- Intent: Personal starfighter for Saera Savan and awards for highly decorated Imperial fighter pilots.
- Image Source: --
- Canon Link: HLAF-500 | TIE Series
- Restricted Missions: --
- Primary Source: --
- Manufacturer: Serpentan Blackyards [SBY]
- Model: Aggregator-Class Heavy/Light Assault Fighter
- Affiliation:
- Saera Willamina Savan
- Closed-Market
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material:
- Durasteel-Titanium Alloy
- Plasteel
- Titanium Alloy
- Glassteel
- Misc. Component Materials
- Classification: Starfighter
- Length: 13.5 metres
- Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 2.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 25.61 meters, Slave I: 21.3 meters)
- Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 7.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 8.27 meters, Slave I: 7.8 meters)
- Armament: Average
- 2x, Ri'ess-Emeritus MMSW-10 Vulcan Blaster Cannon
- 2x, Haor Chall Engineering Hailfire-Class Guided Rocket Launcher, 15 warheads each
- Defenses: High
- Squadron Count: --
- Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
- Speed Rating: Moderate
- Hyperdrive Class: Fast: 1.0
- Sienar Fleet Systems F-s5x Flight Avionics System
- Sienar Fleet Systems N-s8.6 Navigational Computer
- Sienar Fleet Systems S-c4.1 Multi-Range TAG
- Sienar Fleet Systems T-s9a Targeting Computer
- Ri'ess-Emeritus HoloSynththetic Display System
- Sienar Fleet Systems I-s4d Solar Ionization Reactor
- Sienar Fleet Systems P-sx7.4 Twin Ion Engine
- Serpentan Blackyards SLAM System
- 2x, Sienar Fleet Systems P-w401 Ion Maneuvering Jet
- Sienar Fleet Systems S/ig-45 Hyperdrive System
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]--
- Combines a mix of strong armour plating and flexible, light shielding with the raw power of a twin ion engine system to provide a very flexible fighting platform.
- The low-capacity shields are prone to overloading, and field maintenance of the armour is virtually impossible, requiring the full plating structure to be replaced.
- (+1) Both vulcan blaster cannons are slaved directly to cooling units in the s-foil hardpoints. Extended use or damage to the s-foils may cause rapid overheating of the weapon, shield and propulsion systems, potentially inhibiting short or long term functionality.