Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aiden Porte

    Work In Progress  Porte Crew

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Use for IC Banter during Personal Threads. Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be...
  2. Derron Daks

    Approved NPC  DDSI Umbra Crew

    DDSI Umbra Crew Intent: This is the crew of the DDSI Umbra, Fleet Support Shield-Ship of DDSI Image Credit: Midjourney Creation, Prompted by me Permissions: NA Links: DDSI ( CREW...
  3. Derron Daks

    Approved NPC  DDSI Insight Crew

    Intent: This is the crew of DDSI's Corporate flagship, the premier research vessel of DDSI Image Credit: Midjourney Creation, Prompted by me Permissions: NA Links: DDSI ( CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: The Insight...
  4. Edmund Blastfodder

    Approved NPC  Edmund Blastfodder’s Holodrama Crew

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a crew for my character to work with in creating holodramas. Image Credit: Bask Plinith, YQ-9, Uji Hantrell, Brodill Untepgraff, Psarr Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Edmund Blastfodder’s Holodrama Crew Crew Type...
  5. Derron Daks

    Approved NPC  DDSI Corporate Flagship Crew

    Intent: This is the crew of DDSI's Corporate flagship, the premier research vessel of DDSI Image Credit: Midjourney Creation, Prompted by me Permissions: NA Links: DDSI ( CREW INFORMATION...
  6. Jai'galaar Gred

    Approved NPC  Cloud Breaker's Crew

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out the crew of the Cloud Breaker. Image Credit: X, X, X, X Permissions: N/A Links: Cloud Breaker, Ki'tala, EW-031 CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Cloud Breaker's Crew Crew Type: Ship's Crew Base of Operations: Cloud Breaker Crew Size: 4 Loyalties...
  7. DeadpoolMLP

    LFG  Need a tank crew

    Looking to make a tank gunner character for the GADF, need some help filling out the tank's crew. Anyone up for some tank crew bonding while off mission?
  8. Jay Williams

    LFG  The Corsair Alliance's Birth

    So, my character Jay will be looking to build a sort of collaborative alliance of neutral Pirates, Force Users, and the like, as well as Ex Members of Dark Side Factions. He is calling this group the "Corsair Alliance". If anyone is interested, let me know.
  9. Rayne Lo'to

    Mission  Cast Off Ye' Bonds | Pirate Crew Formation

    Cast Off Ye' Bonds Wild Space, Kessel Sector Tags: Caspian Crisp, Levi, Judd, Viera Aros, Chanoel Farver, Darth Daemon, Draven Eterena, Cyran Vaas, Alana Calloway, Lord Reficite NOTE: CLOSED THREAD AMBUSH! A transport bound for the Mid Rim finds itself under attack by the brutish Bloodfang...
  10. Rayne Lo'to

    LFG  Space Pirates - Crew Wanted

    So I've been thinking a bit about crews lately, since one sorta appeared in the LFG channel over my LOA. All that thinking has made me realize that it would be sick to run a pirate crew. Well, pirate crew with some caveats, the main one being that it would very much be raiding the transport...
  11. Amani Serys

    Private  Cleanup Crew

    It had been some time since Amani visited Commoner. Not since she was a part of the Silver Jedi Concord, in fact, and even then her time there was short-lived following the change in capitals. But as the Alliance expanded outward, it was only a matter of time before old Concord worlds found...
  12. Kob Roor

    LFG  Looking for Crew

    OOC: I am starving to scratch the muse itch of rping with a tight knit crew of freelance spacers. Flavoured mix of Firefly and Star Wars rebels. Our goal will be to write entertaining space adventures aboard the relic YT-1300 known as the 'Venri Belle'. Many folks in the past told me it would be...
  13. Barin Drudroga

    LFG  Imperious Captain Looking For Crew

    Barin Drudroga , Flag Captain of the Freesail Admirality requires capable hands, strong backs, and sharp minds. Who is Flag Captain Drudroga? What's a Flag Captain? What is the Freesail Admirality? I will answer the third question first by quoting the Faction Owner, Laulesh from his earlier...
  14. L

    LFG  ATTN: Captains, Pilots, Crewmen!

    The [/CENTER]%20%20%20']Freesail Admiralty is currently Work In Progress though I think though this would be a great time to do a little public exposure on it. Please forgive the lack of neat div templates and pictures, I'm hopeful that I can scrounge some up for when an official launch of the...
  15. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Faction  Putting Together a Crew

    He had it. It had taken careful studying of the documents he had uncovered from Korriban, alongside cross-referencing with the library in the Palace of Silver Rain, but he had it. He had been certain before that the Holocron of the great Darth Marr was near Dromund Kaas, not a surprise as it was...
  16. Mugiwara no Luffy

    Approved NPC  Khan's Personal Guard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give Zi-Tal Khan some henchman and make Mos Fantu feel more alive. Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Khan's Crew Crew Type: Daimyo's Muscle Base of Operations: Mos Fantu Crew Size: Twelve Loyalties: Zi-Tal Khan...
  17. Laphisto

    Approved NPC  Bridge Crew of the Conquests Agenda

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: crew for the Conquests Agenda Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Conquest Agendas Bridge Crew Crew Type: Ship Crew Base of Operations: Aboard the Conquests Agenda Crew Size: 3 Loyalties: Captian of the Agenda...
  18. Laphisto

    Approved NPC  Engineering crew of the Conquests Agenda

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: crew for the Conquests Agenda Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Conquest Agendas Engineering department Crew Type: Ship Crew Base of Operations: Aboard the Conquests Agenda Crew Size: 15 Loyalties: Captian of the...
  19. Laphisto

    Approved NPC  Mechanic crew of the Conquests Agenda

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: crew for the Conquests Agenda Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Conquest Agendas Mechanic department Crew Type: Ship Crew Base of Operations: Aboard the Conquests Agenda Crew Size: 10 Loyalties: Captian of the Agenda...
  20. Laphisto

    Approved NPC  Cafeteria crew of the Conquests Agenda

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: fill some slots on a ship and make it less barren Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Voltiers Staff Crew Type: Kitchen Crew Base of Operations: Agendas Kitchen Crew Size: 5 Loyalties: The conquests Agenda Description...
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