge the King of Men.
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