From: The Office of the Grand Admiral
Addressees: Clearance Blau Facility Administration Staff//Prefsbelt Office of Industry and Labour [POIL]

To my ever loyal and industrious comrades,

As you may have heard, circumstances around the current labour situation have changed. The ratification Imperial Assembly Motion #683 has granted a blanket amnesty to Sith Imperial Prisoners and personnel. Now this on the face of it is a terrifying prospect for both our future and current efficiencies. Ergo, myself and the members of the Admiralty have drafted a proposed series of orders to be undertaken imminently, and delegated to relevant staff. These orders are to be executed with the highest effectiveness and efficiency.

Already the scheduled changes to the labour regime have been drafted by the POIL as the following:

  • A removal of 47% of ‘Low Maintenance' labour from current camps and conditions
  • A drop in efficiency of 62% product output
  • Increased labour maintenance costs [Inline with replacing the removed ‘Low Maintenance Labour’ with ‘Civilian Labour’] of 73%
These statistics are startling and will put a great strain on the economic viability of our organisation, and its capacity to continue as chief armaments organiser. Ergo, the following articles are to be implemented effective immediately.

With the levels of prisoners anticipated to be given amnesty, the lapse in labour in our camps facilities will obviously dwindle. Ergo, Commandants and Captains, it is critical that documentation regarding the Sith Imperial Prison Population [To be referred to as SIPP] be lost. The New Imperial Bureaucracy will act as a shield, and allow for us to indefinitely delay the release of prisoners, forge new quotas on numbers. This will hopefully create a web of paperwork impossible to decipher and allow for us to retain as much of the SIPP as possible.

The blanket amnesty does not however refer to those classed as CLASS A and CLASS B combatants and war criminals. It will be critical for databases to allocate these statuses to approximately 10% of SIPP. These will allow us to detain the SIPP indefinitely without any recourse. Confessions should be coerced from these selected prisoners to ensure that they are kept in our custody. This tactic should be focused on specific units, rather than isolated prisoners. We are aiming to keep a consistency, so specific platoons, battalions and even legions need to be targeted with these . Should New Imperial Command come searching, these new papers are to be given to them, and recordings of the confessions provided. No interviews are to be allowed. And any larger investigation undertaken, should lead to notification of the Admiralty, and Office of Grand Admiral personally.

The implementation of new disciplinary measures are to be considered a critical part of this regime. Administrative staff are encouraged to enact new actions, with infractions being extended detention orders. Administrative staff, are to order frontline staff to be as antagonistic as possible in order to exacerbate tensions. This will be our cassis belli to keep the SIPP within their facilities and extend sentences. Assaults against staff members will be met with indefinite detention, and this will be our defence against requisitions. Within a week of this memorandum entering inboxes, administration staff are expected to increase their reprimand quotas by 35%. Failure to do so, will result in termination from your position.

The POIL will make a case for the implementation of the Assembly Motion is simply impossible. This, in conjunction with SCHEDULE 1, will allow for us to keep the New Imperial Bureaucracy at bay. This will mean the implementation of new cargo vessel regulations, which will mean no life support systems are to be implemented in vessel cargo bays. As to limit the amount who can leave from the proverbial stream, to but a trickle. It will be the work of those within POIL to ensure that the trains are scheduled, but are not full, or never arrive. We will hold them back for as long as possible.

Approximately 5% of all SIPP are authorised to be liquidated under FALL UNTÖTER . These terminations will of course be in the longer term, a temporary feature. But will see us for approximately 2-3 years retain that core 5% within our facilities and continuing to work. Terminations for them, and relating paperwork must be destroyed, and death certificates for authorities further forged. Staging of accidents, suicides and murders amongst SIPP should be done for as a cover for this.

It has come to the attention of the POIL that many of the ‘Civilian Labourers’ have been consorting with, if not outright associating with members of the SIPP. From the understanding we have been given by some of you, you have been keeping tabs on these individuals. If we are to begin to try to anchor SIPP to Prefsbelt IV, those closest to them must be silenced. Authorisation of FALL UNTÖTER against those who may potentially speak out regarding this event is provided. These disappearances must be quick, must be covered and must be followed through with the replacement of new specialist staff.

Should the measures implemented be followed through in their entirety, we can mitigate the changes in populace. The following statistics have been modelled on maximum efficiency of your diligence:
  • Removal of only 23% of ‘Low Maintenance Labourers
  • Production efficiency drops of 27%
  • Increase in labour costs amounting to 46%
These statistics should highlight to you all that action on this matter is critical to maintain the viability of our operations here.

Given the threat we are facing to our presence within the Empire, adaptation and deception are key. This is an existential threat to our political position, and it will not be taken lying down. I can assure each and everyone of you, I will be doing my damndest to lobby against this gross oversight by the Imperial Assembly. Of course in the longer run, immigration will need to be our focus, and their integration as ‘Civilian Labour’. But, until we can vet the Chiss exodus, we will be incapable of doing so, so anticipate some gaps.

Still, the future is bright for us. The Sith Empire now retreats on all fronts, and our sacrifices have won us laurels.

But never forget, our true loyalty, and the convictions necessary to do what must be done,

Long Live the Empire!


From the desk of Carlyle Rausgeber
Grand Admiral of Prefsbelt Command