- Intent: Personal transport and strike fighter.
- Image Source: Jedi Scout Fighter by Multihawk
- Canon Link: Jedi Scout Fighter
- Restricted Missions: --
- Primary Source: --
- Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering
- Model: Jedi Scout Fighter
- Affiliation: Aynea Savan-Xhyn
- Production: Unique
- Material: Durasteel, Titanium-Alloy, Transparisteel, Aurodium, misc.
- Classification: Elite Personal Transport
- Length: 10.5 metres
- Width: 6.0 metres
- Height: 2.0 metres
- Armament: Very High (14 pts)
- [2] 2x, Merr-Sonn Munitions Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon [*]
- [2] 2x, Mace Kinetic Energy Weapon*
- [2] 1x, ArMek SW-8 Twin Ion Cannon Turret
- [8] 2x, Czerka Arms RK-77 Cluster Missile Launcher (24 warheads each (four shots))
- Defence: Low
- Squadron Count: --
- Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
- Speed Rating: Moderate
- Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2.0
- Cockpit Escape Pod
- 2x, Eksoan Class-4T3 Power Generator slaved to Vulcan Blaster Cannons
- 2x, Elsinore-Cordova Engineering Lukaze Four Engine and Thruster System
- Ringovinda Systems Nadion Otherspace Engine
- SubLight Acceleration Motor
- Incom GBp-625 Hyperdrive
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Novaldex 04-Z Cryogenic Power Generator
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Prexton HU-OC Deflector Shield
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Carbanti United Electronics Transceiver Package
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Ringovinda Systems [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Otherpilot[background=rgb(30,30,30)] Navicomp
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Arcrystal-Mnaya NH-Faerie Cockpit Kit, Snubfighter Configuration
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Astromech Droid Socket
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Ri'ess-Emeritus Pecheneg Encryption System
- [background=rgb(30,30,30)]Ringovinda Systems Watchtower Collision Avoidance System
- Crew: Pilot (1), Gunner (1), Astromech Droid (1)
- Consumables: 7 Days
- Life Support: Equipped (10 hours of Air in reserve)
- Gutted Storage: Aynea's JSF has had its internal cargo container removed and retrofitted with two Class-4T3 generators for its rotary blasters. This allows these blasters to operate independently from the main generator and thus prevent overheating or power fluctuations. However, intense, prolonged firing may lead to the Class-4T3s themselves overheating and requiring a cooldown period, temporarily rendering these blasters inoperable.
- Shield Overcharge: The installed HU-OC is able to overcharge its output for a short time, slightly increasing shield strength. Doing this will reduce power flow to navigation and propulsion subsystems, reducing speed and manoeuvrability, as well as further reducing shield recharge rate. (From Moderate to Average)
- SLAM: The ion engine analogue to the turbojet afterburner, the SLAM system allows a brief boost of speed/thrust at the cost of manoeuvrability. Prolonged use may lead to fuel cell shortages.
- This particular scout fighter has been upgraded to have an immense armament in line with elite starfighters.
- Though larger than the typical Jedi starfighter models, its stripped, compact frame leaves something to be desired in terms of durability.
- Its rotary blasters, while independent from the main system, run on two infantry blaster generators that are prone to overheating during heavy use and must cool down individually. This takes roughly 30 minutes through regular use and can be as little as twenty seconds through uninterrupted fire. They have a shorter range than the traditional laser cannon (100-1,000 metres fully powered), a wider spread, and do significantly less damage per round (each bolt being roughly equivalent to that of a standard-issue blaster pistol).
- External launcher systems from the Old Republic era such as the RK-77 are susceptible to damage, potentially causing loss of function or accidental detonation of the warheads loaded within.