
Office of the Admiral Regent
Code Clearance: Grey
Addressees: Naval Commanders with Code Grey Clearance

To those who have classified clearance to this,

The secrecy is contained within these orders cannot be overstated. Should this memorandum be at all copied, or distributed either without the proper channels or without authorisation from this office, the consequences will needless to say, be severe. Dependant on your infraction, you can anticipate one of the following;

  • Summary Termination of Duties
  • Court Martial
  • Imprisonment
  • Summary Execution.
The documents and their confines are to remain within the confidence of yourselves and yourselves alone. You have been entrusted with this information, now keep it.

ORDER 442 in short is a guideline as to the treatment of members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems [Hereto referred to as the CIS] based on their status within their state, army, naval and finally force using structure.

Order 442 will not at all interfere with the works of COMPNOR, and any state officials, bureaucrats or any other associated personnel are not to be harmed. They are to be captured, treated as interred citizens, and then dispatched to the appropriate arms of the intelligence apparatus.

Personnel of the CIS’ armed forces are to defined as ‘lawless armed combatants’. This means CIS personnel are not recognised as members of a foreign military, and are to be treated as armed pirates and or terrorists. This means a few things for surrendering CIS personnel and the privileges normal Prisoners of War [
Hereto referred to as POW’s] are able to access. These changes mean that they are not:
  • Allowed to access communications materials.
  • To make demands to New Imperial officers in regards to treatment.
  • Be tried by a jury of their peers or be court martialed.
  • To have access to any legal assistance
Prisoners captured under this regime are to, effective as per pacification:
  • Be divided from officer personnel.
  • Be stripped of their uniforms and ranks.
  • Be disarmed.
  • Be interviewed.
  • Be interred in cells.
In regards to the treatment of prisoners, as per Order 442 there are a number of changes in the regimen of these prisoners. This regimen is to be referred to as the DANTOOINE PROTOCOL. This protocol consists of:
  • The provision of rations that 66% worth the nutritional value and size of other prisoners allotments .
  • Prisoners are allocated only 6 hours worth of rest per 24 hour cycle.
  • Prisoners are to be allowed only 45 minutes of exercise per 24 hour cycle
All CIS Personnel captured by naval commanders are to be transferred at their earliest convenience to Prefsbelt Command administered facilities and bases located at:
  • Nova Avalonia, Prefsbelt IV
  • Tirest Reclamation Plant, Mygeeto
  • Galvast Ocean Shipyards, Helska
The CIS uses with alarming regularity, the Knights Obsidian [Hereto referred to as KO]. KO operatives fall under the same legal definition as ordinary CIS personnel. Although Force Users, they are NOT to be treated the same as Sith under Imperial Resolution #64.

What cannot be understated is how exceedingly dangerous KO are. They must be kept under armed guard at every hour of the day. The following conditions should be placed upon them in order to ensure the safe transfer:

  • KO are to be deprived of all nutrition. No food or water rations are to be provided.
  • KO are to be restrained at all times.
  • A 24 hour armed guard must be posted around them.
  • Said guards must be armed with the Ravenous MK1 Grenades.
  • The KO are to be disarmed immediately, and left with only under garments on.
    • Any weapons and special effects are to be kept in storage for surrender and study.

In special cases, where the KO has displayed extraordinary feats of strength, then the following must be done.

  • KO specialist is to be restrained in zero gravity environment.
  • KO’s cell is to be pumped with the Phase I RAVENOUS microbe
    • KO is to be given a constant supply of blood as to avoid permanent damage to the bloodstream. Blood is to be resupplied constantly.
Any KO operatives captured are to be reported to Prefsbelt Command, and must under all circumstances, be transported to FORTRESS DOSSSUN. This will be covered under Override Protocol D6891, which will allow for this. Should any KO be captured in the field, and this order is followed appropriately, promotions will certainly be considered.

The application of these orders are of the upmost importance to the war effort of our Empire. Officers are advised that should they be questioned as to the extent of this order, they are to deny everything, or deflect. This is to be performed from inquiries of all levels. Even if said questions come from the Sovereign Imperator’s office or diplomatic service. I will personally deal with any questions of diplomatic inquiries or those from the civil service.

Our victory relies on your compliance. I don’t feel I need to remind you of that.

Long live the Empire!


From the desk of Carlyle Rausgeber,